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Angry Pattaya Van Driver


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This morning I learnt a very valuable lesson - Don't upset Thai Male Drivers!

I had to go to Jomtien Immigration and upon turning right in Theppasit from Sukumvit (I was in the right lane), this Van decided he want to get into my lane whilst we were turning into Theppasit therefor cutting me off.

Lesson 1. Do not play chicken with them.

I did actually hold my ground and forced him to back off - Well you'd thought I had just killed one of his relatives!

He chased up behind me blowing his horn, then proceeded to come up the inside lane and forced me to take evasive action where did a complete stop in front of me.

He then got out of his vehicle and at first thought he has a mini baseball bat, but it wasn't. Then I thought as machete, but it was something else, not really sure, but this guy was angry with me.

Lesson 2. Don't wind down your window to an angry approaching Thai.

He started screaming at me. I had no idea what the crazed Thai was going to do, but the prospects of violence was looming large. I pleaded with him to settle, but that definitely wasn't working .. I tried the apology approach; that made him even more disturbed!

He lashed out me with a backhand through the window twice. Both blows only hit my hands.

At this point I am waiting for the 'flat stick' to be the next attack, but he stepped back and gave me a huge verbal, walked to his van and left.

I was stunned by all this to be honest but made me think if I could do something different next time to avoid it.

Only thing is to let them cut you off and shake your head because a confrontation with guys like this are not worth it.

He must have been having a bad morning or late for something, maybe a delivery because he had one of the bluetooth ear pieces on him and I was in the wrong place at the right time.

If I had got out of my car and confronted this fool, then I would have been the one at fault .. No doubt!

As for having my window down, if I had it up I suggest he would have taken to my car with his stick.

Anyway lesson learnt for sure.

Footnote - He hit like a girl and need a weapon to approach me. Coward! I have his number plate and I'm sure Karma will visit him at some stage in the future.

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Interesting story. Haed to tell you exactly what you did but I "hold my ground" when driving lots if times without incident. I also give way lots of the time because it's the Thai way of driving and the roads are the often very congested and it's often the only way we're all going to get where we're going.

That being said, if in a situation like yours, I would not have stopped but driven to the nearest police station or box and stopped there.

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BTW, you don't have a drive cam?

For 2-3k baht you should get a front and rear camera set up, starts automatically with the ignition, you just press a button and it saves the last hour of footage.

Completely necessary in a country like Thailand (unbelievably poor driving) populated by Thais (who are far more likely to lie or run off in the face of an accident, or explode and attack you, like you experienced).

With a cam I would have taken that footage to the police, TAT and media outlets.

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Interesting story. Haed to tell you exactly what you did but I "hold my ground" when driving lots if times without incident. I also give way lots of the time because it's the Thai way of driving and the roads are the often very congested and it's often the only way we're all going to get where we're going.

That being said, if in a situation like yours, I would not have stopped but driven to the nearest police station or box and stopped there.

I got caught behind him and the traffic behind me so I was stuck.

For his radical driving skills and his temper, he is the one with the problem, just relieved it never went any further.

Also thinking if my wife was in the car, I don't think it would have gone that far .. you never know!

I can at least go back to my home, rest during the day and have a few beers. Him, well I doubt he has much of a nice life to be so easily angered.

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BTW, you don't have a drive cam?

For 2-3k baht you should get a front and rear camera set up, starts automatically with the ignition, you just press a button and it saves the last hour of footage.

Completely necessary in a country like Thailand (unbelievably poor driving) populated by Thais (who are far more likely to lie or run off in the face of an accident, or explode and attack you, like you experienced).

With a cam I would have taken that footage to the police, TAT and media outlets.

I don't but will be investing in one given todays incident.

Having a drive cam might have seem him go back to his vehicle without incident?? maybe.

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BTW, you don't have a drive cam?

For 2-3k baht you should get a front and rear camera set up, starts automatically with the ignition, you just press a button and it saves the last hour of footage.

Completely necessary in a country like Thailand (unbelievably poor driving) populated by Thais (who are far more likely to lie or run off in the face of an accident, or explode and attack you, like you experienced).

With a cam I would have taken that footage to the police, TAT and media outlets.

I don't but will be investing in one given todays incident.

Having a drive cam might have seem him go back to his vehicle without incident?? maybe.

Or might have seen him going back to his vehicle, with your drive cam in hand biggrin.png

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What I love is when they decide to go on the sidewalks with there motorbikes coming strait at you and you are expected to move fast. Even better you are avoiding all of the 6 feet deep holes on the sidewalk and are forced into the road and the motorbikes driving in the wrong direction almost force you into the six foot holes.

If Thai police do not start enforcing some form of code of conduct that is equitable then it will begin to effect there economy. You have militants burning a bank employee on her way home, shootings, more and more violent confrontations. Thailand must focus on all forms of safety not just for tourists but for all of its people. If you tie all of the posts together like the baht bus rage, shooting, holes left open for years, electric wires hanging everywhere, taking your life in your hands crossing the road, tourists being robbed etc as a whole Thailand is going very much in the wrong direction which will effect its economy significantly.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Whether you're in the right or in the wrong, you're still in the wrong.

Give a friendly hand wave and carry on your business. Doing this actually pi@@es them off more as they not getting any confrontation. Anything else isn't worth potential consequences.

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What I love is when they decide to go on the sidewalks with there motorbikes coming strait at you and you are expected to move fast. Even better you are avoiding all of the 6 feet deep holes on the sidewalk and are forced into the road and the motorbikes driving in the wrong direction almost force you into the six foot holes.

If Thai police do not start enforcing some form of code of conduct that is equitable then it will begin to effect there economy. You have militants burning a bank employee on her way home, shootings, more and more violent confrontations. Thailand must focus on all forms of safety not just for tourists but for all of its people. If you tie all of the posts together like the baht bus rage, shooting, holes left open for years, electric wires hanging everywhere, taking your life in your hands crossing the road, tourists being robbed etc as a whole Thailand is going very much in the wrong direction which will effect its economy significantly.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

It's an admirable sentiment. However safety and security cost money. Who's going to pay for it?

Certainly not the stuffed shirts in the corridors of power. Any spare cash goes on pointless public ceremonies to show how "Thai" they are...God forbid they waste money on repairing damaged pavements, enforcing laws; ensuring public safety, when they could use the money on billboards of themselves in ludicrous uniforms come election time....

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Interesting story. Haed to tell you exactly what you did but I "hold my ground" when driving lots if times without incident. I also give way lots of the time because it's the Thai way of driving and the roads are the often very congested and it's often the only way we're all going to get where we're going.

That being said, if in a situation like yours, I would not have stopped but driven to the nearest police station or box and stopped there.

I got caught behind him and the traffic behind me so I was stuck.

For his radical driving skills and his temper, he is the one with the problem, just relieved it never went any further.

Also thinking if my wife was in the car, I don't think it would have gone that far .. you never know!

I can at least go back to my home, rest during the day and have a few beers. Him, well I doubt he has much of a nice life to be so easily angered.

Exactly...that's why I don't mind giving way as the poor sod is probably working and completely stressed while I have nothing to worry about khow except what I'm having for my next meal. Plus, I often "barge" into a lane and the other Thai drivers are non-plussed and I try to return the courtesy.

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Many van drivers, particularly the ones on scheduled routes, use amphetamines. This vastly increases the probability of them flying into a rage. It is probably a good idea to get out of their way when they drive aggressively.

Somebody has already suggested a dash cam, a very good investment. Also I suggest run a drill of what you will do when involved in a collision or altercation with an aggressive or non-cooperative other road user. The drill should actually involve phoning all the numbers to check it is possible to get through and communicate with them in a language you are able to communicate in and to know what info you will need in such a case.

Run a drill today.

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This morning I learnt a very valuable lesson - Don't upset Thai Male Drivers!

I had to go to Jomtien Immigration and upon turning right in Theppasit from Sukumvit (I was in the right lane), this Van decided he want to get into my lane whilst we were turning into Theppasit therefor cutting me off.

Lesson 1. Do not play chicken with them.

I did actually hold my ground and forced him to back off - Well you'd thought I had just killed one of his relatives!

He chased up behind me blowing his horn, then proceeded to come up the inside lane and forced me to take evasive action where did a complete stop in front of me.

He then got out of his vehicle and at first thought he has a mini baseball bat, but it wasn't. Then I thought as machete, but it was something else, not really sure, but this guy was angry with me.

Lesson 2. Don't wind down your window to an angry approaching Thai.

He started screaming at me. I had no idea what the crazed Thai was going to do, but the prospects of violence was looming large. I pleaded with him to settle, but that definitely wasn't working .. I tried the apology approach; that made him even more disturbed!

He lashed out me with a backhand through the window twice. Both blows only hit my hands.

At this point I am waiting for the 'flat stick' to be the next attack, but he stepped back and gave me a huge verbal, walked to his van and left.

I was stunned by all this to be honest but made me think if I could do something different next time to avoid it.

Only thing is to let them cut you off and shake your head because a confrontation with guys like this are not worth it.

He must have been having a bad morning or late for something, maybe a delivery because he had one of the bluetooth ear pieces on him and I was in the wrong place at the right time.

If I had got out of my car and confronted this fool, then I would have been the one at fault .. No doubt!

As for having my window down, if I had it up I suggest he would have taken to my car with his stick.

Anyway lesson learnt for sure.

Footnote - He hit like a girl and need a weapon to approach me. Coward! I have his number plate and I'm sure Karma will visit him at some stage in the future.

The guy drives a minivan for a living, so odds are everything in his life sucks, which would probably lead to lots of anger and a short fuse for most people :-)

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Yeah the poor bugger. I should be more tolerant of them, I have been living here long enough to know better. It's not his fault he is underprivileged, poor and born in the wrong country and earning my monthly income annually.

I will endeavour to think less of myself next time. Copying Thai behaviour behind the wheel by a farang is illegal it appears.

To clarify it was van, not a minivan for passengers.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Getting all macho and trying to defend yourself is a loosing proposition. A gang of angry moto dudes will pop up and they will all have their way with you. When you drive always keep a space between you to exit, not so easy, as other drivers will fill it, just be prepared, they are all nuts behind the wheel!

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Getting all macho and trying to defend yourself is a loosing proposition. A gang of angry moto dudes will pop up and they will all have their way with you. When you drive always keep a space between you to exit, not so easy, as other drivers will fill it, just be prepared, they are all nuts behind the wheel!

Might as well keep the balls in the fridge and let everyone walk all over you, never know who or what will pop up

Have had plenty of altercations with van drivers and taxi drivers, some my fault and some theirs.

Not even once was set upon, nor did they dare to touch me, but then again, i did have my balls with me and stood my ground

Edited by whoisyourdaddy
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A preemptive strike, if you can afford it, would be to buy a luxury car and tone the windows so noone can see who is inside. A minibus driver, even on yabaa, is very unlikely to attack a car which looks like it has a rich/VIP Thai inside.

In such a car, you will also experience that in case of "give way" conflicts, most Thai drivers are more likely to give way to you.

Of course simply giving way is a much easier and cheaper solution :-)

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Lesson 3

Grow a pair of balls and how to defend yourself or do not try to stand your ground

I know how to defend myself but priority was getting to immigration not getting into a fight.

Your advice is noted and discarded but thanks anyway.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by wonder6281
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I too have had a gun pulled on me for daring to beep my horn at a car that blatantly moved across on me while riding my motorbike causing me to take evasive action.

It's hard sometimes but really the only way to deal with this stuff here is indeed shake your head, because a confrontation of any kind is just not worth it.

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Beware that some Thai drivers are armed, and will unload a magazine at the "blink of an eye".

Remember, you experienced "Thai mind-set". He lost face. Small brains know not how to deal with this situation.

Rights and wrongs of a given situation are not in the equation.

Self preservation IS in the equation.

Edited by Pattaya28
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Lesson 3

Grow a pair of balls and how to defend yourself or do not try to stand your ground

I know how to defend myself but priority was getting to immigration not getting into a fight.

Your advice is noted and discarded but thanks anyway.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Understood, being bitch slapped is no importance for you

It probably comes from his brain being bigger than his testicles.

A terrible affliction known as being a content, mature adult male with no psychological, emotional or inferiority issues.

Edited by Khon Thai Ben Khon Dee
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