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Day - June 6th 2013

Time – 10.30pm

Location – Soi Khao Noi

  • Flooded soi – I follow a Toyota sedan into it and pace myself behind.
  • Ranger start to run slow so I give it more throttle
  • Engine Stops
  • All electrical power lost
  • Power comes back
  • Restart engine with assistance of jumper leads
  • Drive home, engine running extremely rough
  • Next morning call Ford, Told if vehicle starts and no warning lights drive to closest dealer

Hear nothing for 2 weeks, Our own Ford dealer cannot get any info from Ford Pattaya.

  • Get a call saying warranty void due to bent conrods, suspect water ingress.
  • Go to inspect engine.
  • Engine and Gearbox removed from Vehicle, Engine completely stripped.
  • Ask about suspected water ingress and told no examination performed as warranty is void.

Ford Thailand Policy = water in engine, warranty void.

  • Visual of the vehicle reveals engine pieces thrown randomly into pickup bed, engine block is sitting on the concrete floor, Radiator is on passenger seat and has leaked coolant onto the seat, console and carpet.

Moved vehicle from Ford Pattaya to our own Dealership in Bangkok

  • Call insurance company to tell them of the situation only to be told as vehicle has been dismantled insurance claim is void.

Vehicle sits at dealership for a few months whilst many phone calls and meetings happen with Ford Thailand, Ford Asia-Pacific and Ford America.

Consensus is no-one can overrule the decision by Ford Thailand.

  • All intake parts brought to my place of employment to pressure test them to find how the water entered the engine as the air cleaner was never wet, the dust in the bottom of the housing confirms this.
  • I say fuc_k it and purchase a new short engine, it arrives with no engine number.
  • Lots of leg work to organize a number and the paperwork for the DLT, this takes 3 months.
  • Present short engine and all paperwork to DLT and they say they cannot authorize the number to be stamped.
  • Engine goes back to AAT to have them stamp the number, they cannot do it either.
  • Vehicle brought to my work

We are now in the last week of November.

  • Ford Thailand agrees to exchange the short engine for a long engine which has the engine number stamped.
  • Engine arrives early December but due to people on work trips/end of year holidays everything sits till the 6th of January 2014.

Technicians at my work empty out all the parts to catalogue what is ok, what is not ok.

  • Fuel pump has a broken drive – Yay.
  • Fuel Injectors and fuel rail laying in old engine oil and dirt - Yay
  • Everything else appears to be OK (won't know if anything else is damaged until assembly begins).
  • New Engine does not have crankshaft spigot bearing, Ford do not sell this part.

Place order with ford for exhaust/turbo/EGR and other assorted gaskets. Also order bolts that are missing and new filters and fluids on Monday 13th 2014

  • 2 weeks later filters and fluids arrive.
  • Monday 10th of February, Ford cannot confirm when rest of order will arrive.

And this is where Iam at.

To this day the reason for the so called water ingress cannot be explained, infact it is becoming a theme for Rangers that go through water the crank angle sensor disrupted allowing the injector timing to be thrown out of whack momentarily and injecting fuel at the wrong time…

This is most probably the cause of the bent conrods but Ford deny this happens.

The vehicle is now 18 months old and has 13,000 km on the clock...... still 2,000 to go before the first service !!!!

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I feel your pain. Had a few Fords before coming here but will never buy another in Thailand whenever I replace my current Fiesta. Nice cars, shame about the service.


After reading your battle with Ford Thailand, I would Never buy any New Ford ever & I'm sure anybody who read's what you have had to go through they would feel same as myself, Ford Thailand should have moved quickly to address this problem, instead they have Failed Big Time, I hope more people read what happened about your Ranger & see how obtuse Ford have been.

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I should also add to the above, the parts (gaskets and stuff) that are on order. I sent Ford Thailand an email asking them about their 24hr parts delivery guarantee.


They told me nup no can do, the parts need to be ordered via an authorized dealer and they must fit the parts, I replied telling them the parts were ordered through our Ford Dealer in BKK (citing the dealership code) and that the parts will be fitted by them.

The silence is deafening.


What a nightmare for you Spoonman, I fell sorry for you.

So if you had called the insurance before Ford took the engine apart would they have covered the cost?

I saw a Vigo truck once that had a V8 sign on the rear, I though he was bullshiting untill I rolled my side window down and listened, wow.

The Vigo then disapered quikly with smoking rear tires when the lights turned greenbiggrin.png .

Have you considered a non Ford engine?


Thanks for explanation there is a lot to take in I will do some of my research and sure will have a question.

It would be nice to have photo's of all the damaged part's bent con rod's and ruined seat, broken fuel pump or is it a part on the fuel pump.


Fix Or Repair Daily,F O R D,signed Holden fan

Ford = Found On Roadside Dead clap2.gif

Feel your pain, Thanks for the heads up, I was looking into the new ford eco.......NOT NOW!!!!!!! coffee1.gif


Feel your pain, Spoonman. I really rated the looks of the Ranger, and was considering a Fiesta as our second car. Not now with the story of your mistreatment by Ford. Complete lack of customer care and business goodwill on their part. Really hope that you manage to salvage a working vehicle.

Only 13000kms ? You were looking forward to years of trouble free motoring. Best wishes for a resolution.

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What a nightmare for you Spoonman, I fell sorry for you.

So if you had called the insurance before Ford took the engine apart would they have covered the cost?

I saw a Vigo truck once that had a V8 sign on the rear, I though he was bullshiting untill I rolled my side window down and listened, wow.

The Vigo then disapered quikly with smoking rear tires when the lights turned greenbiggrin.png .

Have you considered a non Ford engine?

Yep. If Ford had not have touch it the Insurance Company would have covered the repairs.

Now that I think of it part of the Ford Thailand Policy inregards to possible water ingress is if they suspect that is the issue they are to notify the customer to inform their insurance BEFORE they will pull it to bits.

Thanks for explanation there is a lot to take in I will do some of my research and sure will have a question.

It would be nice to have photo's of all the damaged part's bent con rod's and ruined seat, broken fuel pump or is it a part on the fuel pump.

Seat and console swapped for parts from a pre-production vehicle at work. Pump already sent to Bangkok for repairs.

Here is one of the bent conrods.


What model Ranger and did you modify it?

August Built 2012 model XLT Hi-Rider, Only mods are cosmetic (chrome removed/shaved tail gate/wheels etc).



what a revolting story.

I noticed these bits:

Ford Thailand Policy = water in engine, warranty void.


Call insurance company to tell them of the situation only to be told as vehicle has been dismantled insurance claim is void.

Your vehicle was, I believe, under warranty.

Ford policy doesn't trump the Law.

The question is what caused the water ingress? Is the Ford Ranger built for drving in water up to a certain height? Should it be possible for such ingress to happen at all?


What law in Thailand says Ford has to replace engines under warranty if suspected water ingress ?

That's not quite what I was saying.

What I meant: If the water ingress occured because of a defect/construction fault, then the legal warranty cannot be void, regardless of what Ford's policy could say.

But I don't know if such legal warranty exists for cars in Thailand, and I guess proving a defect will not be easy, unless many other vehicles had the same problem.


What is the legal warranty though ?

It is basically stated in the owners manual to the effect of their policy in regards to water ingress.



I also have a Ranger XLT, old model from 2011..

Just wondering what depth water you drove through?

I have done a couple shallow river crossings without issues, no more than 18" deep..

Wont be doing anymore after reading this though..

65k on the clock and no problems yet fingers crossed....


Water was approx 300mm deep however as it was a flooded soi the length of water was about 800m.

Yes you have some issues with Ford to address, delivery of the spare's you require but that is a minor point. As for bent con rod when we used to live in Darwin my friend went into some deep water and that was a result not over fueling. As for dept of 300mm the Toyoto handbook says can do 500mm but don't forget when you are pushing water you have a bow wave and it can run over the bonnet and into the intake air manifold under the right guard. This is all a can of worm's and more question's asked and still no perfect answer as customer think's they are right and Ford same same. So thanks for all you info but I think it's time for me to sit on the fence.


Beating your car to pieces i front of the ford dealer and many TV crews should get someones attention. I know that sounds extreme but having a car that can't be driven for over a year...I think I'd be resorting to drastic measures such as this.

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Beating your car to pieces i front of the ford dealer and many TV crews should get someones attention. I know that sounds extreme but having a car that can't be driven for over a year...I think I'd be resorting to drastic measures such as this.

...and expect the insurance to cover this...tongue.pnglaugh.png


Water was approx 300mm deep however as it was a flooded soi the length of water was about 800m.

Bloody what a experience, Good reason for not buying a ford.

I used my Camry in 30 cm of water (maybe a little bit more ) without any problem.

Next time i will reconsider of doing that.


A bow wave from 300mm of water in a pickup that has >200mm ground clearance at it's absolute lowest point? Sorry, that's nonsense.

Unless he had a slow plough attachment on the front? 555.


Would have been great if the OP had some dashcam footage of this unfolding... Pretty sure he'd get a new truck after the YT video got jalopnik'd....

Call the video "Toyota Corolla waterboards Ford Ranger, makes it spill it's oil"

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