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AIS - How to Contact Tech Support?


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Hi folks,

I've not been able to open a number of Thailand related websites for three whole days now, so it's more than just a blip Ii guess. All non-Thailand-related websites open just fine, so it's not an internet connection problem. I need to contact AIS but their support department downtown has closed, and the only number I can find on their website is 1175. I'm not sure how you can connect with a four digit number because when I dial it I just get a message that the number dialed is not assigned. So if anyone has a 'normal' phone number or an address where I can seek technical support that would be really useful.

Thanks in advance,


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Yes, I thought it might be a AIS-only phone number. I actually have a TRUE SIM, so that's why I can't contact them with the four digit number. You would think they would have a normal number somewhere on their site though. I mean, I'm a customer for four years now and have a AIS 3G Wireless Router, but can't seem to find how to contact them direct.

It is possible that this issue is not caused by their technology, but I need to at least rule it out, especially as some guys were reporting slow internet here in CM over the weekend, possibly done deliberately to stop the flow of communication between protesters.

I will keep looking though. I know they have a small office in Central KSG but I'm sure it's just for paying bills, but I will venture down there as a last resort.

Thanks for your reply ;)


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It doesn't sound like something you'll fix by calling the so the best bet wold be the shop. I believe they moved into the new Maya shopping mall.

Hi Chiengmaijoe,

Oh so that's where they went? I journeyed down to the usual place one month to pay the bill and it was all shut up (didn't send any notification in the bill about this). The guy in the car park just said I have to go to Central to pay the bill from now on, and I thought they'd just downsized. Okay, Maya is even closer, so that's better.

Thank you.


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Ah I see, you're using it with a regular computer through a 3G router.

Possibly DNS got confused. Try changing your DNS server in your network adapter settings to a different, public one, for example the one run by google at and (Switch from 'automatic DNS' to manual, then fill in those numbers.)

This is assuming you're not connecting to censored sites.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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It doesn't sound like something you'll fix by calling the so the best bet wold be the shop. I believe they moved into the new Maya shopping mall.

3rd floor Central Festival.

It is the new headquarters for AIS in Chiang Mai.

I have free 3BBB here and it has been working slow and not able to open some web sites. Have also a AIS 3G stick and it works good for me but after a while slows down and I have to reboot. I have a new computer. Seems like both services have once again over sold their product. Or perhaps you are a long way from the tower.

Edited by northernjohn
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Thanks everyone.

I've had a day of it today, and went along to AIS at Maya as suggested. They could find no problems with their IPs and suggested it was an IP issue at the receiving sites. This is what i thought. I left Maya and went to an internet cafe and was able to load the sites no problem at all. Once i got home, it was the same ole problem and they just would not load, eventually giving an error that the browser was unable to connect to the server. Not sure what to make of it to be honest because it only happens with some Thailand related websites, mainly real estate where I've been searching for condos in Bangkok. But these same sites load find from a different ISP. It seems that there's a block but not in the sense where there's an error message saying as much.

Oh well, all was fine until late Friday night, so who knows, all might be well again tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that.

Anyway, thanks for all the feedback and suggestions, it's been appreciated, and at least I know now of the Maya office which is nearer to me when it comes to paying the monthly bill ;)


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^ Did you change the DNS server as I suggested earlier in the topic? It might also be good to connect with a different device/computer to see if the issue happens there, too.


I didn't really understand how to change the DNS server that to be honest, although I have done a DNS flush from the command prompt: ipconfig /flushdns, plus pinged and run a tracert report etc, but these things are where my technical abilities end.

Referring to the second point, one of the firsts things I did was call a couple of folks and asked them if they could open one or two of the sites I was having problems with, and everyone could without any problems at all (not banned sites, no ;)).

I also found out another disturbing fact this morning. Yesterday, AIS told me I would be on slow internet connection at the moment, until the first of next month, and said that a slow connection might influence some dynamic sites. When I asked why I am on a slow connection they said it's because I've used up all my bandwidth. Well, I have 30 GB package, so I checked how much I have used in total this month and it's just 12 GB.

So I popped over to Maya a short while ago and they told me I'm now on a 4 GB package. I have no idea how or when that happened because I've not changed anything and been using the same account at the same price for about four years now. It seems that they had reduced my bandwidth at some point, but I was never notified of this. And there was me thinking that the service was simply getting slower by oversubscription, but it seems as though it's because my package was reduced :( We live and learn, we really do :(

Cheers WTK,


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