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All I want to do is rent a house in Hua Hin. But...

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I have done a Google search and contacted the first 5 or 6 companies about two weeks ago, and then again one week ago, but not one company has responded to me.

I made it clear when I was arriving, how much I could spend, the period of time I wanted to rent, but nothing...

I guess I will just walk round Hua Hin until I find somebody who is interested.

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They agents/companies seldom reply to emails because so many people bombard them with requests but then never actually show up. Your best option is to walk into a property office and tell them what you want. They'll take it from there. Hua Hin is flooded with empty houses and condos. I can recommend Hua Hin Property on 158/1 1st floor Naresdamri Road (http://www.huahinpropertyagent.com/). They took good care of me a few years back when I moved to Hua Hin.

Good luck.

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There is an old fashioned device that was the main means of contacting people befor email came onto the scene....let me think, oh yes phone them!!!

Lets see, with 24 hours it will turn into another agent bashing thread with the usual suspects adding their opinions.

There is no excuse for not at least confirming receipt of your email unless of course you were expecting beachfront with infinity pool for THB 10,000 a month or something else unrealistic.

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Why waste time and money on a phone call when an email is cheaper and quicker and also gives you a permanent reference to consult (assuming the idle cretins to whom you have sent the original question actually bother to reply, that is)?

When I worked I had a stock of 20 or 30 pre-composed emails that between them gave most of the information that people commonly needed when they contacted me. I just selected the correct email to suit the question and adjusted it slightly to fit, or merged a couple of emails together if needed. Took me just a few seconds and the people receiving it could then spend as much time as they needed reading it and re-reading it until they understood it. They could also refer to it later as much as they wanted. As far as I'm concerned this beats me wasting 30 minutes on the phone answering banal questions when I could be doing something useful, though in fairness I do understand that estate agents in Thailand have a great deal of free time and very little of use to do a apart from play solitaire and so are probably glad of the distraction of the phone ringing.

I recommended this system to several businesses that I used to do the IT for and they adopted it to great effect. Must have saved them huge amounts of money in wasted staff time.

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Why not use thaivisa property shop?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I looked on thaivisa property just before I moved to Hua Hin but they only offer rental properties in Bangkok. They do offer a good range of houses for sale in HH but the OP said he wanted to rent, otherwise Thaivisa property could be a decent option

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Why waste time and money on a phone call when an email is cheaper and quicker and also gives you a permanent reference to consult (assuming the idle cretins to whom you have sent the original question actually bother to reply, that is)?

When I worked I had a stock of 20 or 30 pre-composed emails that between them gave most of the information that people commonly needed when they contacted me. I just selected the correct email to suit the question and adjusted it slightly to fit, or merged a couple of emails together if needed. Took me just a few seconds and the people receiving it could then spend as much time as they needed reading it and re-reading it until they understood it. They could also refer to it later as much as they wanted. As far as I'm concerned this beats me wasting 30 minutes on the phone answering banal questions when I could be doing something useful, though in fairness I do understand that estate agents in Thailand have a great deal of free time and very little of use to do a apart from play solitaire and so are probably glad of the distraction of the phone ringing.

I recommended this system to several businesses that I used to do the IT for and they adopted it to great effect. Must have saved them huge amounts of money in wasted staff time.

Less than 6 hoursbiggrin.pngcheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

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