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Suthep says plundering rice warehouse is next step


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They would have had there money by now if the PTP had paid them when they said they would. 4 months ago!! This is a true indication of the contempt the PTP actually have for the poor. Actions usually speak loader than words unless of course your a UDD supporter in which case rhetoric speaks loader than actions.

What on earth are you talking about - the rice wasn't even harvested 4 months ago!

The rice has been sitting in warehouses for years. Payments to farmers are overdue by six to nine months long before the parliament was dissolved. The reason it is in warehouses is because the government has been unable to sell much of it.

The farmers WERE paid for previous harvests. The only harvest they haven't been paid for is the one that fnished mid December 2013.

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Finally, a concrete plan from Khun S and Co.Doubt it will work but at least he is outlining part of his masterplan.

Really,,, by raiding rice mills, that's his master plan, how about if he gave all that cash he got from people and stuffed into bags and offered that?

just how much of that cash was syphoned off into pockets do you think?

if he didn't hold the country to ransom and blocking people from voting as is their lawful right then the farmers would already have been paid, it's the farmers that are hurting not him, he's laughing all the way too the bank at the farmers and the country's expense.

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They would have had there money by now if the PTP had paid them when they said they would. 4 months ago!! This is a true indication of the contempt the PTP actually have for the poor. Actions usually speak loader than words unless of course your a UDD supporter in which case rhetoric speaks loader than actions.

What on earth are you talking about - the rice wasn't even harvested 4 months ago!

The rice has been sitting in warehouses for years. Payments to farmers are overdue by six to nine months long before the parliament was dissolved. The reason it is in warehouses is because the government has been unable to sell much of it.

The farmers WERE paid for previous harvests. The only harvest they haven't been paid for is the one that fnished mid December 2013.

some are reporting payments are late for 8 months now .......and the storage guys havent been paid in over a year

they may have been hiding this problem for awhile

Edited by speedtripler
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If Suthep Thugsuban is so concerned about the plight of the farmers, than why does his group not offer to pay the farmers travelling and hotel expenses to join the protests in Bangkok?

It also appears that this guy is full of idle threats. I gave up giving him any credibility long ago that includes the rest of the mobs on all sides.

If the government was concerned about the plight of the farmers in ANY way at all (except at election time) why didn't THEY pay the farmers in full and on time?

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