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Chalerm vows non-stop campaign to clear sites


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This latest protest activity just shows what many of us have known for a long time. There is no law in this country. Anyone with enough money can do whatever they want here. The red shirts did it four years ago and now these idiots are doing it. In the meantime, a lot of people are losing a lot of money because their businesses are suffering. Suthep is on a massive ego trip and could care less about anyone. And, everyone knows that any real solution to this mess is going to be negotiated in a back room somewhere with these "protests" having no effect on the outcome. What a waste.

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"After this, we will do it non-stop until everything is finished," Chalerm said. Yes, this is true and consistent. That is, if he is referring to the collective and continued rampant incompetence, corruption and lack of leadership that any administration in Thailand has exhibited in recent years. Prior to 1997, Thailand was largest of the the South East "Asian Tigers". Now look it. Crippled, diseased, torn apart. Indonesia booms. Singapore prospers and Malaysia is doing well. Congratulations - great job - they will not stop until everything is finished and this administration is excelling in that department. Thailand's lost decade, while the hinterland races a head.

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Chalerm is moron, isn't it?

For this police lot no need more then 20 minutes to clear everything, off course not in Thailand.

This softly softly approach is getting ridiculous. You don't have to go in with guns blazing but can use reasonable force to clear them.

The problem I see is that in the 2016 demonstrations to overthrow the government, people won't be able to complain about the violence used by the government in 2014. This is going to destroy the red shirt bashing.

Edited by chooka
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Chalerm says a lot of things that does not happen.

Even the police had to make special arrangements with the protest leaders to get permission to be able to do what they did yesterday.

It's just a load of bluster and blow.

All for show.

Should only serve to pump the protest numbers back up again.

From the man who vowed to cut his head off.....

He said that in the heat of the moment when his ear drops ran out.

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just get on with it and stop saying 'we won't use force' get the gas and water out and clear the fascists off the streets - that's what the vast majority of Thais want

No, that's what you want. You don't care about the Thai Constitution and the Rule of Law. You see, in a real democracy, a constitutional right trumps an act of parliament (the SOE).

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Be the man Chalerm keep the pressure on the protesters. Make them think everyday that today could be the day you attack. Also don't fall for those lies that they don't have weapons. Everyone knows the real truth.

Stick to proven Facts please!!

TIT facts are almost impossible to prove, my suggestion is thus don't comment with no facts fiction remarks.

Do you think, we here in TV all say fact?

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police and protest leaders had secretly made an agreement so that there would be no confrontation.

The protesters told the police, while we are at a certain place in a certain time, don't come.

When we leave, comesmile.png

So for sure, there is no confrontation

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I hope the kids don't get violent when the police enters the site.

If they have been trained by their yellow extremists parents and taught how to manipulate weapons by the "guard" thugs, it could be bloody...

Why would parents bring their kids to the front line anyway?

If something happens they will have to bear one more responsibility.

In any case, the most important is to clear the sites and arrest all these despicable people.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1392427997.798472.jpg

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I alsways thought you are a real fool, and now I am convinced,

my Thai wife is in the protest with many of her girlfriends and we all have kids, we would never even think of our kids being part of the protest.

Remembering that in the red short protest the same was the case

So what we know is some parents should never be allowed to to have kids

Nothing to do with the red or present protestiors

Just like you there are idiots on both side

Time you woke up this is not a perfect world

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Police keep on trying to clear Chaengwattana from protesters


BANGKOK, 15 February 2014 (NNT) - The police's operation to open the protest-occupied Changwattana road will continue on Saturday after talks failed. A high-ranking police officer has confirmed officers will not use force to disperse the protesters.

Commander of the Provincial Police Division 1 Pol.Lt.Gen.Nares Nanthachote said the police's operation to reclaim Changwattana road from anti-government protesters on Friday was due to the protest's effects on people in the area. They had suffered from the rally for a long time and intelligence had indicated that most of the violent incidents at the rally site were caused by the people's resentment against the protest, the commander said.

Police officers had tried to negotiate with protest leader Phra Phuttha Itsara but they were turned down. On 15 February, the officers would therefore send eight companies of riot control police to talk to the protesters again and try to open the blocked road, the official said.

Pol.Lt.Gen.Nares added that a special team of officers would be deployed in case the protesters used weapons against the officers and confirmed they would not crack down on the protesters.


-- NNT 2014-02-15 footer_n.gif

Worker to the boss

worker: Sorry boss I can not get to work as Changwattana road s blocked by by protestord

Boss: wait 10 mons the police are on the way to clear the road

10 Mins later

Boss: So have the police got rid of the protestors

Worker: Yes Boss they have scared them all away

Boss: so you on you way to work then

Worker: No boss the road is blocked

Boss: Blocked you just told me the road had been cleared by the police

worker: that right boss

Boss: then whats the problem

worked The road is now blocked by the police to stop the protestors returning

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just get on with it and stop saying 'we won't use force' get the gas and water out and clear the fascists off the streets - that's what the vast majority of Thais want

No, that's what you want. You don't care about the Thai Constitution and the Rule of Law. You see, in a real democracy, a constitutional right trumps an act of parliament (the SOE).

Do you not read any other posting but your own

this morning a new Poll says nearly 60% of Thais want Yingluck to quit

Not sure if I believe them

but I sure I not believe any thing you say,

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