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Court Sentences Gunman To Execution


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Capital punishment is wrong and barbaric no matter the crime. It will be a great day when Thailand join the ranks of countries that abolishes the death sentence.

The moot question is: how many victims of murder would agree with you and yours? And would you be so certain in your beliefs were it your spouse/child/parent/brother etc who was the victim?

And before you say it, I am well aware of executions where the individual was subsequently found to have been guiltless.

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Capital punishment is wrong and barbaric no matter the crime. It will be a great day when Thailand join the ranks of countries that abolishes the death sentence.

The moot question is: how many victims of murder would agree with you and yours? And would you be so certain in your beliefs were it your spouse/child/parent/brother etc who was the victim?

And before you say it, I am well aware of executions where the individual was subsequently found to have been guiltless.

As we know the guiltless wrong doing was the reason most countries have abolished capital punishment, BUT in this case it is proven beyond doubt that cold blooded murder was committed on unarmed ladies. A simple camera caught him. Soooooo, he should go meet his maker and explain himself.

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For all you do good-ers on here who want this guy given three meals a day for life.......

Sit back and watch the video again and imagine you were watching your daughters brains being removed in cold blood.........what would your feelings and punishment be ?

Be honest. thumbsup.gif

Yes, that's exactly the point. If the victim were a family member, most of us would naturally crave revenge. We would want to do violence to the perpetrator. But most modern societies function on the premise that revenge, while a natural impulse, is not healthy for a community. That's why they set out laws, establish police forces and courts, etc. That's why they criminalise vigilantism and mob justice and strictly define when a citizen can use deadly force. The justice system should not be a vehicle for vengeance, as much as we might crave vengeance in these situations.

Sent from my GT-I9082 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And therein lies the rub. Very few societies have a competently functioning legal system, wherein the rights of the aggrieved take precedence across the board. No doubt everyone on here has heard of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, who avoided execution by the skin of their teeth - and one year. But they did, at least, serve the intended mandatory life sentence. Not so two odious little turds by the names of Jon Venables and Robert Thompson, who, at the age of 10, abducted, tortured and murdered 2-year old James Bulger. Sentenced to life, with a recommendation from the Home Secretary of the time that 'life should mean life', they were released just 8 years into their so-called life sentence, with new identities and 'protection', funded courtesy of the taxpayer. Since then, Venables has offended again, proving himself to be a true pervert, and has had multiple changes of taxpayer-funded ID changes.

Capital punishment would not have been an option for two 10-year olds, but ensuring that life did indeed mean life, would have reinforced confidence in a legal system that is becoming more irrelevant by the day.

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Capital punishment is wrong and barbaric no matter the crime. It will be a great day when Thailand join the ranks of countries that abolishes the death sentence.

I personally believe that ending the Death Sentences is what encourages Barbaric acts like we saw in London with the Hacking Death of an off duty Soldier and there are many more in many Countries.

I have never been one way or the other , but in an instance like this YEAH . He Danced , give me a break !


Abolition of the death sentence is an absolutely must. None of us have the right to take another person's life, not even the State, on our behalf.

I do believe we need much more effective life sentences. As in all of life, to remove the possibility of the murderer re-commiting the offence.

Never to be released should mean that. Life in many countries is 20-25, out in 10 for good behaviour.

Life in exile on a prison island, used to be the punishment. Inescapable, rendered out of our harms way.

Real duration of life, would be a realistic deterrent.

Nevertheless, one would fail to feel sorry for this bloke. No matter what happened to him.

But they rarely serve life - do they?

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Capital punishment is wrong and barbaric no matter the crime. It will be a great day when Thailand join the ranks of countries that abolishes the death sentence.

Doogooders like you are responsible for a lot of $#ite happening in this world. Someone who kills two people in cold blood in front of witnesses and dances away thinking that he's untouchable, needs to be taken down to set an example to the rest instead of being fed and accommodated on taxpayers' money, or otherwise been thrown in a Gulag where such criminals have to work 12 hours a day until they eventually die.

Same goes for that child rapist and murderer who already had a chance given by a judge (who must be a dogooder like you) with a mere 3years 8months jail sentence after raping and strangling another girl some years ago. So what did he do after his release? Raping 10 and killing at least 4 of those unfortunate children... What that animal deserves is not mercy, no, he deserves being ripped to pieces by the kid's parents and relatives in front of the biggest audience they will possibly be able to gather, so that other, similar crooks can see first hand what will happen to them if they lay hands on another child.

What people like you need to understand is that some humans are simply bad and that nothing, no psychiatrist, no "good Samaritan" will be able to change and rewire their brain to all of a sudden change them to the better. Some people are animals and always will be - they need to be taken down as such.

You will think very different, Mr. Examinator, after one of your beloved family members has been shot dead or was raped, I am sure of that. Take off your pink colored glasses and start to face reality; and the reality is that there is something wrong with human nature (Gary Clail) and doogooders like you will never change that, but relentless and unforgiving justice for murderers can at least assure that such monsters will have no chance to repeat their dirty deeds after being caught.

There is no evidence to support capital punishment is a deterrent to murder/rape etc etc

Feel free to produce real info from a proper country to disavow me of my stance

Of course there isn't. Do you seriously expect politicians to offer compelling evidence of any of their numerous monumental cock-ups? Why do you suppose we have lies, damned lies, and statistics? Governments manipulate statistics just as they do everything else. But do you actually believe that capital punishment doesn't, and wouldn't, deter a potential murderer, where there is at least a degree of premeditation involved? I'd be surprised that you, for example, wouldn't think twice.

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For all you do good-ers on here who want this guy given three meals a day for life.......

Sit back and watch the video again and imagine you were watching your daughters brains being removed in cold blood.........what would your feelings and punishment be ?

Be honest. thumbsup.gif

Yes, that's exactly the point. If the victim were a family member, most of us would naturally crave revenge. We would want to do violence to the perpetrator. But most modern societies function on the premise that revenge, while a natural impulse, is not healthy for a community. That's why they set out laws, establish police forces and courts, etc. That's why they criminalise vigilantism and mob justice and strictly define when a citizen can use deadly force. The justice system should not be a vehicle for vengeance, as much as we might crave vengeance in these situations.

Sent from my GT-I9082 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And when do vigilantism and mob justice take over? When justice is not served, and it's not served when murderers can kill again, EITHER in or out of prison! This can only go on for so long before the "social contract" breaks down, and the population begins to take matters into its own hands. The community must have faith in its system of justice. There's simply no evidence that the current circus of vague, inconsistently served, interminably dragged out, un-swift, un-sure, "life sentencing" deters these violent crimes better than or as well as the death penalty. And whether the death penalty psychologically deters or not (and I think most strongly believe that it does, having grown used to and weary of the misinformation supplied by the do-gooders), it sure as h3ll PHYSICALLY deters! The community has a right to expect security from proven murderers, and this can ever ONLY be guaranteed if the predator is executed.

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Capital punishment is wrong and barbaric no matter the crime. It will be a great day when Thailand join the ranks of countries that abolishes the death sentence.

We could do with more death sentences ,less of them more of us . i hope he screams as he is executed.

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How on earth could any normal thinking person have any mercy for such a cold blooded murder. The crime was recorded for all to see as he deliberately murdered the lady and her mother over money and jealousy. After the act he gleefully danced around, proud of what he had done.

NO ! there is no room on earth for such persons, and those who feel sorry and want them saved, really need to get some councelling as in my opinion, they are themselves sick.

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Capital punishment is wrong and barbaric no matter the crime. It will be a great day when Thailand join the ranks of countries that abolishes the death sentence.

Doogooders like you are responsible for a lot of $#ite happening in this world. Someone who kills two people in cold blood in front of witnesses and dances away thinking that he's untouchable, needs to be taken down to set an example to the rest instead of being fed and accommodated on taxpayers' money, or otherwise been thrown in a Gulag where such criminals have to work 12 hours a day until they eventually die.

Same goes for that child rapist and murderer who already had a chance given by a judge (who must be a dogooder like you) with a mere 3years 8months jail sentence after raping and strangling another girl some years ago. So what did he do after his release? Raping 10 and killing at least 4 of those unfortunate children... What that animal deserves is not mercy, no, he deserves being ripped to pieces by the kid's parents and relatives in front of the biggest audience they will possibly be able to gather, so that other, similar crooks can see first hand what will happen to them if they lay hands on another child.

What people like you need to understand is that some humans are simply bad and that nothing, no psychiatrist, no "good Samaritan" will be able to change and rewire their brain to all of a sudden change them to the better. Some people are animals and always will be - they need to be taken down as such.

You will think very different, Mr. Examinator, after one of your beloved family members has been shot dead or was raped, I am sure of that. Take off your pink colored glasses and start to face reality; and the reality is that there is something wrong with human nature (Gary Clail) and doogooders like you will never change that, but relentless and unforgiving justice for murderers can at least assure that such monsters will have no chance to repeat their dirty deeds after being caught.

There is no evidence to support capital punishment is a deterrent to murder/rape etc etc

Feel free to produce real info from a proper country to disavow me of my stance

Obviously you haven't been reading me post thoroughly - the death penalty might not be a deterrent, but at least it assures that animals are rooted out for good as soon as they reveal their true, sick and violent character. Psychiatrists, judges and lawyers responsible for releasing such predators into this world again after having raped and murdered so they can do it again should be punished accordingly if their fosterlings for whom they claimed whiningly in front of a jury that they had "oh, such a difficult and abusive childhood" wander astray and kill/rape/torture again. As another member here posted before: The liberalist dogooders are the first to duck for cover if the bullets fly to then crawl out from under the rubble to be the first in pointing fingers. You dogooders and "show me proof that the death penalty is a deterrent" babblers simply sicken me!

Edited by catweazle
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How on earth could any normal thinking person have any mercy for such a cold blooded murder. The crime was recorded for all to see as he deliberately murdered the lady and her mother over money and jealousy. After the act he gleefully danced around, proud of what he had done.

NO ! there is no room on earth for such persons, and those who feel sorry and want them saved, really need to get some councelling as in my opinion, they are themselves sick.

You're missing the point. Those of us against capital punishment aren't arguing that this beast deserves mercy. We're questioning the appropriateness of the state cold-bloodedly killing an individual in what is really an act of judicial vengeance.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Capital punishment is wrong and barbaric no matter the crime. It will be a great day when Thailand join the ranks of countries that abolishes the death sentence.

Wouild you feel the same if it was your mrs and mother in law ?

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Capital punishment is wrong and barbaric no matter the crime. It will be a great day when Thailand join the ranks of countries that abolishes the death sentence.

Doogooders like you are responsible for a lot of $#ite happening in this world. Someone who kills two people in cold blood in front of witnesses and dances away thinking that he's untouchable, needs to be taken down to set an example to the rest instead of being fed and accommodated on taxpayers' money, or otherwise been thrown in a Gulag where such criminals have to work 12 hours a day until they eventually die.

Same goes for that child rapist and murderer who already had a chance given by a judge (who must be a dogooder like you) with a mere 3years 8months jail sentence after raping and strangling another girl some years ago. So what did he do after his release? Raping 10 and killing at least 4 of those unfortunate children... What that animal deserves is not mercy, no, he deserves being ripped to pieces by the kid's parents and relatives in front of the biggest audience they will possibly be able to gather, so that other, similar crooks can see first hand what will happen to them if they lay hands on another child.

What people like you need to understand is that some humans are simply bad and that nothing, no psychiatrist, no "good Samaritan" will be able to change and rewire their brain to all of a sudden change them to the better. Some people are animals and always will be - they need to be taken down as such.

You will think very different, Mr. Examinator, after one of your beloved family members has been shot dead or was raped, I am sure of that. Take off your pink colored glasses and start to face reality; and the reality is that there is something wrong with human nature (Gary Clail) and doogooders like you will never change that, but relentless and unforgiving justice for murderers can at least assure that such monsters will have no chance to repeat their dirty deeds after being caught.

There is no evidence to support capital punishment is a deterrent to murder/rape etc etc

Feel free to produce real info from a proper country to disavow me of my stance

I can help you in one sentence.................Look into SINGAPORE !

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Capital punishment is wrong and barbaric no matter the crime. It will be a great day when Thailand join the ranks of countries that abolishes the death sentence.

Doogooders like you are responsible for a lot of $#ite happening in this world. Someone who kills two people in cold blood in front of witnesses and dances away thinking that he's untouchable, needs to be taken down to set an example to the rest instead of being fed and accommodated on taxpayers' money, or otherwise been thrown in a Gulag where such criminals have to work 12 hours a day until they eventually die.

Same goes for that child rapist and murderer who already had a chance given by a judge (who must be a dogooder like you) with a mere 3years 8months jail sentence after raping and strangling another girl some years ago. So what did he do after his release? Raping 10 and killing at least 4 of those unfortunate children... What that animal deserves is not mercy, no, he deserves being ripped to pieces by the kid's parents and relatives in front of the biggest audience they will possibly be able to gather, so that other, similar crooks can see first hand what will happen to them if they lay hands on another child.

What people like you need to understand is that some humans are simply bad and that nothing, no psychiatrist, no "good Samaritan" will be able to change and rewire their brain to all of a sudden change them to the better. Some people are animals and always will be - they need to be taken down as such.

You will think very different, Mr. Examinator, after one of your beloved family members has been shot dead or was raped, I am sure of that. Take off your pink colored glasses and start to face reality; and the reality is that there is something wrong with human nature (Gary Clail) and doogooders like you will never change that, but relentless and unforgiving justice for murderers can at least assure that such monsters will have no chance to repeat their dirty deeds after being caught.

There is no evidence to support capital punishment is a deterrent to murder/rape etc etc

Feel free to produce real info from a proper country to disavow me of my stance

Of course there isn't. Do you seriously expect politicians to offer compelling evidence of any of their numerous monumental cock-ups? Why do you suppose we have lies, damned lies, and statistics? Governments manipulate statistics just as they do everything else. But do you actually believe that capital punishment doesn't, and wouldn't, deter a potential murderer, where there is at least a degree of premeditation involved? I'd be surprised that you, for example, wouldn't think twice.

No-one is saying you should listen to the politicians. Show us the peer reviewed academic research that affirms the deterrent effect of capital punishment. Or do you also think that such research is also unreliable. In that event, you are left to believe whatever you want because no data can convince you otherwise.

One more thing... It's hard for all of us (I hope!) to put ourselves inside the mind of a murderer. But for me at least, I don't think that a death penalty would provide deterrent effect over and above a 20 year (or life) stretch in a max security prison. Lack of freedom, lack of privacy, lack of women, threat of assault,etc., same place every day, regimentation, crap food ... did I mention lack of women? We fear death but that doesn't mean that life is better. If a hard sentence doesn't deter someone, I doubt that the needle or chair will...

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Capital punishment is wrong and barbaric no matter the crime. It will be a great day when Thailand join the ranks of countries that abolishes the death sentence.

Doogooders like you are responsible for a lot of $#ite happening in this world. Someone who kills two people in cold blood in front of witnesses and dances away thinking that he's untouchable, needs to be taken down to set an example to the rest instead of being fed and accommodated on taxpayers' money, or otherwise been thrown in a Gulag where such criminals have to work 12 hours a day until they eventually die.

Same goes for that child rapist and murderer who already had a chance given by a judge (who must be a dogooder like you) with a mere 3years 8months jail sentence after raping and strangling another girl some years ago. So what did he do after his release? Raping 10 and killing at least 4 of those unfortunate children... What that animal deserves is not mercy, no, he deserves being ripped to pieces by the kid's parents and relatives in front of the biggest audience they will possibly be able to gather, so that other, similar crooks can see first hand what will happen to them if they lay hands on another child.

What people like you need to understand is that some humans are simply bad and that nothing, no psychiatrist, no "good Samaritan" will be able to change and rewire their brain to all of a sudden change them to the better. Some people are animals and always will be - they need to be taken down as such.

You will think very different, Mr. Examinator, after one of your beloved family members has been shot dead or was raped, I am sure of that. Take off your pink colored glasses and start to face reality; and the reality is that there is something wrong with human nature (Gary Clail) and doogooders like you will never change that, but relentless and unforgiving justice for murderers can at least assure that such monsters will have no chance to repeat their dirty deeds after being caught.

There is no evidence to support capital punishment is a deterrent to murder/rape etc etc

Feel free to produce real info from a proper country to disavow me of my stance

Well think of this as a deterrent: If a death sentence is carried out,he is permanently deterred from ever murdering or Raping again.

And while we are on the subject,many lifers have murdered again while in Prison or escaped and Murdered etc,so that cosy little humanitarian Bleeding heart Liberal viewpoint of yours, most definately doesn't work in the real world!

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Capital punishment is wrong and barbaric no matter the crime. It will be a great day when Thailand join the ranks of countries that abolishes the death sentence.

Those that think capital punishment is wrong and barbaric must also condone murder. If one is not civilized enough to take the life of a murderer then one is willing to accept murder as a free crime!

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Capital punishment is wrong and barbaric no matter the crime. It will be a great day when Thailand join the ranks of countries that abolishes the death sentence.

Doogooders like you are responsible for a lot of $#ite happening in this world. Someone who kills two people in cold blood in front of witnesses and dances away thinking that he's untouchable, needs to be taken down to set an example to the rest instead of being fed and accommodated on taxpayers' money, or otherwise been thrown in a Gulag where such criminals have to work 12 hours a day until they eventually die.

Same goes for that child rapist and murderer who already had a chance given by a judge (who must be a dogooder like you) with a mere 3years 8months jail sentence after raping and strangling another girl some years ago. So what did he do after his release? Raping 10 and killing at least 4 of those unfortunate children... What that animal deserves is not mercy, no, he deserves being ripped to pieces by the kid's parents and relatives in front of the biggest audience they will possibly be able to gather, so that other, similar crooks can see first hand what will happen to them if they lay hands on another child.

What people like you need to understand is that some humans are simply bad and that nothing, no psychiatrist, no "good Samaritan" will be able to change and rewire their brain to all of a sudden change them to the better. Some people are animals and always will be - they need to be taken down as such.

You will think very different, Mr. Examinator, after one of your beloved family members has been shot dead or was raped, I am sure of that. Take off your pink colored glasses and start to face reality; and the reality is that there is something wrong with human nature (Gary Clail) and doogooders like you will never change that, but relentless and unforgiving justice for murderers can at least assure that such monsters will have no chance to repeat their dirty deeds after being caught.

There is no evidence to support capital punishment is a deterrent to murder/rape etc etc

Feel free to produce real info from a proper country to disavow me of my stance

Of course there isn't. Do you seriously expect politicians to offer compelling evidence of any of their numerous monumental cock-ups? Why do you suppose we have lies, damned lies, and statistics? Governments manipulate statistics just as they do everything else. But do you actually believe that capital punishment doesn't, and wouldn't, deter a potential murderer, where there is at least a degree of premeditation involved? I'd be surprised that you, for example, wouldn't think twice.

No-one is saying you should listen to the politicians. Show us the peer reviewed academic research that affirms the deterrent effect of capital punishment. Or do you also think that such research is also unreliable. In that event, you are left to believe whatever you want because no data can convince you otherwise.

One more thing... It's hard for all of us (I hope!) to put ourselves inside the mind of a murderer. But for me at least, I don't think that a death penalty would provide deterrent effect over and above a 20 year (or life) stretch in a max security prison. Lack of freedom, lack of privacy, lack of women, threat of assault,etc., same place every day, regimentation, crap food ... did I mention lack of women? We fear death but that doesn't mean that life is better. If a hard sentence doesn't deter someone, I doubt that the needle or chair will...

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

What utter Nonsense , they can never commit the same crime when dead, we are not talking about someone being deterred from committing the original crime but re offending.

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it clearly states he only got six montH ?????

Please read the original text on the LINK shown on the first post, it quite clearly states, and I quote:

'Chonburi provincial court sentenced a gunman to be executed after he shot his girlfriend and her mother to death. After the shooting he then started to dance to express his satisfaction of their deaths'.

It also says quite clearly:

'also he acted in a way to ridicule the law without being fearful for his offence by walking and dancing after murdering the 2 victims therefore the court sentenced to punish him with execution'.

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If it's law is applied in Brazil.I believe we wouldn't have so many murders here.

Yeah, that's really working well in places like the US. Just as their gun laws are protecting them also. 11,000 + gun victims a year compared to 60 - 70 in the UK which has no death penalty, stricter gun laws and 1/5 the population but less than 1% of the gun victims compared to the US.

I am not bashing the US but I'm sure I'll be accused of that. If I could be bothered I'd look up some stats of other countries but these were the easiest ones to quote.

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Capital punishment is wrong and barbaric no matter the crime. It will be a great day when Thailand join the ranks of countries that abolishes the death sentence.

Those that think capital punishment is wrong and barbaric must also condone murder. If one is not civilized enough to take the life of a murderer then one is willing to accept murder as a free crime!

So because I don't condone the talking of life I therefore condone the taking of life. blink.png That's basically what you are saying.

I've seen some crazy posts on this place before but this tops the lot. cheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

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Uhm - sorry - but did anyone actually read the wonderfully written article in Pattaya Daily News? There isn't a word about "execution" there - it says "...the judgment that sentenced Mr. Yossaphon to prison for 6 months in the allegation of carrying a gun and murder". Only in the headline does it say "Court sentences gunman to execution" - what goes???

Horrible writing, yes, but did you read the whole thing? I wish I could read this story in real English somewhere else.

But look at the bottom of paragraph two:

"...also he acted in a way to ridicule the law without being fearful for his offence by walking and dancing after murdering the 2 victims therefore the court sentenced to punish him with execution."


I knew it, he was sentenced to death because of the dancing.

I often refer to the case of the foreigner who murdered his girlfriend in Phuket and dumped her body to rot in a suitcase, he got 10 years as he admitted it with a guilty plea. Contrast that with the recently released two people who were out mushroom picking and received 30 years in prison as the cops thought they were illegally cutting down trees. That's right, it's not a typo - they got sentenced to 30 years in prison because it was thought they were part of a group of people doing some illegal logging.

If this crime was not on video there's no way he would have got any more than 10 years assuming a guilty plea because murder just isn't that important a crime here.

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Pattaya...why I am not surprised.

There's no follow up to why he wanted or was so happy with the killings.

Your agree to his finality or question of judgement.

Ahhhggggg....so small minded the foreigners here...REALLY!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

You should be surprised - it was in Chonburi, but i am guessing geography is not your strong point!, or maybe neither is reading, or writing....

Edited by LennyW
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I think it was a GREAT call by the court.

Does anyone know how the death penelty is execuded in Thailand; I mean is it lethal injection, hanging etc.?

That sad thing is that the death penelty is to fast for a coward like him. He should be made to suffer more in my opinion.

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I think it was a GREAT call by the court.

Does anyone know how the death penelty is execuded in Thailand; I mean is it lethal injection, hanging etc.?

That sad thing is that the death penelty is to fast for a coward like him. He should be made to suffer more in my opinion.

Lethal injection.

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