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Been having a problem with what started as a sore throat /phelm(not uncommon here) and was using a throat spray to ease the issue.First lasted 3 weeks.Cleared up slowly but eventually gone.Was ok for a few weeks and then returned.

This time I couldn't shift it so tried a stronger spray.Five weeks later a cough started ...a dry rolling fast cough and last evening after a few days of what seemed a improving situation no cough at all,that is until I got up to go out on the balcony.As I stood .

up the coughing started. I walked forward coughing six /eight times.

Next I knew was the girlfriend holding me up on the floor wiping up the blood from the side of my head where I must have hit my head on the archway between the rooms as I passed out.

Never had anything like this before.Never smoked and never drink to excess.Bit over weight but still reasonable fit.

It seems that this is not that rare and mostly a male problem.I probably need a anti biotic to sort the cough.


What realy concerns me is how quick this happened.Plus if I had got onto the balcony could I have been the next member of the Pattaya flying club?


The cough is one problem and assuming no indications of a pulmonary problem, a visit to a good ENT is in order, likely due to irritation from post-nasal drip which may be allergic in origin. I highly recommend Prof. Songlot at St. Louis Hospital.

The fainting was likely the result of what is called the "valsalva manuever" and can occur during forceful coughing (google "cough syncope"). People with underlying cardiac problems are more susceptible so if yo uahve nto had a recent complete check-up it would be wise.

And, of course, make a point of getting off of balconies etc as soon as you feel a cough coming on.


A similar thing happend to me about 3 weeks ago. Fortunately I was sitting at the computer desk when I started to cough. I saw stars, went dizzy and I remember falling out of the chair onto the floor.

Fortunately my only damage was a cut on my knee from the wheel of the chair. A good thing too as I was on my own at the time.

Once I stopped coughing I poured a glass of cold water and went upstairs to bed for an hour or so.

I had a bout of bronchitis in December and I thought I had got over it but the cough and cold came back with a vengance last month but I am mostly over that now.

It scared the crap out of me as I will be 70 in May and at that time I wan't sure if I would make it.


It was a strange feeling. I came round and wasn't completely with it. The girlfriend was very worried as she had seen me fall and crash into the edge of the arch.My head had hit the concrete edge and a very large lump had come up immediately bleeding down the side of my face.I came to with her trying wipe the blood up/stop the bleeding asking was I ok etc.

It took a trip to the bathroom mirror to see the damage before I understood what had happened.Even then I couldn't take in that a short series of coughs had done that to me.

I had coughed way worse the day before with no ill feeling.A good nights sleep saw me a lot happier and the lump had gone down by 80%.

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