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Central ruined my day today


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I ordered a appliance on line 20,000 COD. I called the morning of the delivery day to ask the time and again at noon. They arrived promptly at 1:00 PM. They asked me if I wanted them to hook it up. I declined.

Also I can call a motorcycle taxi driver and they will pick up anything I want at the mall for 50 baht delivery charge.

Although I must say I do live in a different Thailand than a lot of posters.

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Someone simply explain to the newbie he's now in Thailand. Therefore, he is on "Thai time". When they say tomorrow, maybe they show up, maybe they don't. Just learn to go with the flow and not get all upset. You get upset when they don't show up ...at ALL. And when you get upset...you smile a lot as you slowly simmer to a low boil. It's the Thai way. Can't accept that?....better be on the next plane home because that's just the way it is.

And on the other side, if they have scheduled delivery on afternoon, everyone would leave home if a friend calls to meet for a coffee....

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COD, I think not. As it's been pointed out, long time resident would have known this. Nothing to be upset about just chalk it up as a learning experience.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

Well you think wrong

go to the Central Online website and read it right there.

You can read I presume.

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Knew a guy who bought a TV, not sure where, but in BKK, he asked about delivery and told them the area he lived, and they hummed and haa'd and told him to write down his complete address.

It was the address of a previous Field Marshall or whatever, The TV was there before he was.

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Follow up: I received another phone call from Central just now saying the delivery van would be at my place in 20 minutes. This took my by surprise, since I had very clearly cancelled last night already, and the call center employee last night confirmed twice that she was going to cancel it. I told the girl who called today once more that it was cancelled. It took some time to get her to grasp this concept (although her English seemed fine), but after about 4 times I think she got it. I tried to explain also (politely, as it's not her fault) that I have a job to attend to, that I already took a day off work yesterday and wasn't going to take a second, etc., but it was like water off a duck's back.

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i let the maid wait for them.

I can imagine all kinds of disastrous scenarios with that, unless yours is cleverer and more assertive than any I've had. . .

Best way is to just forget about the whole concept that time is something that can be "wasted".

Arrange things so that you have things to do that you really enjoy while you're waiting, not that hard to do here in the LoS.

they deal with me on the phone, she just does what she is paid to do -- wait.

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I must admit "Home-Pro" did deliver a mattress on time as promised. But they forgot to put the refrigerator on the truck too! It came the next day with lots of apologies. So there is hope. Just doesn't happen all the time.

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Never heard of cash on delivery in Thailand.

Always cash upfront.

It's one of the options on their website. It's strange indeed as this leaves them open to all kinds of abuse, but I didn't think much of it. Maybe that was the problem, but they could have just called. I have to give True credit for at least calling to reschedule to connect my wifi.

... but they NEVER call [back] ...

-->> you have to know!

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This leaves you without electical equipment so now you have to look for a new supplier I guess.

Yes, but I don't feel like giving them my money after this. If we never give companies consequences for bad service, they'll never change.

Meanwhile they tried to call me 3 more times, so the second girl didn't put my cancellation in the system either. Still in the first stage of DABDA. :)

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This leaves you without electical equipment so now you have to look for a new supplier I guess.

Yes, but I don't feel like giving them my money after this. If we never give companies consequences for bad service, they'll never change.

Meanwhile they tried to call me 3 more times, so the second girl didn't put my cancellation in the system either. Still in the first stage of DABDA. smile.png

With that kind of atitude you will certainly find it hard to do things here.

I have never found anywhere which is more willing to adapt to you for deliveries than here and Central are one of the best for service. How long did you think of staying?

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Its not just thailand this happen!! Its just as bad in the uk!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Just in case you missed it, this story is about THAILAND.. why bring up the UK or any other country... dim wit. Why is it so many people, on this forum go way off on a tangent...

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Never heard of cash on delivery in Thailand.

Always cash upfront.

When I order online, I have always payed on delivery with card mostly, usually they do not accept cash. (I never pay upfront since many things might be wrong, (Like -"We were out sox, but you want this t-shirt instead? Same brand."))

When I go to department store and buys, with delivery, always have to pay in advance.

I think that is the difference.

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I would say thats a ''One Off'',... anything i have ordered either on-line or by Telephone has always arrived on the said date..

Try living in ''France''.... now thats another topic all together, customer service, of any state, is non - existent..

Frustrating as hell..

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To be more constructive, are all shops like that, or should I just go buy everything in the shop?


If you were Thai you would have had the delivery at the right time, Thai folk don't like us and don't wan't us here, I learnt that since joining ThaiVisa.

I never felt that way in the previous 20+ years of living here, but now I see the light, stick around, you'll learn too.

Rubbish ,i buy stuff from Numchai in Pattaya and other stores ,their service is second to none .as for the stores not delivering on time or people not coming when they say they will my Thai wife has as much trouble as i or anyone else ,TIT.

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To be more constructive, are all shops like that, or should I just go buy everything in the shop?


If you were Thai you would have had the delivery at the right time, Thai folk don't like us and don't wan't us here, I learnt that since joining ThaiVisa.

I never felt that way in the previous 20+ years of living here, but now I see the light, stick around, you'll learn too.

After 20 years living here u had no problems. But after joining TV and reading all whining posts u think thais don't like us, very strange. Perhaps u should leave the forum or not believe every whining post from the barstools. I think Th is a terrific place to live.

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a lot of good observations and advice here already. If this repeats, pls disregard.

for delivery, service calls (like True Online etc.), I take their times with a grain of salt. First, I always call them in the morning to confirm and ask the time. They usually repeat what was agreed upon but it is usually helpful to shift their consciousness to push me up in their awareness. I also leave my name and number again at every turn. Around noon (not during lunch time) I call again. this helps in the same way.

Also, I don't worry about it. I go out to eat nearby, keep an eye out and phone on. They usually call before they arrive or when they are nearby or enroute. If they arrive and I am surprised and out, I tell them I am just around the corner (even if it is a lie) and then I hop a motorcycle and get back soon as I can. By then they have offloaded and are waiting 10 min, not a big deal.

It also helps a lot to speak Thai fluently... but obviously that is not something you can fix for next time.

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I must admit "Home-Pro" did deliver a mattress on time as promised. But they forgot to put the refrigerator on the truck too! It came the next day with lots of apologies. So there is hope. Just doesn't happen all the time.

Two years ago I had a nice experience with HomePro Chiangmai.

I just moved to a tiny little village 60km south of CM. Already in Lamphun province.

I needed a washer. I mean a WASHER, not these jokes of "washing machines (US style)" where the laundry just swings a little bit in cold water.

Finding nothing in Lamphun, I drove up to HomePro CM, found a washer I liked and asked about delivery. I know they deliver free within 30km. The guy came back and asked "with or without installation". No need. "300 baht!". I said OK, give me a 300-baht-discount and we are all set to go.

Answer: "No. 600 baht discount!". (Well, fine with me. Amazing Thailand)

The delivery boys came and were very enthusiastic. (Don't know why.) I only ordered and paid for "delivery only" but we couldn't stop them for putting up and installing the gadget.

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Never wait for delivery! Give them you number. Have them call in advance - like when the truck is coming. When they call and your not home then go home in a reasonable amount of time. We do it this way all the time. Thumbs never get much exercise. If it is a condo there are probably better advise from others - like let the condo take care of it.

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Yes- welcome to the wonderful world of Thai customer service.

now try and get through to a customer complaints officer........you'll find them even more elusive than your goods.

The problem is of course you'll find when you buy elsewhere it is much the same......the major retailers seem to be unashamedly operating a CARTEL in Thailand which not only guarantees poor CS but also a poor range of goods and very little competitive discounting.

BTW - it's pronounced "St.Anne" (Central)

PS - bad service is not restricted to foreigners in any way at all...it's just that we Westerners are hardened consumers and expect good CS. The Average Thai punter is not yet reached your levels of expectation and accepts a lot more <deleted> than we do.

Edited by wilcopops
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