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Is Thai Society Bereft of Social Skills?


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all your comments are still nonsense when used in relation to this thread!

had the op started a thread saying "thailand is the rudest country in the world" then i would be agreeing with you!

but you highjacked the thread, which was about thai people lacking decent manners in day to day situations.

if you believe that, not saying thank you to somebody who holds a door open for you, or cutting the line in thailand is not rude and a clear display of bad manners then you are being ridiculous!

there are certain social graces that are not the same between cultures and these things should be allowed for, but this thread was not about cultural differences, this thread was about basic manners that are common place throughout the world.

fine you say you have never experienced the lack if manners displayed by thai's that many posters here have experienced.

that is no excuse for you hijacking a forum and calling posters, miserable people etc just because they feel they do experience bad manners from thai's.

you seem to have some sort of misplaced loyalty, which commands you to defend an entire nation of people...

had you just said you have never experienced these things personally so therefore cant agree, then i doubt anyone would have a problem with it, but you didn't do that.

so your wife rings you from the office to make sure your still alive...

mmmm nothing to do with being happy, she is just being a good wife! and has nothing to do with bad manners displayed from thai's in the whole... hence my "your clutching at straws" comment

you being saved by thai doctors, so because a thai doctor did their job, that is a get out of jail free card for every rude thai is it?

more nonsense...

had you been taken ill in any country, the local doctor would have tried to save your life... that is what doctors do...

still no defense for bad manners displayed by thai's.

im sure your wife is very caring toward you, to be honest, you must be a huge burden to her!

but she knew what she was getting into no doubt when she married a man so much older than her..

i still don't see how anything you have said is at all relevant to original topic!

and my comment about "thailand and thai people to the larger extent, don't know who you are or give two shxts about you" is still valid.

the rude people that posters here have been referring to, people cutting lines etc and displaying bad social skill and basic manners, are not the people that are calling you four times a day to check your not dead, they are not the doctors that saved your life, so why are you defending these people?

i now know that you are quite old and i have been raised to respect my elders, so i will refrain from saying some of things that i would like to say to you.

But respect should also be earned, so if you would like to be treated with respect please stop with the whole apologist attitude and insulting or trying to belittle other posters here for openly discussing issues that fracture the walls of your personal utopia.

According to a recent survey by famous Scottish travel website, Skyscanner, Thailand is one of most polite countries for travelers whereas France, Russia, UK, Germany and China tops the list of the World's rudest countries.


Not only myself but many others find Thailand a polite country. Personally, I had a heart problem and a nurse drove me to the hospital and I was in the hospital, in ICU, being treated within 5 minutes of my arriving at the front door. In the West it would have been a different story. 2 hours minimum with the same problem. I know, "Medical care is 3rd leading cause of death in U.S." http://chriskresser.com/medical-care-is-the-3rd-leading-cause-of-death-in-the-us

This topic is, "Is Thai society berift of social skills?" My answer is a resounding NO. Not for me and many people I know in many areas of Thai society from the military to the medical professions.

The topic for your information is not, "Thai society is bereft of social skills." The topis is,"Is Thai society bereft of social skills?" With a question mark.

And if you are going to quote me; quote accurately. My wife calls twice a day (not 4 times). I think that's nice. Her business also takes her overseas and she calls from other countries as well. She is a nice caring lady.

I have a polite wife and a polite dog and the people I deal with on a daily basis in Thailand are more polite, as a rule, than the people I dealt with in the West, and certainly more polite than the Russians or French I have met when a tourist in those countries. I have found people in the medical profession in

Thailand to be very polite also.

your still missing the issue

i will try one more time.

nobody is disputing what you are saying, of course there are some nice people here, yes thai's can be polite, yes a thai wife can be a caring loyal wife, yes sometimes thai's can go out of their way to help someone.

yes french and russians can be very rude.

the issue is, you coming on to this thread and insulting forum members because they don't share your views when it comes to thai's and lacking basic manners.

why did you feel the need to insult other members for his views?

fine, we all get it! you have never experienced any rudeness or lack of manners by thai's, good for you.

There are however plenty of posters who do experience general bad manners and selfish attitudes from thai's. Just because you don't experience the same, does not mean that it is not happening.

If this was french visa or russian visa forum then your references would hold some validity and im sure if the posters here went to live in russia or france and the locals cut lines and did not say thank you when doors were held open for them, then people would probably subscribe to a forum like this and discuss it.

But this forum is about thailand, so that is what is being discussed and all your google and forbes references do not change the fact that the issues being discussed are acts of rude behavior and bad social skills

now you dont have to agree with the posters on here, but no one was making a personal attack on you, so why did you start provoking forum members for not sharing your opinion?

as i said already, had you merely stated that, "you have never experienced bad manners or lack of social skills from thai's, so can't agree with other posters" , there would be no problem.

But you didn't just leave it at that. You were patronizing and rude.

since then you have been clutching at straws, i.e forbes references a happy caring wife, happy polite dog, a hospital that did its job and a nurse that went out of her way to help you.

But these have nothing to do with the original thread and bad manners from thai's in general.

If you want to start a topic on better hospital SERVICE in thailand compared to the west, then go ahead, but good hospital service is nothing to do with basic manners and social etiquette

and even if your useless comments held any validity relating to the original thread, they would still be no excuse for your original patronizing rude comments.

now unless you are hell bent on clutching at more of the same straws or searching the web for more pointless references, or how happy your dog is or how many times a day your wife calls you, or what you read on her facebook page or how much better the hospital service is than the usa (i really hope your not but...) then i suggest we end this now because no matter what you say or do, there is nothing that will justify your actions that provoked this silly tennis match.

i know your old, i know your not well (health wise)

but surely you should recognize that it is time for you to throw in the towel and just admit you were wrong and overstepped the mark to begin with, we can wipe the slate clean and leave it like that.

Im all for standing your ground when your in the right! but you have been in the wrong since your first post on this thread.

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According to a recent survey by famous Scottish travel website, Skyscanner, Thailand is one of most polite countries for travelers whereas France, Russia, UK, Germany and China tops the list of the World's rudest countries.


Not only myself but many others find Thailand a polite country. Personally, I had a heart problem and a nurse drove me to the hospital and I was in the hospital, in ICU, being treated within 5 minutes of my arriving at the front door. In the West it would have been a different story. 2 hours minimum with the same problem. I know, "Medical care is 3rd leading cause of death in U.S." http://chriskresser.com/medical-care-is-the-3rd-leading-cause-of-death-in-the-us

This topic is, "Is Thai society berift of social skills?" My answer is a resounding NO. Not for me and many people I know in many areas of Thai society from the military to the medical professions.

The topic for your information is not, "Thai society is bereft of social skills." The topis is,"Is Thai society bereft of social skills?" With a question mark.

And if you are going to quote me; quote accurately. My wife calls twice a day (not 4 times). I think that's nice. Her business also takes her overseas and she calls from other countries as well. She is a nice caring lady.

I have a polite wife and a polite dog and the people I deal with on a daily basis in Thailand are more polite, as a rule, than the people I dealt with in the West, and certainly more polite than the Russians or French I have met when a tourist in those countries. I have found people in the medical profession in

Thailand to be very polite also.

your still missing the issue

i will try one more time.

nobody is disputing what you are saying, of course there are some nice people here, yes thai's can be polite, yes a thai wife can be a caring loyal wife, yes sometimes thai's can go out of their way to help someone.

yes french and russians can be very rude.

the issue is, you coming on to this thread and insulting forum members because they don't share your views when it comes to thai's and lacking basic manners.

why did you feel the need to insult other members for his views?

fine, we all get it! you have never experienced any rudeness or lack of manners by thai's, good for you.

There are however plenty of posters who do experience general bad manners and selfish attitudes from thai's. Just because you don't experience the same, does not mean that it is not happening.

If this was french visa or russian visa forum then your references would hold some validity and im sure if the posters here went to live in russia or france and the locals cut lines and did not say thank you when doors were held open for them, then people would probably subscribe to a forum like this and discuss it.

But this forum is about thailand, so that is what is being discussed and all your google and forbes references do not change the fact that the issues being discussed are acts of rude behavior and bad social skills

now you dont have to agree with the posters on here, but no one was making a personal attack on you, so why did you start provoking forum members for not sharing your opinion?

as i said already, had you merely stated that, "you have never experienced bad manners or lack of social skills from thai's, so can't agree with other posters" , there would be no problem.

But you didn't just leave it at that. You were patronizing and rude.

since then you have been clutching at straws, i.e forbes references a happy caring wife, happy polite dog, a hospital that did its job and a nurse that went out of her way to help you.

But these have nothing to do with the original thread and bad manners from thai's in general.

If you want to start a topic on better hospital SERVICE in thailand compared to the west, then go ahead, but good hospital service is nothing to do with basic manners and social etiquette

and even if your useless comments held any validity relating to the original thread, they would still be no excuse for your original patronizing rude comments.

now unless you are hell bent on clutching at more of the same straws or searching the web for more pointless references, or how happy your dog is or how many times a day your wife calls you, or what you read on her facebook page or how much better the hospital service is than the usa (i really hope your not but...) then i suggest we end this now because no matter what you say or do, there is nothing that will justify your actions that provoked this silly tennis match.

i know your old, i know your not well (health wise)

but surely you should recognize that it is time for you to throw in the towel and just admit you were wrong and overstepped the mark to begin with, we can wipe the slate clean and leave it like that.

Im all for standing your ground when your in the right! but you have been in the wrong since your first post on this thread.

The original thread is, "Is Thai Society Bereft of Social Skills." I say no it is not, You say it is. That is not an insult.

Simple, I can back up my claim you can't. I'm married, you aren't. I came to Thailand in 1968 when did you get here? I have worked and traveled all over the world and have presented data from a very reputable source Forbes what have you presented. Set point you lost.

Get off of the Thai Visa flame horse and try presenting some factual information or forget responding.

Edited by thailiketoo
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I too hate the Thai apologists. I have worked with some people like that. Thais do not understand personal space in the same way westerners do and i think that can be a source of stress for us at times and lead to perceived rudeness.

The above poster; you have the happy dog and caring wife and know Thai people in the military and doctors etc. I hate to correct you but you did start the flame war by referring to anyone who might have an opinion suggesting thai people are rude as a whinging moaner who should probably go back to their own country.

I get so sick of hearing this predictable retort so please stop it. Perhaps you are one of the happy, shiny people . . . . but keep it to yourself, there's a good chap before some farang on the skytrain who is being crushed and pushed and having some old ladies hair thrust into his face after having lots of Thai people cutting in front of them . . . stabs you in the throat.

Only joking! 555

Edited by cheyenne
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The Op is spot on.

Unfortunately, they do not care.

Their way, the Thai way is the only way they know and they don't care to improve.

They do things the way they have always done them aand will continue in the same fashion.

The one that bothers me most is never being introduced to anyone.

Usually, after waiting an hour or so, I will ask my wife, or who ever else who has neglected an introduction, who the person sitting/ standing with me is.

"Oh that's my cousin, or uncle,or aunt.". or whoever it is"

Why didn't you introduce me to them?

"Thai people do not do that."

But aren't they part of my family too now?


This used to be especially frustrating to me also. I always make a point to introduce my daughter to everyone we randomly meet along the way, when outside ..."this is my daughter, XXX," and to her "this is XXX, she used to work at a hotel I stayed at when I was new here" or whatever. I mean, this is what I would do everywhere, and this is how she will learn TO do it, and HOW to do it appropriately. Usually I try to give each party a little info about the other so that they can easily find something to converse about as well ... like "XXX likes music a lot and is a good guitar player, just like you are" blah, blah, blah.

I can't remember a time in my life, when I didn't know how to do this. I suppose if my parents never did it, my friends, my co-workers and all, I wouldn't know how? On the other hand, it seems so obvious to do it, even if you don't do it smoothly or super well ...it seems impossible that many people here 100% avoid it.

The other shocking thing to me, is that when you tell Thai people who are close to you, that this is important to you, they give this standard excuse and blow it off. And the same with the people who let the door smash in your face, who are WITH you, and you have TOLD them, and you don't do that to them ...how hard is that skill to pick up?

And, the lack of thanking hosts of a party, etc. etc. I feel that many Thais just don't want to improve themselves and just feel insulted when anything is brought to their attention. I can understand that they feel insulted, MOSTLY, because (in my mind, the way I have figured it) is that they have almost never been told what to do, how to do, never corrected, never criticized, so the only way they are capable of responding is to feel insulted and then rebel like a child would.

Yet, on the other hand, if they go to school and have a field trip that day, and every kid's hat, isn't matching every other kid's, they are totally embarassed, and humiliated ...same for water bottles and every little detail. How can they be so sensitive to fitting in with the group, yet when they get into a group they might be unfamiliar with, they are totally happy to say "this is my Thai way, and case closed" Really, if they knew what we think when they pick their nose ...would it be nice to take your "whoever" to your Western country and let him/her, burp freely, pick their nose, stand on toilets, smash doors in people's faces, and they are not embarassed?? Ignorance is bliss they say?

It really seems impossible to understand!

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I too hate the Thai apologists. I have worked with some people like that. Thais do not understand personal space in the same way westerners do and i think that can be a source of stress for us at times and lead to perceived rudeness.

The above poster; you have the happy dog and caring wife and know Thai people in the military and doctors etc. I hate to correct you but you did start the flame war by referring to anyone who might have an opinion suggesting thai people are rude as a whinging moaner who should probably go back to their own country.

I get so sick of hearing this predictable retort so please stop it. Perhaps you are one of the happy, shiny people . . . . but keep it to yourself, there's a good chap before some farang on the skytrain who is being crushed and pushed and having some old ladies hair thrust into his face after having lots of Thai people cutting in front of them . . . stabs you in the throat.

Only joking! 555

Did I day that? Or did you imagine it? A poster asked me, "You say that where you live nobody cuts the line, or nobody does not say thank you, so if you have not experienced this behavior, why are you posting here?"

I replied with a lovely little song video and the answer, " Why would I post? Because. You are all sorry whinging complainers that need a bit of sunshine in your lives."

So I didn't say go home. You lied and you should apologize. And you could use a little sunshine in your life. Depression kills. Happy people live longer. Next time someone asks tell him the glass is half full instead of half empty.

Edited by thailiketoo
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According to a recent survey by famous Scottish travel website, Skyscanner, Thailand is one of most polite countries for travelers whereas France, Russia, UK, Germany and China tops the list of the World's rudest countries.


Not only myself but many others find Thailand a polite country. Personally, I had a heart problem and a nurse drove me to the hospital and I was in the hospital, in ICU, being treated within 5 minutes of my arriving at the front door. In the West it would have been a different story. 2 hours minimum with the same problem. I know, "Medical care is 3rd leading cause of death in U.S." http://chriskresser.com/medical-care-is-the-3rd-leading-cause-of-death-in-the-us

This topic is, "Is Thai society berift of social skills?" My answer is a resounding NO. Not for me and many people I know in many areas of Thai society from the military to the medical professions.

The topic for your information is not, "Thai society is bereft of social skills." The topis is,"Is Thai society bereft of social skills?" With a question mark.

And if you are going to quote me; quote accurately. My wife calls twice a day (not 4 times). I think that's nice. Her business also takes her overseas and she calls from other countries as well. She is a nice caring lady.

I have a polite wife and a polite dog and the people I deal with on a daily basis in Thailand are more polite, as a rule, than the people I dealt with in the West, and certainly more polite than the Russians or French I have met when a tourist in those countries. I have found people in the medical profession in

Thailand to be very polite also.

your still missing the issue

i will try one more time.

nobody is disputing what you are saying, of course there are some nice people here, yes thai's can be polite, yes a thai wife can be a caring loyal wife, yes sometimes thai's can go out of their way to help someone.

yes french and russians can be very rude.

the issue is, you coming on to this thread and insulting forum members because they don't share your views when it comes to thai's and lacking basic manners.

why did you feel the need to insult other members for his views?

fine, we all get it! you have never experienced any rudeness or lack of manners by thai's, good for you.

There are however plenty of posters who do experience general bad manners and selfish attitudes from thai's. Just because you don't experience the same, does not mean that it is not happening.

If this was french visa or russian visa forum then your references would hold some validity and im sure if the posters here went to live in russia or france and the locals cut lines and did not say thank you when doors were held open for them, then people would probably subscribe to a forum like this and discuss it.

But this forum is about thailand, so that is what is being discussed and all your google and forbes references do not change the fact that the issues being discussed are acts of rude behavior and bad social skills

now you dont have to agree with the posters on here, but no one was making a personal attack on you, so why did you start provoking forum members for not sharing your opinion?

as i said already, had you merely stated that, "you have never experienced bad manners or lack of social skills from thai's, so can't agree with other posters" , there would be no problem.

But you didn't just leave it at that. You were patronizing and rude.

since then you have been clutching at straws, i.e forbes references a happy caring wife, happy polite dog, a hospital that did its job and a nurse that went out of her way to help you.

But these have nothing to do with the original thread and bad manners from thai's in general.

If you want to start a topic on better hospital SERVICE in thailand compared to the west, then go ahead, but good hospital service is nothing to do with basic manners and social etiquette

and even if your useless comments held any validity relating to the original thread, they would still be no excuse for your original patronizing rude comments.

now unless you are hell bent on clutching at more of the same straws or searching the web for more pointless references, or how happy your dog is or how many times a day your wife calls you, or what you read on her facebook page or how much better the hospital service is than the usa (i really hope your not but...) then i suggest we end this now because no matter what you say or do, there is nothing that will justify your actions that provoked this silly tennis match.

i know your old, i know your not well (health wise)

but surely you should recognize that it is time for you to throw in the towel and just admit you were wrong and overstepped the mark to begin with, we can wipe the slate clean and leave it like that.

Im all for standing your ground when your in the right! but you have been in the wrong since your first post on this thread.

The original thread is, "Is Thai Society Bereft of Social Skills." I say no it is not, You say it is. That is not an insult.

Simple, I can back up my claim you can't. I'm married, you aren't. I came to Thailand in 1968 when did you get here? I have worked and traveled all over the world and have presented data from a very reputable source Forbes what have you presented. Set point you lost.

Get off of the Thai Visa flame horse and try presenting some factual information or forget responding.

I am married (to a lady my own age)

i have been here since i was a child, i am adopted by thai's, have full thai nationality, do you?

so your just another old man man with health problems that married a women young enough to be your daughter! so whats your point?

i dont think you will be winning any life time achievement awards.

so you what? you came here in 1968! so did alot of other old perverts! do you want a medal?

you probably have lots of medals from fighting with the thai army?

so what ? you have been all over the world and probably faught a ninja in the fauklands too! but how is that backing up any claims! or at all relevent to the original threads.

you keep reffering to forbes! why dont you do a forbes search on old men that marry children too.

your silly searches on the internet to dig up forbes references are typical appologist trademarks and do nothing to make your rants any less boring or invalid.

you keep cherry picking certain statements from your previous posts to try and make out that you are the victim here.

dont believe me, then read the post below from somebody else who has obviously read your original posts.

with every stroke of your keyboard, you are just showing your true pedigree.

now we can add liar to portfollio too.

the key issue here is that you are a bitter appologist who thought you could bully your way around this forum, insulting posters who share a different view point to you and thats where you went wrong!

nothing you say or do, except appologise to the poster you originally insulted, will justify your appologist actions.

now if you really are too demented to remember your original insults to another poster here, then i suggest you go back to the begining and re-read them.

unlike you i do supply facts! and the facts are here in black and white, you talk nonsense and try and pass them off as facts to support your own agenda.

at the end if the day, you can come here with your, "im a bigshot, came here in 1968, nobody knows thailand or thai people like me attitude" but i does not impress anyone...

like i said i grew up here, went to school here, i grew up seeing old farang men like you with young girls, so nothing new there.. you keep going on as if you are something special!

is thailand going to erect a memorial statue of you in your honor?

i actually hope you don't stop replying to be honest! at first you were just a pest, but now your actually bordering on entertaining.

but alas by the sound of things your not going to be around for much longer, so why don't just concentrate on whats important, keep enjoying your utopia and stop getting yourself so worked up about other peoples opinions. Lifes too short, especially when you have heart problems....

food for thought right....

ask your dog what he thinks!

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I am married (to a lady my own age)

i have been here since i was a child, i am adopted by thai's, have full thai nationality, do you?

so your just another old man man with health problems that married a women young enough to be your daughter! so whats your point?

i dont think you will be winning any life time achievement awards.

so you what? you came here in 1968! so did alot of other old perverts! do you want a medal?

you probably have lots of medals from fighting with the thai army?

so what ? you have been all over the world and probably faught a ninja in the fauklands too! but how is that backing up any claims! or at all relevent to the original threads.

you keep reffering to forbes! why dont you do a forbes search on old men that marry children too.

your silly searches on the internet to dig up forbes references are typical appologist trademarks and do nothing to make your rants any less boring or invalid.

you keep cherry picking certain statements from your previous posts to try and make out that you are the victim here.

dont believe me, then read the post below from somebody else who has obviously read your original posts.

with every stroke of your keyboard, you are just showing your true pedigree.

now we can add liar to portfollio too.

the key issue here is that you are a bitter appologist who thought you could bully your way around this forum, insulting posters who share a different view point to you and thats where you went wrong!

nothing you say or do, except appologise to the poster you originally insulted, will justify your appologist actions.

now if you really are too demented to remember your original insults to another poster here, then i suggest you go back to the begining and re-read them.

unlike you i do supply facts! and the facts are here in black and white, you talk nonsense and try and pass them off as facts to support your own agenda.

at the end if the day, you can come here with your, "im a bigshot, came here in 1968, nobody knows thailand or thai people like me attitude" but i does not impress anyone...

like i said i grew up here, went to school here, i grew up seeing old farang men like you with young girls, so nothing new there.. you keep going on as if you are something special!

is thailand going to erect a memorial statue of you in your honor?

i actually hope you don't stop replying to be honest! at first you were just a pest, but now your actually bordering on entertaining.

but alas by the sound of things your not going to be around for much longer, so why don't just concentrate on whats important, keep enjoying your utopia and stop getting yourself so worked up about other peoples opinions. Lifes too short, especially when you have heart problems....

food for thought right....

ask your dog what he thinks!

You wrote, "so your just another old man man with health problems that married a women young enough to be your daughter! so whats your point?"

You wrote, "so you what? you came here in 1968! so did alot of other old perverts! do you want a medal?"

You wrote, "why dont you do a forbes search on old men that marry children too."

For your information, My wife was 40 years of age when we married.

You wrote, "unlike you i do supply facts! and the facts are here in black and white"

You have not presented any facts. You may want to read the below.


According to a recent survey by famous Scottish travel website, Skyscanner, Thailand is one of most polite countries for travelers whereas France, Russia, UK, Germany and China tops the list of the World's rudest countries.

Do you really think anyone who lives in Thailand and knows the extreme xenophobia of most Thais, that a Thai person would carry on as you have done. Sorry kid but if you are real you are one of a kind and your kind do not exist in Thailand.

Edited by thailiketoo
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I am married (to a lady my own age)

i have been here since i was a child, i am adopted by thai's, have full thai nationality, do you?

so your just another old man man with health problems that married a women young enough to be your daughter! so whats your point?

i dont think you will be winning any life time achievement awards.

so you what? you came here in 1968! so did alot of other old perverts! do you want a medal?

you probably have lots of medals from fighting with the thai army?

so what ? you have been all over the world and probably faught a ninja in the fauklands too! but how is that backing up any claims! or at all relevent to the original threads.

you keep reffering to forbes! why dont you do a forbes search on old men that marry children too.

your silly searches on the internet to dig up forbes references are typical appologist trademarks and do nothing to make your rants any less boring or invalid.

you keep cherry picking certain statements from your previous posts to try and make out that you are the victim here.

dont believe me, then read the post below from somebody else who has obviously read your original posts.

with every stroke of your keyboard, you are just showing your true pedigree.

now we can add liar to portfollio too.

the key issue here is that you are a bitter appologist who thought you could bully your way around this forum, insulting posters who share a different view point to you and thats where you went wrong!

nothing you say or do, except appologise to the poster you originally insulted, will justify your appologist actions.

now if you really are too demented to remember your original insults to another poster here, then i suggest you go back to the begining and re-read them.

unlike you i do supply facts! and the facts are here in black and white, you talk nonsense and try and pass them off as facts to support your own agenda.

at the end if the day, you can come here with your, "im a bigshot, came here in 1968, nobody knows thailand or thai people like me attitude" but i does not impress anyone...

like i said i grew up here, went to school here, i grew up seeing old farang men like you with young girls, so nothing new there.. you keep going on as if you are something special!

is thailand going to erect a memorial statue of you in your honor?

i actually hope you don't stop replying to be honest! at first you were just a pest, but now your actually bordering on entertaining.

but alas by the sound of things your not going to be around for much longer, so why don't just concentrate on whats important, keep enjoying your utopia and stop getting yourself so worked up about other peoples opinions. Lifes too short, especially when you have heart problems....

food for thought right....

ask your dog what he thinks!

You wrote, "so your just another old man man with health problems that married a women young enough to be your daughter! so whats your point?"

You wrote, "so you what? you came here in 1968! so did alot of other old perverts! do you want a medal?"

You wrote, "why dont you do a forbes search on old men that marry children too."

For your information, My wife was 40 years of age when we married.

You wrote, "unlike you i do supply facts! and the facts are here in black and white"

You have not presented any facts. You may want to read the below.


According to a recent survey by famous Scottish travel website, Skyscanner, Thailand is one of most polite countries for travelers whereas France, Russia, UK, Germany and China tops the list of the World's rudest countries.

Do you really think anyone who lives in Thailand and knows the extreme xenophobia of most Thais, that a Thai person would carry on as you have done. Sorry kid but if you are real you are one of a kind and your kind do not exist in Thailand.

that forbes reference has nothing to do with rude thai's so what are "the facts" you are supplying?

i have given up guessing what your trying to say in your last sentence! it makes no sense, just like all your other posts

thankfully mother nature will take its course soon and another crazy lying appologist will bite the dust...

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I am married (to a lady my own age)

i have been here since i was a child, i am adopted by thai's, have full thai nationality, do you?

so your just another old man man with health problems that married a women young enough to be your daughter! so whats your point?

i dont think you will be winning any life time achievement awards.

so you what? you came here in 1968! so did alot of other old perverts! do you want a medal?

you probably have lots of medals from fighting with the thai army?

so what ? you have been all over the world and probably faught a ninja in the fauklands too! but how is that backing up any claims! or at all relevent to the original threads.

you keep reffering to forbes! why dont you do a forbes search on old men that marry children too.

your silly searches on the internet to dig up forbes references are typical appologist trademarks and do nothing to make your rants any less boring or invalid.

you keep cherry picking certain statements from your previous posts to try and make out that you are the victim here.

dont believe me, then read the post below from somebody else who has obviously read your original posts.

with every stroke of your keyboard, you are just showing your true pedigree.

now we can add liar to portfollio too.

the key issue here is that you are a bitter appologist who thought you could bully your way around this forum, insulting posters who share a different view point to you and thats where you went wrong!

nothing you say or do, except appologise to the poster you originally insulted, will justify your appologist actions.

now if you really are too demented to remember your original insults to another poster here, then i suggest you go back to the begining and re-read them.

unlike you i do supply facts! and the facts are here in black and white, you talk nonsense and try and pass them off as facts to support your own agenda.

at the end if the day, you can come here with your, "im a bigshot, came here in 1968, nobody knows thailand or thai people like me attitude" but i does not impress anyone...

like i said i grew up here, went to school here, i grew up seeing old farang men like you with young girls, so nothing new there.. you keep going on as if you are something special!

is thailand going to erect a memorial statue of you in your honor?

i actually hope you don't stop replying to be honest! at first you were just a pest, but now your actually bordering on entertaining.

but alas by the sound of things your not going to be around for much longer, so why don't just concentrate on whats important, keep enjoying your utopia and stop getting yourself so worked up about other peoples opinions. Lifes too short, especially when you have heart problems....

food for thought right....

ask your dog what he thinks!

You wrote, "so your just another old man man with health problems that married a women young enough to be your daughter! so whats your point?"

You wrote, "so you what? you came here in 1968! so did alot of other old perverts! do you want a medal?"

You wrote, "why dont you do a forbes search on old men that marry children too."

For your information, My wife was 40 years of age when we married.

You wrote, "unlike you i do supply facts! and the facts are here in black and white"

You have not presented any facts. You may want to read the below.


According to a recent survey by famous Scottish travel website, Skyscanner, Thailand is one of most polite countries for travelers whereas France, Russia, UK, Germany and China tops the list of the World's rudest countries.

Do you really think anyone who lives in Thailand and knows the extreme xenophobia of most Thais, that a Thai person would carry on as you have done. Sorry kid but if you are real you are one of a kind and your kind do not exist in Thailand.

that forbes reference has nothing to do with rude thai's so what are "the facts" you are supplying?

i have given up guessing what your trying to say in your last sentence! it makes no sense, just like all your other posts

thankfully mother nature will take its course soon and another crazy lying appologist will bite the dust...

i never claimed to be thai! i told you i have thai nationality! big difference.

you need to learn to read things proparly, i told you in many posts that i am a farang adopted by thai's and have been raised here and have full thai nationality, my adopted parents are both thai

so again you have embarrassed yourself further by not reading things proparly and just replying with more rubbish... oh and another unrelated forbes reference. surprise surprise

i think the person who really deserves a medal here is your wife.

I tell you what, there is a pretty simple way to settle this, if you are the expert you claim to be on all matters relating to thailand and have been here as long ad you say you have, then lets write these posts to each other in thai! you have already stated that your read and write thai.

you can try using a translator if you want, but i will see right through that...

so you up for it?

i mean full on posts like you have been writing, but in thai... its easy for me, but then it would be because i am who i claim to be...

can you back up your claims... or will you cheat and get your daughter (sorry wife) to write them for you?

or are you actually willing to back your big mouth claims up with actual actions without cheating?

im giving you the opportunity to regain some of your dignity! are you going to take me up on it or not?

if you dont then it can only really mean one thing cant it!

wait... i can feel another forbes reference coming!!

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that forbes reference has nothing to do with rude thai's so what are "the facts" you are supplying?

i have given up guessing what your trying to say in your last sentence! it makes no sense, just like all your other posts

thankfully mother nature will take its course soon and another crazy lying appologist will bite the dust...

The World's Rudest Nations For Travelers


France (félicitations, mes amis!), followed by Russia. The survey received over 1,200 responses, 65 percent from the UK and Ireland, plus elsewhere in Europe, North America and Australia.

Rounding out the top five rudest countries were the UK, Germany and “Other” (those Others are the worst, don’t you think?). The US placed 7th, behind China.

Edited by thailiketoo
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i rest my case

that forbes reference has nothing to do with rude thai's so what are "the facts" you are supplying?

i have given up guessing what your trying to say in your last sentence! it makes no sense, just like all your other posts

thankfully mother nature will take its course soon and another crazy lying appologist will bite the dust...

The World's Rudest Nations For Travelers


France (félicitations, mes amis!), followed by Russia. The survey received over 1,200 responses, 65 percent from the UK and Ireland, plus elsewhere in Europe, North America and Australia.

Rounding out the top five rudest countries were the UK, Germany and Other (those Others are the worst, dont you think?). The US placed 7th, behind China.

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i rest my case

that forbes reference has nothing to do with rude thai's so what are "the facts" you are supplying?

i have given up guessing what your trying to say in your last sentence! it makes no sense, just like all your other posts

thankfully mother nature will take its course soon and another crazy lying appologist will bite the dust...

The World's Rudest Nations For Travelers


France (félicitations, mes amis!), followed by Russia. The survey received over 1,200 responses, 65 percent from the UK and Ireland, plus elsewhere in Europe, North America and Australia.

Rounding out the top five rudest countries were the UK, Germany and Other (those Others are the worst, dont you think?). The US placed 7th, behind China.

i rest my case, another lying appologist exposed.

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i rest my case

that forbes reference has nothing to do with rude thai's so what are "the facts" you are supplying?

i have given up guessing what your trying to say in your last sentence! it makes no sense, just like all your other posts

thankfully mother nature will take its course soon and another crazy lying appologist will bite the dust...

The World's Rudest Nations For Travelers


France (félicitations, mes amis!), followed by Russia. The survey received over 1,200 responses, 65 percent from the UK and Ireland, plus elsewhere in Europe, North America and Australia.

Rounding out the top five rudest countries were the UK, Germany and Other (those Others are the worst, dont you think?). The US placed 7th, behind China.

i rest my case, another lying appologist exposed.

Forbes article on the world's rudest nations for travelers. 'Lists the top nations as France (félicitations, mes amis!), followed by Russia. The survey received over 1,200 responses, 65 percent from the UK and Ireland, plus elsewhere in Europe, North America and Australia. Rounding out the top five rudest countries were the UK, Germany and Other. The US placed 7th, behind China."

What is your case?

Edited by thailiketoo
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I can't remember a time in my life, when I didn't know how to do this. I suppose if my parents never did it, my friends, my co-workers and all, I wouldn't know how? On the other hand, it seems so obvious to do it, even if you don't do it smoothly or super well ...it seems impossible that many people here 100% avoid it.


Really, if they knew what we think when they pick their nose ...would it be nice to take your "whoever" to your Western country and let him/her, burp freely, pick their nose, stand on toilets, smash doors in people's faces, and they are not embarassed?? Ignorance is bliss they say?

It really seems impossible to understand!

But you've just pointed out exactly how the socialization process works. Your standards for these things aren't considered important in those subcultures, therefore they aren't taught, and you are the weird outsider trying to impose the things YOU were taught as a child on those that weren't.

Yet, on the other hand, if they go to school and have a field trip that day, and every kid's hat, isn't matching every other kid's, they are totally embarassed, and humiliated ...same for water bottles and every little detail. How can they be so sensitive to fitting in with the group, yet when they get into a group they might be unfamiliar with, they are totally happy to say "this is my Thai way, and case closed"

Yes, fitting in wrt THEIR MORES is super important to them. Fitting in with OURS doesn't even register, a soi dog barking at them registers more than our carping.

Unfortunately, they do not care.

Their way, the Thai way is the only way they know and they don't care to improve.

They do things the way they have always done them aand will continue in the same fashion.

I feel that many Thais just don't want to improve themselves and just feel insulted when anything is brought to their attention. I can understand that they feel insulted, MOSTLY, because (in my mind, the way I have figured it) is that they have almost never been told what to do, how to do, never corrected, never criticized, so the only way they are capable of responding is to feel insulted and then rebel like a child would.

This is true. Our complaining about it won't change anything.

Our trying to improve them, to "correct" their "bad manners" is actually far ruder by THEIR STANDARDS than anything we're trying to correct.

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i rest my case

that forbes reference has nothing to do with rude thai's so what are "the facts" you are supplying?

i have given up guessing what your trying to say in your last sentence! it makes no sense, just like all your other posts

thankfully mother nature will take its course soon and another crazy lying appologist will bite the dust...

The World's Rudest Nations For Travelers


France (félicitations, mes amis!), followed by Russia. The survey received over 1,200 responses, 65 percent from the UK and Ireland, plus elsewhere in Europe, North America and Australia.

Rounding out the top five rudest countries were the UK, Germany and Other (those Others are the worst, dont you think?). The US placed 7th, behind China.

i rest my case, another lying appologist exposed.

Forbes article on the world's rudest nations for travelers. 'Lists the top nations as France (félicitations, mes amis!), followed by Russia. The survey received over 1,200 responses, 65 percent from the UK and Ireland, plus elsewhere in Europe, North America and Australia. Rounding out the top five rudest countries were the UK, Germany and Other. The US placed 7th, behind China."

What is your case?

the case you helped me make

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i rest my case, another lying appologist exposed.

Forbes article on the world's rudest nations for travelers. 'Lists the top nations as France (félicitations, mes amis!), followed by Russia. The survey received over 1,200 responses, 65 percent from the UK and Ireland, plus elsewhere in Europe, North America and Australia. Rounding out the top five rudest countries were the UK, Germany and Other. The US placed 7th, behind China."

What is your case?

the case you helped me make

You made no case presented no facts sorry. You lose.

Edited by thailiketoo
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YES, not to say the only culture, and of course anyone responding can only respond to his/her experiences.

Using polls are hardly a guide. You need to see how the questions were posed and what were the sample populations for a start.

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You wai and respect your elders. Simple really.

There r social rules on who has to wai who and who wais who first, and some wais dont have to be reciprocated.

Unless it is from 3 three year old or someone at the lower rungs of the service industry (where I give a shallow bow of acknowledgement and reciprocate the greeting), then I generally return the wai.

Im replying to your later post here Samran, as it wiill not upload there. I will try it again there as it should be in context for others to read and make sense of. Meanwhile...............

I understand what you are saying and I understand the Thai etiquette on Waiing. It is based on the Thai social hierarchy of some people being considered more important than others. It probably originated, like Buddhism, from India, and its caste system. I think your criteria are questionable as the older person waiing front of house is still only doing their job. And if it was etiquette anywhere in the World for all waiters to shake your hand then I would. I think you are missing my point. You only seem concerned about conforming to this Thai etiquette and its nuances, and 'not looking a dick'. And, from your derogatory comment on tourists waiing looking like tools, you seem to have a need to cultivate your own sense of superiority. After all, how can tourists possibly understand and conform to waiing etiquette on a short holiday. Many probably feel like tools, just as I do in France when I have to feign a kiss on both cheeks when greeting someone. But I applaud tourists for thinking it more important to try to reciprocate respect. I try to step back and understand objectively all different cultural behaviours I experience in the World. My personal moral code compels me to try, as I said, to show equal respect to all as a human being, regardless of their job, wealth, family, darkness of skin, sex, or age, but not behaviour. I must add that Im all for giving extra respect, and sometimes more allowance being made, for 'Age', e.g., Giving up your seat on a bus, but Thais dont do this. By reciprocating all wais Im deliberately going against an aspect of Thai etiquette that I do not agree with, and trying to make a point. I might look a dick, but I dont think I am wrongly offending or harming anyone, and I could be making some lowly minion feel a bit better about themselves.

The custom will probably and should die out in time as it is based on deference and goes against the principals of equality that we have fought for and value in the West. I remember my grandfather, born 1900 in the UK, telling me that when he was young, he and everyone working class, regardless of age, had to 'dock their cap' (bow their head and touch the peak of their flat cap) when passing someone of higher class in the street......

.................Maybe I should stop all waiing. ......wai2.gifwai.gifwai2.gif ...........Happy Chinese New Year.

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It isn't about disrespect. As said, you ackowledge them (politely I might add), but to wai everything that moves especially when you are walking into a restuarant who's job is to Wai you then makes you look like a dick. Plenty of tourists wai anything that moves, and you watch them and they just look like tools. You don't shake the hand of every waiter you meet do you?

If that same person wai'ed me in a personal circumstance of course I'd wai them, precisely cause they are wanting to Wai me, not cause they are being told to. I Wai some of the market ladies on the way to work, especially if I haven't seen them for a few days. I get my daughter to wai the guards at school in the morning when we walk through the front gate. I

I should add there are nuances to everything. If an older person at the front of the restuarant greeted me, I'd wai them back, cause they are older. For me, that is appropriate. It is all about judging what is the correct response in the right circumstance.

Confusing? Sure it is. So grass hopper, wipe on, wipe off. You'll get it in about 20 years.

I understand what you are saying and I understand the Thai etiquette on Waiing. It is based on the Thai social hierarchy of some people being considered more important than others. It probably originated, like Buddhism, from India, and its caste system. I think your criteria are questionable as the older person waiing front of house is still only doing their job. And if it was etiquette anywhere in the World for all waiters to shake your hand then I would. I think you are missing my point. You only seem concerned about conforming to this Thai etiquette and its nuances, and 'not looking a dick'. And, from your derogatory comment on tourists waiing looking like tools, you seem to have a need to cultivate your own sense of superiority. After all, how can tourists possibly understand and conform to waiing etiquette on a short holiday. Many probably feel like tools, just as I do in France when I have to feign a kiss on both cheeks when greeting someone. But I applaud tourists for thinking it more important to try to reciprocate respect. I try to step back and understand objectively all different cultural behaviours I experience in the World. My personal moral code compels me to try, as I said, to show equal respect to all as a human being, regardless of their job, wealth, family, darkness of skin, sex, or age, but not behaviour. I must add that Im all for giving extra respect, and sometimes more allowance being made, for 'Age', e.g., Giving up your seat on a bus, but Thais dont do this. By reciprocating all wais Im deliberately going against an aspect of Thai etiquette that I do not agree with, and trying to make a point. I might look a dick, but I dont think I am wrongly offending or harming anyone, and I could be making some lowly minion feel a bit better about themselves.

The custom will probably and should die out in time as it is based on deference and goes against the principals of equality that we have fought for and value in the West. I remember my grandfather, born 1900 in the UK, telling me that when he was young, he and everyone working class, regardless of age, had to 'dock their cap' (bow their head and touch the peak of their flat cap) when passing someone of higher class in the street......

.................Maybe I should stop all waiing. ......wai2.gifwai.gifwai2.gif ...........Happy Chinese New Year.

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You wai and respect your elders. Simple really.

There r social rules on who has to wai who and who wais who first, and some wais dont have to be reciprocated.

Unless it is from 3 three year old or someone at the lower rungs of the service industry (where I give a shallow bow of acknowledgement and reciprocate the greeting), then I generally return the wai.

Im replying to your later post here Samran, as it wiill not upload there. I will try it again there as it should be in context for others to read and make sense of. Meanwhile...............

I understand what you are saying and I understand the Thai etiquette on Waiing. It is based on the Thai social hierarchy of some people being considered more important than others. It probably originated, like Buddhism, from India, and its caste system. I think your criteria are questionable as the older person waiing front of house is still only doing their job. And if it was etiquette anywhere in the World for all waiters to shake your hand then I would. I think you are missing my point. You only seem concerned about conforming to this Thai etiquette and its nuances, and 'not looking a dick'. And, from your derogatory comment on tourists waiing looking like tools, you seem to have a need to cultivate your own sense of superiority. After all, how can tourists possibly understand and conform to waiing etiquette on a short holiday. Many probably feel like tools, just as I do in France when I have to feign a kiss on both cheeks when greeting someone. But I applaud tourists for thinking it more important to try to reciprocate respect. I try to step back and understand objectively all different cultural behaviours I experience in the World. My personal moral code compels me to try, as I said, to show equal respect to all as a human being, regardless of their job, wealth, family, darkness of skin, sex, or age, but not behaviour. I must add that Im all for giving extra respect, and sometimes more allowance being made, for 'Age', e.g., Giving up your seat on a bus, but Thais dont do this. By reciprocating all wais Im deliberately going against an aspect of Thai etiquette that I do not agree with, and trying to make a point. I might look a dick, but I dont think I am wrongly offending or harming anyone, and I could be making some lowly minion feel a bit better about themselves.

The custom will probably and should die out in time as it is based on deference and goes against the principals of equality that we have fought for and value in the West. I remember my grandfather, born 1900 in the UK, telling me that when he was young, he and everyone working class, regardless of age, had to 'dock their cap' (bow their head and touch the peak of their flat cap) when passing someone of higher class in the street......

.................Maybe I should stop all waiing. ......wai2.gifwai.gifwai2.gif ...........Happy Chinese New Year.

I think you miss my point and continue to be in a tizz about my "lower rungs" comments

You can reciprocate the respect shown by others in different ways (geddit? way's...555 - me so funny). For me (and many others), that is a direct acknowledgment and a slight bow, rather than a facile return wai, or as most do, no acknowledgement at all. Nothing to do with a sense of superiority. Certainly not conforming. It is about genuineness.

But thanks for the trip down memory lane, your free psycho-analysis of my sense of worth and self, and showering us with your moral superiority. It's been real.

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it's a new thing

Thai used to be mainly fervent Buddhist farmers, they were gentle shy and super polite. Their kids left the farm in Isan to work in BKK where there are alienated in their workplace, where western exploitation is the rule :ie putting people in direct competition with one another to avoid any group force against authority. Every one for it's own to survive.

Edited by Kitsune
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