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The Thai's are clueless about the dangers of mosquitos


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I've got screens on all windows, I keep the patio doors and the windows closed, I have no standing water in my place, I run the A/C whenever I'm home and I still get mozzies- in clumps.

I'll go for months with none, then kill a dozen in an evening with the electric swatter and wake up with several bites anyway. I can't for the life of me figure out how they're getting in.

post#30 the come in through the taps 55555
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Forget about the dangers of mozzies I'm more worried about my TGF who goes ballistic when i start with the bug spray

55, wait until she goes out then. :)

what....in the middle of the night just kick her out? Nah better just to lay there and get bitten than face her fury LOL
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I've got screens on all windows, I keep the patio doors and the windows closed, I have no standing water in my place, I run the A/C whenever I'm home and I still get mozzies- in clumps.

I'll go for months with none, then kill a dozen in an evening with the electric swatter and wake up with several bites anyway. I can't for the life of me figure out how they're getting in.

They follow you when you enter the house. They are waiting outside.

I want to have a strong airconfan hanging above the door which is operated by a sensor. When i walk to the door (in or outside) the sensor should dectect me and start blowing for some minutes.

It is easy to build but i still haven't done it.

Some houses don't have any mosquito's around though, i still wonder why.

In hotels we always book airconrooms and most of the time the windows can't be opened at all.

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I doubt that water used for drinking or toilet, being constantly emptied/refilled is a mosquito risk. Standing water is the breeding place of mozzies.


I constantly see mozzies coming out of my toilet obviously from the town water supply, I live in Hua Hin, the way to beat this is with a fine oil spray which can be bought any DIY, after flushing simply spray a tad on the water in WC mozzies cannot fly on emerging due to oil on wings, it works guaranteed.

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I've got screens on all windows, I keep the patio doors and the windows closed, I have no standing water in my place, I run the A/C whenever I'm home and I still get mozzies- in clumps.

I'll go for months with none, then kill a dozen in an evening with the electric swatter and wake up with several bites anyway. I can't for the life of me figure out how they're getting in.

They follow you when you enter the house. They are waiting outside.

I want to have a strong airconfan hanging above the door which is operated by a sensor. When i walk to the door (in or outside) the sensor should dectect me and start blowing for some minutes.

It is easy to build but i still haven't done it.

Some houses don't have any mosquito's around though, i still wonder why.

Read my post.

In hotels we always book airconrooms and most of the time the windows can't be opened at all.

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I've got screens on all windows, I keep the patio doors and the windows closed, I have no standing water in my place, I run the A/C whenever I'm home and I still get mozzies- in clumps.

I'll go for months with none, then kill a dozen in an evening with the electric swatter and wake up with several bites anyway. I can't for the life of me figure out how they're getting in.

They follow you when you enter the house. They are waiting outside.

I want to have a strong airconfan hanging above the door which is operated by a sensor. When i walk to the door (in or outside) the sensor should dectect me and start blowing for some minutes.

It is easy to build but i still haven't done it.

Some houses don't have any mosquito's around though, i still wonder why.

In hotels we always book airconrooms and most of the time the windows can't be opened at all.

Air curtain / infrared detector / timer.

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