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Certified copy of passport required to marry?

Guitar God

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I have a certified , translated and legalized copy of the affirmation of freedom to marry document and the Amphur looked over all my documents, including a signed copy of my passport photo and visa page and didn't say I was missing anything but now my lawyer says I also need certified, translated and legalized copy of my passport too.

Nowhere have I ever read that a certified, translated and legalized copy of my passport was required and the Amphur looked over my copies and said nothing.

I'm assuming my lawyer knows what he's talking about but I'm getting conflicting information.

Has anyone gotten married in Bangkok recently and was required to have a certified copy of their passport?

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Bangkok is a big place, with lots of district offices and each district ofice will have sightly different requirements. Some will require a certified copy of your passport, others not. As you can get married at any district office in Thailand you just go to another district office.

Not sure why you hired a lawyer, in my opinion a waste of money.

A translation of your name is required as all will be recorded in Thai, but your name is already translated with the translation of the affirmation letter.

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I went to the Amphur we plan to go to on the 14th, Bang Rak. When I showed them my documents they said the copy of my passport needed to be signed so they handed me a pen and I signed it. No mention of needing the copy certified, translated and legalized but my lawyer says it needs to be.

I didn't hire a lawyer specifically for this, I was at his office for an unrelated meeting and asked him to review my papers.

I realize if one Amphur required a legalized copy that I could probably find another one that wouldn't care but we want to specifically go to the Bang Rak office and on the 14th it's going to be an all-day affair and I'd hate to waste an entire day for us and two witnesses.

I've already gone through the certification/translation/legalization process once and that also takes two full days. I'm out of the country now until Saturday and have a full schedule until Thursday next week so although I could spend two days getting a copy, just to be sure, I was hoping that someone had been though this recently and could tell if it was indeed a requirement or not.

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Looks to me the papers are inorder and already checked at the district office. (Signing the copy of the passport is the usual way of certifying it).

As far as I recall I have not heard that Bangrak requires a certified and translated copy of your passport. They are well used to foreigners getting married there and know the procedure well.

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