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Worried about a friend, want to take him Hospital for a drug test, is that private?


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The measure of your love for this person will never in any sense of the word outweigh his desire to follow the present path he is on.

COC grants that you have the serenity to accept the things you cannot change, the courage to change the things you can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

COC doesn't know your past, but unless you work for an organization that specializes in helping people, or you are with the clergy, then I wonder if you aren't yourself enabled with the character defect which compels you to shop for broken things in life and try to fix them without any thought to the reason they are broken, and how much of that reason does not involve you.

Did he ever call you to tell you he wanted to descend into this state? At any time? No?

Then why are you self-appointing yourself as his caretaker?

Time to move on mate. You've already had intimate talks with him...a.k.a. lead him to the water.

Be true to yourself.

Give him a big wet kiss and a hug and tell him where he can find you once he pulls his head out of his ass.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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And a drug test will only be performed if he requests it and the results are only given to him.

The subject of tests can authorize the results to be released to whomever he likes.

I'm sure I'm not the only one to get routine STD/HIV tests done with SOs, and always do so together as a couple, or group as the case may be.


Edited by wym
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First at all, how do you think you can take an adult person to drug test?

He told he doesn't use it.

You have to respect his private part!

He has right to tell you: go to the hell Bro! I would say it's not question.

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Though I understand your noble gesture it is unethical to have a test performed on a patient without their consent and as Sheryl mentioned even if he had the tests done unless he accepts the fact that he needs help nothing more can be done.

In many cases I have seen employers request HIV and Hepatitis tests done on their employees without their knowledge.

This is skating on thin ice with the legal rights of employees though in Thailand it is not as well protected as say in the US the exception would be the case where an employee was cited for disorderly conduct and suspected of being under the influence of drugs by human resources where they could request the employee undergo a urine test and the company could request testing for several specific drugs.

Of course HR would need to get the employee to sign a consent form if he wanted to clear himself and if he declined he could still be removed from his job under the circumstances.

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Guys thanks to all for the feedback.

Probably i should avoid the personal/friendship part and just ask if is safe perform a drug test without any consequences in Thai, this thing can always cause misunderstandings especially if the whole story is not clear.

Anyway thanks again, i will got for a random pharmacy drug test wich will allow me to perform it randomly and without any external ppl involved.

God bless us all

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If he is in a close relationship with a user/abuser, it will be extremly difficult or him to break free of the alcohol/drugs, because for him it is a life-style / relationship issue.

And what would a drugs test mean, anyway ,,,,,,,,, to you ( you suspect him anyway) . . or to him ( he already knows) ?

It is a case for professional help, when he is prepared to accept it.

Edited by attento
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the truth is does your friend want to stop, what you suspect he/she is doing

if you are planning an intervention it takes a lot of enrgy to do so, and probably time/money, usually a v. close friend or family member can do this or a group of people with netwrok such as religiouis nutters like mormans or uniformed chbiblebashers

What the expletive do you expect to result from a hospital test? why would you do it? if a junky and in such a bad state just search the pockets or search, why a hospital

He is not a beggar under a bridge unable to speak, is not out of control.

I spoke with him, he told me somthing like "u are crazy thinking about it, but if this make u feel better lets do it"

So i just need to go in a safe hospital/clinic and do that shit.

Problem i do not trust almost anyone in this country, so i would lik to have a raccomanded and private hospital/clinic in bkk/pattaya where to perform it wihtout a buch of <deleted> willing to call the police or shit like that.

I have had to do drug tests many times due to my employment, including the last time here in Thailand. I never screened positive for unlawful drugs but never worried about being reported if I was on them. So no problem here of being reported. This is still confidential information in Thailand and if the truth be known I would trust a doctor here more with that information than a Company Doctor in the West.

But I must tell you that this whole post of yours seems odd to me. Not sure how and why you are involved in this, but then this is not for me to question you or my concern. But it just seems odd to me because if your friend agreed to do a drug test for you, then logically it seems to me then he must be free of drugs. Or terribly ignorant to the whole process involved with drug testing or bluffing you. It would be like agreeing to do a Lie Detector Test knowing you are guilty and must lie. The big difference being that a few can fool a Lie Detector Test, but nobody can fool a drug test.

You can of course call his bluff and take him to the hospital with the pretence of doing these tests. If he is on drugs I highly doubt he would go with you when he knows what is involved and has something to hide. Especially if he knows that drugs stay in your system a long time and not just on the day before you do these tests.

But having said that I have also heard of people who took the drug test for employment and failed. Why they even showed up God only knows. So I am not sure if he is one of those who thinks he can fool them, or not. So I guess the sure way is to do these tests.

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