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How and where to report corruption


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It is the same the world over. Be encouraged to report it but have your own eggs all in a row. Five hours is the norm 1000bh or not. Since childhood have been giving the credit to , Will Rogers. However, it was WC Fields, you can't cheat an honest man....unquote. Have been in S.E. Asia near 50 years. Formerly the head of the CUBAMS (can U be any more stupid) expat club. I vote for the enjoy your life plan. Also anytime I am ever in doubt what to do. I have upstanding Thai friends and I trust the tourist Police. You may also want to consider making friendship with local Postmaster. Tourist Police know or they find out, quickly. It is what they do. Be Zen about it. Chok De

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Hmmm. Do you want to give me 1000 of your Bahts or 5 hours of your time? I think I know my choice.

There's corruption everywhere. Some of it is just more open. Why does this story enter my mind?



Edited by jackinbkk
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Seems like a good deal actually as several hours tends to be the norm. I wish CM immigration were up for backhanders to save me spending all day extending.

Now we know how corruption starts

Flange who have money encourage bad behavior to get what they want.

Same as their government buying influence in foreign countries.

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You imply you are a permanent resident in LOS, which is your new home. If you are unable to resist trying to stop something that is part of everyday Thai culture, I suggest you make sure you leave no trace of your identity, and wear rubber gloves when touching anything to do with 'shopping' anyone. If you don't, you might find that you have to wait even longer than 5 hours, possibly 5 years before anyone at Immigration will grant you an 'Extension' to whatever Visa you have.. IMO you shouldn't play with fire unless....etc

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It is a bit rank and it is annoying and whist technically it is bribery/corruption they could do as the west does in legalizing such practices and then you'd pay a lot more for such things by way of "fast track processing", paying solicitors and conveyancers to jump through all the legal hoops and red tape for you,... yada yada yada!

At $35 you probably did quite well for yourself,... AND you do some good by helping these low salary workers take home a little more and help deal with the massive inflation and rising costs of living that I'm sure hit the average Thai family quite harshly!

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I admit to being part of the problem. Those who pay are as culpable as those they pay. We are all infected and it just feeds a disease.

In 59 years in my country of origin I never had reason to grease any wheels - they mostly ran smoothly. You know I never even heard of anyone doing such. Certainly high profile corruption DID occur and there exist corruption commissions etc, but not as part of normal daily life.

I thought long and hard about the OP .... my Thai connection fretted over it, But I am seriously hoping there is some way to anonymously report and provide details such that maybe one little corner can be cleaned up.

I might add that I estimate CONSERVATIVELY that each staff member would be in receipt of 3000b per day - multiply that by 300 working days a year, by the the staff employed - you are looking at approx 20 - 30m baht of ill gotten gain each and every year.

Please don't sing with the cynical chorus, Inaction is better than that.

I feel your pain...corruption is like a disease which has infected the entire country...from top to bottom...either learn to live with it...pay your farang dues to Thai society...or when you have had enough...move on and try again...

As far as reporting it to someone...they will probably do as I did when first reading your post...laugh out loud...there is no place to go...no one to talk to...who is not in on the scam...This is Thailand...

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They are not forcing you to pay or you don't get it right? If the 1000 baht speeds it up and you want it fast then pay it. If you don't want it fast then just wait for the process. They are not extorting you. If you just wait it does not cost any more. Sometimes I wish I could have paid someone to move a little faster back in the homeland. They are government employees and they just don't move fast unless there is a reason. In your case, they can move fast if you give them 1000 reasons.

If it was me I would just wait.

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When I came to Thailand to live in retirement I shipped all my furniture etc over in a large container with all the appropriate documentation showing that it was to be completely duty-free under Thai regulations. When the shipment arrived in Bangkok, I had a phone call from Customs asking for a "fee" of just under 20000 bahts if I wanted them to pass the container on to my address unopened. I was about to say that I had no objection to their breaking the seal and inspecting the contents until he added " but if we open the container, we will not be responsible if anything goes missing". A veiled threat, I think! Annoyed though I was, there are no prizes for what my next step was. What would yours have been? That was my introduction to Thailand! I will not bore you with all the other subsequent more minor incidents but annoying nevertheless!

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why would you want to stop corruption in our pc correct, brain washed ideals its not the correct way,but as they say when in rome.

I have never been to Rome, is it near Rayong? What do you do when in Rome and do bar girls fit in somewhere as I am not into Ladyboys ( if you know what I mean)?

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We went to change the name on the chanote to the wife's name, We was in and out in about 1 hour, but that was Sahmut Prakan. maybe different in other areas. probably better if a Thai person does it for you, and you wait outside. till they phone you to come in,

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Even the expats who pay bribes ... for what ever reason ... are part of the corruption.

Totally true when do people say "no". I will not and do not pay double pricing ether. I walk away or politely say in Thai no thanks, and so does the wife. we have given up arguing now, and asking why, because its the same old tired answer, She Thai, you Falang.

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It is a very annoying part of life here as we have not been exposed to much of these practises in our home countries. Inefficency is compounded by people wanting extra cash to do the job they are paid to do ( just like bankers in the west). Its annoying but what can you do about it, officials look to every opportunity to fleece people and that includes Thais. How else would people on 15000bts a month (GOVT EMPLOYEES) be able to live the lifestyle they do? No one notices or says anything because they are all at it, sadly I dont see how they stop it to many cars and houses have to go back. Just dont get stressed out by it remember this is not"home" this is now where we live and the culture is different.

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It is a very annoying part of life here as we have not been exposed to much of these practises in our home countries. Inefficency is compounded by people wanting extra cash to do the job they are paid to do ( just like bankers in the west). Its annoying but what can you do about it, officials look to every opportunity to fleece people and that includes Thais. How else would people on 15000bts a month (GOVT EMPLOYEES) be able to live the lifestyle they do? No one notices or says anything because they are all at it, sadly I dont see how they stop it to many cars and houses have to go back. Just dont get stressed out by it remember this is not"home" this is now where we live and the culture is different.

Where do you get these figures from about Thai peoples pay. I personal know A Thai person on at least 3000,000 baht a month, and Female, admittedly she is in High office, Thats the problem though the gap between the have and have nots.

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MOE visa wait is 3 weeks wait without grease, 1 week with.

Ministry of Immigration requires 80.000THB for a retirement visa but zero if you pay 18000THB.

You need to earn 40.000 THB a month to get a spouse visa but nothing if your friend works there.

You can be visited by Thai police every month but never if you give them 2000THB

the list goes on and on...

Why do you think we have had protesters on the streets for a year? And 4 years ago ?

Despite their claim, they are won't manage to rid of corruption, and unfortunately neither will you.

When asked every Thai person is against corruption, but when in need everyone forgets his principle and uses it.


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When I came to Thailand to live in retirement I shipped all my furniture etc over in a large container with all the appropriate documentation showing that it was to be completely duty-free under Thai regulations. When the shipment arrived in Bangkok, I had a phone call from Customs asking for a "fee" of just under 20000 bahts if I wanted them to pass the container on to my address unopened. I was about to say that I had no objection to their breaking the seal and inspecting the contents until he added " but if we open the container, we will not be responsible if anything goes missing". A veiled threat, I think! Annoyed though I was, there are no prizes for what my next step was. What would yours have been? That was my introduction to Thailand! I will not bore you with all the other subsequent more minor incidents but annoying nevertheless!

Keep the receipt !

my friend came to thailand with his golf club which he paid for as import tax.

He goes golfing in Europe, then meet his wife in Paris to wine and dine, so he send the clubs back to THL.

When he arrived in BKK his golf clubs have been held in customs cause he need to pay import tax

He then provides them with his receipt showing he already paid his taxes.

Too late they say "you have to pay" they can't admit they made a mistake so he did have to pay again.

He has now paid twice his taxes.

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I imported a computer training unit (USA), and all dues were paid. Had to take it to HK for a demo and went to the airport very early to get the documentation to ensure I could get it in again OK.

On return was presented with a large bill, I protested and showed my documents from a few days previously. "Different Department" I was told.

I left the equipment and started the wheels turning of complaint and exposure.

Our agent, one of the largest old trading houses here, was horrified, they paid up. It was unsaid but the implications of my actions were obvious.

Another winner was my gf, who came with me, I had used a lot of her clothes to cushion the computer, while the situation was being "resolved" she was able to get a new wardrobe.

Edited by drx13
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Stand in front of the offices in question, throw money in the air, and shout, "Come and get it!" Reporting anything will just require you to pay more in Tea Money to be heard or to have your case reach the person it needs to. Reporting anyone means a lose of face for them and then your cost will just go up. Am I saying that LOS is ripe with corruption? Well depends upon how you look at it. Some would say, "Yes." Others would say, "It is just business". Either way it is there and we have to deal with it.Reporting it is perhaps a good idea, but ask yourself if it will be worth it and really an issue in the first place. Remember that kicking over a rock might just let the snake out.

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I seriously applaud your sentiments and believe that in the very long run such actions will make a difference, but to quote John Maynard Keynes "In the long run, We'll all be Dead".

In your case maybe not such a long run. This is not meant to be cynical but realistic.

I must agree, on your own head be it. I too am like-minded, but imagine the *hit-storm that will follow. Rarely one to allow monkeys to dictate to me, but some things are just far too futile, and long term suicidal.

Not a challenge I'd fancy...

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I admit to being part of the problem. Those who pay are as culpable as those they pay. We are all infected and it just feeds a disease.

In 59 years in my country of origin I never had reason to grease any wheels - they mostly ran smoothly. You know I never even heard of anyone doing such. Certainly high profile corruption DID occur and there exist corruption commissions etc, but not as part of normal daily life.

I thought long and hard about the OP .... my Thai connection fretted over it, But I am seriously hoping there is some way to anonymously report and provide details such that maybe one little corner can be cleaned up.

I might add that I estimate CONSERVATIVELY that each staff member would be in receipt of 3000b per day - multiply that by 300 working days a year, by the the staff employed - you are looking at approx 20 - 30m baht of ill gotten gain each and every year.

Please don't sing with the cynical chorus, Inaction is better than that.

Most of them have paid for their positions (in addition to passing the exams and meeting the official requirements). Even the lowliest flunky may have paid because they would rather be posted there than the other place up in the mountains.

They want to recoup their investments and also they have to pay the boss for allowing this to go on (he has to recoup his investment too), and the boss has to pay someone higher for allowing it to go on, and he has to pay ... and so on.

I have heard from insiders that this practice is quite rare in the Ministry of Justice, is rife in Ministry of Education and is absolutely par for the course in customs and the police, but I'm not sure about your provincial administration.

Good luck.

Edited by Trembly
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with suthep getting handouts on tv every now & then.

i would ONLY complain to him since 'corruption' is his only gripe in this 'shutdown'

here's how i would do it..

write a note, stating offender's name, position, province and amount 'extorted'

get ready 1k bht (preferably new crisp bank note)

get in line with other protesters, when its my turn, hand him both 'notes!'

and pray that while he talks the talk, he'll also walk the walk! :)

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