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Australia drug convict Schapelle Corby granted parole


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At 25 she was still a beauty student. Most do this at 16 and 17? Sounds as though she was slow, that maybe why she couldn't work out how the dope got into the dope's bag. If she didn't pack it maybe someone in the family put it in!cheesy.gif

Honestly, the girl has done enough time, but the coverage she has got with her family, is a shame; will see a few good books written, I hope not. The Bali goal has to be the best in Asia to get locked up in. What they should have done is transfered her to a few more years in a Aussie goal.clap2.gif

One of the Indonesian Poli's suggested that her Dad was involved in the racket on the TV here in OZ. I am sure his inteligence source would be reliable. But the whole family has some form in this side of business from various media reports here in OZ.

At the end of the day, if not her then someone in the family should have done the time. I just hope the bail conditions restrict this minipulating muppet from earning any money from the trade in misery that her family is involved in.

Good on ya Indonesia.thumbsup.gif

She can't sell her story - it's illegal in Australia to profit from a crime.

That's true but there is a way around it.

If she stays in Bali, and the money is transferred from a non Australian media company to a non Australian bank account, there is no problems. They say her story is worth up to 3 million dollars.

That's a lot more than the brain dead Westy could have earned in the real world.

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Transporting marijuana ought to be legal imho. It's a valued public service as is transportation and distribution of food alcohol and medicine etc. The laws around cannabis are insane as anyone who extensively researches it's medicinal and industrial uses will find out. Especially re: cannabinoids and cancer. Anyway happy she's getting out. She was technically guilty so tough luck. I can't imagine anyone could be that stupid as to intentionally import dope to Bali. Serious crazy alert if she did !

Borisloosebrain recommends the use of weed ! PRICELESS ! Great stuff Boris, but whilst I understand there are some medical reasons 'some' experts in the field believe that the use of cannabis is beneficial there is plenty of medical evidence on how detrimental the use of this crap can be on the mental health of those that use it.

I'm not medically trained above advanced first aid, but I have two eyes, two ears and a functioning brain and I have seen first hand how damaging this crap can be, despite what rubbish dope users pedal.

Of course one of the constant arguments that dopies bring to the table is the old alcohol arguement, which in my opinion for doesn't take the dope argument anywhere, as one wrong doesn't make another right.

Must be a hell of a life if substances like this are needed to get by.

As for Shappelle, her hell has only just begun, the medias going to be all over her, she's going to be living in a small house with her sister & a dozen other Indonesians ands she's going to have to remain in the hellhole of a country for the next 9 years or so. If she takes any of the money she earns from the media payments back to Australia, it will be confiscated and rightfully so. I would be surprised if at the end of all of this she runs back to the front doors of Kerobokan jail begging to be let back in.

What a circus.

And yet you still have no solution to the countless lives alcohol has taken do you ,get rid of it you reckon.I dont do neither but I have freinds that do and there far more pleasant to be around on weed than any drunk and I bet you couldnt even tell they had any they lead good lives and all the rest of it so speak for yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Neverdie, I'm sure you have never seen the destruction that alcohol does to a person, a family or a community. Because its legal. But gosh darn that illegal wacko weed leaves a path of destruction behind doesn't it. Lets see, does it make people fight like alcohol, does it lead to lose of family and friends and jobs like alcohol can. Is it addictive like alcohol? Most rational people know the answer to these questions, are you rational?


Depends what day you catch me on regarding being rational. I'm dead anti alcohol, can't stand idiots on the piss and unfortunately too many people don't understand when enough is enough. Without a doubt the most destructive drug ever & I've stood on the front line being punched, kicked, stabbed and abused by drunk idiots. I've seen more life stamped out through drunk drivers and all the gore that goes with dealing with what's left. I hate the <deleted>, the smell of it makes me feel sick.

Don't kid yourself about dope though. I'd agree with the statement that generally stoned morons are less aggressive, but I've also had to wipe up the mess behind this drug as well.

As I said before one wrong with one evil drug doesn't improve an argument for another IMHO. So in answer to ur question, yeah I've seen people lose family and jobs because of cannabis. I've dealt with people that just can't help themselves, they must get another smoke, no matter what (it must be some form of addiction).

There's plenty of medical research been done about the drug, it just depend on which side of the fence you sit, to which expert you side with.

I just use my eyes, ears and brain and after working with these problems over 3 decades I'm pretty sure I've got a fair idea of what's going on.

Of courses smokers and drinkers will tell me different.....naturally lol

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Transporting marijuana ought to be legal imho. It's a valued public service as is transportation and distribution of food alcohol and medicine etc. The laws around cannabis are insane as anyone who extensively researches it's medicinal and industrial uses will find out. Especially re: cannabinoids and cancer. Anyway happy she's getting out. She was technically guilty so tough luck. I can't imagine anyone could be that stupid as to intentionally import dope to Bali. Serious crazy alert if she did !

Borisloosebrain recommends the use of weed ! PRICELESS ! Great stuff Boris, but whilst I understand there are some medical reasons 'some' experts in the field believe that the use of cannabis is beneficial there is plenty of medical evidence on how detrimental the use of this crap can be on the mental health of those that use it.

I'm not medically trained above advanced first aid, but I have two eyes, two ears and a functioning brain and I have seen first hand how damaging this crap can be, despite what rubbish dope users pedal.

Of course one of the constant arguments that dopies bring to the table is the old alcohol arguement, which in my opinion for doesn't take the dope argument anywhere, as one wrong doesn't make another right.

Must be a hell of a life if substances like this are needed to get by.

As for Shappelle, her hell has only just begun, the medias going to be all over her, she's going to be living in a small house with her sister & a dozen other Indonesians ands she's going to have to remain in the hellhole of a country for the next 9 years or so. If she takes any of the money she earns from the media payments back to Australia, it will be confiscated and rightfully so. I would be surprised if at the end of all of this she runs back to the front doors of Kerobokan jail begging to be let back in.

What a circus.

And yet you still have no solution to the countless lives alcohol has taken do you ,get rid of it you reckon.I dont do neither but I have freinds that do and there far more pleasant to be around on weed than any drunk and I bet you couldnt even tell they had any they lead good lives and all the rest of it so speak for yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


Chill out lad, I've got no idea what you are talking about, I can see you are typing on an iPhone, perhaps English isn't ur first....everyone's entitled to an opinion, even me.........remember opinions are like bum holes.

Have a good day.

Edited by neverdie
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At 25 she was still a beauty student. Most do this at 16 and 17? Sounds as though she was slow, that maybe why she couldn't work out how the dope got into the dope's bag. If she didn't pack it maybe someone in the family put it in!cheesy.gif

Honestly, the girl has done enough time, but the coverage she has got with her family, is a shame; will see a few good books written, I hope not. The Bali goal has to be the best in Asia to get locked up in. What they should have done is transfered her to a few more years in a Aussie goal.clap2.gif

One of the Indonesian Poli's suggested that her Dad was involved in the racket on the TV here in OZ. I am sure his inteligence source would be reliable. But the whole family has some form in this side of business from various media reports here in OZ.

At the end of the day, if not her then someone in the family should have done the time. I just hope the bail conditions restrict this minipulating muppet from earning any money from the trade in misery that her family is involved in.

Good on ya Indonesia.thumbsup.gif

She can't sell her story - it's illegal in Australia to profit from a crime.

That's true but there is a way around it.

If she stays in Bali, and the money is transferred from a non Australian media company to a non Australian bank account, there is no problems. They say her story is worth up to 3 million dollars.

That's a lot more than the brain dead Westy could have earned in the real world.


You are right, but Shappelle might find herself being deported at the end of her parole period....... So all the money in indo won't help her much then.

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At 25 she was still a beauty student. Most do this at 16 and 17? Sounds as though she was slow, that maybe why she couldn't work out how the dope got into the dope's bag. If she didn't pack it maybe someone in the family put it in!cheesy.gif

Honestly, the girl has done enough time, but the coverage she has got with her family, is a shame; will see a few good books written, I hope not. The Bali goal has to be the best in Asia to get locked up in. What they should have done is transfered her to a few more years in a Aussie goal.clap2.gif

One of the Indonesian Poli's suggested that her Dad was involved in the racket on the TV here in OZ. I am sure his inteligence source would be reliable. But the whole family has some form in this side of business from various media reports here in OZ.

At the end of the day, if not her then someone in the family should have done the time. I just hope the bail conditions restrict this minipulating muppet from earning any money from the trade in misery that her family is involved in.

Good on ya Indonesia.thumbsup.gif

She can't sell her story - it's illegal in Australia to profit from a crime.

I have to call BS on that one. If I'm not mistaken then this is only true while you're incarcerated. Gregory David Roberts, Christopher V. V. Parnell and Chopper Read all have written books about their crimes and profit/profited from it.

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If she sells her story, writes a book or has a book written, would it still be considered the same since the crime did not happen in Australia?


In some circumstances, it can also be used to confiscate the proceeds of crime against foreign law or the proceeds of crime against State law (if those proceeds have been used in a way that contravenes Commonwealth law). I'm not exactly sure of the details but I dO recall another that was something about drugs too.

Shapelle's flight did originate from oz. I'll see what I can find for u.

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Proceeds of Crime Act 2002

337A Meaning of foreign indictable offence

(1) If:

(a) an application (the current application) is made for a *freezing order, *production order, *search warrant, *restraining order or *confiscation order in relation to conduct that constituted an offence against a law of a foreign country; and

(B) if the conduct had occurred in Australia at the testing time referred to in subsection (2), the conduct would have constituted an offence against a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory punishable by at least 12 months imprisonment;

then, for the purposes of the current application, the conduct is treated as having constituted a foreign indictable offence at all relevant times.

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At 25 she was still a beauty student. Most do this at 16 and 17? Sounds as though she was slow, that maybe why she couldn't work out how the dope got into the dope's bag. If she didn't pack it maybe someone in the family put it in!cheesy.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

Honestly, the girl has done enough time, but the coverage she has got with her family, is a shame; will see a few good books written, I hope not. The Bali goal has to be the best in Asia to get locked up in. What they should have done is transfered her to a few more years in a Aussie goal.clap2.gif alt=clap2.gif width=31 height=25>

One of the Indonesian Poli's suggested that her Dad was involved in the racket on the TV here in OZ. I am sure his inteligence source would be reliable. But the whole family has some form in this side of business from various media reports here in OZ.

At the end of the day, if not her then someone in the family should have done the time. I just hope the bail conditions restrict this minipulating muppet from earning any money from the trade in misery that her family is involved in.

Good on ya Indonesia.thumbsup.gif alt=thumbsup.gif width=25 height=19>

Seriously....this stuff never made me miserable

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Proceeds of Crime Act 2002

337A Meaning of foreign indictable offence

(1) If:

(a) an application (the current application) is made for a *freezing order, *production order, *search warrant, *restraining order or *confiscation order in relation to conduct that constituted an offence against a law of a foreign country; and

(cool.png if the conduct had occurred in Australia at the testing time referred to in subsection (2), the conduct would have constituted an offence against a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory punishable by at least 12 months imprisonment;

then, for the purposes of the current application, the conduct is treated as having constituted a foreign indictable offence at all relevant times.

Didn't David Hicks get around this some how?

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Transporting marijuana ought to be legal imho. It's a valued public service as is transportation and distribution of food alcohol and medicine etc. The laws around cannabis are insane as anyone who extensively researches it's medicinal and industrial uses will find out. Especially re: cannabinoids and cancer. Anyway happy she's getting out. She was technically guilty so tough luck. I can't imagine anyone could be that stupid as to intentionally import dope to Bali. Serious crazy alert if she did !

Borisloosebrain recommends the use of weed ! PRICELESS ! Great stuff Boris, but whilst I understand there are some medical reasons 'some' experts in the field believe that the use of cannabis is beneficial there is plenty of medical evidence on how detrimental the use of this crap can be on the mental health of those that use it.

I'm not medically trained above advanced first aid, but I have two eyes, two ears and a functioning brain and I have seen first hand how damaging this crap can be, despite what rubbish dope users pedal.

Of course one of the constant arguments that dopies bring to the table is the old alcohol arguement, which in my opinion for doesn't take the dope argument anywhere, as one wrong doesn't make another right.

Must be a hell of a life if substances like this are needed to get by.

As for Shappelle, her hell has only just begun, the medias going to be all over her, she's going to be living in a small house with her sister & a dozen other Indonesians ands she's going to have to remain in the hellhole of a country for the next 9 years or so. If she takes any of the money she earns from the media payments back to Australia, it will be confiscated and rightfully so. I would be surprised if at the end of all of this she runs back to the front doors of Kerobokan jail begging to be let back in.

What a circus.

"Hellhole of a Country"??

She gets to serve out her time in Bali. People from all over the world would jump at the chance!

Canman, we all know why thousands of lubed up & piiiiised moron flock to the place, they are partly the reason the place is a hell hole. I understand one mans paradise in this case may be my hellhole.

I kind of look at it like I do Pattaya & Patong, 30 years ago, wonderful little places, these days HELL ON EARTH, if you didn't have the pleasure of visiting there 30 years ago, I'm probably speaking a foreign language to you.

Shappelle will end up remaining in indo until her time is up, then they might deport her, she won't be able to take her money to Australia because that'll be confiscated, the Australian govt should bill her for wasted time officials have spent try to sought her mess out..... Then again indo might keep her and send Mercedes back or perhaps they'll bundle the whole lot of them up and send em to North Korea for KJU's next birthday. I dunno, don't care, I just hope the media hurry up and let it go.

I hear you. I had visited Bali first about 20 years ago and then again around 10 years ago. The place is not high on my list of places to have a holiday but I think "hellhole" is a bit strong; :-)

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The hell that followed publication of my Schapelle Corby best-seller

Writing a best-seller about Corby has led to continuing threats for Eamonn Duff.

I wrote a book that concluded Schapelle Corby was guilty. Life has never been the same since.

Two years ago, I stood before the national media and outlined evidence that showed the drugs had belonged to her father, Mick Corby. My publisher Richard Walsh stood beside me and said Allen & Unwin agreed. The book, Sins of the Father, reveals how Mick Corby regularly purchased marijuana from a South Australian drug syndicate headed by convicted drug trafficker Malcolm McCauley. It discloses how and why McCauley visited Schapelle in jail two weeks before her verdict.

Edited by sceadugenga
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At 25 she was still a beauty student. Most do this at 16 and 17? Sounds as though she was slow, that maybe why she couldn't work out how the dope got into the dope's bag. If she didn't pack it maybe someone in the family put it in!cheesy.gif

Honestly, the girl has done enough time, but the coverage she has got with her family, is a shame; will see a few good books written, I hope not. The Bali goal has to be the best in Asia to get locked up in. What they should have done is transfered her to a few more years in a Aussie goal.clap2.gif

One of the Indonesian Poli's suggested that her Dad was involved in the racket on the TV here in OZ. I am sure his inteligence source would be reliable. But the whole family has some form in this side of business from various media reports here in OZ.

At the end of the day, if not her then someone in the family should have done the time. I just hope the bail conditions restrict this minipulating muppet from earning any money from the trade in misery that her family is involved in.

Good on ya Indonesia.thumbsup.gif

She can't sell her story - it's illegal in Australia to profit from a crime.

Warren Fellows. But his book is a good read on why not to traffic in drugs.

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At 25 she was still a beauty student. Most do this at 16 and 17? Sounds as though she was slow, that maybe why she couldn't work out how the dope got into the dope's bag. If she didn't pack it maybe someone in the family put it in!cheesy.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

Honestly, the girl has done enough time, but the coverage she has got with her family, is a shame; will see a few good books written, I hope not. The Bali goal has to be the best in Asia to get locked up in. What they should have done is transfered her to a few more years in a Aussie goal.clap2.gif alt=clap2.gif width=31 height=25>

One of the Indonesian Poli's suggested that her Dad was involved in the racket on the TV here in OZ. I am sure his inteligence source would be reliable. But the whole family has some form in this side of business from various media reports here in OZ.

At the end of the day, if not her then someone in the family should have done the time. I just hope the bail conditions restrict this minipulating muppet from earning any money from the trade in misery that her family is involved in.

Good on ya Indonesia.thumbsup.gif alt=thumbsup.gif width=25 height=19>

Seriously....this stuff never made me miserable

Have you ever worked in a rehab? and seen the outcomes of people that can't handle this drug.

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Funny about your question, I was just reading this:


Talks about Shapelle and also David Hicks. Interesting.

I'm not even sure if I can post this link, i think it's okay, it's outside of LOS.......hopefully Scott cut my head off lol

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Ps: I've got no doubt there's holes all through the act, the acts are written by lawyers, lawyers like to make things complicated so there can be lengthy legal challenges in courts so other lawyers can make money. The pollies also like this because when they get caught out coping a backhander, they can slip through one of the holes in the act, the very same act that they passed through parliament into law. Of course it's more complicated than that, but you get the idea.

The Aussie govt is on a massive cash grab at the moment because a couple of years ago, a dud by the name of Rudd literally pissed hundreds of millions up the wall buying all the deadbeats in Australia plasma TV's and paying low life's to produce mini low life's. Now Australia is shagged, foreign debts thru the roof, un employments climbing, the tax base is shrinking and they've got no one to help fund their brothel romps and overseas jaunts. Australia's a bit like Thailand politically, however the Aussies can't be bothered rioting in the streets because they're busy drinking beer, cashing welfare cheques, surfing, cooking snags on the BBQ and laughing at the English Cricket team.

Anyhow apparently Abbott is already jumping up and down about this very issue relating to Shappelle, so I am sure he will wiz new legislation thru the parliament to get hold of Shappelles coin.

According to that newspaper article, David Hicks only made $10,000 from his book, so perhaps it wasn't worth fighting for in the governments eye, I don't know.

Now if Shappelle is up for millions, that's probably a different story.

The Indonesians should get in on the act to, they've had to feed and house her for the last 9 years and put up with the pathetic Australain media and their stupid questions and so forth. We won't even mention Mercedes.....anyhow the indos probably want to get their hand on some coin too, why not. The mind boggles.

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I can't see the problem with people released from Jail writing a book and profiting from it, it could well keep them from re offending if financial gain was the motive for the crime.

Be interesting to see whether the drug related crime drops in Colorado with weed being legalised, I think growing it is still banned so I would imagine that there will be still plenty of offenders there.

As to the argument that it is not as mind bending as alcohol, take it from someone who now indulges in neither; drunks and stoners are equally incomprehensible when it comes to conversation.

Edited by sceadugenga
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I can't see the problem with people released from Jail writing a book and profiting from it, it could well keep them from re offending if financial gain was the motive for the crime.

Be interesting to see whether the drug related crime drops in Colorado with weed being legalised, I think growing it is still banned so I would imagine that there will be still plenty of offenders there.

As to the argument that it is not as mind bending as alcohol, take it from someone who now indulges in neither; drunks and stoners are equally incomprehensible when it comes to conversation.

Thats why you should not mix with non stoned people.

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Let the poor girl alone, she's suffered more than an appropriate sentence for smuggling a harmless drug. I think both her and the reputation of Indonesia are the worse for wear. We'll never get to the bottom of the truth, but it was great for Australia's ridiculous media circus, certainly sold papers and books. For 9 years of hell she can now retire on the book proceeds for the rest of her life, along with her family. Not bad.

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party time, she will be partying hard to make up for lost time

She has already organised a stash for the party.

Corby will 'smoke a joint' on her release.


This drug trafficker has been made into a hero and celeb. She is nothing more than a convicted criminal and doesn't even deserve a second of fame. Personally I believe she should not be paroled but do her time.

Edited by chooka
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As part of her parole conditions they should include she needs to pass a weekly piss test.... a fail puts her back inside.

Also as part of parole conditions/to be granted parole she has to concede involvement in the crime.

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At 25 she was still a beauty student. Most do this at 16 and 17? Sounds as though she was slow, that maybe why she couldn't work out how the dope got into the dope's bag. If she didn't pack it maybe someone in the family put it in!cheesy.gif

Honestly, the girl has done enough time, but the coverage she has got with her family, is a shame; will see a few good books written, I hope not. The Bali goal has to be the best in Asia to get locked up in. What they should have done is transfered her to a few more years in a Aussie goal.clap2.gif

One of the Indonesian Poli's suggested that her Dad was involved in the racket on the TV here in OZ. I am sure his inteligence source would be reliable. But the whole family has some form in this side of business from various media reports here in OZ.

At the end of the day, if not her then someone in the family should have done the time. I just hope the bail conditions restrict this minipulating muppet from earning any money from the trade in misery that her family is involved in.

Good on ya Indonesia.thumbsup.gif

She can't sell her story - it's illegal in Australia to profit from a crime.


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