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Thai government wants controversial election to go ahead


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The pro and anti rants on this site are quite a revelation, there is rare meaningful insights into the scale and scope of the problems facing the country being fought out by proxies which no-one can talk about... but its clear that the notion that Taksin will be allowed to continue to govern Thailand by placing his ever expanding family circle into the Prime Minister role is farcical and no longer tenable.

This is the end game for Taksin, however violent or scale of chaos that ensues, Taksin does not end up in a position of power irrespective of how many elections, ploys, scam, lies he produces. The country needs stability,if Taksin is not able to be taken out of the equation by whatever means required then this looks like a long drawn out stalemate, for the sake of the country, The Military need to do what they always have done, step in, have a robust plan to deal with all the Shin clan and return Thailand to its usual form of politics, not perfect but functional.

Like in 2006 you mean ? What robust plan did these idiots have in store then ? Or did they indeed have a robust plan but utterly failed the execution ? May I remind you that the 2007 constitution was drafted by the military and it hasn't helped their goal one bit, on the contrary.

The bottom line is actually very simple, the only (legal) way to get rid of Thaksin and PT is to beat them at the ballot box, for that to happen it would actually help if the largest opposition party actually participates in elections !

Of course the 'democrats' are also hoping for a coup, which is ludicrous. The military has learned their lesson from the utter failure last time, and the democrats actually would have a chance now to at least lessen the gap. But I guess another defeat doesn't sound as promising as hoping for a coup.

The only failure of the 2006 coup was allowing Taksin the option of living. I suspect the military are very aware of that fact. Don,t forget he is a fugitive on the run from justice.

Right, so let's ignore the damage the coup has done to Thailand's image, it's economy and let's ignore how the 2007 constitution caused the end of Thaksin's party winning streak.

Oh right, it didn't, and that's why the opposition is on the streets right now, still refusing to accept the will of the Thai electorate. This time around they don't even want elections, they want a council.

At least they don't have to worry about Thaksin living here.

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Of course the Government want the Election to go ahead,it's the last chance Saloon for the PTP,to cling to power and still have a chance to push ahead with the Amnesty bill,within the time frame.....which is also the last chance in Dubai time as well!

Edited by MAJIC
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The pro and anti rants on this site are quite a revelation, there is rare meaningful insights into the scale and scope of the problems facing the country being fought out by proxies which no-one can talk about... but its clear that the notion that Taksin will be allowed to continue to govern Thailand by placing his ever expanding family circle into the Prime Minister role is farcical and no longer tenable.

This is the end game for Taksin, however violent or scale of chaos that ensues, Taksin does not end up in a position of power irrespective of how many elections, ploys, scam, lies he produces. The country needs stability,if Taksin is not able to be taken out of the equation by whatever means required then this looks like a long drawn out stalemate, for the sake of the country, The Military need to do what they always have done, step in, have a robust plan to deal with all the Shin clan and return Thailand to its usual form of politics, not perfect but functional.

You suggest that Thailand should return to its "usual form of politics, not perfect but functional". I'm sure your suggestion would be enthusiastically welcomed by the rich Bangkokians in places like the Royal Bangkok Sports Club. But I guess the idea of turning back the clocks, to return power to Thailand's aristocrats, wouldn't be quite so warmly welcomed in the many thousands of red villages in Isaan. Care to go to that part of Thailand and propose your idea? y

Oh, and by the way, those Isaan (and Lanna) people have votes, and -- horror of horrors -- many of them love the Shinewatras and Peua Thai!

Some of them do, a lot more used to, a lot are turning against Taksin, once the money stops rolling in loyalty is fickle, my part of Issan has never been that impressed by bangkok politicians whoever they claim to represent. The notion that issan people are so keen to keep Taksin in power is weird and just does not reflect the world I live in.

Which is why elections are necessary. So that the politicians who want to serve the people are in tune with what the people want.

Lesser mortals would say it's more to do with corruption and power,and Politicians are serving themselves too much,and not the people,which is why the Country is now on the verge of Civil war and bankrupt! and the PTP have never been in tune with the people!

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You suggest that Thailand should return to its "usual form of politics, not perfect but functional". I'm sure your suggestion would be enthusiastically welcomed by the rich Bangkokians in places like the Royal Bangkok Sports Club. But I guess the idea of turning back the clocks, to return power to Thailand's aristocrats, wouldn't be quite so warmly welcomed in the many thousands of red villages in Isaan. Care to go to that part of Thailand and propose your idea? y

Oh, and by the way, those Isaan (and Lanna) people have votes, and -- horror of horrors -- many of them love the Shinewatras and Peua Thai!

Some of them do, a lot more used to, a lot are turning against Taksin, once the money stops rolling in loyalty is fickle, my part of Issan has never been that impressed by bangkok politicians whoever they claim to represent. The notion that issan people are so keen to keep Taksin in power is weird and just does not reflect the world I live in.

Which is why elections are necessary. So that the politicians who want to serve the people are in tune with what the people want.

Lesser mortals would say it's more to do with corruption and power,and Politicians are serving themselves too much,and not the people,which is why the Country is now on the verge of Civil war and bankrupt! and the PTP have never been in tune with the people!

How do you explain the election record then ? you meant to say they have never been in tune with certain elite people i think wink.png

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