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Amazing events signal end days for Thai government


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This is about much bigger things than politics, and the anti-democratic 'Yellow Shirts' have played their hand brilliantly as they tightened the noose around a democratically elected government. I just worry about the repercussions...

Have you been asleep for the last 10 years

wakey Wakey

The yellow shirts are not the main party here

they may have joined in

but these are The people of Thailand protestors

many issan people are part of the protest and they hate the yellow shirts

Sorry I am stupid thinking you where living in Thailand

are you missing you last beer bar holiday ?

I agree with you there. Not the first part but the second.

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Most amazing news is how much the Courts and Media have exposed their allegiences out in the open.

This is desperate days for the Coup now. They are pannic stricken and every item in their news is co-ordinated.

Did anybody see that an army hit team in Naratiwas was arrested for murder. Shot to men dead, but whilst escaping in a pick up truck they crashed into a police car. and were arrested fleeing the scene.....

Does not fit in with Thai Meda, but everybody else who read it - was released at 1:00am in order that it be buried - is commenting on the press role in all this.

Reason for 1:00am release is that they can claim they reported it!!! Amazing indeed.

What they now know is that if they can't get Yingluck out, they will have strengthened her!! If suthep fails, they are really in the cart.

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Suthep may win this battle eventually, but the war hasn't even started.

1000 Suthep sponsored farmers on their way to Bangkok, but millions of farmers at home knowing exactly what is going on.

If Suthep gets his people council, it will mean civil war for Thailand.

The Army knows it and that's why they're not pushing Suthep over the finish line.


Are you really aware of what is going on?

The PTP have ripped off the very people that supported them into power, the genie is out the bottle. Thaksin and Yingluck are finished, hopefully the other cronies will be gone to, very soon.

The suitcases are being packed, and the private plane fueled up.

Keep posting the tired old lie of sponsors farmers, fake farmers, small numbers of protestors etc.

Your employer has been totally outmanouvered, and his arrogance and disrespect for law and the people has got him there.

The farmers should have been paid months ago, they weren't. Now they are pretty angry. The whole scheme was a joke, a bit like the people who continue to try and defend it. The Army has no reason do anything, as Chalerm has pretty much managed to screw everything up.

The rice scheme worked for the past 3 years without problems. Farmers got paid every year on time until Suthep and his militia came along.

The farmers are not stupid, they know what's going on.

You'll see what I mean when Suthep gets his way.

I'll take it as an acceptance of defeat by one Thaksin fanboy, shall I?

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