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THAI union firm on Monday shutdown of the airline


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I would suspect, that their decision is politicised, like their other recent protests against the government. Looks, like the union bosses have strong political views and that they are not democratic

You forgot to call them fascists. OTOH if the union took a vote, it would be a democratic decision. Oh, the irony.

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I am a Gold Card Royal Orchid holder. I also hold Gold Cards on both Emirates and Etihad.

Long haul to Europe on TG typically cost twice as much on EK or EY (online prices). On top of that, the product is far, far inferior - seats, VOD, service, food, you name it. On the ground, check-in for business class is great - fast track immigration etc. But the TG lounges pale in comparison to EK.

How does TG hope to compete?

Agreed... let me add that it takes only a few miles to reach GOLD status, so virtually everyone who flies Thai is a Gold Royal Orchid member too. Which means all the privileges are not privileges. If you are NOT a Gold frequent flyer then you are really screwed!!!

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Thai USED to be an outstanding airline... then the likes of Singapore, Cathay, Emirates and even Qatar caught up and passed them.... left them in the dust.

I swear, now my decision is not whether I should take Singapore Airlines or Cathay to Singapore or Hong Kong, versus Thai..... I NEVER take Thai...

.... the choice is whether I should take a train or fly Thai Airways upcountry.

Edited by Blackmirage2013
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Oh Guys, just 2 days ago was waiting for a mate in Suvarnabhumi around midnight. I have seen a big Thai AW air hostess team, around 20 ladies. I don't want to hurt anyone but their age's average was around 45 yrs, and their "nice rate" (in a scale 1 - 10) average wasn't more than 3.5. I was very very surprised.

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THAI, its directors, its employees, its labour unions, its users who receive complimentary seats (politicians & senior govt. officials) have enjoyed many years of free travel, generous welfare packages, salaries, jobs for life and social prestige at the cost to the Thai taxpayer. THAI will never go bankrupt, the taxpayer will have to keep funding this gravy train forever. Nothing to do with PTP, all administrations have used THAI as a perk of being in power.

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The majority of THAI staff, from top to bottom, are overpaid family members of Thai politicians and other VIPs. They got their jobs through nepotism, not qualifications. It would therefore be best for Thailand if THAI was sold to another carrier or sold in parts to several other carriers, who could clean up the airline and run it professionally and profitably without the constant interference of incompetent Thai politicians.

This is true. One of my Thai friends was an air hostess for JAL and now works for Cathay Pacific. When I asked her why she didn't apply to work for THAI she said that you could be the Air Hostess of Year but you still wouldn't get a job with THAI unless you 'knew' someone.

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These guys are looking for a raise. Thai airlines fairs are far too high anyways and they say then want to restore the airline. Well then take pay cuts and discount airfares

You cannot have both. This is the reality of the free market system. Sure get the pay hikes and in 1 yr it will be out of business.

What can I say except this is a doomed airline if it continues on this course.

Just do it now and restructure throw the union out and start fresh otherwise you will end up in bangkrupcy

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I can't believe the Thai workers need a raise.... rather, I think many of them should be fired and replaced with less expensive, younger staff... have you seen some of the octogenarian air hostesses in business class?! Worst service ever.... rivaling Northwest and United Airlines for the poorest quality, ugliest fattest in flight crews in the world.

I honestly think workers need to take a hard look in the mirror and think about whether they really deserve more money, or whether they need to retire or work harder and stop looking for charity.... in a successful, sustainable capitalist world, people work for a living... they don't just sit around wanking and complaining to be paid for not doing any work.

Even this lot are better... A little light heartedness for the end of the week;

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The majority of THAI staff, from top to bottom, are overpaid family members of Thai politicians and other VIPs. They got their jobs through nepotism, not qualifications. It would therefore be best for Thailand if THAI was sold to another carrier or sold in parts to several other carriers, who could clean up the airline and run it professionally and profitably without the constant interference of incompetent Thai politicians.

Absolutely true - for cabin crew anyway. All those roles are reserved (2 years in advance) for the sons and daughters of elite 'friends and family' who have no interest or skills in actually serving a paying passenger. If the cabin crew selection process was to include merit, skills, experience, and appearance as factors they may be on the way to providing a half decent service to passengers. But no....its all part of the Bangkok privileges trough!

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Most of us won't miss them as we don't use them.

Where the hell did this suddenly come from? First the protests, now this????

Just another excuse to take the day off and not work for Thailand.....

Did you even read the news story?

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Thai Airways serves the WORST food in the world. The noodles taste like rubber, the vegetables are like pieces of wax and the meat is from the Dusit Zoo. On domestic flights, they give you plastic bags so you can bring the food home to feed to your dog. One air hostess told me she thought the food is one of the best in the industry.... which told me more about her breeding and judgment than anything else.

Edited by Blackmirage2013
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I can't believe the Thai workers need a raise.... rather, I think many of them should be fired and replaced with less expensive, younger staff... have you seen some of the octogenarian air hostesses in business class?! Worst service ever.... rivaling Northwest and United Airlines for the poorest quality, ugliest fattest in flight crews in the world.

I honestly think workers need to take a hard look in the mirror and think about whether they really deserve more money, or whether they need to retire or work harder and stop looking for charity.... in a successful, sustainable capitalist world, people work for a living... they don't just sit around wanking and complaining to be paid for not doing any work.

When did asking for fair compensation for the work that you do become asking for charity? Perhaps you'd like to change places and do their job since it's so well paid for doing nothing.

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thai airlines used to be great but it is now pathetic due entirely to the people running it, they have special seasts for all their cronies etc that are not charged costing the airlines massively, their decisions seem to be based on what an ex pm wants and not whats best fro the company. The ptp have politicized it and are now paying the price, change is long overdue and needs to be done before they go bankrupt, quantas is going through similar in Australia, they need new blood at the top that know what they are doing and to stop the gravy train.

And as I read the news story this is what the strike/shut down is trying to achieve. It's unfair to blame workers for issues that are caused by poor management. Some TV members should keep this in mind before the blame the lowering of quality on cabin crew.

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The majority of THAI staff, from top to bottom, are overpaid family members of Thai politicians and other VIPs. They got their jobs through nepotism, not qualifications. It would therefore be best for Thailand if THAI was sold to another carrier or sold in parts to several other carriers, who could clean up the airline and run it professionally and profitably without the constant interference of incompetent Thai politicians.

Absolutely true - for cabin crew anyway. All those roles are reserved (2 years in advance) for the sons and daughters of elite 'friends and family' who have no interest or skills in actually serving a paying passenger. If the cabin crew selection process was to include merit, skills, experience, and appearance as factors they may be on the way to providing a half decent service to passengers. But no....its all part of the Bangkok privileges trough!

I fly Thai international several times every year and I have never had a problem the the cabin crew. They are always polite, atentive and competent in their jobs.

And the other poster is talking <deleted> for the most part as well, I know 3 ladies who work aircrew for TG personally all working international routes and none of them have any "elite" connections within the family, and all are very dedicated professional normal people

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I can't believe the Thai workers need a raise.... rather, I think many of them should be fired and replaced with less expensive, younger staff... have you seen some of the octogenarian air hostesses in business class?! Worst service ever.... rivaling Northwest and United Airlines for the poorest quality, ugliest fattest in flight crews in the world.

I honestly think workers need to take a hard look in the mirror and think about whether they really deserve more money, or whether they need to retire or work harder and stop looking for charity.... in a successful, sustainable capitalist world, people work for a living... they don't just sit around wanking and complaining to be paid for not doing any work.

Interesting your comments about attention to detail when your own comments seem to be based on having not read the article properly.

They are not compaigning for more money but to get rid of inept management.

Thank you. Finally someone who has read the article rather than just reacted to the word shut down.

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