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Foreigner caught posing as deaf person for 'donations' arrested by Phuket Tourist Police [VIDEO]


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There is a foreigner on Ratchada doing exactly the same. He places a little toy on every table in the restaurants together with a note explaining that he is deaf and asksfor a donation.

I have seen him several timesand the staff in the restaurants never say anything to him.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If he was not the one, maybe he is his teammate. It is their way to scam

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For completeness I would like to have read some detail about how his alleged disability was found to be faked.

The article didn't say the scammer was busted for being a fake, it said these sorts were working illegally.

"Thai law states that if the foreigners are collecting funds on behalf of a charity, the charity must be a licensed Thai foundation and the foreigner must have a work permit. If they are not with a registered Thai charity then they are begging, which is illegal."

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Phuket 'deaf' foreigner scammer named as Ukrainian man
Wiparatana Nathalang

Mykola Chornyi was arrested last night at Central Festival.

PHUKET: -- The foreigner arrested after posing as a deaf person and soliciting “donations” has been named as Mykola Chornyi, a 30-year-old from the Ukraine.

Chornyi was arrested last night (February 16) by the Phuket Tourist Police at Central Festival Phuket shopping mall, after he was videoed by a Phuket News reader on Saturday entering restaurants and dropping small cards on the restaurant tables saying he was deaf and asking customers to buy Angry Birds keychains for B100 – or to make a donation. A few minutes later he walked back collecting the keychains, cards and any donations.

When alerted to the video footage of Chornyi in action, Pol Maj Urumporn Koondejsumrit, an inspector with the Tourist Police, told The Phuket News he planned to send a team down to Central Festival to investigate.

Chornyi was arrested around 6.30pm and taken to Wichit Police Station, along with his haul of Angry Birds keychains and cash.

He was charged with general nuisance and not showing his passport to police (Chornyi told police he had left it with a car renter). He may also face scamming or fraud related charges, depending on the police investigation.

In December, photographs and video footage was sent to The Phuket News by readers who saw foreigners doing the same thing in Kata and Patong. One female foreigner was spotted at Swensen’s at Kata Beach, while a male foreigner was seen at a bar/restaurant on Patong Beach.

View Chornyi in action at Central Festival on Saturday night below.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-%E2%80%98deaf%E2%80%99-foreigner-scammer-named-as-ukrainian-man-44651.php

-- Phuket News 2014-02-17
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Fair enough! one Foreigner has been caught cheating and got arrested. So when Thais do the same thing it's perfectly acceptable to cheat?

Double standards and double entrance fees,and now cheating is reserved for Thais only.?

Not cheating. Begging. No mention as to if he was really deaf. Never seen a Thai arrested for begging though I've handed out many 100 baht notes on the streets

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Fair enough! one Foreigner has been caught cheating and got arrested. So when Thais do the same thing it's perfectly acceptable to cheat?

Double standards and double entrance fees,and now cheating is reserved for Thais only.?

I think you'll find that the Thais who do similar things are actually deaf, for example, and are not therefore cheating. Unless you know different, other than hearsay, of course. Neither do Thais require a work permit for soliciting donations.

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For completeness I would like to have read some detail about how his alleged disability was found to be faked.

It wouldn't matter if a disability was faked or not, begging is illegal and collecting for charities needs a work permit.

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There is a foreigner on Ratchada doing exactly the same. He places a little toy on every table in the restaurants together with a note explaining that he is deaf and asksfor a donation.

I have seen him several timesand the staff in the restaurants never say anything to him.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I have never seen him and would assume that deaf people usually don't understand my Germish.-w00t.gif

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Phuket 'deaf' foreigner scammer named as Ukrainian man

Wiparatana Nathalang


Seems quite a lucrative little enterprise!

Well they are all smiling, were they accepting foreign currency as well. Oops sorry not they, the four at the rear are the good guys right?

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Phuket 'deaf' foreigner scammer named as Ukrainian man

Wiparatana Nathalang


Seems quite a lucrative little enterprise!

He is clever than us! None of us had thought of his idea on how to make easy money

He is cleverer, is that why he is in gaol?

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Fair enough! one Foreigner has been caught cheating and got arrested. So when Thais do the same thing it's perfectly acceptable to cheat?

Double standards and double entrance fees,and now cheating is reserved for Thais only.?

Yes - it's their playground, they can do what they want.

I doubt his Immigration status allowed him to work or solicit money even if he actually is deaf. Thai are not subject to Immigration laws in Thailand, so in that sense it is a dual (not double) standard.

I'm sure your countries don't allow foreigners, handicapped or not, to wander the street panhandling, although bogus home-grown charities are not as likely to attract attention. I know in the US "charities" that are total scams or that pocket 90% or more of what's collected are wide-spread. Every time some natural or man made disaster happens anywhere in the world the appeals for donations appear in minutes.

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Fair enough! one Foreigner has been caught cheating and got arrested. So when Thais do the same thing it's perfectly acceptable to cheat?

Double standards and double entrance fees,and now cheating is reserved for Thais only.?

I see your point, however, the article was about foreigners engaged in his conduct. The article serves to make the readership aware of these vermin, as well as a warning to other similar life forms that they will be caught.

Using this article as a platform to air dissatisfaction with other questionable practices is understandable. That said, the article isn't about Thais, but foreigners. If the article were about Thais doing the scamming, I wonder if similar mention would be made about foreigners engaging in like behaviors?

Double standards are everywhere I have been. The challenge for me is to accept those i cannot change, the courage to change those that i can and the wisdom to know the difference.

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Fair enough! one Foreigner has been caught cheating and got arrested. So when Thais do the same thing it's perfectly acceptable to cheat?


Double standards and double entrance fees,and now cheating is reserved for Thais only.?Â



You should learn the immigration laws.

Besides the work permit what does any of it have to do with immigration laws?

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I'm always tempted to sneak up behind one of them and scream as loud as I possibly can. Merely to test their hearing, of course. w00t.gifbah.gifclap2.gif

Personally I would be tempted by nothing, just to ignore/avoid those kind of beggar....

and certainly not like in OP sending a video somewhere to snitch themrolleyes.gif

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begging is illegal..................how can that be possible ?hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.

the buhdisme tell the monk everyday to go to the street every morning to beg for their own food...!.


foreigners are collecting funds on behalf of a charity, the charity must be a licensed Thai foundation and the foreigner must have a work permit

they want it under thai license, of course...everything as to stay thai for the good image of the country...... but the money still is coming mainly from abroad....us.....we...farang.....lucky boy they are that plenty of foreigners do what they are incapable to do to help their own people , it means giving knowledges, help and money instead of taking it and puting it offshore in a privat bank account.

good day and good night


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Fair enough! one Foreigner has been caught cheating and got arrested. So when Thais do the same thing it's perfectly acceptable to cheat?

Double standards and double entrance fees,and now cheating is reserved for Thais only.?

You should learn the immigration laws.

Who care about immigration laws? Why should anyone obey a corrupt system?

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Fair enough! one Foreigner has been caught cheating and got arrested. So when Thais do the same thing it's perfectly acceptable to cheat?

Double standards and double entrance fees,and now cheating is reserved for Thais only.?

I'm not sure you're being entirely serious but just assuming you are ...

Because it is THAILAND not the UKRAINE, therefore there are certain things that are legal for THAIS to do and illegal for UKRAINIANS!

If it was the UKRAINE the I would guess the THAI would be arrested and the UKRAINIAN would be free to panhandle!

Next thing you be complaining about how foreigners are not allowed to vote in Thai elections or something.

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Fair enough! one Foreigner has been caught cheating and got arrested. So when Thais do the same thing it's perfectly acceptable to cheat?


Double standards and double entrance fees,and now cheating is reserved for Thais only.?Â



You should learn the immigration laws.

Besides the work permit what does any of it have to do with immigration laws?

Foreigners are permitted into Thailand at the discretion of the Thai immigration authorities just like any other country in the world. Do you think the Thai government grants permission for foreigners to enter the country to beg on the streets and con people? He is a foreign national, therefore it has everything to do with immigration laws.

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Fair enough! one Foreigner has been caught cheating and got arrested. So when Thais do the same thing it's perfectly acceptable to cheat?

Double standards and double entrance fees,and now cheating is reserved for Thais only.?

Do you mean, if Thais can do, why don't we?

So, what that foreigner did is acceptable to you?

No it's not acceptable,he got what he deserved!

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