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Public Health Society announces boycott of election


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22 years of watching rich corrupt Thais hold the country back.

I saw first hand the improvements under Thaksin.... and so did most of thailand. BKK is not Thailand and the 100-200 on the march today prove they are a spent force.

Only the media not portraying this again.

Tell me this is a 6 million man march. Didn't even hold up traffic in some parts or it.

<snip pic>

"I saw first hand the improvements under Thaksin"

Why hasn't he been able to continue those improvements with his proxy parties? Maybe the global economy has something to do with it? Booming while he was in power, and busted since. He's not so good when the global economy sucks, is he?

Alternatively it could be argued that total GDP doubled so, maintaining percentage growth is a bit harder.

At the end.of it, the thai economy did well under thaksin.

The Australian economy did well while Thaksin was in power too. Well done that man!

The Aussie economy kept doing well after he'd left too. Wow that man had powers......

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Not surprising really. Top health professionals much preferred it when only a handful of very polite, generally very healthy rich people came into hospitals and disturbed them from their mobile phone conversations. Now millions of the great unwashed are thronging the hospitals with real illnesses and 'health professionals' have to work for their living. Oh for those old halyon days!

it was the democrats who first tabled the idea of a national health scheme for the great unwashed

Thaksin stole it and popularized it

he charged 30 baht for joining

only problem was under thaksineconomics it cost 80 baht in admin to collect 30 baht (wonder where did the 50 baht go?)

so Abhisit made it free at it was beneficial to the system and cheaper to administrate

so who is actually responsible for upsetting the health professionals?

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Not surprising really. Top health professionals much preferred it when only a handful of very polite, generally very healthy rich people came into hospitals and disturbed them from their mobile phone conversations. Now millions of the great unwashed are thronging the hospitals with real illnesses and 'health professionals' have to work for their living. Oh for those old halyon days!

it was the democrats who first tabled the idea of a national health scheme for the great unwashed

Thaksin stole it and popularized it

he charged 30 baht for joining

only problem was under thaksineconomics it cost 80 baht in admin to collect 30 baht (wonder where did the 50 baht go?)

so Abhisit made it free at it was beneficial to the system and cheaper to administrate

so who is actually responsible for upsetting the health professionals?

Charging a fee for things like this is a well known strategy to prevent frivolous misuse.

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pipkins post # 6

They going to enforce it then? Idiots was not strong enough a word. These people have no clue as to what it means to give up your voting rights for all time.

Luckily.. Yingluck will protect their rights for them during this period of insanity.. ooopss sorry, should I mention Period with all those eductate medics. Remember how they sniggered about it last month. They had no end of fun snearing about her periods, sanitary towels and vaginal surgery did they. Oh how we laughed..... at them, not with them smile.png

They think they got the timing right and it will pressure the Government. All it does is show their allegience to Suthep!!!

All your comment shows is your slavish devotion to a clan bent on total political dictatorship

22 years of watching rich corrupt Thais hold the country back.

I saw first hand the improvements under Thaksin.... and so did most of thailand. BKK is not Thailand and the 100-200 on the march today prove they are a spent force.

Only the media not portraying this again.

Tell me this is a 6 million man march. Didn't even hold up traffic in some parts or it.


I think only the most cretinous people could actually vote and love someone who murdered more then 2000 of their own countrymen.

Give me 300 dollars to improve life me, me love you long long time. It ok you kill Thai!

I can not hear this anymore!


Go and do some research and reading! And then come back again - but stop spreading this stupid propaganda!

The order came from we know who - it is common knowledge and well documented - 2000 dead is nothing! The people who started this thought it would be great to "execute 60.000 " of their own countrymen! The so called war on drugs was the single most popular and supported policy by the "educated middle class and Bangkok elite"!

There where horrible crimes committed and the HISO crowd loved it - let's get rid of all this drug dealing garbage by killing them "so the land can rise again"!

Thaksin was investigated by all his enemies after the coup regarding the "War on Drugs" by all the might the country had to offer - why do you think they came up with nothing?

You live in Thailand? You will not have access to some of the information you need - because since Abhisit's military puppet government tens of thousands of websites are being censored - access to the truth denied!!

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Not surprising really. Top health professionals much preferred it when only a handful of very polite, generally very healthy rich people came into hospitals and disturbed them from their mobile phone conversations. Now millions of the great unwashed are thronging the hospitals with real illnesses and 'health professionals' have to work for their living. Oh for those old halyon days!

it was the democrats who first tabled the idea of a national health scheme for the great unwashed

Thaksin stole it and popularized it

he charged 30 baht for joining

only problem was under thaksineconomics it cost 80 baht in admin to collect 30 baht (wonder where did the 50 baht go?)

so Abhisit made it free at it was beneficial to the system and cheaper to administrate

so who is actually responsible for upsetting the health professionals?

"so who is actually responsible for upsetting the health professionals?"

Under normal circumstances that would be the patients.

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mamypoko post # 5

Because a 'group' or an 'organization is not a 'they'.

One can but only presume that you have never been a member of any organisation, trade union., professional body, military unit etc which might have made comments that concern you and the subsequent actions you were expected to follow?

The point exactly, SP. Only a pathetic bunch of spineless cowards would allow themselves to be ordered as to how they should vote by a "trade" organisation. What happened to freedom of thought, and the right to make your own mind up? And don't try to pull the "military unit" stunt here, we are not calling on soldiers to defy their orders, but a bunch of bureaucrats who have far too high an opinion of their worth.

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How typical. Someone or some organization does something that the Shinawatras and their acolytes like you don't like and so they're labelled as 'Thaksin haters' or they're in some way wired into the underground Democrat or ammart network! We've heard it all before! Thanks for the conspiracy theory. clap2.gif

You don't know anything about this society do you? Do you know what they do? Are you aware that it is the equivalent of a lobbying group? The society does not represent individuals but the business entities such as the Bangkok for profit teaching facilities.

Who cares what they are? They believe in something, they do it.The problem is when some organization does something contrary to what the Shinawatras want, they're labelled as part of the ammart network. Are you saying all business entities and teaching facilities are tied in with the Dems and the ammarts?

No. I have never made the claim.

However, I can still differentiate between an embellished press release and reality. The health sector encompasses multiple disciplines and it even includes the cleaners, housekeeping, and orderlies. Medical service delivery is a team effort and everyone who participates is important. Surgeons can't do their magic if the OR isn't clean, if there isn't proper lighting, if the patient is prepped, if the instruments are not clean etc. The patient isn't necessarily going to recover unless post op care is given. Physicians are important, but they are only one part of the health care delivery system.. Therefore, the attempt to present one group's opinion as representative of the health care sector is misleading and foolish.

Keep in mind that this group represents organizations who are Bangkok focused, nor were the individual professions and trades consulted. The Bangkok organizations have their own views and I note that they have not been active when it comes to actual public health activity. Thailand still has a problem with child malnutrition. There is still a crisis with malaria, TB and HIV. Yet, this organization hasn't offered anything substantive in those areas.

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How typical. Someone or some organization does something that the Shinawatras and their acolytes like you don't like and so they're labelled as 'Thaksin haters' or they're in some way wired into the underground Democrat or ammart network! We've heard it all before! Thanks for the conspiracy theory. clap2.gif

You don't know anything about this society do you? Do you know what they do? Are you aware that it is the equivalent of a lobbying group? The society does not represent individuals but the business entities such as the Bangkok for profit teaching facilities.

Who cares what they are? They believe in something, they do it.The problem is when some organization does something contrary to what the Shinawatras want, they're labelled as part of the ammart network. Are you saying all business entities and teaching facilities are tied in with the Dems and the ammarts?

No. I have never made the claim.

However, I can still differentiate between an embellished press release and reality. The health sector encompasses multiple disciplines and it even includes the cleaners, housekeeping, and orderlies. Medical service delivery is a team effort and everyone who participates is important. Surgeons can't do their magic if the OR isn't clean, if there isn't proper lighting, if the patient is prepped, if the instruments are not clean etc. The patient isn't necessarily going to recover unless post op care is given. Physicians are important, but they are only one part of the health care delivery system.. Therefore, the attempt to present one group's opinion as representative of the health care sector is misleading and foolish.

Keep in mind that this group represents organizations who are Bangkok focused, nor were the individual professions and trades consulted. The Bangkok organizations have their own views and I note that they have not been active when it comes to actual public health activity. Thailand still has a problem with child malnutrition. There is still a crisis with malaria, TB and HIV. Yet, this organization hasn't offered anything substantive in those areas.

I have four relatives who are medical professionals. None of them was asked/surveyed/or consulted on their opinions. This is the decision of some 'executives' and using their positions to intimidate their subordinates. These 'executives' are beholden to some people. They opposed any initiatives to reform the healthcare services. Their action is violating laws related to a registered society. Their conduct is also violated the code of ethic of a medical professional. Inciting and intimidating subordinates to boycott election violated election law. It is also human rights violation.

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I have four relatives who are medical professionals. None of them was asked/surveyed/or consulted on their opinions. This is the decision of some 'executives' and using their positions to intimidate their subordinates. These 'executives' are beholden to some people. They opposed any initiatives to reform the healthcare services. Their action is violating laws related to a registered society. Their conduct is also violated the code of ethic of a medical professional. Inciting and intimidating subordinates to boycott election violated election law. It is also human rights violation.

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I have FIVE relatives who are medical professionals. All of them were asked/surveyed/or consulted. This was a collective decistion.

It's true because I posted it on Thaivisa.

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According to the man himself,he doesn't believe in Democracy,


I am not a Thaksin apologist but READ the article - he did not say he 'doesn't believe in democracy' he said it was a 'beautiful thing' what he said was the peoples well-being was the first concern - don't misquote

I have never seen your alledged quote of Thaksins,perhaps you can show me were it appeared in print?

the link is in the thread

It was never my intention to misquote,he was quoted as stating"Democracy is not my Goal" as I said.This was the first part of that speech which was correct,but I neglected to follow up with the rest of Thaksins speech,for which I apologise!

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Not surprising really. Top health professionals much preferred it when only a handful of very polite, generally very healthy rich people came into hospitals and disturbed them from their mobile phone conversations. Now millions of the great unwashed are thronging the hospitals with real illnesses and 'health professionals' have to work for their living. Oh for those old halyon days!

it was the democrats who first tabled the idea of a national health scheme for the great unwashed

Thaksin stole it and popularized it

he charged 30 baht for joining

only problem was under thaksineconomics it cost 80 baht in admin to collect 30 baht (wonder where did the 50 baht go?)

so Abhisit made it free at it was beneficial to the system and cheaper to administrate

so who is actually responsible for upsetting the health professionals?

Charging a fee for things like this is a well known strategy to prevent frivolous misuse.

Except it was never proven that there was frivolous misuse of the health program prior to implementing the fee, which is easily understandable as people aren't likely to hang out in public government hospitals for hours waiting to be seen for a frivolous ailment or injury.


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I think only the most cretinous people could actually vote and love someone who murdered more then 2000 of their own countrymen.

Give me 300 dollars to improve life me, me love you long long time. It ok you kill Thai!

I can not hear this anymore!


Go and do some research and reading! And then come back again - but stop spreading this stupid propaganda!

In less than 2 weeks is the anniversary of the slaughter than began as a Drug War.

It was initiated and supervised and its subsequent "victory" claimed (by announcing that all drugs had been eliminated from Thailand) were all done by...

Thailand’s ‘War on Drugs’ – Human Rights Watch

February 16, 2013

…In February 2003, the Thai government, under then Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, launched a ‘war on drugs’, purportedly aimed at the suppression of drug trafficking and the prevention of drug use. In fact, a major outcome of this policy was arbitrary killings. In the first three months of the campaign there were some 2800 extrajudicial killings…

[it was indeed ten years ago this month that provincial police began to receive orders and lists from the central government concerning intransigent criminal elements to be liquidated. Professional "shooters" from the central police command were sometimes dispatched to areas that fell behind in their quotas.]

Taken from a tremendous resource for information on the entire subject of Thaksin's Drug War:



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Not surprising really. Top health professionals much preferred it when only a handful of very polite, generally very healthy rich people came into hospitals and disturbed them from their mobile phone conversations. Now millions of the great unwashed are thronging the hospitals with real illnesses and 'health professionals' have to work for their living. Oh for those old halyon days!

it was the democrats who first tabled the idea of a national health scheme for the great unwashed

Thaksin stole it and popularized it

he charged 30 baht for joining

only problem was under thaksineconomics it cost 80 baht in admin to collect 30 baht (wonder where did the 50 baht go?)

so Abhisit made it free at it was beneficial to the system and cheaper to administrate

so who is actually responsible for upsetting the health professionals?

Charging a fee for things like this is a well known strategy to prevent frivolous misuse.

Except it was never proven that there was frivolous misuse of the health program prior to implementing the fee, which is easily understandable as people aren't likely to hang out in public government hospitals for hours waiting to be seen for a frivolous ailment or injury.


If u have consisered the possibly hypochondriac tendencies of thais, I am amazed he didn't make it 200 baht to visit.

It has been proven in studies that even the tiniest flat fee can prevent people abusing it.

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it was the democrats who first tabled the idea of a national health scheme for the great unwashed

Thaksin stole it and popularized it

he charged 30 baht for joining

only problem was under thaksineconomics it cost 80 baht in admin to collect 30 baht (wonder where did the 50 baht go?)

so Abhisit made it free at it was beneficial to the system and cheaper to administrate

so who is actually responsible for upsetting the health professionals?

Charging a fee for things like this is a well known strategy to prevent frivolous misuse.

Except it was never proven that there was frivolous misuse of the health program prior to implementing the fee, which is easily understandable as people aren't likely to hang out in public government hospitals for hours waiting to be seen for a frivolous ailment or injury.


If u have consisered the possibly hypochondriac tendencies of thais, I am amazed he didn't make it 200 baht to visit.

It has been proven in studies that even the tiniest flat fee can prevent people abusing it.

I'd love to see the non-existent studies done on charging fees in Thailand, or any other similar country for that matter, where getting seen for any ailment involves waiting in a hot, crowded waiting room for half the day just to get seen by a doctor for 5 minutes.

The system has an unintended built-in mechanism for discouraging health care system abuse and those sorts of conditions are it. Incidentally, those conditions didn't change with the implementation of charging 30 baht. It's still crappy.

Additionally, a study to support your unproven supposition that there is a greater propensity for suffering from hypochondria amongst Thais would also be an interesting read.


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because since Abhisit's military puppet government tens of thousands of websites are being censored - access to the truth denied!!

In the 3 years since Abhisit's legal government left, how many of those claimed number of websites have been un-censored?

Why are the transparency figures for the intervening years show things are getting worse for Thailand?

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mamypoko post # 5

Because a 'group' or an 'organization is not a 'they'.

One can but only presume that you have never been a member of any organisation, trade union., professional body, military unit etc which might have made comments that concern you and the subsequent actions you were expected to follow?

The point exactly, SP. Only a pathetic bunch of spineless cowards would allow themselves to be ordered as to how they should vote by a "trade" organisation. What happened to freedom of thought, and the right to make your own mind up? And don't try to pull the "military unit" stunt here, we are not calling on soldiers to defy their orders, but a bunch of bureaucrats who have far too high an opinion of their worth.


I'd love to see someone walk into a Teamsters meeting and announce to them that they are all "a pathetic bunch of spineless cowards".


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I have four relatives who are medical professionals. None of them was asked/surveyed/or consulted on their opinions. This is the decision of some 'executives' and using their positions to intimidate their subordinates.

Are your relatives all members of the Public Health Society?

Do you have any information to support your guess on how the Public Health Society's statement came about?


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