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Bangkok: Man wearing anti-government T-shirt and wristband shot dead


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well well well,(not 3 holes in the ground either) the reds are at it again, thaksins orders being followed to a tee. These red shirts are worse than the muslim terrorists down south, pathetic

The war could also be a nice time to settle old abets and scores

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What makes this killing worse is that the victim was allegedly beaten and most likely tortured before he was murdered. But what is even more worrying, the number of people who are ready to go into extraordinary lengths to defend and justify killings committed by red mob terror cells. I could understand brainwashed Thais denying it obvious, but the westerners trying to justify it. Simply beyond belief.

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The only question is - which side is doing this? It does look like an act of intimidation. Or it could have been done to tarnish the image of the government. Really don't know. But a murder is a murder - no matter the motive.

There were no random killings of protesters in 2010. This is a rain of terror ordered by high up.

Why can't all the "budding" Sherlocks on TV stop to think that there must by now be thousands who have had their lives and incomes disrupted by this selfish idiot Suthep. Anywhere out there amongst people of all walks there is sure to be one "wacko" who has reached the end of his/her tether. Regardless which side of politics, of whichever group he/her supports, that person can become unbalanced enough to shoot ! So i ask all you fools who are able to blame anyone just as long as he/she is on the opposite side to yours, please use your brains and be reasonable, better still <deleted> !

Edited by oldsailor35
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What makes this killing worse is that the victim was allegedly beaten and most likely tortured before he was murdered. But what is even more worrying, the number of people who are ready to go into extraordinary lengths to defend and justify killings committed by red mob terror cells. I could understand brainwashed Thais denying it obvious, but the westerners trying to justify it. Simply beyond belief.

It can be explained by equally brainwashed Farangs. Any one who takes in the sort of shallow reporting from the BBC, Faux News, CNN or most of the mainstream western 'news' sources, and believes what they report is brainwashed.

Imaging trying to prise the likes of Jonathan Head from his desk or the FCCC bar and do some investigative reporting on the ground - in Bangkok or up country?

The number who think an election constitutes democracy is amazing. When vote-buying is pointed out the reply is 'they all do it' which actually makes it even less democratic.

Now, It is not clear who murdered this individual but expecting the BIB to come up with a killer (or a perp in any of the recent violent incidents) is just dreaming. Unfortunately lawlessness thrives in Thailand.

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If I had a business that was interrupted due to the protesters and consequently failing, I think I'd be pretty angry with the anti-government protesters as well.

The fact the he was wearing political clothing does not indicate any political opponents were behind this. It could have been any reason for the killing. That's what the anti-government protesters don't understand. When you block the streets and drive away customers, then you make more enemies than just the government and their supporters. And the mafias don't like to see their income streams disrupted.

Sorry where were you during 2010 protest? Or you just conveniently forgotten the month long protests or the burning of zen or siam center. AFAIK I'm not aware of any burning of commercial buildings thus far.

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It is a tragedy if Thailand has come to this. The silent majority of the Thai people have thus far been very restrained in their reaction to the attempt by Mr.Suthep to overthrow the government they elected only 2 1/2 years ago. now that they have been physically prevented from voting, tempers are getting frayed. I just hope that the majority will leave their weaopns at home. I also hope Mr. Suthep will now help to calm the situation down by calling off his prostest and show himself as a statesman instead of a mobster.

Funny how it is so easy for some to ignore the fact that it is mostly protest supporters & leaders that are being killed, injured and their houses damaged.

The government 'elected' 2.5 years ago has resigned and unfortunately want to buy & intimidate their way to power again without any 'luxuries' like a cleaner system and reduction in the continual dictatorial family.

Yes, I suppose it makes sense to bomb and shoot the protestors into submission. That's democracy of the red kind after all.

I'm not sure why you need parentheses around the word elected. The government were duly elected and no way were more than a small number paid to vote - and then mainly in the fiefdoms of the minority parties in Buriram and Singburi.

They are not buying their way to power and certainly aren't intimidating anyone. Thaksin is not a dictator: he was the elected leader of the country until overthrown in a coup.

His party - sometimes, but not always lead by members of his family - again not uncommon in many countries - proposed a manifesto - one that involved transferring wealth from the rich to the poor and from Bangkok to the regions - policies not uncommon in many other democratic countries. But here the rich are not prepared to accept the new order which leaves them sidelined and without access to the financial goodies that accompany power in this country -and have long done so.

They are abusing all the agencies of the state, many of which were placed outside the governments control under the undemocratic 2007 constitution.

Although I in no way condone violence and particularly the use of guns. I consider the physical prevention of people from voting to be a violent act in itself and violence begets violence. The minority are persecuting the majority by pseudo legal and quasi judicial means.

It is time for the protests to end in order to stop the violence that their supporters perpetrated on Sunday and the violent response it evoked.

No election here is clean and vote buying goes on throughout Isan & in other parts of the country to a lesser extent. No one knows it's extent but when it influences elections they become bought. So I repeat - 'election' .

Thaksin is not a dictator? Not yet for Thailand in person but for his party and governance - he is just that. The number of members of his clan in positions of power is unprecedented - far beyond some of the worst excesses elsewhere - Philippines, Argentina, Sri Lanka to name a few.

The transfer of wealth is fine - I agree with it in principle - but it has not worked because it is a classic trickle-down methodology with those at the top & in the middle creaming off the bulk of the huge sums of money invested. Farmers are still in debt because Thaksin encouraged many to take out loans that they couldn't repay and the local elites (PTP members) then took over their land which had to be foregone toward debt. Worst of all, the poorest of the poor farmers - those who grow rice for their family's consumption - have got nothing.

The 2007 constitution is only undemocratic to those that don't like it. It was the first & only constitution to be agreed by referendum.

Ignoring some of your legalese mumbo-jumbo, by far the worst violence has been targeted at not by the protestors. I don't agree with violently preventing voting but was it violent or just persuasion? The condoning (not by you) of murder of protestors sickens me and, just like intimidation of protestors, makes me support them even more.

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The more these people do this the more THEY not the PDRC are asking for a coup. Or is that what Thaksin wants the military to be called out so that he can use the replaced by a coup card again.

The only thing that can be done now is the military take control of the government. Cancel the Election that is going to solve nothing. Talk to the diplomatic corps for suggestions ONLY.

Then do what has been suggested a team of 30 10 from PTP UDD 10 from PDRC DEM 10 from Business and education in a military controlled location

Bar the people involved in speaking to the media or other members of their party. Have a complete media black out

bar them from talking to any family until this is sorted out.

Once they have a draft agreement then let them have members of their party officials come in and look at it make suggestions if there are areas that need to be looked at.

Then once there is an agreement bring it to the people for a vote. With parties only allowed to discuss the agreement and not to argue against it.

What a stupid post ! Just shows that you have no idea what you are talking about. For a start "10 from PRDC, 10 from Business & Education, under Military control. These are in fact all supporters of the Democrat Party, or is that intentional......duhhhhhh facepalm.gifw00t.gif

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It is easy to pin the blame on individuals of your choice , whether Redshirt , Blackshirt , Cambodian , Thaksins special emmissiaries .

Suthep and his PDRC mob of followers have been allowed to illegaly hold the country to Ransom for months , unopposed by Police , Army or any authorities

that should have stopped them . Now people complain when seamingly ordinary citizens are doing something about it , taking the law into their own hands .

Unless this insurrection is properly and officially stopped , more murders of this kind will take place .

No Doubt there are powerful very influential people behind the scenes financing this campaign , which is why neither the police nor the military do

anything to stop it . All sides are to blame ! If people want to stay safe , the best place is at home , to get on with their job .

Suthep is fooling people into thinking they are going somewhere , achieving something . If Suthep and PDRC bring the whole country to a standstill , they

will never be allowed to enact his proposed Peoples Council , civil war will ensue and more random killings of this kind .

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Something I am finding very interesting.

Over the past few months of protests, there have been a considerable number of bombings, shootings, and deaths.

The army commander General Prayuth [sic] has asked for a stronger police response, investigating and accounting

The top Police General Adul, has asked for closer police enforcement and accounting.

Prime Minister and later caretaker PM Yingluck has requested stronger police coverage and investigation

Both sides of the arguments have asked for the police to do better work or at least a better accounting

The bombings, shootings and injuries surely by now number in the hundreds.

So the question is.. ?????? Where are the Police???

Have any arrests been made ????

This latest killing was reported by one news media report as the police when they got to the scene , estimated the victim was dead at least 3 hours. Is the closest Donut shop that far away ???

A open suggestion to Kn. Suthep may be for him to have some of the gang boycotte the local donut shops and not let all the police in..... apparently they are spending too much time away from the scene of all the incidents to apprehend anyone, even a suspect for any of the shootings, bombings, grenade throwing, beatings or other forms of death and injury.

So the ? is WHY NOT, What are you police doing...... looking foir helmetless motor bikers ??

After handing over 200 Baht, the guilty were allowed to go on their way.

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Sad waste of life. This should not happen in a civilized world.

Problem is we are not living in a civilised world, in civilised world people would not be killed on the basis of political or religious ideologies ,banks/governments wouldn't be stealing peoples money etc etc

So where is this civilized world you talk about? Definitely the U.S or anywhere in the EU. No one know why this person was killed, or who did it, except the killer(s). Too many Farangs talking about something they know nothing about.

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Suthep has proved that he is a "raving ratbag of a meglomaniac" who has caused all these problems. However the main blame must be pointed at the RTP for ignoring their duties right from the start.

The RTP should be stood down or given a more simple role, something that they are good at, like directing the traffic at schools, you know, where they wave the 10 yr old kids through on their motorbikes, no helmets and a couple of mates on the back or doing doughnut runs to fetch sustenance for the station and the constant traffic offense raids which occur regularly where they collect cash fines to share out later.

Then recruit and train another police force to do the real police work, lets call this branch the RP.

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Although it for us sound normal to call the police in this country the police is a force apart. With an own agenda who don't have to be the same as the Government have. Most actions by the Police force are done because of greed. Victims have to pay to start an inquiry and criminals pay to escape prosecution. And in slow times there will always be the traffic corps who shake down an all they can.

This is not from today or yesterday but for many generations Thais the Police force is part of this society that you can't trust and always will try to steal and rob the citizens. It's also a very close force. In the top it are brothers, nephews, uncles, fathers or other family bands. And most of the Thai top 300 rich families are well represented in the top.

It speak books parts that a government must 'ask' the Police to do their job.

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Sad waste of life. This should not happen in a civilized world.

This is not a civilized world. The very existence of "the State" implies and necessitates the use of deadly force. The monopoly on this deadly force is what both camps are fighting and killing over, hardly a surprise. A civilized world would be a free society where universal non-violence and property rights were respected. We've got a long, long way to go if we're ever going to evolve.

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What makes this killing worse is that the victim was allegedly beaten and most likely tortured before he was murdered. But what is even more worrying, the number of people who are ready to go into extraordinary lengths to defend and justify killings committed by red mob terror cells. I could understand brainwashed Thais denying it obvious, but the westerners trying to justify it. Simply beyond belief.

Half of the people in my office are wearing said shirts, with "Bangkok Shutdown"- messages!

If one of the would be found dead tomorrow, do I have to assume, they were killed by Thaksins murdering hordes as well?

There is no other possibility?


I find it more worrying, that some know- it -all's...well know it all!

That goes for both sides!

Idiots, the lot of you!

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This should not happen!


For all those, who already have evidence of who the killers were: provide it to the police!

Otherwise: shut the F#@% up!

Revealing to the police that you are witness to a police sanctioned crime. is not a ticket to longevity.

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Red supporters, Cambodians

STOP THE KILLING of innocent people.

Yingluck, their blood is in your hands.

my good man you are talking bullshit, who asked him to go protesting and causing trouble, why wasn't he working or doing something constructive. Stop blaming Yingluck she's had he hands full since she took over this job sorting out an already corrupt government. If the blood of any of the protesters is to be on anyone's hands I would blame that psychopath Suthep. From your post I reckon your wife or girlfriend is a Suthep supporter and you have been brain washed.

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Shinawatra democracy at work again.


Groundless accusation at work again.

Read & Instist on Proofs first

The assignation of Suthin was surely also just an unfortunate accident and has nothing to do with the Shinawatras. Also the reds burning down Bangkok, the filmed black shirts with the AK47 there, the Vans from Cambodia, the bombs....all fabricated or the anti-government movement did it themself?????????????

Very possible

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Shinawatra democracy at work again.


Groundless accusation at work again.

Read & Instist on Proofs first

I dont need to SEE the world trade center to see what happened toit - just as I KNOW SHINAWATRA is behindd the criminal attacks on protestors!!

Absolutely no facts to support that. Like your beloved leader ...all reforms and no facts

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Think this stuff must be taken on board by us all in our own daily lives in LOS, meaning, there are wacko's out there where taking a life for no gain means nothing to them. Sadly. sad.png


You are correct. A lot of wackos. But certainly not unique too Thailand.

Witness the all-too-frequent senseless killings in the U.S.

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