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Why are there so many negative Farang in Thailand?


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Farang is such a huge word and ugly word that is given for any person that is not Thai.


by the way, I'm Mexican, now I'm no longer a Farang since you now know where I'm from.

Is "güero" considered derogatory in Mexico?

There are plenty of farang there, 20 million or so.

Farang means European, Not all foreigners are Europeans.

Negro was/is also a term used to describe black people, hardly a nice word nor an acceptable one.

why not acceptable- political correctness?
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why are people so concerned about the outlook of others?

seriously, i live my life. I could not care less what somebody watching thinks.

... and I care so little about what others think that I just had to let them know that I could care less about what somebody else thinks.

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there are many negative as well as positive aspects to life. being only positive is akin to a form of insanity. all this new age bs about being only positive is just that - new age bs.

positive and negative

good and bad

black and white

hot and cold

yin and yang

get the picture OP? you could alternatively read the positive comments and ask why are there so many positive ferang in thailand.

Edited by jonesthebaker
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Automakers are flocking to Thailand. Since 2010, Toyota, Ford, Suzuki, Nissan and Honda have announced plans to either build new factories or expand existing ones. BMW has started making the Mini Countryman here and China's SAIC Motor Corp. is building an assembly plant to make MG-brand cars for the domestic market and export.

Thai production is skyrocketing. And capacity will grow to just over 3.4 million vehicles a year by 2015, predicts the Thailand Automotive Institute, a government-affiliated foundation that promotes the local industry.


Those automakers are "flocking" to Thailand?


because they don't want to pay the increasing tariffs from China.....

and they know Japan is sinking,

they aren't coming to Thailand for the Thai customer

What are you talking about?

Reading your posts, I thought you were just playing devil's advocate but reading your last one, I'm convinced you're just a mouthy clown with a low IQ

Of course it's not about the Thai customer; they've moved or are moving here for the wage costs plus tax breaks the Thai government offer to entice them.

Edited by HardenedSoul
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I think you have been living in some seedy areas, that's all. That in itself is negative.

Four months mate, you only just scratch the surface.

Brother, I am in a gated community, surrounded by what would probably be considered wealthy Thai's

wealthy that is, until their 3% teaser rate mortgages adjust and they are confronted by 50% more in mortgage payments,

they will sell their teenage daughters

this is a fact

I personally suspect you're purposefully being provocative.

If you're talking about sin sot fair enough, that's mainstream culture here at all levels of society, but I don't call that selling daughters - do you?

As far as true arranged marriages for economic purposes, yes that's also pretty common, but usually the girl does have some say in the matter, maybe isn't allowed to marry a poor boy she's "in love" with but parents will let her say no to a guy she finds truly gross.

But again, that's a cultural thing, not IMO outright "selling daughters".

The phenomenon of a family hitting hard times and outright truly selling their daughter out to work in the brothels is nowadays getting rarer and rarer, nothing to do with farang, and limited to only the poorest rural farming areas, usually only after multiple-year extreme drought conditions.

Is that what you're referring to?

Or do you just lump them all together as immoral?

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get used to it EVERYONE hates americans whereever they are. unfortunately online has far too many of them so thats what you are seeing.

So its all about americans? I wonder why they hate americans lol

I don't, but do wonder why you lot tend to be so flaky (false even?) and speak too much. giggle.gif

On your op, I don't know about negative farang but think people fall into one of two categories: those who have realised how it really is here (you need to have been here at least three or four years full-time to quality) and those who have very thick skin.

I have been here approximately 4 months, and I don't need 3 years to learn about the country;

It is a third world country masquerading as a "developing" country; which it isn't.

It is a counterfeit retail mecca for merchants who steal goods from factories in Cambodia and Laos,

And the Chinese will ultimately take over the country the old fashioned way,

they will just buy it,

Everything is for sale here, starting with the women,

Negative you say? Have you seen some of the internet "dating" sites here?

they are loaded, I mean overloaded with girls, "selling" themselves, for a better life, because thailand offers them nothing.

they do have educated whores here, I will give them that

sounds like 4 months too long for you catweazle

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I personally Love Thailand. Have a beautiful Wife been living here 15 years. I am a citizen of this Country....What I hate is the total lack of insite about the World beyond Thai Borders...Most people here have no clue....hell Thailand would still be ox and cart without the Western World. Well they would have Honda's...I also can't believe the way people except so-called Ladyboy's...a freaking joke they are....in my World we call a Spade a Spade....Ladyboy....hahaha....I have other words for them but I'll only get banned...maybe because the headchief here at TV Is one.

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I have been here approximately 4 months, and I don't need 3 years to learn about the country;

It is a third world country masquerading as a "developing" country; which it isn't.

It is a counterfeit retail mecca for merchants who steal goods from factories in Cambodia and Laos,

And the Chinese will ultimately take over the country the old fashioned way,

they will just buy it,

Everything is for sale here, starting with the women,

Negative you say? Have you seen some of the internet "dating" sites here?

they are loaded, I mean overloaded with girls, "selling" themselves, for a better life, because thailand offers them nothing.

they do have educated whores here, I will give them that

It just sounds to me that you were one of those poor emasculated men who never got to wear the trousers in your Western relationships - probably cos your wife/wives pulled them on before you woke up in the mornings laugh.png

So you rock up in Thailand where your buck really does gives you the control over women you always thought it should.

You just came here for the tail and to lick the deep, emotional welts across your heart - hence the puerile, antagonistic posts

Pretty predictable, really

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I have been here approximately 4 months, and I don't need 3 years to learn about the country;

It is a third world country masquerading as a "developing" country; which it isn't.

It is a counterfeit retail mecca for merchants who steal goods from factories in Cambodia and Laos,

And the Chinese will ultimately take over the country the old fashioned way,

they will just buy it,

Everything is for sale here, starting with the women,

Negative you say? Have you seen some of the internet "dating" sites here?

they are loaded, I mean overloaded with girls, "selling" themselves, for a better life, because thailand offers them nothing.

they do have educated whores here, I will give them that

It just sounds to me that you were one of those poor emasculated men who never got to wear the trousers in your Western relationships - probably cos your wife/wives pulled them on before you woke up in the mornings laugh.png

So you rock up in Thailand where your buck really does gives you the control over women you always thought it should.

You just came here for the tail and to lick the deep, emotional welts across your heart - hence the puerile, antagonistic posts

Pretty predictable, really

I am a musician, we don't have the problems that you think....

and licking, yes, there will be some of that tonight, for sure.....

but it won't be my wounds......

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I have been here approximately 4 months, and I don't need 3 years to learn about the country;

It is a third world country masquerading as a "developing" country; which it isn't.

It is a counterfeit retail mecca for merchants who steal goods from factories in Cambodia and Laos,

And the Chinese will ultimately take over the country the old fashioned way,

they will just buy it,

Everything is for sale here, starting with the women,

Negative you say? Have you seen some of the internet "dating" sites here?

they are loaded, I mean overloaded with girls, "selling" themselves, for a better life, because thailand offers them nothing.

they do have educated whores here, I will give them that

It just sounds to me that you were one of those poor emasculated men who never got to wear the trousers in your Western relationships - probably cos your wife/wives pulled them on before you woke up in the mornings laugh.png

So you rock up in Thailand where your buck really does gives you the control over women you always thought it should.

You just came here for the tail and to lick the deep, emotional welts across your heart - hence the puerile, antagonistic posts

Pretty predictable, really

I don't believe in control, or attempting to control, anyone or anything,

that is for men who can't keep a woman the old fashion way,

by her desire

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I have been here approximately 4 months, and I don't need 3 years to learn about the country;

It is a third world country masquerading as a "developing" country; which it isn't.

It is a counterfeit retail mecca for merchants who steal goods from factories in Cambodia and Laos,

And the Chinese will ultimately take over the country the old fashioned way,

they will just buy it,

Everything is for sale here, starting with the women,

Negative you say? Have you seen some of the internet "dating" sites here?

they are loaded, I mean overloaded with girls, "selling" themselves, for a better life, because thailand offers them nothing.

they do have educated whores here, I will give them that

It just sounds to me that you were one of those poor emasculated men who never got to wear the trousers in your Western relationships - probably cos your wife/wives pulled them on before you woke up in the mornings laugh.png

So you rock up in Thailand where your buck really does gives you the control over women you always thought it should.

You just came here for the tail and to lick the deep, emotional welts across your heart - hence the puerile, antagonistic posts

Pretty predictable, really

I don't believe in control, or attempting to control, anyone or anything,

that is for men who can't keep a woman the old fashion way,

by her desire

Comic gold!

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I have been here approximately 4 months, and I don't need 3 years to learn about the country;

It is a third world country masquerading as a "developing" country; which it isn't.

It is a counterfeit retail mecca for merchants who steal goods from factories in Cambodia and Laos,

And the Chinese will ultimately take over the country the old fashioned way,

they will just buy it,

Everything is for sale here, starting with the women,

Negative you say? Have you seen some of the internet "dating" sites here?

they are loaded, I mean overloaded with girls, "selling" themselves, for a better life, because thailand offers them nothing.

they do have educated whores here, I will give them that

It just sounds to me that you were one of those poor emasculated men who never got to wear the trousers in your Western relationships - probably cos your wife/wives pulled them on before you woke up in the mornings laugh.png

So you rock up in Thailand where your buck really does gives you the control over women you always thought it should.

You just came here for the tail and to lick the deep, emotional welts across your heart - hence the puerile, antagonistic posts

Pretty predictable, really

I don't believe in control, or attempting to control, anyone or anything,

that is for men who can't keep a woman the old fashion way,

by her desire

"by her desire" and he's finally found it in Thailand clap2.gif

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Isolated, bored, scared, hung over, judgmental, frustrated sexually, angry to begin with...

An endless list, no need to continue. These people will be angry in heaven.

How can you be sexually frustrated in Thailand?

If your wiener is not working I can understand the frustration , when all these pretty young girls are here to please you. What a nightmare!

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2. Pathologically discontented: There is a certain type of expat who became an expat because they were unhappy where they were and convinced the problem was wholly the fault of that country, and decided to come to Thailand believing it would be a paradise in which everything was designed for their satisfaction. They arrive and find out this is not the case, and moreover, the Thais do not appear at all concerned with rushing to fix the various imperfections they complain of. The women turn out to be people with their own motives and desires, again not what they expected and feel entitled to. The higher the expectations of a "perfect" country that would revolve around them, the greater the anger when it becomes clear this is not the case. These types become extremely embittered and negative. Sometimes they move on to another expected paradise (or they may have tried others before coming here). If so, the cycle repeats itself.

Replace expat with woman and country with boyfriend and you have a decent description of the average entitled narcistic woman.

Mr. Hammer clearly item 2. applies to you.

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I don't believe in control, or attempting to control, anyone or anything,

that is for men who can't keep a woman the old fashion way,

by her desire


Well hang on a sec. In another thread you said you'd had your financial clock cleaned by two wives over the years

What happened to your irresistible charm there, then?

Hilarious. A lascivious lounge lizard so in love with his own reflection and utterly convinced of his bedroom supremacy that the fact he's a middle aged Lothario paying his bargirl girlfriend in Thailand is totally lost on him.

Thanks for the laugh, mate

Edited by HardenedSoul
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I don't believe in control, or attempting to control, anyone or anything,

that is for men who can't keep a woman the old fashion way,

by her desire


Well hang on a sec. In another thread you said you'd had your financial clock cleaned by two wives over the years

What happened to your irresistible charm there, then?

Hilarious. A lascivious lounge lizard so in love with his own reflection and utterly convinced of his bedroom supremacy that the fact he's a middle aged Lothario paying his bargirl girlfriend in Thailand is totally lost on him.

Thanks for the laugh, mate

Comic gold needs no explanation

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Farang is such a huge word and ugly word that is given for any person that is not Thai. Making a statement that Farang are negative depends on each persons understanding of what each person says or wether any person agrees or not.

There are as many negative and positive people all over the world and coming from al walks of life, unfortunately I have experience Farang to be type casted of being too different, fat, loud, most being negative. If you put yourself in our shoes , me being Farang to Thai standards and if I meet a Thai person anywhere in world who is drunk, very short, lazy, would you be happy for us to typecast Thais all being this way?

I believe you will Answer your own question, time to change hats, by the way, I'm Mexican, now I'm no longer a Farang since you now know where I'm from.

Wish you much happiness and positive thinking smile.png

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Mexican is still farange to the Thai's


Farange is what they call ALL foreigners,

No it's not...

(sorry if i get the pronounciation wrong but) Kak = Middle Eastern apearance Niglo = person of African apearance etc etc...

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Farang is such a huge word and ugly word that is given for any person that is not Thai. Making a statement that Farang are negative depends on each persons understanding of what each person says or wether any person agrees or not.

There are as many negative and positive people all over the world and coming from al walks of life, unfortunately I have experience Farang to be type casted of being too different, fat, loud, most being negative. If you put yourself in our shoes , me being Farang to Thai standards and if I meet a Thai person anywhere in world who is drunk, very short, lazy, would you be happy for us to typecast Thais all being this way?

I believe you will Answer your own question, time to change hats, by the way, I'm Mexican, now I'm no longer a Farang since you now know where I'm from.

Wish you much happiness and positive thinking smile.png

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Mexican is still farange to the Thai's


Farange is what they call ALL foreigners,

No it's not...

(sorry if i get the pronounciation wrong but) Kak = Middle Eastern apearance Niglo = person of African apearance etc etc...

Smashing - now we're back on familiar ground! It's like deja vu, but without the tits.

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I don't believe in control, or attempting to control, anyone or anything,

that is for men who can't keep a woman the old fashion way,

by her desire


Well hang on a sec. In another thread you said you'd had your financial clock cleaned by two wives over the years

What happened to your irresistible charm there, then?

Hilarious. A lascivious lounge lizard so in love with his own reflection and utterly convinced of his bedroom supremacy that the fact he's a middle aged Lothario paying his bargirl girlfriend in Thailand is totally lost on him.

Thanks for the laugh, mate

You forget to add up the rest of the posts;

it was already costing me the same to live in a condo hotel,

the girl now, comes free.......that's my personal math, you could play w the numbers all you want....

a cleaned clock, is a cleaned clock,

You faslely assume there was only, one clock....

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I don't believe in control, or attempting to control, anyone or anything,

that is for men who can't keep a woman the old fashion way,

by her desire


Well hang on a sec. In another thread you said you'd had your financial clock cleaned by two wives over the years

What happened to your irresistible charm there, then?

Hilarious. A lascivious lounge lizard so in love with his own reflection and utterly convinced of his bedroom supremacy that the fact he's a middle aged Lothario paying his bargirl girlfriend in Thailand is totally lost on him.

Thanks for the laugh, mate

You forget to add up the rest of the posts;

it was already costing me the same to live in a condo hotel,

the girl now, comes free.......that's my personal math, you could play w the numbers all you want....

a cleaned clock, is a cleaned clock,

You faslely assume there was only, one clock....

I've started cycling, to relive my youth.

The thing that surprised me most about Americans, when I went there, was that they believed their own stories.

How often has your cleaned clock been round the clock?


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Isolated, bored, scared, hung over, judgmental, frustrated sexually, angry to begin with...

An endless list, no need to continue. These people will be angry in heaven.

How can you be sexually frustrated in Thailand?

It may seem hard, but some guys put themselves in exactly that situation, get backed into a corner where they've handed the keys over to the lady of the house and don't see a way out.

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I don't believe in control, or attempting to control, anyone or anything,

that is for men who can't keep a woman the old fashion way,

by her desire


Well hang on a sec. In another thread you said you'd had your financial clock cleaned by two wives over the years

What happened to your irresistible charm there, then?

Hilarious. A lascivious lounge lizard so in love with his own reflection and utterly convinced of his bedroom supremacy that the fact he's a middle aged Lothario paying his bargirl girlfriend in Thailand is totally lost on him.

Thanks for the laugh, mate

You forget to add up the rest of the posts;

it was already costing me the same to live in a condo hotel,

the girl now, comes free.......that's my personal math, you could play w the numbers all you want....

a cleaned clock, is a cleaned clock,

You faslely assume there was only, one clock....


You need to lay off the opium, bro.

Anyway, you said elsewhere that you pay your bargirl girlfriend a regular sum of money to remain your girlfriend.

How, exactly, does that translate to her staying with you out of desire? Well, desire for anything but than your cash, that is?

You're a middle aged man paying a prostitute to stay with him - that's it - plain & simple. Now if that's at the root of your disdain for the country then say so but slagging it off on the strength of what you've seen after 4 months of bar hopping and gratuitous sex with paid company just makes you look really stupid.

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Isolated, bored, scared, hung over, judgmental, frustrated sexually, angry to begin with...

An endless list, no need to continue. These people will be angry in heaven.

How can you be sexually frustrated in Thailand?

If your wiener is not working I can understand the frustration , when all these pretty young girls are here to please you. What a nightmare!

Remember...if your wiener is not working Pfizer is your best friend.

No excuse now-a-days

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Isolated, bored, scared, hung over, judgmental, frustrated sexually, angry to begin with...

An endless list, no need to continue. These people will be angry in heaven.

How can you be sexually frustrated in Thailand?

If your wiener is not working I can understand the frustration , when all these pretty young girls are here to please you. What a nightmare!

Remember...if your wiener is not working Pfizer is your best friend.

No excuse now-a-days

What's the wurst that could happen?

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