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Change of Address Question

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We have been renting and will be moving into our own home in the next week or so. Since I won't have a rental agreement and the house will be in the wife's name, can someone please advise me how I notify Immig of my change of address (documents required and when need to be done). I note that there is a TM28, but this does not seem to be the right form. I also note that it mentions about reporting change of address to local police station within 24 hours - since I've never reported my address to police, I take it that this is incorrect? Also, can I wait to advise change of address to Immig until I do my next 90 day report or should I do it straight away?

Thanks - Ping

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As said, most offices allow you to just make your 90 day report.

Some offices insist on it in case of extension of stay based on marriage.

Your wife must alos report your presence, and she can fill out the form and report to the police if there is no immigraiton office in town. You yourself report to immigration (can be done by mail).

Your wife fills in TM30 and you TM 28. But call the local immirgation office first and see what they say.

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Is having to report your address to the local police one of these laws thats rarely enforced?

I've never reported my address to the local BiB and AFAIK the missus hasn't either.....

Edited by mxyzptlk
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Is having to report your address to the local police one of these laws thats rarely enforced?

I've never reported my address to the local BiB and AFAIK the missus hasn't either.....

It is seldom enforced by immigration.

I suspect if you went to the local police they would have no idea what you want or tell you to go to immigration since both forms are from immigration.

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You yourself do not report to the police, (unles you are the houseowner). As a foreigner you report to immirgation.

The houseowner has the option to report your stay to the police if there is no immirgaiton office.

Hotels, guesthouses and such normally report your stay online to immigration, after having recieved a password for the online reporting.

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I really question if even Immigration cares about your change of address !

When I last did my 90 day report at Jomtien the officer handed me back all the papers I had submitted and my passport with the next 90 day report date paper. So the new address on the form could not have been entered into their computer system. But at least I have proof of my 90 day report

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You are supposed to notify them within 24 hours of changing your address!

There's even a form you can download, TM28 as mentioned earlier.

I turned up at a new immigration office with the TM28 and they laughed at me and said "Mae ben Rai!!", I guess they were laughing at the fact that i was queuing for an hour for something I didn't need to do.

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