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Pridiyathorn tells Kittirat to stop lying


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You'll really love him when he gets back in power.

Just like the old days of the FBA... Which was him!!! Devekula really really hates foreigners, esp. the ones who live here.

Careful what you wish for guys. http://nationmultimedia.com/2007/02/10/headlines/headlines_30026486.php

Maybe you'll love him more after you've left the country due to their anti foreigner sentiments.

Rubish, i have known him for more than 30 years and worked with him a long time ago and he was always polite and kind.

I do not know him as well or for as long as you but at our several meetings he was the perfect gentleman - courteous, informative and helpful. Exactly the sort of person needed back in government although I rather suspect he would be very reluctant to climb back into the rat's nest of Thai politis.

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He did not lie!

I did not have sex with that woman, that woman Monica.

If you like your insurance you can keep it. The NSA does not spy on Americans. Benghazi was caused by a video.

Watergate should be handled as a small breaking.

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You'll really love him when he gets back in power.

Just like the old days of the FBA... Which was him!!! Devekula really really hates foreigners, esp. the ones who live here.

Careful what you wish for guys. http://nationmultimedia.com/2007/02/10/headlines/headlines_30026486.php

Maybe you'll love him more after you've left the country due to their anti foreigner sentiments.

Rubish, i have known him for more than 30 years and worked with him a long time ago and he was always polite and kind.

I have met numerous political figures in my job (cameraman/filmmaker) and the vast majority are very polite, that does not mean they are nice or kind people. Actions speak louder than words. I don't know what Devekula's real opinion of foreigners is so I do not comment on that, but unless he is a close personal friend I suggest you cannot be certain what his personal beliefs are. As a personal rule of thumb I never trust ANY politician ANYWHERE.

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You'll really love him when he gets back in power.

Just like the old days of the FBA... Which was him!!! Devekula really really hates foreigners, esp. the ones who live here.

Careful what you wish for guys. http://nationmultimedia.com/2007/02/10/headlines/headlines_30026486.php

Maybe you'll love him more after you've left the country due to their anti foreigner sentiments.

Rubish, i have known him for more than 30 years and worked with him a long time ago and he was always polite and kind.

I have met numerous political figures in my job (cameraman/filmmaker) and the vast majority are very polite, that does not mean they are nice or kind people. Actions speak louder than words. I don't know what Devekula's real opinion of foreigners is so I do not comment on that, but unless he is a close personal friend I suggest you cannot be certain what his personal beliefs are. As a personal rule of thumb I never trust ANY politician ANYWHERE.

So that was a waste of cyberspace.

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Kittirat has got to stop covering for his boss.

As TDRI already said the rice-pledging scheme was bankrupt even before it started.

The breakdown:

The government buys rice from farmers for about 30 baht/kilo (guaranteed 15,000 baht/ton).

The government sells its rice stocks to middlemen (in cohoots) for 10 baht/kilo

The middlemen sell it to rice millers for 20 baht/kilo.

The government and the middlemen split the 10baht/kilo profit.

The government will never be able to pay off all the farmers because they are selling it at a loss of 20 baht/kilo.

Want to sell the 10-14 million tons of rice in stock? (I doubt there is that much actually in storage)

Tough because the quality of rice in storage is unreliable with the high quality stuff mixed with low quality and moldy weevil infested stuff.

Local buyers are not willing to pay over 15 baht/kilo because they have to hedge the risk that after sorting the quality of rice they are left with an unknown quantity of quality rice.

Foreign markets don't trust the quality of thai rice because they know of our corruption problems and of the storage quality problems.

G to G sales? All fake as the G to G to China was never a real. How could China commit to buying 5 million tons of long grain rice over 5 years = 1 million ton/year when their national quota is approximately 2.6 million tons of long grain rice/year and they're buying from India, Pakistan, Vietnam and many other countries already?

The NACC has already found out that the G to G with China was fake and not officially authorized by the Chinese government. It was all a ploy to skim profit off selling government rice stocks to middlemen.

This was all testified by witnesses (rice millers) called up by the NACC and on record.

Waiting for the NACC verdict.

And I doubt many would be convinced that the puppet / clone pm didn't know all of the above.

If she didn't then how come she sat in the pm seat for 2 years?

Edited by scorecard
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Atta boy, M.R. Pridiyathorn! You tell it like it is... like Morton Downey Jr! Give 'em hell!

You might as well go all out and none of this indirect opaque criticism... Straight for the jugular! I love it.... just remember to wear your running shoes to work from now on!

Indeed, indeed.... it is refreshing to see someone with a Pair use them and speak up like a man!!!

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I don't know the law but of course she can resign. If for example their was a serious family emergency and she was unable to perform her duties as PM then she would resign or she would be asked to resign by her own party.

That's just applying common sense which is in short supply in the PTP

Common sense is missing in 90% of the government and has been missing for many years now. This is nothing new for thais. Look at the way the drive.

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I wonder how many have forgotten that Sohdhi [later pad] supported Thaksin's rise to Power and called him the Best PM Thailand ever had.

It was because of Devakula shining the light on Sohndhi/Thaksin Corruption back in 2004 that made them have to get out of their Corruption Nest and part company.

The KTB non-performing loan scandal

In 2004, the state-owned Krung Thai Bank (KTB) shocked Thailand's financial world by reclassifying approximately 40 billion baht as problem loans. Pridiyathorn threatened to fire KTB chief executive officer Viroj Nualkhair if he did not resign. Viroj was a former financial advisor to media proprietor Sondhi Limthongkul, having helped him make the initial public offering one of his first companies.[3] As Krung Thai Bank head, Viroj had forgiven 1.6 billion baht of Sondhi's debts and arranged for further rounds of forgiveness. Using all his media outlets, Sondhi attacked Pridiyathorn and defended Viroj.

Viroj was eventually forced to leave Krung Thai Bank. Sondhi's public criticism of Thaksin started to increase, eventually leading to the establishment of the People's Alliance for Democracy. This was a factor behind the September 2006 coup.[4]


year 2000

The Manager Group furiously attacked the Democrat-led government over its management of the economic crisis during its time in office from late 1997 to 2000. This included scathing attacks on Finance Minister Tharin Nimmanhaeminda for his emergency financing agreements with the IMF and Deputy Prime Minister Sawit Bhodhivihok for his policy of privatizing the state-owned electricity sector.

The Thaksin Era (2001-2006) Pro-Thaksin Period

After the election of Thaksin Shinawatra as Prime Minister in 2001, Manager Daily lauded Thaksin's leadership, calling him Thailand's best prime minister ever. Somkid Jatusripitak, co-founder of the Manager Media Group and writer of a column for Manager Daily became Thaksin's commerce and finance minister.[19]Pansak Vinyaratan, previously editor of the now defunct Sondhi-owned Asia Times, became Thaksin's chief policy adviser. Chai-anan Samudavanija, who chaired IEC and was head of several of Sondhi's foundations, won prominent jobs at state-owned Krung Thai Bank and Thai Airways International. Kanok Abhiradee, the head of one of Sondhi's companies, became president of Thai Airways. Viroj Nualkhair, Sondhi's former banker, replaced Sirin Nimmanhaeminda as president of the state-owned Krung Thai Bank.[20] Under Viroj's management, the debt that Manager Group owed to Krung Thai Bank was reduced from Bt1.8 billion to THB 200 million.

Emerging from bankruptcy, Sondhi started his own TV show, 'Thailand Weekly' airing on MCOT's channel and co-hosted by Sarocha Pornudomsak. He also invested in two TV channels, 11/1 and 11/2 - a split from Television of Thailand Channel 11. A Democrat MP alleged that the Thaksin government gave favors to Sondhi and his companies.[19]

Origins of the Anti-Thaksin Period http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sondhi_Limthongkul#Pro-Thaksin_Period
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You'll really love him when he gets back in power.

Just like the old days of the FBA... Which was him!!! Devekula really really hates foreigners, esp. the ones who live here.

Careful what you wish for guys. http://nationmultimedia.com/2007/02/10/headlines/headlines_30026486.php

Maybe you'll love him more after you've left the country due to their anti foreigner sentiments.

Rubish, i have known him for more than 30 years and worked with him a long time ago and he was always polite and kind.

I have met numerous political figures in my job (cameraman/filmmaker) and the vast majority are very polite, that does not mean they are nice or kind people. Actions speak louder than words. I don't know what Devekula's real opinion of foreigners is so I do not comment on that, but unless he is a close personal friend I suggest you cannot be certain what his personal beliefs are. As a personal rule of thumb I never trust ANY politician ANYWHERE.

So that was a waste of cyberspace.

It wouldn't be surprising if he was rich from being and insider, too. Too few see the big picture, as they line up behind one Gang or another Gang.


Despite {shouldn't that say 'because of'] working in the civil service for over 25 years, Pridiyathorn is tremendously wealthy. Disclosures to the National Counter Corruption Commission revealed that 30 days after leaving his Cabinet position in March 2007, Pridiyathorn had 730 million baht in assets, a slight drop from 754 million baht when he took office in October 2006. His wife Praphaphan has a net worth of 283 million baht, while his daughter Pudjeep has 7 million baht.[26]

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