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Yingluck pleads for Thai public's chances to vote


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Now what idiot made the whole thing about upholding democracy instead of policies and gave PTP such a powerful platform ? ............... oh yea thats right the fool on the hill and the stupid democrats.... and they claim to be the educated ones... giggle.gif

PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Let my brother come back -!!! Youre not democratic if you dont allow a wanted criminal to run the country - because he REALLLLLLLY wants to!!passifier.gif

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"(PDRC) not to disrupt the nationwide polls, which she described as a significant national agenda."

Not to disrupt the national agenda or her personal, her brothers and her puppet governments agenda?

When did she ever before thought of her nation, except when it suits their own pockets?

Give it a rest will you.. 7/11

Another of the minority that hates the truth.

what's the truth . I know if you tell a lie, repeat that lie over a period of time it becomes the truth

* Like - wenot kill anyone

* Like we not want brother back

* Like we not have guns

* Like we not steal money

* Like we not got thugs from Cambodia help us

* Like we need to pay rice farmers

* Like we not protest only for haa loi baht

* Like we have a plan to put Thailand higher than it is now?

Those lies you mean - I here one side repeat them every day

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So as there are 3 Shinawatras in the first 5 MP positions and 2 more in the regions and the opposition boycott the election you can vote for:

Shinawatra or Shinawatra or Banharn.

All former East German Expats must get nostalgic feelings......

Or you vote "No" which won't be counted like last time...Did they invite some observer from other democratic countries like North Korea?

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Why aren't the communiques from foreign governments ever released ? One has the harbouring suspicion there is more soft pedalling in their sentiments than seems comfortable for the administration.

" Ms Yingluck said the government would fully coordinate with the Election Commission to ensure a smooth election, adding that the Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order has worked out measures to handle trouble-plagued constituencies while police will give their full support. "

Since when has any corner of this sentence been true in the last two months ? ( Or really ever ? )

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Wonder what would happen if the total number of people who vote NO is greater that the number of votes PTP might get? A legitimate goverment with a mandate from the people.

The problem with this election is there are a very significant % of the population who have no one to vote for as the Dems aren't running. Remember they polled 12 million or so last time out.

So irrespective of the rights or wrongs of the Dems boycotting the election which is a separate issue. A large part of the voting public simply have no one to represent them.

So we end up with a democracy where a significant chunk of people are not represented. Fair?? Honest?? Right??

Ah, so the democrats own decision to boycott the elections and hence offering their supporters little choice would be a reason to call these elections not fair. At that rate, Thailand potentially would never have fair elections, as any party could boycott elections. The 12 million that voted for the democrats have plenty of other parties to choose from. No one would blame them from voting a party that does take democracy seriously.

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Keep strong Yingluck, Don,t let the arosoles get to you, Happy new year Prime minister a lot of people are with you (about 14 million)

You are to late they already got to her 2and 1/2 years ago

I wonder if it has ever occured to YL that if her and the Shin clan removed themselves from all politics that the protesting woukd probably end. Instead she is #1 in the list followed by a family member and their lawyer. She once stated that she did not want the job of PM but with everyday she shows not only does she want the job but she wants it more than everybody else.

I am not taking sides in this and simply stating facts i have read and seen.

On the other hand Suthep is just as bad and has said basically the same thing. He doesnt want to be the leader here. Now he changed to sayhe only wants to be in charge of the committee that he will appoint. 2 devils on both sides of the game. We will be lucky if this doesnt end in a civil war

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

With all due respect I have followed this fairly closely admit I have missed some things.

One of them is where to quote you

"On the other hand Suthep is just as bad and has said basically the same thing. He doesnt want to be the leader here. Now he changed to sayhe only wants to be in charge of the committee that he will appoint."

Can you give me a source where he said that. I am well aware that many people say that is what he wants but I have yet to see it in black and white.

I think the committee is a great idea and would serve to put Thailand on the path to a bright future for all. It would as Suthep said probably take a year to a year and a half. But the results would be worth it. Kind of like buying a house on credit and paying interest on it.

I do how ever believe he should not chair it or even be a part of it. The same goes for Yingluck and most of the politicians. All to often they have personal agendas. That is not to say there isn't some who would be a valuable contribution to the committee. It would have to be composed of people from all walks of life all with an open mind and understanding of the basics society needs. Willing to discuss other ideas.wai.gif

I am entirely confident that such people exist here in Thailand. I would suggest that the King appoint a chair person.wai.gif

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She pleads for a chance to buy the votes, otherwise the pony show is over, and so is her brother & crony's exploits of money and power.

Hard to get the general public to select from the of the other small parties, as it is abroad. The internet will hopefully open doors- as it had abroad for Ron Paul, though mainstream TV won't show you. Generations and generations we always hear of the main two 'parties' which often aren't too different from one another in many aspects.

Edited by gemini81
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Keep strong Yingluck, Don,t let the arosoles get to you, Happy new year Prime minister a lot of people are with you (about 14 million)

cheesy.gif That's it baby you go for it you deserve so much.bah.gif

Are you trying to see how many terrible posts you can make in one thread?

At least I am showing an honest interest, but if my honest view isn't to your thinking then sorry.

Now tell me your view on Yinglucks past 3 years performance ???

Do you just jump in with a quickie, contribute something I'm sure it would be interesting.

The re-fe-ree's a w.... well, you know the rest.

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Please don't block the elections because my big brother, who all this ISN"T about, want to come home.

Distortion is worse than lies

Send from my Mobile

Don't think I can agree with you on that being as some times it is the truth.

Yes truth hurts and some times people use distortion to soothe your ego.

That is called people pleasing. I know I have done it occasionally my self.

It is very effective on people who don't mind being called a @&x%$!(;%

If you butter them up for an hour first.

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If the current political turmoil cannot resolved, Thailand will eventually split into two countries. One is formed with the combination of northern and northeastern region (isaan) . And the other one is southern provinces. Do thai ppl wish to see this happening ?

Sent from my GT-I9082 using Tapatalk

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Wonder what would happen if the total number of people who vote NO is greater that the number of votes PTP might get? A legitimate goverment with a mandate from the people.

The problem with this election is there are a very significant % of the population who have no one to vote for as the Dems aren't running. Remember they polled 12 million or so last time out.

So irrespective of the rights or wrongs of the Dems boycotting the election which is a separate issue. A large part of the voting public simply have no one to represent them.

So we end up with a democracy where a significant chunk of people are not represented. Fair?? Honest?? Right??

No it's not fair, honest or right. Whose fault is it?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Please don't block the elections because my big brother, who all this ISN"T about, want to come home.

Distortion is worse than lies

Send from my Mobile

Don't think I can agree with you on that being as some times it is the truth.

Yes truth hurts and some times people use distortion to soothe your ego.

That is called people pleasing. I know I have done it occasionally my self.

It is very effective on people who don't mind being called a @&x%$!(;%

If you butter them up for an hour first.

What you said is certainly true. The 4:30 am whitewash attempt, along with skype, and the signs that said 'thaksin thinks, pheua thai does it.' say no more...pretty darn clear! She just got selected when I don't think she really wanted to be- knowing she is not cut out for it- the posing and fashion trips are cool, but for the rest, the look on her faces tells otherwise.

Might take a few generations in order to get the right mindset here for what to seek in a real leader for the country.

Edited by gemini81
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Any foreigner re posting the Terrorist propaganda about Yingluck (taksin) clearly have not done their homework. The current Prime Minister has done an excellent job but yes has made a few errors. Every politician in the world has ADVISORS. .. why can't Yingluck choose her own?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3

Kind of an ambiguous post.

First you say she has done an excellent job.

Then you indicate she did not choose her own advisors.

Sounds to me more like you are trying to say she has done an excellent job at carrying out some body else's orders.

To bad that person has only concern for them self and what they can get personally.sad.png

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Keep strong Yingluck, Don,t let the arosoles get to you, Happy new year Prime minister a lot of people are with you (about 14 million)

You are to late they already got to her 2and 1/2 years ago

I wonder if it has ever occured to YL that if her and the Shin clan removed themselves from all politics that the protesting woukd probably end. Instead she is #1 in the list followed by a family member and their lawyer. She once stated that she did not want the job of PM but with everyday she shows not only does she want the job but she wants it more than everybody else.

I am not taking sides in this and simply stating facts i have read and seen.

On the other hand Suthep is just as bad and has said basically the same thing. He doesnt want to be the leader here. Now he changed to sayhe only wants to be in charge of the committee that he will appoint. 2 devils on both sides of the game. We will be lucky if this doesnt end in a civil war

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

With all due respect I have followed this fairly closely admit I have missed some things.

One of them is where to quote you

"On the other hand Suthep is just as bad and has said basically the same thing. He doesnt want to be the leader here. Now he changed to sayhe only wants to be in charge of the committee that he will appoint."

Can you give me a source where he said that. I am well aware that many people say that is what he wants but I have yet to see it in black and white.

I think the committee is a great idea and would serve to put Thailand on the path to a bright future for all. It would as Suthep said probably take a year to a year and a half. But the results would be worth it. Kind of like buying a house on credit and paying interest on it.

I do how ever believe he should not chair it or even be a part of it. The same goes for Yingluck and most of the politicians. All to often they have personal agendas. That is not to say there isn't some who would be a valuable contribution to the committee. It would have to be composed of people from all walks of life all with an open mind and understanding of the basics society needs. Willing to discuss other ideas.wai.gif

I am entirely confident that such people exist here in Thailand. I would suggest that the King appoint a chair person.wai.gif

With all due respect, pretty much no one on here agrees with that. If there was a God, and God appointed the absolute best people to be on this wonder committee, agreed, that would be great. But, unfortunately, that's not what we're looking at. And, as Publicus has outlined many times, what is being proposed is quite clearly fascism.

It will take a VERY long time for Thailand to overcome an arrangement like that.

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Now what idiot made the whole thing about upholding democracy instead of policies and gave PTP such a powerful platform ? ............... oh yea thats right the fool on the hill and the stupid democrats.... and they claim to be the educated ones... giggle.gif

PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Let my brother come back -!!! Youre not democratic if you dont allow a wanted criminal to run the country - because he REALLLLLLLY wants to!!passifier.gif

Wasn't that the speech she gave in U B Mongolia?clap2.gif

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In the photo It appears she has a helmet on under her hair, safety precaution I presume.

I do believe you are correct. Also her head is unusually higher from her forehead and eyes. Maybe she has a wig on top of some protective head gear. IN the photo head overall head size in comparably larger than all the other people

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Wonder what would happen if the total number of people who vote NO is greater that the number of votes PTP might get? A legitimate goverment with a mandate from the people.

The problem with this election is there are a very significant % of the population who have no one to vote for as the Dems aren't running. Remember they polled 12 million or so last time out.

So irrespective of the rights or wrongs of the Dems boycotting the election which is a separate issue. A large part of the voting public simply have no one to represent them.

So we end up with a democracy where a significant chunk of people are not represented. Fair?? Honest?? Right??

That's what Suthep should be doing.. VOTE NO

For the last week He should have been saying that this is the way to oust them, play them at their own game. Have the elections but lets all stand up and say NO..

To late now..unfortunately

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In the photo It appears she has a helmet on under her hair, safety precaution I presume.

I do believe you are correct. Also her head is unusually higher from her forehead and eyes. Maybe she has a wig on top of some protective head gear. IN the photo head overall head size in comparably larger than all the other people

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Nahh her head has just got bigger because she keeps hearing Surapong muttering " my precious" and thinks it's about her....laugh.png

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Keep strong Yingluck, Don,t let the arosoles get to you, Happy new year Prime minister a lot of people are with you (about 14 million)

You are to late they already got to her 2and 1/2 years ago

I wonder if it has ever occured to YL that if her and the Shin clan removed themselves from all politics that the protesting woukd probably end. Instead she is #1 in the list followed by a family member and their lawyer. She once stated that she did not want the job of PM but with everyday she shows not only does she want the job but she wants it more than everybody else.

I am not taking sides in this and simply stating facts i have read and seen.

On the other hand Suthep is just as bad and has said basically the same thing. He doesnt want to be the leader here. Now he changed to sayhe only wants to be in charge of the committee that he will appoint. 2 devils on both sides of the game. We will be lucky if this doesnt end in a civil war

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

With all due respect I have followed this fairly closely admit I have missed some things.

One of them is where to quote you

"On the other hand Suthep is just as bad and has said basically the same thing. He doesnt want to be the leader here. Now he changed to sayhe only wants to be in charge of the committee that he will appoint."

Can you give me a source where he said that. I am well aware that many people say that is what he wants but I have yet to see it in black and white.

I think the committee is a great idea and would serve to put Thailand on the path to a bright future for all. It would as Suthep said probably take a year to a year and a half. But the results would be worth it. Kind of like buying a house on credit and paying interest on it.

I do how ever believe he should not chair it or even be a part of it. The same goes for Yingluck and most of the politicians. All to often they have personal agendas. That is not to say there isn't some who would be a valuable contribution to the committee. It would have to be composed of people from all walks of life all with an open mind and understanding of the basics society needs. Willing to discuss other ideas.wai.gif

I am entirely confident that such people exist here in Thailand. I would suggest that the King appoint a chair person.wai.gif

With all due respect, pretty much no one on here agrees with that. If there was a God, and God appointed the absolute best people to be on this wonder committee, agreed, that would be great. But, unfortunately, that's not what we're looking at. And, as Publicus has outlined many times, what is being proposed is quite clearly fascism.

It will take a VERY long time for Thailand to overcome an arrangement like that.

Perhaps we could discuss this if you would first read my post. No where did I say they would be perfect. I said open minded willing to discuss other ideas. All so I did say it would take a long time.

I for one could care less what others think I believe that Thailand deserves better than what it has and you and all your other like minded thinkers can continue to support the mess they have. Suthep is to my mind the only one to come up with a logical idea. Why don't you and your like thinkers come up with a way out of this mess that will leave Thailand a stronger and more united country instead of deriding the one that is out there. I have admitted it would need some tinkering with but it would certainly be worth while.

Like I said and you very conveniently omitted show me in black and white where those were his exact words.

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