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A thailand too difficult

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I'm starting to think it's just too difficult to work in Thailand, so am thinking aloud, and I think expressing what some of the other readers here, if not the majority are thinking.

Else some of the options seem to be :

* Setup a .com company in Thailand, for which sales or online purchases are predominantly made in America and Europe because Thai Baht purchases are just too small.  Legal ramifications of becoming a global online reseller in Thailand are unclear.  Computer crime law?  I wonder what the venture capitalists would make of it.  One could compare it to the divergence to Europe of IT services some years ago to cut costs, now we seem to be outsourcing to Asia which is quite interesting.  Anyone got any book references on this?  Running services outsourced could become quite lucrative, relatively speaking.

* Live in Singapore, or Hong Kong on a much increased salary and holiday in the Kingdom of Thailand, once a month on the weekend type thing.  You'd probably earn enough to buy a holiday home at some point.  It'd be extremely interesting to see comparisons between living in Asia, the differences between these countries, in terms of rent, salary, benefits, costs etc  The world is becoming a very small place so this would be very welcomed to those with ambition.

Nobody has mentioned the work visa/permit situation for foreigners in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia or that other place I can never recall the name of.  Anyone care to go into more details?  There is little on the net for these emerging countries although I do a number of Vietnam veterans have made *nam their home.

* Just be happy with holidays in Thailand, and be happy that one day in the long distant future, you can retire to Thailand.  There seem to be 2 camps here.  The TEFL people and those lucky enough to retire, and the very very lucky in-between either in specialist work or directors.

* Try again in the future, but this time job hunt in person.


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