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Ive always used thailand.tangowire.com and had some great meets with ladies, but very rarely in Bangkok, most are from Udon, Khon Kaen, Korat etc.. Look for ladies with jobs, otherwise there may be requests for money. Of the 6 ladies I've met, none were scammers, you sift those out during the email and Skype stages. There must be bar girls on there, but I've never come across one. If you want to swing your wedding vegetables into action, internet dating is very slow. Most girls are thinking long term with a view to children/marriage/security/buffalo insurance! Good luck and do it, it's fun, if you've the time and patience.

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Over the last few days since I joined TLL I've been emailed by 3 or 4 women and considering that they need to pay a monthly fee to do this one would consider them keen. It turns out that three of them are all 'first time on this site' and are in Ghana. One emailed her email address before she got closed down so I contacted her and we have been Yahoo messaging. She sent me some pics and she is stunningly beautiful. You can not imagine someone like her having to use a dating site. Does this wreak?


I know you won't believe this but an American friend connects with Thai women on the internet and has them come to him and they have SEX. Real women but in the 5, 6 range.No charge except for beer etc. Also meets Cambo women and VN women on the internet and meets them for sex in their country. OK you can attack me now. : )


Further to my previous contribution, I encountered one girl that illogically finsihed with me even though things were appartently going very well. However, I knew she had been with an Ausytralian for a while. She told me that she had even had sex with him even though he was fat and she doesn't like fat men. When I asked why she therefore had sex with him, she replied that he also had a "good heart" - a phrase Thais often use. When I enquired further, I realised that he was giving her money and she, therefore, paid him back in sex. I had, however, denied her friend money the day before she finished with me. She weanted me to go to KFC to pay for her friend's meal even though her friend was not with us, but I refused. I said she is not my girlfriend and I don't even know her. The next day, she infromed me that she does not like me kissing her and didn't turn up for our date.

She still wants to be friends with me because she obviously still really likes me (most on Thailovelinks do not remain friends though), but obviously to have a relationship with her, I must provide her with money or I stand no chance.

I am sure some readers will just ask why I don't give her 1000 Baht and then have my way with her. Well, there is such a thing as honour. After all, relationships should be based on love, not money - at least, that is how I view it.

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I have tried Thailovelinks and have met some really nice girls there. I would say that site has 10% total scammers who are maybe guys who post girl photos and try to get some money, 15% are call girls or work bar who looking for tricks, 25% are looking for anyone who can be friends and spend money on them, 15% looking for sugar-daddy, and many are looking for a real boyfriend.

Had very lovely girl contact me recently on TLL but then said she didn't use THailovelinks much and wanted me to chat with her on TrulyThai.com . It turns out that she was just on TLL to get people to switch. I enrolled as non paying member but after finding out her game ( TrulyThai's game) I canceled my membership and sent them a nasty letter. wanke_rs !!! If they scam you to get you to join how can you trust anything on there. Thaifriendly is a free site that lets you send a message every 10 minutes. Many younger girls there but looking for young guys who are near their age.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

10% + 15% + 25% +15% = 65% of women on Thailovelinks that are not genuine. :)


I have tried Thailovelinks and have met some really nice girls there. I would say that site has 10% total scammers who are maybe guys who post girl photos and try to get some money, 15% are call girls or work bar who looking for tricks, 25% are looking for anyone who can be friends and spend money on them, 15% looking for sugar-daddy, and many are looking for a real boyfriend.

Had very lovely girl contact me recently on TLL but then said she didn't use THailovelinks much and wanted me to chat with her on TrulyThai.com . It turns out that she was just on TLL to get people to switch. I enrolled as non paying member but after finding out her game ( TrulyThai's game) I canceled my membership and sent them a nasty letter. wanke_rs !!! If they scam you to get you to join how can you trust anything on there. Thaifriendly is a free site that lets you send a message every 10 minutes. Many younger girls there but looking for young guys who are near their age.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

10% + 15% + 25% +15% = 65% of women on Thailovelinks that are not genuine. :)

And what percent of men are just looking for sex .... Maybe same or more ?

You need to do your homework to find the truly nice girls who are worth your time. I think my numbers may also reflect Thai girls in general .... Except for those working bar or selling body, I think the number for non dating service girls is much lower.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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After just a week of using TLL, and having been on the end of a fair amount of interest I dare say, I must say how frustrating it is to use as a non-paying member. Communication is limited to simple "Hi"s and "I am interested". Any more is cut off and attempts to pass on email addresses or links to other sites results in your profile being "switched off" until you say sorry or the email message disappearing without a trace. So why not just pay up you say? Well I was thinking of doing just that but then I thought ThaiFriendly seems to have a good model with their free message every 10 minutes compared to TLL's $40 for a month.

Am I just cheap?


It's the only way to travel,, been using it for years, i play the game well, join for a month and stop, you gt pushed up the list with hundreds of females writeing to you, then join again to contact them, the first time was funny as many asked me to send them money, i never did but after meeting them and falling for them i realised the scams, yes many don't know or write English, if they are good at English then up go the red flags, never send them money, i did and was scammed about $800 US, but a good lesson learn't, now i am a seasoned veteran (maybe never learn) and i play the game,, i have about 15 girls lined up to meet all over Thailand when the politics settle down,, it's a game and i play it, and i love it. Remeber "if you love me you must give me money" or any mention of "money" it's my que to run and change my sim card real quick and never give out my real e-mail address always use an alias (look it up in Hotmail), good luck boys, let the games begin.

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It's the only way to travel,, been using it for years, i play the game well, join for a month and stop, you gt pushed up the list with hundreds of females writeing to you, then join again to contact them, the first time was funny as many asked me to send them money, i never did but after meeting them and falling for them i realised the scams, yes many don't know or write English, if they are good at English then up go the red flags, never send them money, i did and was scammed about $800 US, but a good lesson learn't, now i am a seasoned veteran (maybe never learn) and i play the game,, i have about 15 girls lined up to meet all over Thailand when the politics settle down,, it's a game and i play it, and i love it. Remeber "if you love me you must give me money" or any mention of "money" it's my que to run and change my sim card real quick and never give out my real e-mail address always use an alias (look it up in Hotmail), good luck boys, let the games begin.

Spot on, it's got to be a game because the odds are against you but you've got to put the odds in your favour.

The guys that are scoring big time have a few profiles going and each profile is chatting to the same girl, its all fine if you've got the time and patience.


  • 3 months later...

IMO the best place/way to meet is in non dating relating activities, non internet dating sites. Ie; pack your board and fly to bali. tons of japanese surfer girls that are friendly, open minded, progressive, dynamic, certainly outside the box, financially independent and dont walk with an umbrella on sunny days LOL you can also travel together to many countries and they do not need a visa to enter europe, usa, etc etc. in thailand its typically financial disparity that sets the "relationship stage" quite often.


IMO the best place/way to meet is in non dating relating activities, non internet dating sites. Ie; pack your board and fly to bali. tons of japanese surfer girls that are friendly, open minded, progressive, dynamic, certainly outside the box, financially independent and dont walk with an umbrella on sunny days LOL you can also travel together to many countries and they do not need a visa to enter europe, usa, etc etc. in thailand its typically financial disparity that sets the "relationship stage" quite often.

middle age on this board is around 60, don't think these hot japanese girls want anything to do with old guys thats why they prefer bargirls..


I've found Japanese girls rather fussy on their pick of men too. They look through Asian guys preferring the Caucasian variety.


Just an update after my weeks of searching ... ThaiLoveLinks has now been renamed ThaiCupid. It's run craftily to the point that it sends you fake emails from women interested in you just after you login to the web site giving you the impression that the interest is fresh and online. If I don't login I get zilch. As soon as I do a handful of emails arrive. Preferring the ThaiFriendly model I've shown interest to many women and sent a number of messages but only touched base with one. We exchanged skype names and texted a bit then she deleted/blocked me; I guess she had reached her limit of the English vocabulary or of me!

I'm headed to Thailand next week so I'll give the bar scene a go. Maybe I'll luck out and meet someone nice.


After reading all your posts Y2K i almost want to meet you in person , beers on me if you care :-)

Edit ,

Removed the free beer part , lol

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Well as long as you DON'T buy all my drinks I'd be happy to meet up for drinks. Anyone else care to join? I'll pm you my contact details.

  • 3 months later...

Is this information still up to date?
I will be working as an expat in LOS for 1 year coming this october and am planning to subscribe to a dating site.. I heard some good stories about Thai Love Links here and on the internet (i.e. http://www.interdatingsites.com/thai-love-links/) and also ThaiFriendly but I would also like to have some personal recommendations from the veterans on this board ;)
Thanks in advance!

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