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The 4 Levels of Chanotes Descriptions (Advice)

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As far as I know their are only 2 levels of Chanote title. The one with the red garuda at the top and the one with the green garuda. The green garuda chanote is a chanote that has been recently upgraded from a lesser form of title and has a prohibition from selling for typically 5 years. You may be thinking of lesser grade titles such as Nor Sor Sam and Nor Sor Sam Gor. Those aren't inherently bad titles but financing may be more difficult and sometimes boundaries are less well defined.

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Green Garuda is land deeded to poor people but AFAIK with no right of resale as it has been granted by HM to help poor people in rural areas. The land can't be used for a quick sale to bail out Somchai from gambling debts or whatever.

The Red Garuda is 99.9% safe but the state retains the right to expropriate the land if deemed necessary but are supposed to compensate fair market value.

There is a third, clear no colour Garuda which is absolute 100% airtight land ownership.

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Green Garuda is land deeded to poor people but AFAIK with no right of resale as it has been granted by HM to help poor people in rural areas. The land can't be used for a quick sale to bail out Somchai from gambling debts or whatever.

The Red Garuda is 99.9% safe but the state retains the right to expropriate the land if deemed necessary but are supposed to compensate fair market value.

There is a third, clear no colour Garuda which is absolute 100% airtight land ownership.

Johnnyk please provide links to your information on Green Garuda land papers? Because i believe you are totally wrong.

lannarebirth you wrote that with Green Garuda land papers "has a prohibition from selling for typically 5 years" where did you get this information?

ThaidDown answered the OP question with a great link, here's another


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Green Garuda is land deeded to poor people but AFAIK with no right of resale as it has been granted by HM to help poor people in rural areas. The land can't be used for a quick sale to bail out Somchai from gambling debts or whatever.

The Red Garuda is 99.9% safe but the state retains the right to expropriate the land if deemed necessary but are supposed to compensate fair market value.

There is a third, clear no colour Garuda which is absolute 100% airtight land ownership.

Johnnyk please provide links to your information on Green Garuda land papers? Because i believe you are totally wrong.

lannarebirth you wrote that with Green Garuda land papers "has a prohibition from selling for typically 5 years" where did you get this information?

ThaidDown answered the OP question with a great link, here's another


No links, I was told by a Thai neighbour who owns several properties one with green and one with clear, ot hers with red. Not a rice farm lady but university grad living in Norway but my neighbour during holidays.
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