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Grenade-kicking Thai Policeman in stable condition


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I agree that policeman is a very brave man, but there is something I don't understand. In the video, there does not seem to be any shrapnel from this grenade. If the grenade had a "fatality radius of 5 meters", why is this brave man not dead, the video camera was not damaged, and only one other policeman was injured? Once again, please don't start the flaming, guns and grenades should have no place on either side of these demonstrations, but I would just like to understand what I saw in the video.

Might it be a mixture of a sub standard grenade and the protective clothing the Police are wearing?

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Unfortunately after seeing this article on three separate western news channels and a video HERE TV, I made comment and was accused by a TV member of spreading lies and that it was the police threw the grenade not the protesters, there is video of the incident and you can see the grenade flying through the air, hit the police shield and the attempted kicking of it away, and the boot of the policeman flying backwards towards the rear rank of police, looking at the video you can see the direction the police are facing and the direction of the incoming grenade, so I wonder if the TV Suthep supporters STILL believe that a police rank would have had to be in front of the victim and stand up turn around and throw the grenade into the police rank behind them, or finally accept that so many of the protesters (not all) are most defiantly not "peaceful protesters" as so often proclaimed????????

I also wonder if the TV member has the stones (intestinal fortitude) to apologize for his accusation of me spreading lie's? I think not,

Apologize, why?

Yellows (in the Western and Eastern sense) are always consistent about their obsessive, compulsive dysfunctional actions.

It is not in their righteous DNA to be wrong, to admit to wrongdoing or accept the consequences of ignoring reality.

Yellows will be yellow..

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All of this need not happen if politicians weren't so corrupt, greedy and manipulative.

Unfortunately more will become incapacitated and lose their lives unnecessarily because the only thing politicians care about is power.

Politicians are like that the world over. They're all scheming manipulative creeps.

In farangland they fight with words, and bills in the house, and censure motions.

In Thailand the military gives them weapons and militias and special ops killers to play with.

The problem here isn't the politicians, it's the military.

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What really pisses me off is to see the red idiot posters trying to make some sort of political capital out of this mans bravery.

He did on the spur of the moment what he thought was best to help save his friends and himself.

He has a long slow and painful road to recovery and I for one hope he recovers and gets full use of his legs.

I also hope he is not abandoned by authority after the headlines die down, as sometimes happens.

Are you for real? Your guy Suthep has a militia that shot a policeman in the head and threw a grenade at this man.

And what pisses you off is a few commenters condemning your favorite warlord?

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I have worked with and thrown grenades, this is not a high explosive grenade, if it was he would be dead and many more injured.

A high explosive grenade has yellow markings not white(like this one), the blast radius was totally wrong as it was low to the ground. While I do not condone any violence such as this it is being exagerated by those wanting to push their views, this was not a high explosive grenade, any military trained person can see that and confirm it.

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It's easy to paint all the police with one tar brush, but we should not forget that every organisation, good or not so good, is made up of individuals. It's obvious from this man's act that the police have at least one courageous and selfless member.

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I have worked with and thrown grenades, this is not a high explosive grenade, if it was he would be dead and many more injured.

A high explosive grenade has yellow markings not white(like this one), the blast radius was totally wrong as it was low to the ground. While I do not condone any violence such as this it is being exagerated by those wanting to push their views, this was not a high explosive grenade, any military trained person can see that and confirm it.

So what sort of grenade was it? A special reform grenade that reformed his leg and reformed his head into a coma?

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A true hero. He put himself in harms way to save his friends.

Sorry to hear about his injuries.....but he shouldn't have been there to serve Chalerm and Thaksin as it WAS a peaceful protest (which is legal).

Just as is the case of soldiers signing up - if they lose their lives in combat then that is part and parcel of serving the nation. They know the dangers and have accepted them upon joining the police force.

I query him being called a hero as he did the wrong thing in kicking the grenade away (as others have admitted) and it was likely to save his own life in an instinctive action.

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I have worked with and thrown grenades, this is not a high explosive grenade, if it was he would be dead and many more injured.

A high explosive grenade has yellow markings not white(like this one), the blast radius was totally wrong as it was low to the ground. While I do not condone any violence such as this it is being exagerated by those wanting to push their views, this was not a high explosive grenade, any military trained person can see that and confirm it.

So what sort of grenade was it? A special reform grenade that reformed his leg and reformed his head into a coma?

white usually indicates a practice or unfilled grenade, as I said it was not a high explosive one, probably a home made conversion(fuse added) as it did not explode as it should have. You obviously suffer from typical "google " knowledge, know nothing about anything but by googling things you think it makes you an expert. I suggest you talk to "army trained" people and they can tell you the facts not the fallacies you keep bringing up in here. The only reforming appears to be coming from you.

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Brave guy, poor people on all sides get injured because the police were forced to clear the area's. I wonder if they will indite YL and Charlem just as they indicted Abisith and Suthep for this.

Similar situations id say... (my opinion is of course that it crazy in both cases to charge them) but I bet the reds wont agree.

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It's obvious that many posters here watch Hollywood movies. We can talk movies, or we can talk reality. In reality this man actually endangered his own man. The rule is to stay low and do not break the ranks. He did the opposite and actually increased the number of casualties. I don't doubt he had the best intentions. However he acted recklessly and exposed his colleagues to shrapnel by breaking the ranks. In reality he is actually responsible for higher number of casualties. Brave act - yes, hero - no. Back to your Hollywood movies.wai2.gif

It's obvious you never spent 1 day in the military. Armchair QB.

I have, and more than 1 day - 10 years. That cop made the right decision - other than falling onto the grenade. The shields would have stopped nothing and it was too close for everyone to get up and jump back 3 meters. People were going to get hurt no matter what -

pffft! what am I saying?!?! The grenade was a peaceful one cause we all know the protesters are all peaceful.

Never mind.

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Unfortunately after seeing this article on three separate western news channels and a video HERE TV, I made comment and was accused by a TV member of spreading lies and that it was the police threw the grenade not the protesters, there is video of the incident and you can see the grenade flying through the air, hit the police shield and the attempted kicking of it away, and the boot of the policeman flying backwards towards the rear rank of police, looking at the video you can see the direction the police are facing and the direction of the incoming grenade, so I wonder if the TV Suthep supporters STILL believe that a police rank would have had to be in front of the victim and stand up turn around and throw the grenade into the police rank behind them, or finally accept that so many of the protesters (not all) are most defiantly not "peaceful protesters" as so often proclaimed????????

I also wonder if the TV member has the stones (intestinal fortitude) to apologize for his accusation of me spreading lie's? I think not,

Facebook say Police did not throw, but said police drop.

That's the info I have, but I did not say which side I believe,

Edited by Suriya4
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It's obvious that many posters here watch Hollywood movies. We can talk movies, or we can talk reality. In reality this man actually endangered his own man. The rule is to stay low and do not break the ranks. He did the opposite and actually increased the number of casualties. I don't doubt he had the best intentions. However he acted recklessly and exposed his colleagues to shrapnel by breaking the ranks. In reality he is actually responsible for higher number of casualties. Brave act - yes, hero - no. Back to your Hollywood movies.wai2.gif

It's obvious you never spent 1 day in the military. Armchair QB.

I have, and more than 1 day - 10 years. That cop made the right decision - other than falling onto the grenade. The shields would have stopped nothing and it was too close for everyone to get up and jump back 3 meters. People were going to get hurt no matter what -

pffft! what am I saying?!?! The grenade was a peaceful one cause we all know the protesters are all peaceful.

Never mind.

If he had left it there then it probably wouldn't have gone off.

Fall on it? You have been watching too many American war films my friend!!

They could easily have jumped back 3 metres as that grenade was doing nothing until he set it off by kicking it away - If Thaksin had not loaded the hierarchy with his relations and police friends then they might have received proper training from real police!!

He is not a hero in my book, just a poorly trained policeman, that's all.

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It's obvious that many posters here watch Hollywood movies. We can talk movies, or we can talk reality. In reality this man actually endangered his own man. The rule is to stay low and do not break the ranks. He did the opposite and actually increased the number of casualties. I don't doubt he had the best intentions. However he acted recklessly and exposed his colleagues to shrapnel by breaking the ranks. In reality he is actually responsible for higher number of casualties. Brave act - yes, hero - no. Back to your Hollywood movies.wai2.gif

Beneath contempt.

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It's obvious that many posters here watch Hollywood movies. We can talk movies, or we can talk reality. In reality this man actually endangered his own man. The rule is to stay low and do not break the ranks. He did the opposite and actually increased the number of casualties. I don't doubt he had the best intentions. However he acted recklessly and exposed his colleagues to shrapnel by breaking the ranks. In reality he is actually responsible for higher number of casualties. Brave act - yes, hero - no. Back to your Hollywood movies.wai2.gif

It's obvious you never spent 1 day in the military. Armchair QB.

I have, and more than 1 day - 10 years. That cop made the right decision - other than falling onto the grenade. The shields would have stopped nothing and it was too close for everyone to get up and jump back 3 meters. People were going to get hurt no matter what -

pffft! what am I saying?!?! The grenade was a peaceful one cause we all know the protesters are all peaceful.

Never mind.

so you spent time in the army, what as, a cook, falling onto it, what a load. What was the first thing you looked at, for me it was the makings, white(training/unfilled), not yellow so it was not high explosive and the shields would have stopped the blast. Trouble is the police are not trained in grenades so he probably didnt realize it, in the forces you cannot be colour blind and serve in a field force/front line unit because of this fact. The second thing was the amount of time elapsed, grenades a have a 5 sec fuse, it hit the shield then rebound then he thought about it then he acted but on the 5 second time limit, he needed to react immediately or remain where he was and angled his shield which would have stopped/reflected the blast. He also could have simply put his shield against it and kicked sending it away, this would have still protected his legs and men. Any field force/front line soldier is well aware of these facts, why arent you if you were trained and spent 10 years there..

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It's obvious that many posters here watch Hollywood movies. We can talk movies, or we can talk reality. In reality this man actually endangered his own man. The rule is to stay low and do not break the ranks. He did the opposite and actually increased the number of casualties. I don't doubt he had the best intentions. However he acted recklessly and exposed his colleagues to shrapnel by breaking the ranks. In reality he is actually responsible for higher number of casualties. Brave act - yes, hero - no. Back to your Hollywood movies.wai2.gif

Beneath contempt.

There is actually a fair amount of truth in his summarisation, however, the Hollywood movies bit should have been left out in this instance.

(and the emoticon).

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I have worked with and thrown grenades, this is not a high explosive grenade, if it was he would be dead and many more injured.

A high explosive grenade has yellow markings not white(like this one), the blast radius was totally wrong as it was low to the ground. While I do not condone any violence such as this it is being exagerated by those wanting to push their views, this was not a high explosive grenade, any military trained person can see that and confirm it.

So what sort of grenade was it? A special reform grenade that reformed his leg and reformed his head into a coma?

white usually indicates a practice or unfilled grenade, as I said it was not a high explosive one, probably a home made conversion(fuse added) as it did not explode as it should have. You obviously suffer from typical "google " knowledge, know nothing about anything but by googling things you think it makes you an expert. I suggest you talk to "army trained" people and they can tell you the facts not the fallacies you keep bringing up in here. The only reforming appears to be coming from you.

Seajae, do the "in his shoes" test.

Imagine your favorite warlord, Suthep, is the policeman and the grenade is thrown at him. Sutheps leg is shredded by this grenade. Is that still ok?, because it didn't kill Suthep?

If all men are created equal, then for it to be ok, people have to be interchangable. If it's somehow not so bad for the policeman, then it has to be not so bad for Suthep!

Your argument of the form "Oh sure Suthep got his leg shredded, but it was a crap grenade so that's ok." has to be true for Suthep too!

On the other hand, if you believe that some people are important and some unimportant, and an elite like Suthep is somehow special, then we get this ridiculous situation where you guys are trying to protect Suthep from criticism.

Mere words are hurtful to Suthep, but hand grenades are not as hurtful to policeman!?

So if you do think that Suthep is an elite and therefore special, put yourself in the shoes of the policeman. Imagine Suthep's hand grenade men are throwing it at you. Are you less equal than Suthep in that situation? Is that somehow not so bad that your leg is shredded, because at least it isn't one of the elite who got their leg blasted!?

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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If he had left it there then it probably wouldn't have gone off.

Fall on it? You have been watching too many American war films my friend!!

They could easily have jumped back 3 metres as that grenade was doing nothing until he set it off by kicking it away -

More nonsense from the video game players.

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white usually indicates a practice or unfilled grenade, as I said it was not a high explosive one, probably a home made conversion(fuse added) as it did not explode as it should have. You obviously suffer from typical "google " knowledge, know nothing about anything but by googling things you think it makes you an expert. I suggest you talk to "army trained" people and they can tell you the facts not the fallacies you keep bringing up in here. The only reforming appears to be coming from you.

Seajae, do the "in his shoes" test.

Imagine your favorite warlord, Suthep, is the policeman and the grenade is thrown at him. Sutheps leg is shredded by this grenade. Is that still ok?, because it didn't kill Suthep?

If all men are created equal, then for it to be ok, people have to be interchangable. If it's somehow not so bad for the policeman, then it has to be not so bad for Suthep!

On the other hand, if you believe that some people are important and some unimportant, and an elite like Suthep is somehow special, then we get this ridiculous situation where you guys are trying to protect Suthep from criticism.

Mere words are hurtful to Suthep, but hand grenades are not as hurtful to policeman!?

So if you think that Suthep is an elite, put yourself in the shoes of the policeman, and imagine Suthep's hand grenade men are throwing it at you. Are you less equal than Suthep in that situation? Is that somehow not so bad, because at least it isn't one of the elite?

boy, do you have a chip on your shoulder, I cant stand suthep and wouldnt give a rats ar*e what happens to him. It would appear you have your nose out of joint because I showed you up as uninformed about the grenade and you have spat the dummy. Like they say, if you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen but if you are going to stay here at least provide truthful/honest info and not your ill advised summations. I am simply telling it like it is and obviously the truth hurts.wai.gif

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white usually indicates a practice or unfilled grenade, as I said it was not a high explosive one, probably a home made conversion(fuse added) as it did not explode as it should have. You obviously suffer from typical "google " knowledge, know nothing about anything but by googling things you think it makes you an expert. I suggest you talk to "army trained" people and they can tell you the facts not the fallacies you keep bringing up in here. The only reforming appears to be coming from you.

Seajae, do the "in his shoes" test.

Imagine your favorite warlord, Suthep, is the policeman and the grenade is thrown at him. Sutheps leg is shredded by this grenade. Is that still ok?, because it didn't kill Suthep?

If all men are created equal, then for it to be ok, people have to be interchangable. If it's somehow not so bad for the policeman, then it has to be not so bad for Suthep!

On the other hand, if you believe that some people are important and some unimportant, and an elite like Suthep is somehow special, then we get this ridiculous situation where you guys are trying to protect Suthep from criticism.

Mere words are hurtful to Suthep, but hand grenades are not as hurtful to policeman!?

So if you think that Suthep is an elite, put yourself in the shoes of the policeman, and imagine Suthep's hand grenade men are throwing it at you. Are you less equal than Suthep in that situation? Is that somehow not so bad, because at least it isn't one of the elite?

boy, do you have a chip on your shoulder, I cant stand suthep and wouldnt give a rats ar*e what happens to him. It would appear you have your nose out of joint because I showed you up as uninformed about the grenade and you have spat the dummy. Like they say, if you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen but if you are going to stay here at least provide truthful/honest info and not your ill advised summations. I am simply telling it like it is and obviously the truth hurts.wai.gif

No, grenades hurt. The truth heals!

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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No, grenades hurt. The truth heals!

No, grenades killed Thai soldiers and civilians who peacefully protested. The truth should finally heal you! Take a hard look at your own side.

"There will be blood on the streets if the government does not call off the dispersal operations. Our patience is running out. We will take more serious measures to retaliate. The dark sky will turn red, red like blood. "

Jatuporn Prompan, Red shirt leader, Bangkok, April 10, 2010.

Let's see how grenades actually kill people. But some posters here were celebrating death of innocent people back then. And justified it. Let's reverse it a bit. There are no knights in shiny white armours in this conflict. But one thing for sure, Thaksin is the dirties player ever. Nothing is sacred to him. Even his own family.

"A foreign photojournalist was behind army lines in Din So

Road when the soldiers were attacked by Black Shirts with

grenades and gunfire. He told Human Rights Watch:

[T]hey [the soldiers] got hit by a grenade. They fell back

and had injured with them, so to give cover to their

wounded they returned fire. The Black Shirts were ahead

of them, attacking…. I could see their fire incoming at

us…. The Black Shirts didn’t come to try and take

territory—they shoot and then they leave; they hit [the

soldiers] and retreat.

A period of relative calm and negotiations between the

government and UDD followed. However, violence continued

to flare. On April 22, for example, five M79-launched

grenades landed in a pro-government Yellow Shirt crowd,

killing a woman and wounding at least 78. On April 24 and

29, UDD security guards and protesters armed with

sharpened bamboo sticks stormed Chulalongkorn Hospital

in a search for soldiers"


Edited by Mackie
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white usually indicates a practice or unfilled grenade, as I said it was not a high explosive one, probably a home made conversion(fuse added) as it did not explode as it should have. You obviously suffer from typical "google " knowledge, know nothing about anything but by googling things you think it makes you an expert. I suggest you talk to "army trained" people and they can tell you the facts not the fallacies you keep bringing up in here. The only reforming appears to be coming from you.

Seajae, do the "in his shoes" test.

Imagine your favorite warlord, Suthep, is the policeman and the grenade is thrown at him. Sutheps leg is shredded by this grenade. Is that still ok?, because it didn't kill Suthep?

If all men are created equal, then for it to be ok, people have to be interchangable. If it's somehow not so bad for the policeman, then it has to be not so bad for Suthep!

On the other hand, if you believe that some people are important and some unimportant, and an elite like Suthep is somehow special, then we get this ridiculous situation where you guys are trying to protect Suthep from criticism.

Mere words are hurtful to Suthep, but hand grenades are not as hurtful to policeman!?

So if you think that Suthep is an elite, put yourself in the shoes of the policeman, and imagine Suthep's hand grenade men are throwing it at you. Are you less equal than Suthep in that situation? Is that somehow not so bad, because at least it isn't one of the elite?

boy, do you have a chip on your shoulder, I cant stand suthep and wouldnt give a rats ar*e what happens to him. It would appear you have your nose out of joint because I showed you up as uninformed about the grenade and you have spat the dummy. Like they say, if you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen but if you are going to stay here at least provide truthful/honest info and not your ill advised summations. I am simply telling it like it is and obviously the truth hurts.wai.gif

No, grenades hurt. The truth heals!

The truth heals, you say. Perhaps that is why Yingluck and her colleagues are permanently damaged as they don't understand what the truth is as they have never adhered to it.

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It's obvious that many posters here watch Hollywood movies. We can talk movies, or we can talk reality. In reality this man actually endangered his own man. The rule is to stay low and do not break the ranks. He did the opposite and actually increased the number of casualties. I don't doubt he had the best intentions. However he acted recklessly and exposed his colleagues to shrapnel by breaking the ranks. In reality he is actually responsible for higher number of casualties. Brave act - yes, hero - no. Back to your Hollywood movies.wai2.gif

It's obvious you never spent 1 day in the military. Armchair QB.

I have, and more than 1 day - 10 years. That cop made the right decision - other than falling onto the grenade. The shields would have stopped nothing and it was too close for everyone to get up and jump back 3 meters. People were going to get hurt no matter what -

pffft! what am I saying?!?! The grenade was a peaceful one cause we all know the protesters are all peaceful.

Never mind.

If he had left it there then it probably wouldn't have gone off.

Fall on it? You have been watching too many American war films my friend!!

They could easily have jumped back 3 metres as that grenade was doing nothing until he set it off by kicking it away - If Thaksin had not loaded the hierarchy with his relations and police friends then they might have received proper training from real police!!

He is not a hero in my book, just a poorly trained policeman, that's all.

If you rub both of your brain cells together, will they start working?

Do I really have to explain what a grenade is to you or are you just trolling?

PS - Films got it right. If someone falls on the grenade, it helps contain and minimize the damage to the immediate area. That's what grenade range NCOs are instructed to do in the event of a miss-hap (with their Kevlar vests on). But you wouldn't know cause you never had the nards to sign up to serve.

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It's obvious that many posters here watch Hollywood movies. We can talk movies, or we can talk reality. In reality this man actually endangered his own man. The rule is to stay low and do not break the ranks. He did the opposite and actually increased the number of casualties. I don't doubt he had the best intentions. However he acted recklessly and exposed his colleagues to shrapnel by breaking the ranks. In reality he is actually responsible for higher number of casualties. Brave act - yes, hero - no. Back to your Hollywood movies.wai2.gif

While I acknowledge we can't be too critical of a person in a life or death situation having to make snap decisions in a matter of 2-3 seconds, but I agree, he did not take the correct action. But, having used both riot and ballistic shields and grenades before, I will say that one bit of information which is unknown to us here is exactly what kind of shields they are using. There are ballistic shields, non-ballistic riot shields, and semi-ballistic riot shields (handgun and shotgun round resistant). You can tell from the videos and photos that they definitely aren't using full ballistic shields, nor would they be, but it is very possible that they are semi-ballistic shields which still would protect the user from much if not all the fragmentation from an M67 grenade. M67 fragmentation travels relativity slowly, closer to the speed of a handgun round, and is oddly shaped. My theory they are using semi-ballistic shields is evidenced by that fact that M67's have a kill radius of 5m, yet despite there being several officers within the kill radius, none were killed. Even officer "hero" who was 0m from it survived and with limbs intact. His body armor certainly contributed to that. His shield, if semi-ballistic, certainly more so. If he had a fully ballistic shield (which he didn't)and broke ranks to kick the grenade, that would have been a major breach of protocol and in the military would warrant a court martial. Police are trained in this kind of thing, and he should have known better.

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No, grenades hurt. The truth heals!

No, grenades killed Thai soldiers and civilians who peacefully protested. The truth should finally heal you! Take a hard look at your own side.

"There will be blood on the streets if the government does not call off the dispersal operations. Our patience is running out. We will take more serious measures to retaliate. The dark sky will turn red, red like blood. "

Jatuporn Prompan, Red shirt leader, Bangkok, April 10, 2010.

Let's see how grenades actually kill people. But some posters here were celebrating death of innocent people back then. And justified it. Let's reverse it a bit. There are no knights in shiny white armours in this conflict. But one thing for sure, Thaksin is the dirties player ever. Nothing is sacred to him. Even his own family.

"A foreign photojournalist was behind army lines in Din So

Road when the soldiers were attacked by Black Shirts with

grenades and gunfire. He told Human Rights Watch:

[T]hey [the soldiers] got hit by a grenade. They fell back

and had injured with them, so to give cover to their

wounded they returned fire. The Black Shirts were ahead

of them, attacking…. I could see their fire incoming at

us…. The Black Shirts didn’t come to try and take

territory—they shoot and then they leave; they hit [the

soldiers] and retreat.

A period of relative calm and negotiations between the

government and UDD followed. However, violence continued

to flare. On April 22, for example, five M79-launched

grenades landed in a pro-government Yellow Shirt crowd,

killing a woman and wounding at least 78. On April 24 and

29, UDD security guards and protesters armed with

sharpened bamboo sticks stormed Chulalongkorn Hospital

in a search for soldiers"


Why are you selectively quoting from a Human Rights Watch report? It's a 162 page report that doesn't come down on one side or the other but does show a lot of wrongdoing by the army, such as for the killings at Wat Phatum Wanaram.

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It's obvious that many posters here watch Hollywood movies. We can talk movies, or we can talk reality. In reality this man actually endangered his own man. The rule is to stay low and do not break the ranks. He did the opposite and actually increased the number of casualties. I don't doubt he had the best intentions. However he acted recklessly and exposed his colleagues to shrapnel by breaking the ranks. In reality he is actually responsible for higher number of casualties. Brave act - yes, hero - no. Back to your Hollywood movies.wai2.gif

It's obvious you never spent 1 day in the military. Armchair QB.

I have, and more than 1 day - 10 years. That cop made the right decision - other than falling onto the grenade. The shields would have stopped nothing and it was too close for everyone to get up and jump back 3 meters. People were going to get hurt no matter what -

pffft! what am I saying?!?! The grenade was a peaceful one cause we all know the protesters are all peaceful.

Never mind.

If he had left it there then it probably wouldn't have gone off.

Fall on it? You have been watching too many American war films my friend!!

They could easily have jumped back 3 metres as that grenade was doing nothing until he set it off by kicking it away - If Thaksin had not loaded the hierarchy with his relations and police friends then they might have received proper training from real police!!

He is not a hero in my book, just a poorly trained policeman, that's all.

If you rub both of your brain cells together, will they start working?

Do I really have to explain what a grenade is to you or are you just trolling?

PS - Films got it right. If someone falls on the grenade, it helps contain and minimize the damage to the immediate area. That's what grenade range NCOs are instructed to do in the event of a miss-hap (with their Kevlar vests on). But you wouldn't know cause you never had the nards to sign up to serve.

wrong again, if a grenade is dropped the instructor grabs the thrower and they move behind the sandbag walls that are set up in the training area(several walled areas just for this purpose) so that they are no longer in the direct blast radius, no one falls on a grenade, in fact the instructors specifically state this. Every trainee is run through this procedure before they are even allowed to throw along with being instructed to throw it like a ball not round arm it like they do in the movies as that is simply bullsh*t.

Edited by seajae
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