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Thai wives and stereotypes...


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or when you introduce your gf back home and they all look confused and saying shouldn't she have dark skin, small body, and pig nose aka issan/bargirl...

And here I was thinking I was the only farange with a white skinned, tall pretty girl with a real nose that walks like a model with her 29 inch legs and has a slim body and tastes like candy?

Anyone who is farange and brings a girl like this to their home country WILL lose her.....

dont be a bigger fool than you were before you came here,

ie., the reasons you left the last one,

the same rules apply as did beforee you left your country

just send pictures back to your friends

let them know what awaits them when they come here

and for gods sake, and your sanity and wallet,

DO NOT bring them home

and remember, the girl you are so fond of now, was someone else's before who got tired of her,

you are next in line,

keep that in the forefront of your mind at all times, and you will have less trouble with women,

assuming you have any trouble

Edited by Scarpolo
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25 years age difference. i bet girl is from issan or someplaece in nakon nowhere! your relatives are right!

its just not the same west man marry thai girl.

Over the past few decades, I have had partners from ALL classes in Thailand.

Who needs a "Hot White-skinned wife" with ten guys on her phone, loads of personal baggage and debt and who's always ready to trade up AND who will cut off sexual activity after she's popped a couple of your kids.

You don't hear a lot about it from their victims but that's what happens with the "ka-monster" variety.

Not always. Just sometimes.

Just as often as it happens with provincial girls.

Not always. Just sometimes.

Just as often as it happens with Western women.

Not always. Just sometimes.

Only a fool choses a wife to please the expectations of his friends and family.

Nothing pisses these Bkk people off more than a foreigner who has money of his own and is too blind to hate rural Isaan people.

I'll assume by your diction that YOU are one of these snooty Bkk THAI Suthep supporters.

It's pretty clear now that with all these "dating" websites in play that a lot of Bkk women have been rendered "damaged goods" by Thai men in particular and Thai society in general.

It must really gall these snobs to see women their *slave class* respected by foreigners because NOTHING bothers a Thai snob or ANY snob more than an assault on his class system.

I have seen just as many men get into deep doo-doo with their "hot Bkk wives" as I've seen get into trouble with Isaan gold diggers. Some of these "educated" Thai women turn out to be absolute nightmares.

And more than a few are seriously damaged goods with loads of baggage and loads do debt and hidden agendas.

Sorry but many of us who arrive here do not give a toss for your class system or the class system of our countries of origin.

So g'head. You stick with your arm candy and your weakness to please people in both jurisdictions that you fundamentally deplore.

It's poor judgement by both THAI men and foreign men and superficial decisions that ruin lives here. It's NOT skin colour.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

Edited by Donnie Brasco
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25 years age difference. i bet girl is from issan or someplaece in nakon nowhere! your relatives are right!

its just not the same west man marry thai girl.

Over the past few decades, I have had partners from ALL classes in Thailand.

Who needs a "Hot White-skinned wife" with ten guys on her phone, loads of personal baggage and debt and who's always ready to trade up AND who will cut off sexual activity after she's popped a couple of your kids.

You don't hear a lot about it from their victims but that's what happens with the "ka-monster" variety.

Not always. Just sometimes.

Just as often as it happens with provincial girls.

Not always. Just sometimes.

Just as often as it happens with Western women.

Not always. Just sometimes.

Only a fool choses a wife to please the expectations of his friends and family.

Nothing pisses these Bkk people off more than a foreigner who has money of his own and is too blind to hate rural Isaan people.

I'll assume by your diction that YOU are one of these snooty Bkk THAI Suthep supporters.

It's pretty clear now that with all these "dating" websites in play that a lot of Bkk women have been rendered "damaged goods" by Thai men in particular and Thai society in general.

It must really gall these snobs to see women their *slave class* respected by foreigners because NOTHING bothers a Thai snob or ANY snob more than an assault on his class system.

I have seen just as many men get into deep doo-doo with their "hot Bkk wives" as I've seen get into trouble with Isaan gold diggers. Some of these "educated" Thai women turn out to be absolute nightmares.

And more than a few are seriously damaged goods with loads of baggage and loads do debt and hidden agendas.

Sorry but many of us who arrive here do not give a toss for your class system or the class system of our countries of origin.

So g'head. You stick with your arm candy and your weakness to please people in both jurisdictions that you fundamentally deplore.

It's poor judgement by both THAI men and foreign men and superficial decisions that ruin lives here. It's NOT skin colour.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."


some of us like arm candy!

I agree with you on all your points,

I wasnt aware of the class system here, although my g'f for the first time started using the term "high so"

when she is clearly, not as far down the line as she thinks.

to each their own, but, I prefer strong physical attraction, and class has no place, with love....

there are kings and queens who have given up their place in line for crowns, to marry for love

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25 years age difference. i bet girl is from issan or someplaece in nakon nowhere! your relatives are right!

its just not the same west man marry thai girl.

Over the past few decades, I have had partners from ALL classes in Thailand.

Who needs a "Hot White-skinned wife" with ten guys on her phone, loads of personal baggage and debt and who's always ready to trade up AND who will cut off sexual activity after she's popped a couple of your kids.

You don't hear a lot about it from their victims but that's what happens with the "ka-monster" variety.

Not always. Just sometimes.

Just as often as it happens with provincial girls.

Not always. Just sometimes.

Just as often as it happens with Western women.

Not always. Just sometimes.

Only a fool choses a wife to please the expectations of his friends and family.

Nothing pisses these Bkk people off more than a foreigner who has money of his own and is too blind to hate rural Isaan people.

I'll assume by your diction that YOU are one of these snooty Bkk THAI Suthep supporters.

It's pretty clear now that with all these "dating" websites in play that a lot of Bkk women have been rendered "damaged goods" by Thai men in particular and Thai society in general.

It must really gall these snobs to see women their *slave class* respected by foreigners because NOTHING bothers a Thai snob or ANY snob more than an assault on his class system.

I have seen just as many men get into deep doo-doo with their "hot Bkk wives" as I've seen get into trouble with Isaan gold diggers. Some of these "educated" Thai women turn out to be absolute nightmares.

And more than a few are seriously damaged goods with loads of baggage and loads do debt and hidden agendas.

Sorry but many of us who arrive here do not give a toss for your class system or the class system of our countries of origin.

So g'head. You stick with your arm candy and your weakness to please people in both jurisdictions that you fundamentally deplore.

It's poor judgement by both THAI men and foreign men and superficial decisions that ruin lives here. It's NOT skin colour.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."


some of us like arm candy!

I agree with you on all your points,

I wasnt aware of the class system here, although my g'f for the first time started using the term "high so"

when she is clearly, not as far down the line as she thinks.

to each their own, but, I prefer strong physical attraction, and class has no place, with love....

there are kings and queens who have given up their place in line for crowns, to marry for love

Thanks for taking the time to read my rather opinionated reply to the Thai guy who jumped into that Thai class system song and dance that seems to get them through the night.

Yeah, I too like arm candy. But if you read between the lines you'll understand I have been here a while.

I am a mature man of some means who, while he can dance ok feels silly in a disco ;-) okay ;-?

I have grown kids in the old country and while I too like arm candy, at this point in my life I understand that for me it's gonna be high-maintenance.

Strong physical attraction can last and last if you change women often enough, of course but sustainability is another matter.

You have heard that "no matter how attractive and how sexy a woman may be, there is a guy out there who's tired of sh@@@ing her". In my experience, this is true.

High so people, (real hi-so people) NEVER use the expression to refer yo themselves.

It just isn't done.

Your girlfriend (I'm sure) is "Bangkok pretty" and I wish you all the "sustainability" life may have yo offer you both. The class system here is rampant and pervasive. It's ALL about the class. (Check out the term "sakdina")

It's worse than Europe and it's currently, along with rampant corruption, racism and greed tearing this country to shreds.

Strong physical attraction can stand the test of time. Way past your years of being young and dewy ;-)



"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

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Yep, been there, the other aspect to this that i get a lot in the Uk is the stares and looks of disapproval, as though i was with a woman much too young !w00t.gif

I get the "dirty old man" looks. The wife is actually 12 years younger than me, she's 43, but looks much younger, like most Thai / Asian women they dont show their age in the same way most western women do. I put it down to jealousy !thumbsup.gif

Not many thai woman at 43 look much younger. In a few years when she is late 40s she will look much more than her age, like most thais. Yuck, time for a newer model

I beg to differ on your first sentence, and if you have a good faithful wife, you won't want to trade her in for a newer model, because it is highly likely that the newer model will soon leave you for a younger guy, unless you are very rich. Even at that, the chances she is screwing around will be high.

Many years ago I had 20 year marriage with an English wife,and I used to joke with her (in happier times),that one day I would trade her in for a younger model,never ever thinking,that it would happen,it was all a joke,but after we divorced,I lived alone for a few years,and later on that is exactly what happened.I suspect she would believe that was my intention all along.Anyone who has been through a acrimonious divorce,would know that normal people do not plan things like that!

"you won't want to trade her in for a newer model, because it is highly likely that the newer model will soon leave you for a younger guy, unless you are very rich. Even at that, the chances she is screwing around will be high."

None of your forecasts above have happened yet, 10 years down the road,so maybe it's the way you think,and not the stereotyped Thai Goldiggers!

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My wife tends to stereotype farangs as well, so its not just western ideals, its a human trait. We all love to generalize about other nationalities.

Yes! and you will still be a Farang in your own Country,because Immigrant Thais stereotyped you,when you lived in Thailand!

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25 years age difference. i bet girl is from issan or someplaece in nakon nowhere! your relatives are right!

its just not the same west man marry thai girl.

Over the past few decades, I have had partners from ALL classes in Thailand.

Who needs a "Hot White-skinned wife" with ten guys on her phone, loads of personal baggage and debt and who's always ready to trade up AND who will cut off sexual activity after she's popped a couple of your kids.

You don't hear a lot about it from their victims but that's what happens with the "ka-monster" variety.

Not always. Just sometimes.

Just as often as it happens with provincial girls.

Not always. Just sometimes.

Just as often as it happens with Western women.

Not always. Just sometimes.

Only a fool choses a wife to please the expectations of his friends and family.

Nothing pisses these Bkk people off more than a foreigner who has money of his own and is too blind to hate rural Isaan people.

I'll assume by your diction that YOU are one of these snooty Bkk THAI Suthep supporters.

It's pretty clear now that with all these "dating" websites in play that a lot of Bkk women have been rendered "damaged goods" by Thai men in particular and Thai society in general.

It must really gall these snobs to see women their *slave class* respected by foreigners because NOTHING bothers a Thai snob or ANY snob more than an assault on his class system.

I have seen just as many men get into deep doo-doo with their "hot Bkk wives" as I've seen get into trouble with Isaan gold diggers. Some of these "educated" Thai women turn out to be absolute nightmares.

And more than a few are seriously damaged goods with loads of baggage and loads do debt and hidden agendas.

Sorry but many of us who arrive here do not give a toss for your class system or the class system of our countries of origin.

So g'head. You stick with your arm candy and your weakness to please people in both jurisdictions that you fundamentally deplore.

It's poor judgement by both THAI men and foreign men and superficial decisions that ruin lives here. It's NOT skin colour.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."


some of us like arm candy!

I agree with you on all your points,

I wasnt aware of the class system here, although my g'f for the first time started using the term "high so"

when she is clearly, not as far down the line as she thinks.

to each their own, but, I prefer strong physical attraction, and class has no place, with love....

there are kings and queens who have given up their place in line for crowns, to marry for love

Thanks for taking the time to read my rather opinionated reply to the Thai guy who jumped into that Thai class system song and dance that seems to get them through the night.

Yeah, I too like arm candy. But if you read between the lines you'll understand I have been here a while.

I am a mature man of some means who, while he can dance ok feels silly in a disco ;-) okay ;-?

I have grown kids in the old country and while I too like arm candy, at this point in my life I understand that for me it's gonna be high-maintenance.

Strong physical attraction can last and last if you change women often enough, of course but sustainability is another matter.

You have heard that "no matter how attractive and how sexy a woman may be, there is a guy out there who's tired of sh@@@ing her". In my experience, this is true.

High so people, (real hi-so people) NEVER use the expression to refer yo themselves.

It just isn't done.

Your girlfriend (I'm sure) is "Bangkok pretty" and I wish you all the "sustainability" life may have yo offer you both. The class system here is rampant and pervasive. It's ALL about the class. (Check out the term "sakdina")

It's worse than Europe and it's currently, along with rampant corruption, racism and greed tearing this country to shreds.

Strong physical attraction can stand the test of time. Way past your years of being young and dewy ;-)



"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

If these "thai guys" were so wonderful, class or not, there wouldnt be such a high % of pretty thai females willing to be with us.

I am 53, my g/f is 32.....she thinks she is old......I just laugh, and enjoy her slim amazing body, and while some people would say I am paying for her, all I am doing is what I did back home, I pay the home costs to have a beautiful young, sweet as candy body lying next to me, every night.

Between this and a a hotel, for nearly the same costs, I will stick with her....

My friend wrote a song, its called "This One's Different"

you have to check it out, it is the most awesome review of life in thailand for the average farange, which, you and I are clearly not.


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yeah... so all thai ladies either work in bars, and/or do drugs, are just after the money, and of course, their only goal is get settled in the west, oh and for the other side of the rainbow, they are all toms... giggle.gif

My wife is not a huge fan of Australia. I can narrow that down to she is a family girl and she misses them even though they are only ever a phone call away. So not always the case of get me into a new country. Of all the Thai girls living out of Thailand, most given the choice I would say would prefer Thailand.

It's called money.

It's why she's with you.

In that case, mine should've left me about twenty three years ago when we were eating baked beans on toast and living in a crappy one bedroom unit with a baby on the way. Maybe she's just 'different' (or could be playing the long game) - I'll ask her for clarification after we get home from work.

If she not happy in your country,You most make here feel better and if she no hawe a work to send some money to family she newer going to like to stay,Why take here go if you can not make here happy?Its a two way situation

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My wife tends to stereotype farangs as well, so its not just western ideals, its a human trait. We all love to generalize about other nationalities.

Yes! and you will still be a Farang in your own Country,because Immigrant Thais stereotyped you,when you lived in Thailand!

If you are farang in Thailand, you will be farang everywhere in the world.

White skin is not dependent on the country you are visiting, or your country of origin.

It is your racial background, which you cannot change.

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Yep, been there, the other aspect to this that i get a lot in the Uk is the stares and looks of disapproval, as though i was with a woman much too young !w00t.gif

I get the "dirty old man" looks. The wife is actually 12 years younger than me, she's 43, but looks much younger, like most Thai / Asian women they dont show their age in the same way most western women do. I put it down to jealousy !thumbsup.gif

Not many thai woman at 43 look much younger. In a few years when she is late 40s she will look much more than her age, like most thais. Yuck, time for a newer model

I beg to differ buddy im 44 my Mrs is 45 everybody guesses her age at eaarly 30's all the time we been together 5 years now she can still look young i get called an old man lol im youngest!

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Yep, been there, the other aspect to this that i get a lot in the Uk is the stares and looks of disapproval, as though i was with a woman much too young !w00t.gif

I get the "dirty old man" looks. The wife is actually 12 years younger than me, she's 43, but looks much younger, like most Thai / Asian women they dont show their age in the same way most western women do. I put it down to jealousy !thumbsup.gif

I'm in a minority as far as I know, I would like to hear of anyone else in my situation...she's older than me!..rare?..perhaps, it's a 6 month age gap anyway, not older by much. Then 6 months of the year we are the same age again. Currently, it's the same age until December.

My Thai wife is 5 years older than me (she's 46). Works for me!

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I would like to ask something. Is this the page where have to talk about high educated, fair skinned half Chinese/half angel wife, who comes from medium to high society ? w00t.gif

I take mine medium-rare thanks. . .

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I would like to ask something. Is this the page where have to talk about high educated, fair skinned half Chinese/half angel wife, who comes from medium to high society ? w00t.gif

I take mine medium-rare thanks. . .

They all bleach their skin, so, how would we know?

and we, in the US, tann our skin?

someone has something half assed backawrds here,

but it surely can't be the thais,

their country is just so perfect

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