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Go into a NetCafe and choose to sit next a girl using next computer.

She is probably on a Dating site, searching.

So, save yourself the online hassle and start your chatup lines face to face.

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Not wanting to seem naive but are all dating sites a scam?

No thailovelinks it's not a scam site

However there is a few pro scammers on the site

There are more nice girls on the sites and it's easy to set up a few meetings for a holiday should you wish to do so

I have personally met and made Freinds with a few girls online and meet up with in Thailand meeting their family's on my travels in Thailand

So wish you

Good luck

be kind to the ones who are gunuine

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girls showing their goods + words as sponsor or wantt to help my family (children on the side, sick buffalo, brother/uncle needs motosay or had accident, mother with cancer and needs big expensive farang hospital, governement not good enough, or good family man) = ATM


If you've got an iphone, download the 'Skout' app! Worked for me yesterday wink.png

Installed it but can't register as they are apparently overwhelmed with users!

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I have tried Thailovelinks and have met some really nice girls there. I would say that site has 10% total scammers who are maybe guys who post girl photos and try to get some money, 15% are call girls or work bar who looking for tricks, 25% are looking for anyone who can be friends and spend money on them, 15% looking for sugar-daddy, and many are looking for a real boyfriend.

Had very lovely girl contact me recently on TLL but then said she didn't use THailovelinks much and wanted me to chat with her on TrulyThai.com . It turns out that she was just on TLL to get people to switch. I enrolled as non paying member but after finding out her game ( TrulyThai's game) I canceled my membership and sent them a nasty letter. wanke_rs !!! If they scam you to get you to join how can you trust anything on there. Thaifriendly is a free site that lets you send a message every 10 minutes. Many younger girls there but looking for young guys who are near their age.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

I tend to agree , I used Thailovelinks for about 4 years , which is how long it took before I met my wife . I did meet several girls/women before her that were genuine but it didn't work out for various reasons . I soon learned the tricks the Thai women get up to and found out that the obvious scammers were the ones who bought up the subject of money on the first date , needless to say the relationship didn't progress any further . As I said I met my wife on Thailovelinks and we've been together fo 4 years now and totally happy . So my experience is you have to sort out all the scammers and hopefully you'll find a genuine one .

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Why prepare dates as the bars, restaurants and many other places are full of willing girls for dating?

Don't worry that you'll miss out for a day, there's plenty and you can easily swop if it's not what you want instead of the risk of being stuck up with a nut case!


Not wanting to seem naive but are all dating sites a scam?

It is where...you and your money...are soon parted...


On TLL take note of their "religion". 99% are Buddhist of course. But if she says she is Protestant (or even Catholic) it is a scam. Not too bad of a scam, probably, but a way of getting you into that church and forking out money in the cause of whatever the church is interested in. "Protestant" girls usually have good English in their little profiles, written presumably by a church professional.


If you've got an iphone, download the 'Skout' app! Worked for me yesterday wink.png

Installed it but can't register as they are apparently overwhelmed with users!

Are you using 3G or a fast internet connection? Sometimes it says something like 'Not tonight honey' if your internet is to slow.


When I moved to Thailand 3 years ago it was my intention to find a Thai lady to spend the rest of my life with. I´m 63 today, and have a daugther 32, and have to promise her that I would not find one younger than her. I kept my promise, looking at TLL, I found 3 nice ladies, quit quicly I sorted 2 out, as I could read between the lines, that they was only looking for money. Today I`m happely merried to number 3, she is 53, and a very nice a clever women. She could hardly speek English when I first meet her 3 years ago, but with a translation computer and a couple of books, and talking together every day, she is now speaking fairly good English.

In fact so good so she is teaching some of the local girls here in the village to speak English, as they also want to find a falang. This is serius girls, not scammers, so I´m helping them by making a profile on TLL for them, and answer there mail, and sorting out all the male scammers, as there is a lot. If someboddy respond to there profile, I tell them in the first reply that, it is me answering for them, so no scam.

But be carefull out there, a lot of scammers, but reading between the lines, and ask the right quistions you will soon find out.

Good day to all of you

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If you've got an iphone, download the 'Skout' app! Worked for me yesterday wink.png

Installed it but can't register as they are apparently overwhelmed with users!

Are you using 3G or a fast internet connection? Sometimes it says something like 'Not tonight honey' if your internet is to slow.

I'm using the office internet which is fast. Will try again later and then 3G.


The girls also have to watch out a little bit. A number of years back I helped two women who were working for me to get started with Thailovelinks. The same guy (American living in Chiang Mai) instantly sent both of them an I am interested message, and both of them concluded on the spot he had to be an unreliable butterfly.


Yes in Internet there are a lot of scammers.

But you are the one who lets them scam you.

One imoprtant rule is that you never must expect anything in return for your money.

If it is scammer or normal girl it doesn't matter.

If you get back more than a "thank you!" then you are lucky.

But Dating in internet give you a lot of possibilities to meet people you never would have met otherwise.

As in real life you must find out yourself if the person is serious with you or only wants benefits $$$.

What you must not expect that you get results after 1 day or 1 weeks already. Better you count in month or years.

Many men think that dating sites are like supermarket where you can buy the girl you want to have.

After they are 10.000 Euro less rich they might have learnt it doesn't work that way.

You can try also ThaiKisses site.


Before I married my Thai wife I got a good education with this site

you can easy get rid of the money grabbers if you take you time and do not rush in

My advice is the good girls all have a job unlike bar girls who can meet you at the drop of a hat

Now if they are willing to take time off work to be with you, you need to be prepared to re in burse her for the money she will loose by not working

She will have expenses to pay if she not work

So first find out her monthly income

Any thing over 20,000 baht and she is most likely scamming you

My single friends tell me 15,ooo a month is a good place to start on Pro Rata

That is is she is not happy you pay her only for the time spent

Beware of the Issan girls who want you to pay there air fares

There are many who want to come to Bkk for a good time spend 1 day with you and dissapear

so make sure you make it clear they need to stay ?? days with you before they get this air fare refunded

Also beware of the girl who meets you at the airport and tells you she has something to do before she can go to your room

This is a scammer who has worked out the time spent is not going to get what she wants, normally she will ask for money in advance which of course she will pay you back

Be prepared to meet many ladies to find the right one

you need to open alot of shells to find a pearl


No it's not worth it. I would only be using the site to arrange dates ahead of my arrival. What's the worse that could happen?

Well, in my book, I would say that the worst thing that could happen is that you could arrive to find out your date has a bigger p3n!s than you do... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


With TLL you can filter ...advise you to look for women with university education [guarantees nothing, but slightly better chance of genuine girl wanting friendship leading to you-know-what.] Go for older women (35-55) and preferably those without children or kids long left home.

Most of the women will give you "love" if you are genuinely nice to them, and they are smart enough to distinguish between beer-swilling, cigarette-smelling, tattoo-covered losers and the real McCoy.

Of COURSE they want your money. Why should this be an issue??. For a woman not in a government job, they have nothing but poverty, hard work and pain ahead of them. Why SHOULDN'T they look for financial support. But be assured, they will be loyal to you as long as you are loyal and non-asshol_e to them.

Be fair

You are look for a balance relatioship

she needs security and a future she can have a good life

You want love that no western woman will give

and a young slim body that you will not find at home

so this is to me to be far

you look after her financially, and she looks after you phycally

Most scammers start off like being scammed first

there is no such thing as a free lunch

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So only one side of the conversation needs to be a paid up member for both sides to be able to read and send emails and chat?

Funny story related to this type of thing;

11 years ago I was recommended by a friend to the then popular site "match dot com". I wasn't looking for anything serious and just curious if there was anyone nice on their from Chiangmai because I was coming over in a couple months time for a holiday.

I saw quite a few on there and from memory I'd paid a fee that allowed contact with girls for 30 days or something like that and had contacted several which at the time I noticed used their site username/nickname appended by "@hotmail.com". Anyway my membership had just expired by one day when I spotted this profile of a really lovely lady that I felt like I wanted to make contact with. On the off chance that it might work,. I sent an email to her "[email protected]" and the next day saw her show up in my chat list on hotmail chat.

Eureka,.. so we chatted a little and sent a couple of emails. I then asked her would she like to meet when I came to Chiangmai 10 days later and she said OK and gave me her mobile number.

Here's how the story ends: I went to Chiangmai and we met and she was just gorgeous. A really delightful lady with a good job and uni degree (not a bar girl) and she was smart and had self respect.

We hit it off great and became friends but nothing romantic between us despite there being a mutual attraction. We kept in touch on and off for a year and then something changed in her personal life and she was talking about making a fresh start and maybe going abroad to work. We talked about it a lot and then I told her that I thought I was falling in love with her and had strong feelings for her and wanted to know how she felt about me.

She told me she had the same feelings too. So over the next 4 or 5 weeks we talked daily on the phone and by SMS etc and the feelings intensified. I then came to see her about 6 weeks later and we got engaged. 4 months later we got married.

That was 10 years ago and now we are happily married living in Chiangmai and have 3 lovely sons.

A meeting and a marriage made in heaven it was because I couldn't have ever constructed anything like this in my wildest dreams!

Best wishes to you for a happy future ;-)

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Not wanting to seem naive but are all dating sites a scam?

Yes and No!

Met my Thai Wife on Love Links about 6 or 7 years ago and we are still very much living together and still very happy. Was only on it for a month when I was bored and between jobs. She had just broken up with her Thai Boyfriend and was also only on this site for about a month to.

Having said that, and in this short time, I also found many Gold Diggers there to. So it is not so much that these Dating Sites are a scam, but more so of some of the people who go to them. But if you think with your head, and I mean the one on top, you will soon spot the difference. I also don't think you should zero in on just this one location. You will probably have to go to Bangkok first anyway and could meet up with her their. Buses in Thailand are cheap and plentiful as well.

If you are just looking for a one-night-stand, than advice has already been given on that. Wait to you get their, hit a Bar, and you will have your pick of what is their. You will also know that the person you are talking to is real at least, and not some Grandmother posting her Granddaughters picture and getting some kicks. Or money from you. Bar Girls are great and if you just want someone for a week or two you can usually stay with the same one if you like her. Most of them like that as well. If you are an Okay Guy.

Good Luck!


Not wanting to seem naive but are all dating sites a scam?

I found Thai Love Links to be excellent if you have good judgment. As to the 'scammed up front' comment, I feel sad for you. Yup, many nut cases and users online, but also many simple women that just want romance and will pay for everything just to,be with you. YMMV based on YOUR personality ;-)

From your time on that site did you subscribe to the Gold or Platinum and why?

I did equally well on Gold. Who gives a flying kazoo about a video. You chat, you get contact info, and go off-site, right?

I agree!


So only one side of the conversation needs to be a paid up member for both sides to be able to read and send emails and chat?

Bingo - these web site exist to make money. Plenty of TV documentaries expose the play to employ ladies to 'lead on' the marks to continue paying the fees. I repeat - it's a scam. But hey - on you go. Tell us how it goes.

Women are allowed in free. You pay if you want to communicate with them. Where you got this idea from nobody knows. Except if I walked up to you and gave you $100, you wouldn't take it for fear it is some scam.

So many people are so afraid of being cheated out of a few bucks! Go Figure?


Just walk into a lady bar anywhere in Thailand. you will meet many many 'lovely' Thai ladies. Why take the chance on a scam website, just get scammed up front and in person biggrin.png

+1....Don't waste your time with dating sites. You'll have no problem with the real thing.


I've used both Thai Love Links and Thai Friendly. I found many profiles that seemed improbable, but no greater percent than I have also found on dating sites here at home. The dodgy ones are often easy to identify and almost always within a few messages. On the positive side, I've met and dated ladies in both BKK and Chiang Mai who were sweet, attractive and perfectly well-intended. TLL more than TF. Although I didn't fall in love with any of them, two become "Facebook friends" and we've stayed in touch on FB and sometimes on Skype. Recently, one became "Employee of the Month" at the major bank where she works. All are fine women and I wouldn't have met any one of them in a bar or nightclub. I didn't sleep with any of them, our kisses were always date-appropriate and none ever asked me for anything.


I met my girlfriend 6 years ago on Thia love Links and she is the farthest thing from a scam

Try it just be sensible about it that's all. Most are not scamming but there are some just like in bars or anywhere else

Use common sense and think with your head between your shoulders not the other one


Go into a NetCafe and choose to sit next a girl using next computer.

She is probably on a Dating site, searching.

So, save yourself the online hassle and start your chatup lines face to face.

So? What is the Punch Line to this? That a lot of Thai Women can't afford to buy their own computer? Or perhaps they are looking for a relationship on Love Links, like you are? That's helpful to know here! Who would have guessed?

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