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Is the 'Somkiat effect' strong enough to reverse the tide?: Thai editorial


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Somkiat discovered that Thaksin was buying the loyalty of some 90 senators with monthly payments of between Bt50,000 and Bt100,000 each.

How is this the best unwritten secret in thailand?

Is any of the media actually going to investigate this?

If Somkiat made an official complaint at the time it will be on record.

If he didn't why is he telling the story 13 years too late?

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The fascist is Thaksin who demands total control and obedience.

Why do you use the word 'fascist' when you obviously have no idea what it means? (Thaksin deserves many unkind epithets but 'fascist' is not one of them).

Learn about Fascism- then look around- and you might find that there are Fascists in Thailand-

Edited by blaze
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So far the protesters have been more non-violent than the government side that threw grenades and did the far most shooting. We can all agree that the protesters are the more succesful side in the conflict. This will paertly have to do with the less violent approach they have.

There is no moral high ground for the protesters lol

I don't know what your reading but other than bluesky the word in the press. media and social media is not praising the protesters of anything but being good fascists. giggle.gif

Then what side suffered the most dead and injured? And what side caused that? Or do you still say the hundreds of victims by bullets, bombs and grenades fell under friendly fire? Suthep done it all? Get real!

Oh i am real ... i am very real indeed just spend some time on the media links and feeds thumbsup.gif the news or sentiment out there is not in the favour of the protesters wishes but the interest in this fascist movement and what is increasingly being seen as a heroic attempt by people to vote at the advance election centres and if the fascist movement is going to try it again on sunday or not....

Your protest was scuppered for sympathy as soon as they decided to forcefully blockade the voting process... well long before that actually but certainly now :)

Yes the very same that will not go after the government Rice scheme or Tablets scheme when it knows well that things are not rght. In the US at least the media has the balls to do it. Here, the are threaten by govt. Why do you think something obvious as these never get expose. It took the protesters to force investigation into the rice scam. That is democracy. When the govt fails its people the people are tasked to take them out and preseve democracy.

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The real fascists, trotting out the fascist and thug words again.

No surprise about what Somkiat was saying, as that is exactly how The Desert Fascist operates.

And another poster that trots out words that he doesn't understand.Never mind- I doubt anyone takes your posts seriously.

no harm done.

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Somkiat discovered that Thaksin was buying the loyalty of some 90 senators with monthly payments of between Bt50,000 and Bt100,000 each.

How is this the best unwritten secret in thailand?

Is any of the media actually going to investigate this?

Nope, not allowed, direct orders from Dubai.

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If any of what Somkiat said was true it certainly would have been heaped on the pile of accusations already under investigation... and the results of those accusations and investigations would have been plastered everywhere for insidious consumption...but again all this bluster is all about keeping the convenient current Demon Thaksin on the lips and minds while the more corrupt... continue to pull the strings to these puppets... isn't it obvious by now...? Sutheps corruption BEFORE Thaksin was dealt into the game... in the early 90's is well documented..and led to the downfall of another corrupt government... corruption is not born and bred by Thaksin it was here long before and will be long after... reform takes a least a generation if not more... to eradicate corruption, and as endemic as it is here...probably longer....education and knowledge are the key participants in understanding and eradication of corruption... but it is not a vested interest to educate those whom you want to continue to dominate ... many people here do not want equality...they fear further education will bring about their dilution of power.... These pawns are doing a great job of beating a dead horse.. while the path to real reform is education and that road is long and winding... it cannot be addressed before an election... there would never be an election in our lifetime with that position... every aspect of Thai infrastructure from the land office up down sideways and all around is rife with it.. corruption

To use anti-corruption as a premise for reform by those who are just as responsible for it's permeation is specious as well and is about as useless as nipples on a bull..and no one to date has outlined any sort of plan anywhere as to where they would actually start the corruption eradication process... it is a great catch-phrase,, just like restart... reset...shutdown... buzz words... buzz words.. buzz words... finger pointing voice raising clamoring buzz words... intended for one intent only... whip the sheep into power grab... period... matters not what color or side... [follow the money] it is the tactic of all the great megalomaniacs in history... all one has to do is step back and look at the pattern....how this web they have woven has changed from it's first publicized intent... and how many acronyms have changed from it and when all else fails... bring out the dead horse..

Edited by DirtFarmer
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The fascist is Thaksin who demands total control and obedience.

Why do you use the word 'fascist' when you obviously have no idea what it means? (Thaksin deserves many unkind epithets but 'fascist' is not one of them).

Learn about Fascism- then look around- and you might find that there are Fascists in Thailand-

Bit like your posts then

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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After 3 months of spewing vile propaganda and outright lies from the stage (again yesterday with the shooting - the incident on film bore no relation to the version from the stage) some in the Suthep camp realised it was turning off supprt in the country.

This guy has been brought in as a kind of PR manager.

Not fooling anybody and as soon as he leaves the area, Suthep runs his mouth again.

They have now realised that almost the Entire Westen Media and Governments are against what they are doing and are desperatly trying to stem the flow of protesters away from the mob and into the Whiteshirts camp.

Very hard to dress this coup up as anything other than what it is. Notice the NACC or whatever courts are rushing to judge now against Yingluck.

Time we all call it for what it is, a rearguard fascist movement and nothing to do with democracy or reform. People should be reating more tweets and media outside the country to see just how isolated Suthep is. Looks good surrounded by his mob... but that is a very small percentage of the country.

He was livid last night and demanded elections be stopped at all costs. He is joking of course and can only affect the red areas on the map at most.

For all this rhetoric and support from the Courts and the 6 million man mob... He barely dented the election at the weekend. High profile cases and the EC rolling over in a facesaving bid to be able to say "Told You So" and still, the vast majority of the Country proceeded smoothy.

Many here far too addicted to his lies.


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Yes the very same that will not go after the government Rice scheme or Tablets scheme when it knows well that things are not rght. In the US at least the media has the balls to do it. Here, the are threaten by govt. Why do you think something obvious as these never get expose. It took the protesters to force investigation into the rice scam. That is democracy. When the govt fails its people the people are tasked to take them out and preseve democracy.

Er, where did you hear about "the government Rice scheme or Tablets scheme" ? Could it possibly be the media, that you claim is "threatened by government" ? If they were, how could you have possibly heard about the "schemes" being "exposed", surely the media would not be able to write anything about the "schemes".

The Protesters forcing "investigation into the rice scam" - are you really sure about that?

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After 3 months of spewing vile propaganda and outright lies from the stage (again yesterday with the shooting - the incident on film bore no relation to the version from the stage) some in the Suthep camp realised it was turning off supprt in the country.

This guy has been brought in as a kind of PR manager.

Not fooling anybody and as soon as he leaves the area, Suthep runs his mouth again.

They have now realised that almost the Entire Westen Media and Governments are against what they are doing and are desperatly trying to stem the flow of protesters away from the mob and into the Whiteshirts camp.

Very hard to dress this coup up as anything other than what it is. Notice the NACC or whatever courts are rushing to judge now against Yingluck.

Time we all call it for what it is, a rearguard fascist movement and nothing to do with democracy or reform. People should be reating more tweets and media outside the country to see just how isolated Suthep is. Looks good surrounded by his mob... but that is a very small percentage of the country.

He was livid last night and demanded elections be stopped at all costs. He is joking of course and can only affect the red areas on the map at most.

For all this rhetoric and support from the Courts and the 6 million man mob... He barely dented the election at the weekend. High profile cases and the EC rolling over in a facesaving bid to be able to say "Told You So" and still, the vast majority of the Country proceeded smoothy.

Many here far too addicted to his lies.

Sorry Pipkins, the reform movement is moving forwards, the academics, poets, musicians yesterday, doctors and nurdses last week, civil servants from the Commerce ministry amongst others on stage last Saturday- all calling for reform.

And Suthep started it all.

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Mr Somkiat should start by being honest. I believe it reasonable to ask if his grudge against Thaksin has more to do with his departure from his Lok Yam Chao morning television show and his blaming of Thaksin for the parting of ways. He swore from that moment on he would always "confront" Thaksin. (The case I am referring to relates to his own translation of an article from the Far Eastern Economic Review which raised a taboo subject for Thai media. Mentioning a restricted subject in the context he did caused a commotion.) The recommendation to be peaceful is a convenient manner by which Somkiat can continue his feud by using the PDRC as an opportunity to speak out against Thaksin, but not suffer the backlash of the public for his participation. He could have expressed his desire for peace and even continued his feud without appearing at a PDRC rally site. He could have just as easily called a news conference, and had his own "news" agency cover his remarks, although there's a strong likelihood other journalists would have given it a pass.

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After 3 months of spewing vile propaganda and outright lies from the stage (again yesterday with the shooting - the incident on film bore no relation to the version from the stage) some in the Suthep camp realised it was turning off supprt in the country.

This guy has been brought in as a kind of PR manager.

Not fooling anybody and as soon as he leaves the area, Suthep runs his mouth again.

They have now realised that almost the Entire Westen Media and Governments are against what they are doing and are desperatly trying to stem the flow of protesters away from the mob and into the Whiteshirts camp.

Very hard to dress this coup up as anything other than what it is. Notice the NACC or whatever courts are rushing to judge now against Yingluck.

Time we all call it for what it is, a rearguard fascist movement and nothing to do with democracy or reform. People should be reating more tweets and media outside the country to see just how isolated Suthep is. Looks good surrounded by his mob... but that is a very small percentage of the country.

He was livid last night and demanded elections be stopped at all costs. He is joking of course and can only affect the red areas on the map at most.

For all this rhetoric and support from the Courts and the 6 million man mob... He barely dented the election at the weekend. High profile cases and the EC rolling over in a facesaving bid to be able to say "Told You So" and still, the vast majority of the Country proceeded smoothy.

Many here far too addicted to his lies.

Sorry Pipkins, the reform movement is moving forwards, the academics, poets, musicians yesterday, doctors and nurdses last week, civil servants from the Commerce ministry amongst others on stage last Saturday- all calling for reform.

And Suthep started it all.

So you don't care to comment on the map? head in the sand or what.

The government side have the numbers as you will see on Sunday. They Suthep will be hung out to dry, and rightly so.

They have the right to believe that Sutheps power grab is not a Coup.. Speaks volumes about their intellect or corrupt outdated practice of keeping the rich in power.

More than welcome to believe that, but excuse the majority for not buying it

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Everybody knows a coup is not the answer.

Everybody knows Thai society needs to reform in many areas.

Suthep has had the guts to press forward with this in mind.

Money politics such as practised by the Shinawat family needs to be stopped.

Good luck to him and all those who want a better future for Thailand.

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For all this rhetoric and support from the Courts and the 6 million man mob... He barely dented the election at the weekend. High profile cases and the EC rolling over in a facesaving bid to be able to say "Told You So" and still, the vast majority of the Country proceeded smoothy.

Many here far too addicted to his lies.


Pipkins, not true, down in the south is the same, moderates and a lot of smoke and mirrors to pretend its a democrat extremist stronghold with everyone as democrat zombies. Elections continue, I even checked my registration and the district assures me its all fine and ready.

The local politico's are blocking elections, but the local civil servants are going ahead anyway.

They got elections, if the Democrats had chosen a moderate like Korn, and gone into elections with all their talking points, their 'rice pledge' complaints, their 'amnesty bill' complaints. They'd be looking at a victory now.

Instead they chose Abhisit, who just follows Suthep, and tried to face down democracy and eliminate the vote. Which is dumb because so many yellows want democracy. I notice the people on Soi 7 have removed their yellow/Thailand flag now.

But now there will be people going into the polling stations in the south, and everyone will know that the South isn't a load of Democrat zombies, and maybe even it will reveal widespread vote rigging down here in the South. Which is why they're scared sh*tless I think of letting people vote.

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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For all this rhetoric and support from the Courts and the 6 million man mob... He barely dented the election at the weekend. High profile cases and the EC rolling over in a facesaving bid to be able to say "Told You So" and still, the vast majority of the Country proceeded smoothy.

Many here far too addicted to his lies.


Pipkins, not true, down in the south is the same, moderates and a lot of smoke and mirrors to pretend its a democrat extremist stronghold with everyone as democrat zombies. Elections continue, I even checked my registration and the district assures me its all fine and ready.

The local politico's are blocking elections, but the local civil servants are going ahead anyway.

They got elections, if the Democrats had chosen a moderate like Korn, and gone into elections with all their talking points, their 'rice pledge' complaints, their 'amnesty bill' complaints. They'd be looking at a victory now.

Instead they chose Abhisit, who just follows Suthep, and tried to face down democracy and eliminate the vote. Which is dumb because so many yellows want democracy. I notice the people on Soi 7 have removed their yellow/Thailand flag now.

But now there will be people going into the polling stations in the south, and everyone will know that the South isn't a load of Democrat zombies, and maybe even it will reveal widespread vote rigging down here in the South. Which is why they're scared sh*tless I think of letting people vote.

I was so dissapointed with Korn.

When he stood up, many of us were inwardly cheering that he could split the Dems and move upwards. He would have taken moderates from PT as well and was in with a real chance. that would have been a real step towards reform.. But the Yellow Backers didn't want that sort of reform did they!!!

Very cowardly of him to back down under Sutheps threats. Abhisit. Well isn't that the Democracy joke of all time.

Nobody will follow him and nobody will listen to him... same as last time. I also notice on my FB page that ALL, of my thia friends who were flying that No Corruption Profile have changed it now. ALL are no longer on the march and have returned to various Islands, Phuket and some gone home from Bangkok to escape it.

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There is no moral high ground for the protesters lol

I don't know what your reading but other than bluesky the word in the press. media and social media is not praising the protesters of anything but being good fascists. giggle.gif

You should probably stop following Andrew Spooner on twitter and reading New Mandala :P

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I was so dissapointed with Korn.

When he stood up, many of us were inwardly cheering that he could split the Dems and move upwards. He would have taken moderates from PT as well and was in with a real chance. that would have been a real step towards reform.. But the Yellow Backers didn't want that sort of reform did they!!!

Very cowardly of him to back down under Sutheps threats. Abhisit. Well isn't that the Democracy joke of all time.

Nobody will follow him and nobody will listen to him... same as last time. I also notice on my FB page that ALL, of my thia friends who were flying that No Corruption Profile have changed it now. ALL are no longer on the march and have returned to various Islands, Phuket and some gone home from Bangkok to escape it.

Ditto, but then again, being a good man isn't enough in politics, you have to be a fighter too. Korn would make a good cabinet member, but not the PM I think.

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NY Times certainly called them out a few times.

Exposed the thuggery and insults from their side as well. Meanwhile, splits seem to go higher and higher up.

Wont see it on bluesky, but v interesting article in what is in effect Obamas mouthpiece.

No sympathy whatsoever from anybody with half a brain. People voting and fighting for their rights are seen in a much better light eveh after a shooting or two.

Fascism took a 10 year war to get rid of in Europe, and many in the west will not lie down this time and let it take hold in Asia!!!! They started just like this. They got to be got rid of. Nicely if possible!!! For now, they don't have the nuimber or the power to do anything and are losing support by the minute.


Dream on anybody that thinks they can bleat, Coup, Red Shirts 2010... Nobody is slightly interested if your propaganda.

The sad thing is how you and other red sheeple constantly refer to the protestors as 'fascists' when they are clearly trying to stop Taksin from coming back and installing himself as a 'fascist' dictator.

And as for the cries of 'democracy', THAILAND DOESN'T HAVE DEMOCRACY. Thailand has plutocracy verging on dictatorship if Taksin is allowed to have his way.

And a lot of people here are not interested in YOUR propaganda....

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So far the protesters have been more non-violent than the government side that threw grenades and did the far most shooting. We can all agree that the protesters are the more succesful side in the conflict. This will paertly have to do with the less violent approach they have.

There is no moral high ground for the protesters lol

I don't know what your reading but other than bluesky the word in the press. media and social media is not praising the protesters of anything but being good fascists. giggle.gif

Then what side suffered the most dead and injured? And what side caused that? Or do you still say the hundreds of victims by bullets, bombs and grenades fell under friendly fire? Suthep done it all? Get real!

Oh i am real ... i am very real indeed just spend some time on the media links and feeds thumbsup.gif the news or sentiment out there is not in the favour of the protesters wishes but the interest in this fascist movement and what is increasingly being seen as a heroic attempt by people to vote at the advance election centres and if the fascist movement is going to try it again on sunday or not....

Your protest was scuppered for sympathy as soon as they decided to forcefully blockade the voting process... well long before that actually but certainly now smile.png

Hope you do not mind me asking, but do you actually know what a 'fascist movement' is?

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Somkiat discovered that Thaksin was buying the loyalty of some 90 senators with monthly payments of between Bt50,000 and Bt100,000 each.

How is this the best unwritten secret in thailand?

Is any of the media actually going to investigate this?

If Somkiat made an official complaint at the time it will be on record.

If he didn't why is he telling the story 13 years too late?[/quote

This was all well known and reported at the time. Remember this was during the time when Thaksin took anyone who said anything bad about him, true or not, to court under Thailand's defamation laws. Many, many newspaper columnists were being charged at the time and spending their life savings defending themselves, thus self censorship occurred. Also the courts and AG office were controlled by Thaksin, so no one was going to charge him.

I'd be surprised if there were many farang who were here at the beginning of the century and were politically aware, were Thaksin supporters.

For all the wrong things about Suthep and his so called fascist leanings, Thaksin makes him look like an amateur. Also the majority of the protesters have no fascist leanings at all, they are simply against corruption. As corrupt as Suthep is Thaksin is at a completely new level.

As much as I dislike Thaksin, I think Suthep is completely wrong in trying to disrupt the election, instead he should be encouraging everybody to vote and exercise their rite to vote "No".

I also think Yingluck is wrong in insisting on having a meaningless election. However I can understand why she wants to, how can she lose when there is no opposition? If the election was delayed 4 or 5 months, there might be a chance that true opposition could evolve.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ X using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Somkiat is right. The PDRC has not always spoken with one voice. This period is a test of fortitude as well as of character. The PDRC has the fortitude to withstand grenade attacks. But will they be able to do what Somkiat suggests and adopt the character that must come with it ? Words are in fact the only real tool of the PDRC. That, and facts. Words can have an enormous impact, if they are used well. But they can also have a negative impact. The PDRC has been - for the most part - a peaceful protest. But it's a delicate balance. Rhetoric can serve to ignite people's passions. But in the end, rhetoric will not be the glue that binds - on either side of the divide. Pheu Thai is no stranger to rhetoric themselves, of course ! They are of the belief that if you shout the loudest, you win. Well, Pheu Thai will shout themselves into perpetual dissolution in four days. The PDRC doesn't really have anything to learn from the example of Pheu Thai. The PDRC doesn't actually have to do anything at all to bring down the Yingluck administration at this point. The administration is proving to be quite apt at doing that by themselves. At this juncture, it will be character that prevails. If the PDRC can be consistent, and adopt the Somkiat stance, then reform will not only be inevitable, but it will have been achieved through peaceful means, as it should.

Edited by Scamper
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