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LuckyDogs-TH is going to move very soon

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Looks good Nienke! Congratulations. Will you be up and running by about the 3rd week of March? We need to bring the pets again.

Yes, we will be open.

Working hard on the cat kennels at the moment. Will also have indoor and outdoor runs. :)


Not to throw a wet blanket on it.

The property looks beautiful but how will that benefit the animals in the kennel. Will they be taken out and given free range daily of course under supervision?


Thank you, Elektrified, for your kind words. Much appreciated.

HEllodolly, the answer to your question is in the OP. :)


Not to throw a wet blanket on it.

The property looks beautiful but how will that benefit the animals in the kennel. Will they be taken out and given free range daily of course under supervision?

Why do you continuously and obsessively post on this website about matters that you know nothing about? I'm sure you don't have pets (you wouldn't have time to walk or feed an animal as you are too busy posting). Nor do you know the lady who owns the business (as many of us do know her, and have been entrusting her with our animals for years). The animals get plenty of exercise.

Sometimes...keep your mouth shut.

First off thank you for being interested in my life style.

Secondly I do know a bit about the lady.

Third thank you for answering an honest question that would be of real concern to people who do not know the lady.

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It looks very nice, Nienke, and I am sure that you will make it even nicer.

My daughter is constantly saying that she wants to call round to see you--my reply is that she should 'phone/email you first, to let you know--hence the silence.

I will do it for her, after you have got settled in.

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Looks wonderful but sooooo far for me to drive now .........

Stop whining BB! ;):P

The place is much better than my old one. Little Princess will keep her special treatment in the house with my own spoiled rotten Princesses, the garden is much larger than the space outside available for them in the old place, and the area around here is so gorgeous, it deserve a special trip out. :)

  • Like 1

It looks very nice, Nienke, and I am sure that you will make it even nicer.

My daughter is constantly saying that she wants to call round to see you--my reply is that she should 'phone/email you first, to let you know--hence the silence.

I will do it for her, after you have got settled in.

Just tell her she is very welcome to drop by again. :)

My staff has a 5 year old girl and a 15 year old boy. A whole new experience for me to have kids around. Especially the 5 year old is very talkative, and slowly going into the pink-mode. :D

  • Like 1

It looks very nice, Nienke, and I am sure that you will make it even nicer.

My daughter is constantly saying that she wants to call round to see you--my reply is that she should 'phone/email you first, to let you know--hence the silence.

I will do it for her, after you have got settled in.

Just tell her she is very welcome to drop by again. :)

My staff has a 5 year old girl and a 15 year old boy. A whole new experience for me to have kids around. Especially the 5 year old is very talkative, and slowly going into the pink-mode. :D

That's very kind of you- I will let her know, but we will wait until you are settled in- probably June?

She has talked me into buying her a dog and she is longing to talk to you about him.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk


Looks wonderful but sooooo far for me to drive now .........

Stop whining BB! wink.pngtongue.png

The place is much better than my old one. Little Princess will keep her special treatment in the house with my own spoiled rotten Princesses, the garden is much larger than the space outside available for them in the old place, and the area around here is so gorgeous, it deserve a special trip out. smile.png

Well you are the only one I will trust my baby with so the drive isn't an option !!!!!!!!!

  • Like 1

It looks very nice, Nienke, and I am sure that you will make it even nicer.

My daughter is constantly saying that she wants to call round to see you--my reply is that she should 'phone/email you first, to let you know--hence the silence.

I will do it for her, after you have got settled in.

Just tell her she is very welcome to drop by again. smile.png

My staff has a 5 year old girl and a 15 year old boy. A whole new experience for me to have kids around. Especially the 5 year old is very talkative, and slowly going into the pink-mode. biggrin.png

That's very kind of you- I will let her know, but we will wait until you are settled in- probably June?

She has talked me into buying her a dog and she is longing to talk to you about him.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk

LOL! Now, and why does that not surprises me at all?! Daughters and fathers ... Oh My doG!!! :D

When did/does the dog arrive?

And what kind of dog?

May-June sounds good to me.


Hi Nienke,

yes, I know--I gave in reluctantly on the understanding that she did all the necessary work required by the new dog--needless to say, this has not really been the case-she does have to go to school during the day after all! I should have known that any dog would require more care during the daylight hours than during the night--silly me!

Oh, yeah, it's a Toy Pomeranian, and a boy--and he's super stubborn and quite naughty.

You will have to teach Natalie how to train him to try to do what he's told and not what he wants to do--although that sounds just like Natalie!!

We will give you a call and check you are not too busy--thanks again for the offer.

  • Like 1

I was expecting a promo for a resturant specilizing in hot dogs...

LOL. Yeh, the same name but with .com at the end used to bring you to a hot dog seller.

The name LuckyDogs I choose primarily based on emotional reasons. Named after my most beloved late Boxer, Lucky, the jumping dog in the 'O' of Dogs:


Only later I found out what a popular name it is worldwide. Duhhhh! giggle.gif


Hi Nienke,

yes, I know--I gave in reluctantly on the understanding that she did all the necessary work required by the new dog--needless to say, this has not really been the case-she does have to go to school during the day after all! I should have known that any dog would require more care during the daylight hours than during the night--silly me!

Oh, yeah, it's a Toy Pomeranian, and a boy--and he's super stubborn and quite naughty.

You will have to teach Natalie how to train him to try to do what he's told and not what he wants to do--although that sounds just like Natalie!!

We will give you a call and check you are not too busy--thanks again for the offer.

Pomeranians are super-cute, and quite lively as pup. Coat needs extra care becasue it's long.

"he's super stubborn and quite naughty." - Errrmmm, is it possible that the pup just shows normal pup-behavior and has no clear understanding of what the rules of the house are because it has not yet been properly and consistently taught to him? ;):P Don't blame the pup, please.

Natalie is very welcome to come and learn with her puppy ... after the move. In the meantime, make sure you socialize the pup properly. Many if not most of the behavioral problems in dogs have their root-cause in the socialization period, due to a lack of or no socialization at all.


Place looks great. What are the prices for boarding? Is training available while they board? smile.png

Thank you. wai.gif

For prices, please, send me an email: lucky4paws @ yahoo . com (without the spaces)

And yes, we can provide training while the dog is in boarding. :)

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