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Little chance the Thai govt will put off Sunday's election


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the same as now by the yellow shirts

Whats this B/S about yellow shirts is that the only protest group you know of ??? get out more my friend, ask around, you will find pink-blue-white-and many other coloured shirts among the protest.

Think you have the idea from the minority of posters, who think the majority have got it all wrong.

Yes I agree, so many TV members have re created the yellow shirts as they not want to believe Thais can think for them selves

1) Thet that Taskin is still the rightful owner of Thailand, as he conned people in believing his lies

2) Thinking that any one who does not agree with the first line must be a yellow shirt

My thai wife's hates the yellow shorts and so do all her friends, as they come from Issan, but they are in Bkk protesting

So explain please how this fact is logical under your statement

Even thogh I have made time statement time after time, No one ever want to reply with a logical answer

This is 2014, if the Red shiirts are the majority or not I can not say

but if you and your many tv buddies open your eyes you will see they are carrying the Thai Flag not a yellow one

and there beliefs


"Thais agains corruption

But that is hard to argue with so you reinvent the Yellow shirts

I got into a flame war with somebody on this issue yesterday... (over PM)

Tezzainoz, how can you spend so much effort worrying about shirt colors and then totally miss the point of the conversation?

Are some protesters not technically "yellow shirts" or registered "Democrats"? Yes... but I think it is safe to say that the majority of the protesters, and the protest leadership, ARE. In the context of this discussion, the term "Yellow shirt" simply means "protester" regardless of their actual party affiliation.

I think you do yourself, and the entire discussion, a disservice by going off on tangents about shirt color.

The POINT is that while there are people who may not be full fledged yellow shirts out there protesting, and they probably DO share the common desire to end corruption, the irony is that they are protesting in support of a group that is just as corrupt as the one they are protesting against.

And further, they claim to be supporting democracy while they are denying the basic democratic rights of other people, and driving for a suspension of the constitution and the imposition of a non elected council to rewrite the rules...

I TOTALLY SUPPORT the idea of ridding Thailand of corruption, but I just can't stomach the hypocrisy of what the protest movement is trying to do. They are throwing the baby out with the bathwater and there are no rules and no oversight into the "reforms" they claim they want. And this is a group that really has no credibility to take on such a task. It's like letting the wolf guard the hen house.

Can't you see that the big picture is not about the color of the shirts? As long as the Thai people keep worrying about shirt colors and vilifying one corrupt leader while blindly following another corrupt leader, nothing will change in this country. What is needed is some rational and analytical thinking. People need to stop following the herd and hold ALL sides accountable... that means not accepting the corruption and the back room deals and the ignoring of the constitutional court and the making up the rules as they go along and the cyclical process of government by coup. The Thai people need to protest against all these acts of corruption, every time they happen... then they could bring about change.

Instead, they are so brainwashed they keep letting themselves get used and abused by corrupt politicians on both sides...

I don't give a dam_n what color their shirts are, and if you do, you have been hoodwinked.

Well first I googled YELLOW SHIRT

and oh my god I found out what is means

It mean a Yellow shirt is a shirt you wear that is Yellow

When I first stated to live in Thailand I bought a Yellow short and it had the Kings emblem on it, It still wear it but to me it is a Yellow shirt, but if you like in your mind it can be what ever it wants

If you had spent some time you would have read enough of my posts to see I do not totally agree with My Thai Wifes beliefs, and at the end of all this I would like to see all these currup politician and their families banned from Thai politics for life, and that includes Suthep, so that wipes out any bias in my thinking

My wife and friends are from Issan and hate the old Yellow shirts of yesterday, and she has 3 yellow dresses at home and our daughter wears yellow but at 5 years of age I am sure you are not thinking she is a thug of Suthep

I do not think you have any any idea why the thai people are protesting and especially from Issan people who are protesting as well

It is not democracy they are trying to stop, it is the amnesty Bill that a corrupt Governing body tried to pass to get the PM brother innocent of all the crimes he committed

This is nothing to do with stopping the people rights

This is about stopping the peoples rights being taken away from them

But I feel no matter how hard you see the truth, you will stick your opinion

No matter how many thai people get hurt along the way

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The government is absolutely right not to cancel the elections.

You can't give in to bullies and thugs. Law and order will fall if you do.

Was that your opinion in 2010 when the red shirts were using terrorism to push for early elections?

I think Jackrich is actually Jeff Savage, might explain a few things.

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The government is absolutely right not to cancel the elections.

You can't give in to bullies and thugs. Law and order will fall if you do.

Was that your opinion in 2010 when the red shirts were using terrorism to push for early elections?

I think Jackrich is actually Jeff Savage, might explain a few things.

I think he's mates with Jack Shit

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just get on with this weekends election so we can go thru the next inevitable stage

Remember in Gangs of New York when the tamany hall leader and mayor told Bill Cutting - "It's not the voters who count it's the vote counters."

More or less what Stalin said IIRC

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The government is absolutely right not to cancel the elections.

You can't give in to bullies and thugs. Law and order will fall if you do.

Yes it is right for them because if the election is postponed and the democrats take part in an new election they might win enough votes to form a coalition because the PTP has lost a lot of support!

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"Thai government wants controversial election to go ahead"

Actually, the electoral majority want this election to go ahead...The Govt. has no choice but to follow suit.

Also, there is nothing controversial about this election.....Just because unelectable coup-mongers object as one would expect, it is a normal election in a normal electoral cycle. The governing majority in parliament can call an election whenever it feels politically neccesary to do so.......Nothing controversial about it...Done all the time.

All the noise from the Opposition with their nonsensical 'reform-before-election" notion, so they can "cook the electoral books in their favour" is seen for what it is by the electoral majority.

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Whats this B/S about yellow shirts is that the only protest group you know of ??? get out more my friend, ask around, you will find pink-blue-white-and many other coloured shirts among the protest.

Think you have the idea from the minority of posters, who think the majority have got it all wrong.

Yes I agree, so many TV members have re created the yellow shirts as they not want to believe Thais can think for them selves

1) Thet that Taskin is still the rightful owner of Thailand, as he conned people in believing his lies

2) Thinking that any one who does not agree with the first line must be a yellow shirt

My thai wife's hates the yellow shorts and so do all her friends, as they come from Issan, but they are in Bkk protesting

So explain please how this fact is logical under your statement

Even thogh I have made time statement time after time, No one ever want to reply with a logical answer

This is 2014, if the Red shiirts are the majority or not I can not say

but if you and your many tv buddies open your eyes you will see they are carrying the Thai Flag not a yellow one

and there beliefs


"Thais agains corruption

But that is hard to argue with so you reinvent the Yellow shirts

I got into a flame war with somebody on this issue yesterday... (over PM)

Tezzainoz, how can you spend so much effort worrying about shirt colors and then totally miss the point of the conversation?

Are some protesters not technically "yellow shirts" or registered "Democrats"? Yes... but I think it is safe to say that the majority of the protesters, and the protest leadership, ARE. In the context of this discussion, the term "Yellow shirt" simply means "protester" regardless of their actual party affiliation.

I think you do yourself, and the entire discussion, a disservice by going off on tangents about shirt color.

The POINT is that while there are people who may not be full fledged yellow shirts out there protesting, and they probably DO share the common desire to end corruption, the irony is that they are protesting in support of a group that is just as corrupt as the one they are protesting against.

And further, they claim to be supporting democracy while they are denying the basic democratic rights of other people, and driving for a suspension of the constitution and the imposition of a non elected council to rewrite the rules...

I TOTALLY SUPPORT the idea of ridding Thailand of corruption, but I just can't stomach the hypocrisy of what the protest movement is trying to do. They are throwing the baby out with the bathwater and there are no rules and no oversight into the "reforms" they claim they want. And this is a group that really has no credibility to take on such a task. It's like letting the wolf guard the hen house.

Can't you see that the big picture is not about the color of the shirts? As long as the Thai people keep worrying about shirt colors and vilifying one corrupt leader while blindly following another corrupt leader, nothing will change in this country. What is needed is some rational and analytical thinking. People need to stop following the herd and hold ALL sides accountable... that means not accepting the corruption and the back room deals and the ignoring of the constitutional court and the making up the rules as they go along and the cyclical process of government by coup. The Thai people need to protest against all these acts of corruption, every time they happen... then they could bring about change.

Instead, they are so brainwashed they keep letting themselves get used and abused by corrupt politicians on both sides...

I don't give a dam_n what color their shirts are, and if you do, you have been hoodwinked.

Well first I googled YELLOW SHIRT

and oh my god I found out what is means

It mean a Yellow shirt is a shirt you wear that is Yellow

When I first stated to live in Thailand I bought a Yellow short and it had the Kings emblem on it, It still wear it but to me it is a Yellow shirt, but if you like in your mind it can be what ever it wants

If you had spent some time you would have read enough of my posts to see I do not totally agree with My Thai Wifes beliefs, and at the end of all this I would like to see all these currup politician and their families banned from Thai politics for life, and that includes Suthep, so that wipes out any bias in my thinking

My wife and friends are from Issan and hate the old Yellow shirts of yesterday, and she has 3 yellow dresses at home and our daughter wears yellow but at 5 years of age I am sure you are not thinking she is a thug of Suthep

I do not think you have any any idea why the thai people are protesting and especially from Issan people who are protesting as well

It is not democracy they are trying to stop, it is the amnesty Bill that a corrupt Governing body tried to pass to get the PM brother innocent of all the crimes he committed

This is nothing to do with stopping the people rights

This is about stopping the peoples rights being taken away from them

But I feel no matter how hard you see the truth, you will stick your opinion

No matter how many thai people get hurt along the way

Is there a point to any of your inane rambling about yellow clothes?

I never said every person in a yellow garment is a protester... I said the within the context of this discussion, using the term "yellow shirt" referred more generally to "protesters" than a specific statement about the political party they belong to.

But you would rather type away your ignorant and arrogant rant than read what was said and offer a response presenting an alternate point of view... you are apparently the kind of bozo that just comes here for an argument.

And, sorry, but you are wrong... when protesters prevent other people from being able to vote or to register as candidates, they are infringing on the democratic rights of others. Both sides have done it and both sides are wrong for doing it. If you can't see that, there is no point discussing it any further.

My whole point, in this post and all others I have made on this topic, has been that what is needed is more moderation and less extremism... This situation requires more rational thought about how to move forward and less of the constant tit for tat arguments about who did what to whom and when and who did it worse...

My opinion is that ALL of the Thai people are being used and led around by extremists on both sides... and unfortunately, I agree that many are going to be hurt along the way if that doesn't change. So at least we agree on something.

What shocks me is that if educated foreigners who should have more objectivity about the situation, and presumably have more understanding of democratic principles and the concept of law and order, can be pulled into the polarized political nonsense that is going on here, how can there be any hope that the Thai people will be able to extract themselves from this foolishness and move the country in a positive direction?

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The EC has become irrelevant - playing politics was not their job. Their job was to organize elections and nothing else!

The election will go ahead and millions will vote.

Even in Bangkok the intimidation tactics of the PDRC will not work if voters come out in the millions - the voters will outnumber them easily and their shouting and shoving will not work anymore it worked only while they outnumbered voters and on people they had singled out to intimidate.

I salute these courageous people who still came out and tried to make their way to the polling stations!

I have talked to many villagers who are busy working every day to make ends meet what they will do come February 2nd - and they all say they will go and vote - they are sick and tired of what they see in the news everyday now but have more important things to do - like earning a living - than to get involved now.

But one thing is clear - if anyone will try and stop them from voting - they will unite and "show" these people the way out of their town!

The south is a different story as they don't seem to want elections but even there is a fair number of people who believe in the democratic process - as for the Democrats -they are childishly boycotting the elections and have lost every right to get involved in the political process afterwards!

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Yes I agree, so many TV members have re created the yellow shirts as they not want to believe Thais can think for them selves

1) Thet that Taskin is still the rightful owner of Thailand, as he conned people in believing his lies

2) Thinking that any one who does not agree with the first line must be a yellow shirt

My thai wife's hates the yellow shorts and so do all her friends, as they come from Issan, but they are in Bkk protesting

So explain please how this fact is logical under your statement

Even thogh I have made time statement time after time, No one ever want to reply with a logical answer

This is 2014, if the Red shiirts are the majority or not I can not say

but if you and your many tv buddies open your eyes you will see they are carrying the Thai Flag not a yellow one

and there beliefs


"Thais agains corruption

But that is hard to argue with so you reinvent the Yellow shirts

I got into a flame war with somebody on this issue yesterday... (over PM)

Tezzainoz, how can you spend so much effort worrying about shirt colors and then totally miss the point of the conversation?

Are some protesters not technically "yellow shirts" or registered "Democrats"? Yes... but I think it is safe to say that the majority of the protesters, and the protest leadership, ARE. In the context of this discussion, the term "Yellow shirt" simply means "protester" regardless of their actual party affiliation.

I think you do yourself, and the entire discussion, a disservice by going off on tangents about shirt color.

The POINT is that while there are people who may not be full fledged yellow shirts out there protesting, and they probably DO share the common desire to end corruption, the irony is that they are protesting in support of a group that is just as corrupt as the one they are protesting against.

And further, they claim to be supporting democracy while they are denying the basic democratic rights of other people, and driving for a suspension of the constitution and the imposition of a non elected council to rewrite the rules...

I TOTALLY SUPPORT the idea of ridding Thailand of corruption, but I just can't stomach the hypocrisy of what the protest movement is trying to do. They are throwing the baby out with the bathwater and there are no rules and no oversight into the "reforms" they claim they want. And this is a group that really has no credibility to take on such a task. It's like letting the wolf guard the hen house.

Can't you see that the big picture is not about the color of the shirts? As long as the Thai people keep worrying about shirt colors and vilifying one corrupt leader while blindly following another corrupt leader, nothing will change in this country. What is needed is some rational and analytical thinking. People need to stop following the herd and hold ALL sides accountable... that means not accepting the corruption and the back room deals and the ignoring of the constitutional court and the making up the rules as they go along and the cyclical process of government by coup. The Thai people need to protest against all these acts of corruption, every time they happen... then they could bring about change.

Instead, they are so brainwashed they keep letting themselves get used and abused by corrupt politicians on both sides...

I don't give a dam_n what color their shirts are, and if you do, you have been hoodwinked.

Well first I googled YELLOW SHIRT

and oh my god I found out what is means

It mean a Yellow shirt is a shirt you wear that is Yellow

When I first stated to live in Thailand I bought a Yellow short and it had the Kings emblem on it, It still wear it but to me it is a Yellow shirt, but if you like in your mind it can be what ever it wants

If you had spent some time you would have read enough of my posts to see I do not totally agree with My Thai Wifes beliefs, and at the end of all this I would like to see all these currup politician and their families banned from Thai politics for life, and that includes Suthep, so that wipes out any bias in my thinking

My wife and friends are from Issan and hate the old Yellow shirts of yesterday, and she has 3 yellow dresses at home and our daughter wears yellow but at 5 years of age I am sure you are not thinking she is a thug of Suthep

I do not think you have any any idea why the thai people are protesting and especially from Issan people who are protesting as well

It is not democracy they are trying to stop, it is the amnesty Bill that a corrupt Governing body tried to pass to get the PM brother innocent of all the crimes he committed

This is nothing to do with stopping the people rights

This is about stopping the peoples rights being taken away from them

But I feel no matter how hard you see the truth, you will stick your opinion

No matter how many thai people get hurt along the way


I fell really bad for you that few posters have taken to your trolling baits

By now, after 2 weeks, surely you know your Thai wife and her friends are regulars at Baccara and Rawhide. I should know because my balcony overlooks the bathrooms of all the bars on SC (photo available on request).

Your Thai wife (or you, it doesn't really matter) hates Suthep. So that wipes out any bias you have about Suthep.

But what is equally clear is that your Thai wife (or you, it doesn't really matter) hates Thaksin. So in one fell swoop (sorry if you don't understand this phrase but I'm too sloshed to bother explaining (sorry if you don't understand this phrase but I'm too wasted to bother explaining (sorry if you don't understand this phrase but.... oh bugger it))) (is that the correct number or parenthesis?) you have inadvertently advertised your bias.................

Sorry, what was I saying?

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My first coup, we had very little media reports. the 2006, we had Thai visa etc. and lots was out in the open.

This time we have twitter, instagram and the ability to share pics more quickly and easily. The pics are really making the difference. Empty rally sites, marches with 200 zigzagging down Silom with the mob running down the footpath cheering it on so it looked like people had come out in numbers. Strangles voters, etc. etc. Brave ladies braving the mob to vote..

For anybody wanting to postopone the election (Suthep and his miserable Peoples Poodle Party) here is a map of the country showing in Blue where voting passed off normally on Sunday and in red, where the fascists struck and their ally from last time,

Peoples mass uprising my backside. Please, look how small Bangkok is. Bangkok... is not thailand - so lets get Suthep in jail to rot.


My wife and all her Thai friend will be right behind you

You will be the one to do it, will you not, your not just hot air are you

And of coarse your not biased so Taskin will be beside him into the court room for judgment

sorry are you saying you want to be judge and jury as well

It might be tiny, but over 10% of Thailand's population are registered residents, plus those who are on a blue book elsewhere.

yes and don't forget that 40 % of Bangkokians voted PT in the last elections! - everybody always does like Bangkok is 100 % Democrat - it's not - has never been!

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The government is absolutely right not to cancel the elections.

You can't give in to bullies and thugs. Law and order will fall if you do.

Was that your opinion in 2010 when the red shirts were using terrorism to push for early elections?

But a big difference in fighting for the right to have an election compared to now where they are fighting to try to STOP an electionblink.png

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