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Simple naive question re AIS prepaid Net SIM subscription

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An AIS leaflet advertises prepaid SIM AIS3G packages. There's one for 7-day unlimited max speed 1G, price 266.43 baht. It lists a Code: *777*74#, followed by a telephone icon.

I use an air card.

Does this mean I can go to 7-11, buy a 300-baht top-up card, put the SIM into a mobile phone, top it up, and then dial the *777*77# code to register for the 7-day package, and then wait for a text confirmation before using?

And can I do this before my current package expires. Does it terminate my current package, or will the new package kick in once the current one expires?

I thought it would be easier to ask here rather than calling AIS.

Thank you for your help


At the AIS shop in Central Chidlom, I bought unlimited 1GB service for 399 per month. Just topped up my SIM to last until Feb. 5, 2015 today.


I'm on AIS package, 899 baht per month (post paid, not pre-paid) 3 gigs hi speed after which it cuts to 256 kbs, whereas the cheaper packages as mentioned above cut to 128 kbs after the allocated high speed usage. Apparantly there's a TOT 3G unlimited high speed for @ 2000 baht per month..... anyone know of it ?


IME, I needed to cancel (can call, email, use eServices:web or Android, send USSD) any existing package before I could subscribe to a new package.


You can add value at many shops now by just giving the number and cash, or via an ATM.

A seven day, unlimited (FuP is published at 64 Kbps) 1 GB cap, is 249 baht (before 7 % VAT), Subscription code is: *777*74# send.

Note there is another seven day package which is 69 baht, unlimited with no cap, but speed is restricted to 384 Kbps. Subscription code is *777*713# send.

Obviously you'll need a 2100 MHz 3G compatible device, and coverage.

TOT do have some post-paid 3G plans which are un-capped: Heavy Storm and Perfect Storm, but overall speed is limited to 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps resepctively: http://www.tot3g.net/PromotionInfo.aspx?pid=23

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