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Reaching the point of no point, Euthanasia here ?


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Umm your tattoo is mispelled.

I have "Do not Rescusitate"

should read..

"Do not resuscitate"

An indication that I am approaching that "point"

Way I see it is your tattoo is asking even if you have been in an accident and unconscious you are asking not to be brought back, something which medical staff would ignore and continue cpr or whatever. Now there is a big difference between being resuscitated and euthanasia which is usually associated with a terminal illness. Two totally different ball games there.

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TVM.I will go back to the tattoo parlour, get the spelling changed, and a provisio to ensure that my instructions are not misunderstood.but.....I don't think unconscious only people are given cpr, they must by definition be not breathing

Methinks if I needed cpr after a lengthy journey, the resuscitated body would be like a vegetable.

So if they did revive me I would sue their a**es.

Umm your tattoo is mispelled.

I have "Do not Rescusitate"

should read..

"Do not resuscitate"

An indication that I am approaching that "point"

Way I see it is your tattoo is asking even if you have been in an accident and unconscious you are asking not to be brought back, something which medical staff would ignore and continue cpr or whatever. Now there is a big difference between being resuscitated and euthanasia which is usually associated with a terminal illness. Two totally different ball games there.

Edited by ford8
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As it is very difficult to find a vet that will mercy kill even a dog, I think you may have problems explaining the concept of euthanasia to medical staff in Thailand.

Apart from that, you might want to get the tattoo done in Thai on a second line. Make sure it isn't your credit card PIN.

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Same as everywhere, illegal, but this is Thailand so a lot is possible providing you show dough

Legal in Holland, (by a 3rd party),

Pretty stringent requirements, you better be in a wheel chair with only one eye brow working, where you can actuate some device, ie, Hawking, etc,

Must also be diagnosed as terminal by several physicians, and be of sound mind, etc.

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Same as everywhere, illegal, but this is Thailand so a lot is possible providing you show dough

Check this...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dignitas_(assisted_dying_organisation)

The Scifi author Sir Terry Pratchett is the subject of a BBC Documentary (There are quite few).


In the documentary Peter Smedley (of the Smedley Preserves), was followed making his choice and actually dying on camera.

To me, he seemed in better shape than I am !

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Same as everywhere, illegal, but this is Thailand so a lot is possible providing you show dough

Legal in Holland, (by a 3rd party),

Pretty stringent requirements, you better be in a wheel chair with only one eye brow working, where you can actuate some device, ie, Hawking, etc,

Must also be diagnosed as terminal by several physicians, and be of sound mind, etc.

Sound mind, would rule out quite a few Falangs

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Same as everywhere, illegal, but this is Thailand so a lot is possible providing you show dough

Legal in Holland, (by a 3rd party),

Pretty stringent requirements, you better be in a wheel chair with only one eye brow working, where you can actuate some device, ie, Hawking, etc,

Must also be diagnosed as terminal by several physicians, and be of sound mind, etc.

Sound mind, would rule out quite a few Falangs

Well if it's a 'sound mind' qualification, certainly rules out a large percentage of TV posters!

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Same as everywhere, illegal, but this is Thailand so a lot is possible providing you show dough

Legal in Holland, (by a 3rd party),

Pretty stringent requirements, you better be in a wheel chair with only one eye brow working, where you can actuate some device, ie, Hawking, etc,

Must also be diagnosed as terminal by several physicians, and be of sound mind, etc.

Sound mind, would rule out quite a few Falangs

Well if it's a 'sound mind' qualification, certainly rules out a large percentage of TV posters!

If you are serious, then you are being ridiculous, I have met quite a few TV posters, and every one of them has a "sound mind".

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Various posts referencing murder and/or suicide have been deleted.

Euthanasia is not at all the same as not resucitating a person/ not keeping them alive with artificial measures.

Euthanasia is illegal in Thailand, full stop.

There is a legal framework for making an advanced directive, you should consult a lawyer for that and make sure people close to you know about it and where the document is kept. Should also try to establish a relationship with a doctor aware of your wishes and that you have executed such a document.

A tatoo is worthless.

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Various posts referencing murder and/or suicide have been deleted.

Euthanasia is not at all the same as not resucitating a person/ not keeping them alive with artificial measures.

Euthanasia is illegal in Thailand, full stop.

There is a legal framework for making an advanced directive, you should consult a lawyer for that and make sure people close to you know about it and where the document is kept. Should also try to establish a relationship with a doctor aware of your wishes and that you have executed such a document.

A tatoo is worthless.

Can the advanced directive be done in Thailand without a lawyer ?

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