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Evolutionary puzzle of homosexuality


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So if a "gay gene" is found, what is to stop some for testing during pregnancy?

If a couple finds this gene, what if they decide to terminate pregnancy?


Very much like during the one-child policy in China, pregnancies were terminated when the child would be female. Terminating a pregnancy because they child is or may be gay requires that the parents view this as something negative. Isn't the goal to make everybody understand that there is nothing wrong about female children, or gay children for that matter?

Here is an idea: If a couple decides to terminate a pregnancy because the genes say it might be gay, AND if there are no laws against such a decision (which says something about the society in general), it might save one poor soul from being tortured by their folks, as is happening in Iran, Uganda and, as we hear, Russia.

No, I am not in favour of terminating pregnancy based in sexual orientation. I am saying that if that is a consideration, there is something fundamentally wrong with society.

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No, I am not in favour of terminating pregnancy based in sexual orientation. I am saying that if that is a consideration, there is something fundamentally wrong with society.

Fully agree, onthemoon. Sexual orientation, or the sex of the baby. On the latter, China's one-child responsibility has been responsible for a massive imbalance between males and females, with something like 20% surplus males. What are the poor guys going to do? I can't think of a better way to promote homosexuality!

My personal feeling is against abortion at all times, except in such cases as rape, or where health is an issue. There are plenty of ways of preventing conception, right up to and including the morning-after pill, and every individual, male or female, is responsible for using them if necessary, or accepting the consequences.

As gays, our concern with abortion must be simply that of concerned citizens, as we are never going to be directly involved. Similarly, as gays, we are responsible for taking such precautions as are necessary, particularly since AIDS came on the scene.

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No, I am not in favour of terminating pregnancy based in sexual orientation. I am saying that if that is a consideration, there is something fundamentally wrong with society.

Fully agree, onthemoon. Sexual orientation, or the sex of the baby. On the latter, China's one-child responsibility has been responsible for a massive imbalance between males and females, with something like 20% surplus males. What are the poor guys going to do? I can't think of a better way to promote homosexuality!

My personal feeling is against abortion at all times, except in such cases as rape, or where health is an issue. There are plenty of ways of preventing conception, right up to and including the morning-after pill, and every individual, male or female, is responsible for using them if necessary, or accepting the consequences.

As gays, our concern with abortion must be simply that of concerned citizens, as we are never going to be directly involved. Similarly, as gays, we are responsible for taking such precautions as are necessary, particularly since AIDS came on the scene.

I thought so too (that the one-child policy promotes homosexuality). A straight friend that I trust told me that this won't happen. Straight guys are straight, very much like gay guys are gay (even if they are in a hostile environment).

I am against abortion, very much like you are, but I believe that is a different can of worms!

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No, I am not in favour of terminating pregnancy based in sexual orientation. I am saying that if that is a consideration, there is something fundamentally wrong with society.

Fully agree, onthemoon. Sexual orientation, or the sex of the baby. On the latter, China's one-child responsibility has been responsible for a massive imbalance between males and females, with something like 20% surplus males. What are the poor guys going to do? I can't think of a better way to promote homosexuality!

Did you really mean to say that? You sound like Margaret Thatcher promoting Section 28. If you lived in a country where there was a preponderance of women would you turn straight?

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There will probably be an increase in the incidence of homosexual activity, but there will probably not be more gay men. Even with an increase, it might not even be statistically much of an increase.

The ones to feel sorry for the poor Lesbians. They are going to have a hard time getting out of marriage.

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No, I am not in favour of terminating pregnancy based in sexual orientation. I am saying that if that is a consideration, there is something fundamentally wrong with society.

Fully agree, onthemoon. Sexual orientation, or the sex of the baby. On the latter, China's one-child responsibility has been responsible for a massive imbalance between males and females, with something like 20% surplus males. What are the poor guys going to do? I can't think of a better way to promote homosexuality!

Did you really mean to say that? You sound like Margaret Thatcher promoting Section 28. If you lived in a country where there was a preponderance of women would you turn straight?

No, it would be the women who had the problem, not me!

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