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Explosions rock anti-government protest sites in Bangkok


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Explosions rock anti-government protest sites


BANGKOK: -- Bomb explosions continued to rock two anti-government protest sites in Bangkok last night, slightly injuring a security guard.

Under attack is the protest site of the Network of Students and People for the Reform of Thailand (NSPRT) near Chamai Mayuraches bridge .

A home-made bomb was hurled at the sandbag wall where the NSPRT guards were guarding at about 1.40 a.m. A guard was slightly injured from the deafening sound of explosion.

Shortly after the explosion, guards and soldiers rushed to inspect the scene of explosion. Found at the scene is only burnt traces of gunpowder on the road beside the sandbag wall indicating it is a home-made bomb or giant firecracker. The bomb fell behind the protest stage.

Meanwhile a loud explosion from a home-made bomb also rocked the protest stage of the anti-government protesters on Chaeng Wattana road almost at the same time.

The protest leader Abbot Luang Poo Budhaisara said the explosion happened near the sand bang wall of the security guards. However no one was hurt.

The protest site of protesters here was told to leave by the Center for the Maintaining of Peace and Order during a negotiation yesterday. The CMPO wanted protesters to move out so that government officials could return to work at the Government Center Complex on Chaeng Wattana road.

Government negotiators said they would wait until today to hear a reply to their request but vowed not to use force to disperse protesters if they remain defiant.

However protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban made clear last night protesters would not leave as their stay was part of the Shutdown Bangkok campaign to paralyze the government and make it a “failed” state.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/explosions-rock-anti-government-protest-sites/

-- Thai PBS 2014-01-28

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I'm pretty sure that IF the Pro democracy lot really wanted to, then the street of Bangkok would be awash with bodies and blood.


Considering the pro democracy protesters are the ones being hit - that is a really odd statement... I have never seen a protest this big (anywhere in the world) and this peaceful - sadly those who want things to remain status quo, who do not want a change for Thailand, anti-reform peoples, is now using bombs (how ever small) and killing sprees to intimidate protesters...

Pro-democracy =The people who want their right to vote to be heard and respected

Anti-democracy= Those that opposed and deny the constitutional right to vote by blocking/intimidating/and bullying people into leaving.

I can't be bothered with this red/yellow/black shirt <deleted> as they're all as bad as each other, I also don't give two fcuks about the past either because that can't be changed, it's what happens now, today, tomorrow and the next that shapes the future..the past is called that for a reason!! Its "History" and people will not be swayed one way or the other, I'm neither red/yellow/white/or black, I listen to all sides, and ALL sides talk utter <deleted>.

You want to know the bottom line? for the Thaksin Regime to crumble and fade into distant memories, he has to stop breathing!!

He has wealth beyond most of our imaginations and bank accounts, unless he's deceased, with all the wealth, no matter where he is, even on the moon, he will be pulling someone in authorities strings with financial "incentives" , he's like a cancer, unless you get rid of it, it's always going to be there!!

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pipkins post # 11

Blocking polling stations is anarchy and has to be stopped. Simple

As is rampant corruption the manipulation of the judiciary, the legal system, nepotism and of course bail jumping by a convicted felon. Criminals evading the legal system by virtue of being co-opted as P.T.P puppet M.P.s. indeed the list is endless

Now those actions are indeed anarchy.

However as they are the policies of those you seem to blindly support you fail to see both the reality of the situation concerning your heroes and the irony of your post.whistling.gif

They will be stopped.

Everybody knows it has got on long enough now.

Questions asked of EC today again in the media. Nobody sees them complian about blockade of polling stations.

Love these trotted out little Thaksiinophobia rants. They always rasie a smile as it shows you are not thinking about the situation and obviously have no access to unbiased media.

Thats freedom though. You are free to think what you want, but trying to overthrow democracy... that won't happen. Couldn't even happen temporarily as the elites would be his so hard by the santions that WILL follow.

The real human rights watch are not happy with the Thai Elite Pooddles either. Outside some outdated backers. There is no suppport for this!!

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Blocking polling stations is anarchy and has to be stopped. Simple

The World has never seen anti democracy march before. Just another failed coup attempt. Suthep screams Coup.. Army says no can do. Not up to the job aren't the army. They are split, factionalised and can't even cope in the south.

Millions have died defending democracy on both sides. Stop bleating about it and accept fascism and totalitarianism must be stopped. In Thailand.. There are enough people to stop this!!! and they will. They just have to do it whilst keeping the army out.

Sutheps stage is just a series of diktats to his dumb followers. He would be the same if he got back in power with his Poodles Council. Some are too dumb to see it and will just stay dumb and have to be swept asisde so democacy can prevail.

Interesting that "the elite" of Bangkok also get labeled as "dumb" while the less educated in Isaan of cause know all there is to know about democracy...

But Pipkins - would You be nice and point out to me how... given the most poor in Thailand do not pay tax - does tax reduction to the most rich (as this government have given) in favor of the rice farmers ??

Pipkin - is it possible to explain why the rice farmers (who voted for this government) is not yet paid ?? And why this government has tried to take the childrens savings to pay the rice farmers - and after that tried to take the peoples pensions... The poorest peoples in Thailand is getting more poor,

Pipkins could you explain to me how tax deduction for a new car, can help anyone who do not pay tax, hence can not use a deduction to anything and have to pay full price for a car - helps the poor ??

Pipkins would you explain to me and with me many others how a loan (with no clear projects) of 2 trillion paid back by the thai peoples over the next 50 years is of help to anyone ? children born after that loan is in effect will be born with their grandchildren in debt...

What is wrong in reforms towards democracy ?? What is wrong in wanting a non violent demonstraton (as I can show You pictures of protesters wearing non violence caps and t-shirts) ?? Why do they kill the protest leaders how is that democracy - to take out the opposition by violence ??

Bangkok has some traffic problems right now - but mostly there are ways around the blocks...

Many pay no tax as they are too poor, because they have traditionally been robbed for centuries by the Elites who ran the country before Thaksin. Most rich people don't pay any tax either. So thats another dumb point.

Most people in the west are in debt and most Governments massively in Debt. Thailands debt bills are very small % wise to most western economies. The Country is on a quite sound footing.

Rice scheme is not unusual form of policy, all Gov's have them and you should see the EU food schemes and budgets. Do they have a fascist mob overthrowing them for it... NO

The reason you dumb people trot out the rice scheme is because you know nothing about it, other than Suthep does not like it. Show me a full detailed summary of it from a foreign media please. Show me where you get so much detail from

Nothing you say affects that this is a coup, is illegal even under the Constitution that this mobs backers wrote.

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Finkelstein post # 17

Interesting that "the elite" of Bangkok also get labeled as "dumb" while the less educated in Isaan of cause know all there is to know about democracy...

But Pipkins - would You be nice and point out to me how... given the most poor in Thailand do not pay tax - does tax reduction to the most rich (as this government have given) in favor of the rice farmers ??

Pipkin - is it possible to explain why the rice farmers (who voted for this government) is not yet paid ?? And why this government has tried to take the childrens savings to pay the rice farmers - and after that tried to take the peoples pensions... The poorest peoples in Thailand is getting more poor,

Pipkins could you explain to me how tax deduction for a new car, can help anyone who do not pay tax, hence can not use a deduction to anything and have to pay full price for a car - helps the poor ??

Pipkins would you explain to me and with me many others how a loan (with no clear projects) of 2 trillion paid back by the thai peoples over the next 50 years is of help to anyone ? children born after that loan is in effect will be born with their grandchildren in debt...

What is wrong in reforms towards democracy ?? What is wrong in wanting a non violent demonstraton (as I can show You pictures of protesters wearing non violence caps and t-shirts) ?? Why do they kill the protest leaders how is that democracy - to take out the opposition by violence ??

Bangkok has some traffic problems right now - but mostly there are ways around the blocks...

An excellent post with hard hitting questions that demand truthful answers from the supporters of the Thaksin clique.

As we are all well aware the truth is an totally unknown factor to the supporters of the Thaksin clique, thus all we can expect will be a fog of evaporated male bovine fecal matter as replies.

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If you think killing someone in cold blood is the same as blocking a polling station youre truly a sorry person!!

Blocking polling stations is anarchy and has to be stopped. Simple

The World has never seen anti democracy march before. Just another failed coup attempt. Suthep screams Coup.. Army says no can do. Not up to the job aren't the army. They are split, factionalised and can't even cope in the south.

Millions have died defending democracy on both sides. Stop bleating about it and accept fascism and totalitarianism must be stopped. In Thailand.. There are enough people to stop this!!! and they will. They just have to do it whilst keeping the army out.

Sutheps stage is just a series of diktats to his dumb followers. He would be the same if he got back in power with his Poodles Council. Some are too dumb to see it and will just stay dumb and have to be swept asisde so democacy can prevail.

... and now for something completely different, like for instance the OT, thanks to the benevolent care-taking government and it's amnesty push Bangkok is once more rocking.

Governor Sukhumband must surely be happy with the help he gets from the government in promoting Bangkok as the place to be.

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pipkins post # 11

Blocking polling stations is anarchy and has to be stopped. Simple

As is rampant corruption the manipulation of the judiciary, the legal system, nepotism and of course bail jumping by a convicted felon. Criminals evading the legal system by virtue of being co-opted as P.T.P puppet M.P.s. indeed the list is endless

Now those actions are indeed anarchy.

However as they are the policies of those you seem to blindly support you fail to see both the reality of the situation concerning your heroes and the irony of your post.whistling.gif

They will be stopped.

Everybody knows it has got on long enough now.

Questions asked of EC today again in the media. Nobody sees them complian about blockade of polling stations.

Love these trotted out little Thaksiinophobia rants. They always rasie a smile as it shows you are not thinking about the situation and obviously have no access to unbiased media.

Thats freedom though. You are free to think what you want, but trying to overthrow democracy... that won't happen. Couldn't even happen temporarily as the elites would be his so hard by the santions that WILL follow.

The real human rights watch are not happy with the Thai Elite Pooddles either. Outside some outdated backers. There is no suppport for this!!

Does democracy include the fundamental right not to get shot at, bombed and murdered? Seems to me people love to say Suthep is 'anti democracy' while ignoring the thousands that have been murdered by the other side.

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Blocking polling stations is anarchy and has to be stopped. Simple

The World has never seen anti democracy march before. Just another failed coup attempt. Suthep screams Coup.. Army says no can do. Not up to the job aren't the army. They are split, factionalised and can't even cope in the south.

Millions have died defending democracy on both sides. Stop bleating about it and accept fascism and totalitarianism must be stopped. In Thailand.. There are enough people to stop this!!! and they will. They just have to do it whilst keeping the army out.

Sutheps stage is just a series of diktats to his dumb followers. He would be the same if he got back in power with his Poodles Council. Some are too dumb to see it and will just stay dumb and have to be swept asisde so democacy can prevail.

Interesting that "the elite" of Bangkok also get labeled as "dumb" while the less educated in Isaan of cause know all there is to know about democracy...

But Pipkins - would You be nice and point out to me how... given the most poor in Thailand do not pay tax - does tax reduction to the most rich (as this government have given) in favor of the rice farmers ??

Pipkin - is it possible to explain why the rice farmers (who voted for this government) is not yet paid ?? And why this government has tried to take the childrens savings to pay the rice farmers - and after that tried to take the peoples pensions... The poorest peoples in Thailand is getting more poor,

Pipkins could you explain to me how tax deduction for a new car, can help anyone who do not pay tax, hence can not use a deduction to anything and have to pay full price for a car - helps the poor ??

Pipkins would you explain to me and with me many others how a loan (with no clear projects) of 2 trillion paid back by the thai peoples over the next 50 years is of help to anyone ? children born after that loan is in effect will be born with their grandchildren in debt...

What is wrong in reforms towards democracy ?? What is wrong in wanting a non violent demonstraton (as I can show You pictures of protesters wearing non violence caps and t-shirts) ?? Why do they kill the protest leaders how is that democracy - to take out the opposition by violence ??

Bangkok has some traffic problems right now - but mostly there are ways around the blocks...

Many pay no tax as they are too poor, because they have traditionally been robbed for centuries by the Elites who ran the country before Thaksin. Most rich people don't pay any tax either. So thats another dumb point.

Most people in the west are in debt and most Governments massively in Debt. Thailands debt bills are very small % wise to most western economies. The Country is on a quite sound footing.

Rice scheme is not unusual form of policy, all Gov's have them and you should see the EU food schemes and budgets. Do they have a fascist mob overthrowing them for it... NO

The reason you dumb people trot out the rice scheme is because you know nothing about it, other than Suthep does not like it. Show me a full detailed summary of it from a foreign media please. Show me where you get so much detail from

Nothing you say affects that this is a coup, is illegal even under the Constitution that this mobs backers wrote.

"Most rich people don't pay any tax either."

I wonder how much tax Thaksin paid in his days. Probably in absolute numbers more, but certainly percentage wise much less than I do here in Thailand.

BTW isn't Thaksin related to some of the local elites in ChiangMai?

Oh and for the rice scam. Is it really coincidence that the blanket amnesty bill had an extended covering period, 2004 - 2013-08-09. The last years of Thaksin government and the first two years of little sis'? Why was that? Surely Thaksin did nothing wrong, surely little sis did nothing rolleyes.gif

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Blocking polling stations is anarchy and has to be stopped. Simple

The World has never seen anti democracy march before. Just another failed coup attempt. Suthep screams Coup.. Army says no can do. Not up to the job aren't the army. They are split, factionalised and can't even cope in the south.

Millions have died defending democracy on both sides. Stop bleating about it and accept fascism and totalitarianism must be stopped. In Thailand.. There are enough people to stop this!!! and they will. They just have to do it whilst keeping the army out.

Sutheps stage is just a series of diktats to his dumb followers. He would be the same if he got back in power with his Poodles Council. Some are too dumb to see it and will just stay dumb and have to be swept asisde so democacy can prevail.

Interesting that "the elite" of Bangkok also get labeled as "dumb" while the less educated in Isaan of cause know all there is to know about democracy...

But Pipkins - would You be nice and point out to me how... given the most poor in Thailand do not pay tax - does tax reduction to the most rich (as this government have given) in favor of the rice farmers ??

Pipkin - is it possible to explain why the rice farmers (who voted for this government) is not yet paid ?? And why this government has tried to take the childrens savings to pay the rice farmers - and after that tried to take the peoples pensions... The poorest peoples in Thailand is getting more poor,

Pipkins could you explain to me how tax deduction for a new car, can help anyone who do not pay tax, hence can not use a deduction to anything and have to pay full price for a car - helps the poor ??

Pipkins would you explain to me and with me many others how a loan (with no clear projects) of 2 trillion paid back by the thai peoples over the next 50 years is of help to anyone ? children born after that loan is in effect will be born with their grandchildren in debt...

What is wrong in reforms towards democracy ?? What is wrong in wanting a non violent demonstraton (as I can show You pictures of protesters wearing non violence caps and t-shirts) ?? Why do they kill the protest leaders how is that democracy - to take out the opposition by violence ??

Bangkok has some traffic problems right now - but mostly there are ways around the blocks...

Many pay no tax as they are too poor, because they have traditionally been robbed for centuries by the Elites who ran the country before Thaksin. Most rich people don't pay any tax either. So thats another dumb point.

Most people in the west are in debt and most Governments massively in Debt. Thailands debt bills are very small % wise to most western economies. The Country is on a quite sound footing.

Rice scheme is not unusual form of policy, all Gov's have them and you should see the EU food schemes and budgets. Do they have a fascist mob overthrowing them for it... NO

The reason you dumb people trot out the rice scheme is because you know nothing about it, other than Suthep does not like it. Show me a full detailed summary of it from a foreign media please. Show me where you get so much detail from

Nothing you say affects that this is a coup, is illegal even under the Constitution that this mobs backers wrote.

Rich peoples do not pay tax, does that help the poor peoples ?? Is the reason for giving them a tax reduction that they do not pay anyway so why ask them to pay so much ?? Rich peoples (as the word say) are rich... They surely can afford to pay a car - without any tax deduction, whereas a lower price COULD help peoples who do not have that kind of money - but this government is helping the rich, as You say they do not pay tax - and the government accept that right ?? And if they do - then they get tax deduction and reduction... Not a great help to the poor in my world...

Thailand owe some 46% of GNP that is not that small - I am sure greece is worse off - do You want Thailand to go down with debt as Greece ?? I could see a point in letting the country walk the line - historybooks will tell us that Chavalit let the country into a bottomless pit in the end of 1990's - Chuan got it back on track, and Thaksin took the honor - I see a picture emerging again...

The EU pay their bills, they do not leave to the loan sharks to make money out of poor farmers... This protest movement want democracy build on a new set of rules - they want reforms...

There has been a ricescheme for many years - it is not invented by this government - this government just increased the payment for rice, and then didn't pay... That is not in favor of any poor farmer, and not in favor of the country - poor farmers are now pawning their land - not only their next crop - so rich can buy cheap good land - how is that helping farmers ?? Please enlighten me about the ricescheme - since You think I do not know ??

No there is no coup - there will be no coup - unless of cause You decide to blow it into more violence than already...

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And here ladies and gentleman is how Shinawatra 'democracy' works.

Well, the intent of coup-mongers to set off some explosions to both create a sense of crisis, and to fabricate a sense of being attacked, worked with above quote.....This strategy of setting off explosions is typical of these people......I recall their similar efforts in 2006.....The military association with these coup-mongers was plain to see by all, considering the professional encampments they built...Old western style of "circle the wagons', but with militaristic professionalism....Then they would set of explosions in the middle to serve the same purpose as they hope to achieve today, and that convinced this quote....never mind that the pro-electoral majority abhors such a thing...What could they possibly gain from setting off explosions as they zero in on the election they demand.....Mayhem serves the coup-mongers alone, and they alone are responsible for it.

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And here ladies and gentleman is how Shinawatra 'democracy' works.

Well, the intent of coup-mongers to set off some explosions to both create a sense of crisis, and to fabricate a sense of being attacked, worked with above quote.....This strategy of setting off explosions is typical of these people......I recall their similar efforts in 2006.....The military association with these coup-mongers was plain to see by all, considering the professional encampments they built...Old western style of "circle the wagons', but with militaristic professionalism....Then they would set of explosions in the middle to serve the same purpose as they hope to achieve today, and that convinced this quote....never mind that the pro-electoral majority abhors such a thing...What could they possibly gain from setting off explosions as they zero in on the election they demand.....Mayhem serves the coup-mongers alone, and they alone are responsible for it.

Uhuh. They're also shooting and murdering themselves as well. They are truly committed to making the innocent and sweet Shinwatras look bad. rolleyes.gif

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And here ladies and gentleman is how Shinawatra 'democracy' works.

Well, the intent of coup-mongers to set off some explosions to both create a sense of crisis, and to fabricate a sense of being attacked, worked with above quote.....This strategy of setting off explosions is typical of these people......I recall their similar efforts in 2006.....The military association with these coup-mongers was plain to see by all, considering the professional encampments they built...Old western style of "circle the wagons', but with militaristic professionalism....Then they would set of explosions in the middle to serve the same purpose as they hope to achieve today, and that convinced this quote....never mind that the pro-electoral majority abhors such a thing...What could they possibly gain from setting off explosions as they zero in on the election they demand.....Mayhem serves the coup-mongers alone, and they alone are responsible for it.

Uhuh. They're also shooting and murdering themselves as well. They are truly committed to making the innocent and sweet Shinwatras look bad. rolleyes.gif

Yes pity our mate, the minister of labour, wasn't as truely committed to his messiah and cut his own head off as promised

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I sure hope it don't happen, but I'm surprised there already hasn't been a really big explosion yet like from a car bomb. Like I said, I hope it don't reach that point.

Don't plant any seeds, the wacko's might not have thought about that yet. sad.png

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