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Impossible to be 'Just Friends' with Thai women?

fish fingers

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As someone who has just as many female as male friends in the UK, I'm struggling with the idea that I cannot make female friends easily here in Bangkok - the suggestion being that its almost impossible for thai women to meet up with a guy as friends, its either a date, an affair, business related or not possible. Its just not in their 'make up' or something that is accepted in thai society.

Also realizing the inevitable fits of jealousy from the thai girlfriend may be justified. The last time I stepped out with a thai lady friend (who comes from a very good family) she knocked back the cocktails and 'accosted' me in the lift. tongue.png

I'm starting to think the only time a thai lady will step out with a man (especially a farang) is because she wants something more - meaning that being friends with a thai woman is a fallacy.

Feedback please..

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If you're honest, you'll at least agree that it's harder to have a female friend than a male. There are so many reasons, like how a GF/wife would handle that, people you know getting the wrong idea, sexual tension, etc. You guys who claim to have female friends, how would you feel about your GF/wife having a male farang friend and hanging out with him on a regular basis?

And most of you guys that say you have Thai female "friends," are they really your "friend?" Just because you've slept with them and still know them doesn't make them friends in a real sense. Do you hang out with them and go to events like you would a guy friend? Do you reveal all aspects of your life with them, including your love life? Can you even talk to them about things that guys talk about (e.g., women!)?

It's certainly possible and I do have a couple of true female friends, but let's get real. It's just not the same as having a male friend.

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It is impossible for men to be real friends (not acquaintances, real mates like your drinking buddies back home) with women, period, and any bloke who says otherwise is probably a bit of a mommy's boy giggle.gif. Aside from the sexual tension aspect, we're just too different, women are aliens from Venus <deleted> tongue.png. And when it comes to Thai women, well they're not even from this freakin' galaxy. whistling.gif

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Thai girls won't be alone with a guy unless happy to do the bed thing.

In Thailand friends go out in groups, not one male, one female.

As others have pointed out, this is simply not true. Best not to make silly generalisations based on a small sample size.

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Thai girls won't be alone with a guy unless happy to do the bed thing.

In Thailand friends go out in groups, not one male, one female.

As others have pointed out, this is simply not true. Best not to make silly generalisations based on a small sample size.

"inthepink" ..... I'm thinking you have female friends ..... right?

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Thai girls won't be alone with a guy unless happy to do the bed thing.

In Thailand friends go out in groups, not one male, one female.

As others have pointed out, this is simply not true. Best not to make silly generalisations based on a small sample size.

"inthepink" ..... I'm thinking you have female friends ..... right?

Actually, right now, not really. I have had in the past though and they were happy to go out alone with males as friends (and no, I'm not ugly).

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Friendzone alert, my god no-one here got game? It works with all females and you don't gotta bang 'em to enjoy it. Flirt, charm, entice, tease, seduce. Enjoy women for what they are, emotional beings who want stimulation and fun. Ye gods you can be friends AND enjoy the banter/sexual tension, live a little.

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One of my very best friends is a Thai lady and we have been very close for 27 years. There has never been one moment between us that was not purely platonic. She has never asked for or taken any money from me. In fact, she is always offering to lend it to me but I never take it also.

She often makes me Thai food treats or takes me to dinner and I give her business advice or translate something to English for her. We have even been on holidays together and we just enjoy each others company. I truly love her like a sister.

I have other female Thai friends but Saraphee is special.

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