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Amazing events signal end days for Thai government


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The picture that the 'old elite' power using the press and social media to hide is this:

It seems to me that 'popcorn vendors' are being supported and protested by the following:

Judges, appointed senators, officials of independence agencies, the military and the 'old elite' power.

The emerging power of the people know they do not have the support and protection of those mentioned above but do not want to give up liberating themselves from oppression, injustices, being belittled, denigrated, and treated not equal. The feeling of haplessness and bitterness continue to mount - what would you think is the outcome.

War weapons, tanks and judiciary corruption have proved ineffective in silencing them. They emerged very quickly every time soon after the crackdown.

You cannot kill the spirit of the people. You cannot kill the will of the people wanting to be freed and be treated equal.

The emerging power of the people knows they must prevail in enduring the 'pain of gestation' and diligent in following the processes and procedures during this period in order to have a safe and successful delivery.

The activities of emerging power of the people is to protect the 'institutions' beside liberating themselves. While the activities of the 'old elite' power is to protect their own corrupt practices and interests through power and control and will lead to the destruction of the 'institutions' and their own demise.

As my dear old mum used to say.... Utter codswallop. But you are a good story writer...

My dear old mum used to say......"Its just a phase he's going through" Thai's do get emotional don't they,they are a mirror image of their country....."more show than substance".

They love their king yet his loyal officials cheat and take bribes, they love their religion and yet many drink alcohol to excess and take drugs, they love their Thai "brothers and sisters"and yet are willing to kill at the drop of a hat for a perceived loss of face, they love their country but litter it with garbage without a thought.

I think Buddha must love them because they are so funny .

I thought you don't care!

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Do you really think that we farangs should or want to "intervene" as you put it ? We are merely tolerated by the state,it doesn't matter who is in power we aren't made to feel wanted, the state doesn't want our input or our integration it wants our money. Many of us have a family here with our own children and support the wife's parents etc. and yet we are ripped of,scammed,lied to and generally made to feel as if we are free game in the wilds of Thailand. No thanks. The situation here has only entertainment value as far as i am concerned. I have a win win already......the falling strength of the Baht.

I noticed today, Suthep on video was all demure and asking the army to put in a neutral leader.... perhaps a soldier... or a sailor... it was very funny given his 'popcorn men' rants the other day. I assume it's because he was hoping for tens of thousands of farmers would save him and they didn't (I'm estimating a max of 2290 people).

I note khunsiam's comment higher up "We need to push both sides to the negotiation table before it's to late. We need to end the midst of Win Loose and find a Win Win."

Let me explain why you must never ever pick a middle ground candidate and replace an elected PM. Never, never ever!

Point 1, Any appointed leader is always a coup!

In a democracy, the voters choose their leader. Leaders who want to lead, compete for those votes. Power vests with the people and they lend it temporarily to politicians of their choice for 4 years.

So really, the only way to appoint a leader is to take away Democracy. You are ignoring the voters choice!

The voters voted for party 15 which is a Yingluk led Pheu Thai. So you put in someone else and you are rejecting their choice! It's not an intervention in that instance, it's a coup, you've ejected the chosen leader the people voted and replaced them with a person you think is better.

Point 2, a middle ground leader, leads to polarized extremes in society

You have 2 factions, you want a middle ground leader between the two factions, so you choose a candidate somewhere in the middle. BIG BIG BIG mistake!

If a group wants to pull this middle ground candidate their way, they can do it by become more and more extreme! So factions move away from the middle ground to the extremes and society becomes polarized! So they fly off to the ridiculous extreme the same way Suthep did, in the hope of dragging the middle ground in their direction!

Yingluk is the only person who can rightfully become Prime Minister, she is the neutral candidate! Suthep is the extremist here. If you reward extremism, you encourage it! Each time they eject the elected Prime Minister, it becomes easier to eject the next elected Prime Minister and the next and the next.

And we should care because.......

Why are you writing here? Do you live in Thailand? If you do, then you should care for many farang care and I want to say many of them I know care passionately.

Yes i live with my family in Isaan. Why don't i care? because Thais are a corrupt people and therefore have and will always have a corrupt government. I care for my family. I know it wont make any difference what government is in power, it will be a mirror image of its people.......corrupt.

That doesn't mean that i dislike Thai's i get on very well with them here in my village. I am in charge of the collection money at the Temple because they can't trust a Thai with the money (the last person in charge was the head man of our village and he stole 10,000 Baht) The head man before him was charged with extorting money from an old and frightened lady here,his son went to prison for drug dealing.

My 6 year old son can speak fluent English as well as Thai and i am teaching him to read English because the "English teacher" (with her bought diploma) can't speak English.

When my Thai step daughter was 14 i found out the reason she was doing so badly at school was because she couldn't read. I, as a farang,taught her to read and write Thai (her mother didn't have the patience) When i confronted her teacher he said she was slow to learn and he couldn't be bothered with the slow ones (at 19 she is now at University,she won a tutorship competing with 340 other people) The teacher remonstrated with me for complaining,she's not my real daughter,i'm not Thai, whats it got to do with me etc.

Her biological father advised her not to bother learning, she should be good at football instead....How Thai.

That's why i just don't care who the <deleted> sits in that sham parliament as PM.

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not at all black & white: 260706_1508726571_1705268472_q.jpg

And people clap. Thunderous applause. Whistles blown. Crowds cheering as the Stock Market of Thailand lost billions today and will continue to do so tomorrow, am I'm not only saying companies that have Shinawatra investments but the entire market dumped. The Thai financial system's credibility is shot. Encouraging people to attack banks, panic withdrawals, yep I'm sure foreign investors looking... at this must being saying to themselves, hello Vietnam, hello Singapore, hello Malaysia and Indonesia, Adios Thailand.

So why? Because we are all being programmed now to hate. To not think logically, to declare that there must be a winner and a looser to this fight, to forget that we are killing the patient we are trying to save.

I say this as a commentary to both sides. When do logical people realize that for 7 years it's still the same haves and haves more who have been feeding us the food of hatred so that we may go out and support their quest for victory and power. Again both sides.

I don't understand how the people who lives in the greatest country in SE Asia can crave for this food of hatred so much. We live in a country that has the best beaches, mountains, resources yet we are at a point now where the food of hatred is turning our thing of beauty into a land of waste and destruction.

If you haven't realize it yet please do now. The very fabric of our wonderful society and culture is being ripped apart today to a point where I am afraid we can never sew it back ever again.

With this much hatred and illogical actions going on, how?

Yes I know the simple solution for either side is, well why don't the Shinawatra clan just pick up, move out and get the heck as far away from Thailand as possible. Or, why don't Kumnan Suthep just stop and keep the promise to hang himself. Well sadly and please once and for all come to the realization that neither of these things will ever happen. These 2 sides will never stand down.

So Khun Tom I am sure you are asking yourself what is the point of your ramblings? OK here it is.

I was privileged to be in a meeting today that was made clear that both sides are willing to accept substantial loss of lives to achieve their goals. Read Carefully. BOTH SIDES.

The conclusion seems to be that on the 27th if the courts can do their job and end the situation, blood then must be spilled to finally declare a winner and a looser.

Khun Tom is crazy full of bs. For this one no. This is why at midnight I cannot sleep.

So please tell your friends both sides, the leaders don't care about you. We are all being used. Use logic. To agree to all that is going on now and just follow the heard will only lead to Armagedon.

Don't help either side continue to destroy our economy and Thais killing Thais.

We need to push both sides to the negotiation table before it's to late. We need to end the midst of Win Loose and find a Win Win.

If enough of you are interested I will lead you to see the powers that be on the government side and let your reasonable voices be heard. I am sure that one of you can arrange the same for us to meet with the powers that be on the anti government side.

In America when a friend is hurting themselves through destructive behavior we have what is called intervention. Friends it's time for us to intervened.

My number is on my FB profile call or email me if you would like to be part of the solution to ensure that Thailand doesn't go off the deep end.

Ok so now some of you may be saying what will us meetings with both sides do. To answer your question I don't know. But I do know that it's better then not taking an effort at all. It's doesn't take a mob to change the world it only takes you. Let's tell them we are full, stop feeding us this same old food, it's gone stale.

Meer weergeven

Do you really think that we farangs should or want to "intervene" as you put it ? We are merely tolerated by the state,it doesn't matter who is in power we aren't made to feel wanted, the state doesn't want our input or our integration it wants our money. Many of us have a family here with our own children and support the wife's parents etc. and yet we are ripped of,scammed,lied to and generally made to feel as if we are free game in the wilds of Thailand. No thanks. The situation here has only entertainment value as far as i am concerned. I have a win win already......the falling strength of the Baht.

No this is not a call for farangs to intervene, this is a letter directed to fellow Thais, written by a Thai person who 's brought up in California. Just to show the opinion of a well to do, succesful Bangkokian who's fed up with Suthep's protest movement and urge Thai people to find a common ground.

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I noticed today, Suthep on video was all demure and asking the army to put in a neutral leader.... perhaps a soldier... or a sailor... it was very funny given his 'popcorn men' rants the other day. I assume it's because he was hoping for tens of thousands of farmers would save him and they didn't (I'm estimating a max of 2290 people).

I note khunsiam's comment higher up "We need to push both sides to the negotiation table before it's to late. We need to end the midst of Win Loose and find a Win Win."

Let me explain why you must never ever pick a middle ground candidate and replace an elected PM. Never, never ever!

Point 1, Any appointed leader is always a coup!

In a democracy, the voters choose their leader. Leaders who want to lead, compete for those votes. Power vests with the people and they lend it temporarily to politicians of their choice for 4 years.

So really, the only way to appoint a leader is to take away Democracy. You are ignoring the voters choice!

The voters voted for party 15 which is a Yingluk led Pheu Thai. So you put in someone else and you are rejecting their choice! It's not an intervention in that instance, it's a coup, you've ejected the chosen leader the people voted and replaced them with a person you think is better.

Point 2, a middle ground leader, leads to polarized extremes in society

You have 2 factions, you want a middle ground leader between the two factions, so you choose a candidate somewhere in the middle. BIG BIG BIG mistake!

If a group wants to pull this middle ground candidate their way, they can do it by become more and more extreme! So factions move away from the middle ground to the extremes and society becomes polarized! So they fly off to the ridiculous extreme the same way Suthep did, in the hope of dragging the middle ground in their direction!

Yingluk is the only person who can rightfully become Prime Minister, she is the neutral candidate! Suthep is the extremist here. If you reward extremism, you encourage it! Each time they eject the elected Prime Minister, it becomes easier to eject the next elected Prime Minister and the next and the next.

And we should care because.......

Why are you writing here? Do you live in Thailand? If you do, then you should care for many farang care and I want to say many of them I know care passionately.

Yes i live with my family in Isaan. Why don't i care? because Thais are a corrupt people and therefore have and will always have a corrupt government. I care for my family. I know it wont make any difference what government is in power, it will be a mirror image of its people.......corrupt.

That doesn't mean that i dislike Thai's i get on very well with them here in my village. I am in charge of the collection money at the Temple because they can't trust a Thai with the money (the last person in charge was the head man of our village and he stole 10,000 Baht) The head man before him was charged with extorting money from an old and frightened lady here,his son went to prison for drug dealing.

My 6 year old son can speak fluent English as well as Thai and i am teaching him to read English because the "English teacher" (with her bought diploma) can't speak English.

When my Thai step daughter was 14 i found out the reason she was doing so badly at school was because she couldn't read. I, as a farang,taught her to read and write Thai (her mother didn't have the patience) When i confronted her teacher he said she was slow to learn and he couldn't be bothered with the slow ones (at 19 she is now at University,she won a tutorship competing with 340 other people) The teacher remonstrated with me for complaining,she's not my real daughter,i'm not Thai, whats it got to do with me etc.

Her biological father advised her not to bother learning, she should be good at football instead....How Thai.

That's why i just don't care who the <deleted> sits in that sham parliament as PM.

You mean all PMs since 1932? It must be very painful for you emotionally. If you decided to make Thailand as your choice country to live, I think you should care. Improving your circumstances by getting involved and take full responsibility of your life. There will always something, someone, some circumstances to blame if we do not take full responsibility. I know they are limitation for farangs living in Thailand to get involve - just like any other country. However, I know and I salute and thank many farangs who were a part of my life in my growing up. These farangs contributed very much despite limitation to the 'fabric' of Thailand - in education, healthcare, technology and other know how. They got many Thais out of the 'victim mentality world'.

Reading your post. I can sense that you are not caught in a 'victim mentality world'. However, they are still some events in your life which have been bordering you. I had that situation before. My mum taught me to release and let go.

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Suthep may win this battle eventually, but the war hasn't even started.

1000 Suthep sponsored farmers on their way to Bangkok, but millions of farmers at home knowing exactly what is going on.

If Suthep gets his people council, it will mean civil war for Thailand.

The Army knows it and that's why they're not pushing Suthep over the finish line.


Are you really aware of what is going on?

The PTP have ripped off the very people that supported them into power, the genie is out the bottle. Thaksin and Yingluck are finished, hopefully the other cronies will be gone to, very soon.

The suitcases are being packed, and the private plane fueled up.

Keep posting the tired old lie of sponsors farmers, fake farmers, small numbers of protestors etc.

Your employer has been totally outmanouvered, and his arrogance and disrespect for law and the people has got him there.

The farmers should have been paid months ago, they weren't. Now they are pretty angry. The whole scheme was a joke, a bit like the people who continue to try and defend it. The Army has no reason do anything, as Chalerm has pretty much managed to screw everything up.

The rice scheme worked for the past 3 years without problems. Farmers got paid every year on time until Suthep and his militia came along.

The farmers are not stupid, they know what's going on.

You'll see what I mean when Suthep gets his way.

That is because now the PONSEY scheme has finally collapsed. NO FOREIGN BANK will lend Thailand money. Do you read other news? Other news states the IMF and World banks state the THAI RICE SCHEME ID FULL OF COrruption and I will not bother to post links as many before me already have on other threads. USE GOOGLE.

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Do you really think that we farangs should or want to "intervene" as you put it ? We are merely tolerated by the state,it doesn't matter who is in power we aren't made to feel wanted, the state doesn't want our input or our integration it wants our money. Many of us have a family here with our own children and support the wife's parents etc. and yet we are ripped of,scammed,lied to and generally made to feel as if we are free game in the wilds of Thailand. No thanks. The situation here has only entertainment value as far as i am concerned. I have a win win already......the falling strength of the Baht.

I noticed today, Suthep on video was all demure and asking the army to put in a neutral leader.... perhaps a soldier... or a sailor... it was very funny given his 'popcorn men' rants the other day. I assume it's because he was hoping for tens of thousands of farmers would save him and they didn't (I'm estimating a max of 2290 people).

I note khunsiam's comment higher up "We need to push both sides to the negotiation table before it's to late. We need to end the midst of Win Loose and find a Win Win."

Let me explain why you must never ever pick a middle ground candidate and replace an elected PM. Never, never ever!

Point 1, Any appointed leader is always a coup!

In a democracy, the voters choose their leader. Leaders who want to lead, compete for those votes. Power vests with the people and they lend it temporarily to politicians of their choice for 4 years.

So really, the only way to appoint a leader is to take away Democracy. You are ignoring the voters choice!

The voters voted for party 15 which is a Yingluk led Pheu Thai. So you put in someone else and you are rejecting their choice! It's not an intervention in that instance, it's a coup, you've ejected the chosen leader the people voted and replaced them with a person you think is better.

Point 2, a middle ground leader, leads to polarized extremes in society

You have 2 factions, you want a middle ground leader between the two factions, so you choose a candidate somewhere in the middle. BIG BIG BIG mistake!

If a group wants to pull this middle ground candidate their way, they can do it by become more and more extreme! So factions move away from the middle ground to the extremes and society becomes polarized! So they fly off to the ridiculous extreme the same way Suthep did, in the hope of dragging the middle ground in their direction!

Yingluk is the only person who can rightfully become Prime Minister, she is the neutral candidate! Suthep is the extremist here. If you reward extremism, you encourage it! Each time they eject the elected Prime Minister, it becomes easier to eject the next elected Prime Minister and the next and the next.

And we should care because.......

My comment was more addressed to khunsiam comment (I can't get ThaiVisa's multiquote to work properly), the only bit related to your part was the 'intervention' bit, as if foreign countries would support such a coup.

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All the posters, particularly those outside the country, who are predicting doomsday when the Govt falls don't understand that Thailand has something that binds all Thai people together. And yes the reset button can be set and probably will be.

This will as has in the past and as usual amaze those such as CNN, BBC and the others who don't understand Thailand. And also probably anger those such as Thaksin and his immediate circle and the likes of mercenaries and opportunists such as Robert Amsterdam.

You have so much reading to do.

You need to understand why thaksin can have such a hold from exile.

it is out there in the media, not here yet, but anybody who can google or has facebook and twitter knows.

We all need middle ground, and Suthep V Thaksin is going to bring grief to all the country whoever wins. The strength we need is that the mass of people in the middle can stand up and say not to both, suthep goes and then vote out PT. which we all want.

I want then VOTING out, but if they can't be defeated at the ballot box I'll have to acctpe them, as we did thatcher gov in the 80's.

In GB, Labour learned they were unelectable eventually, got rid of Michael foot for Kinnock. Kinnock was nearly, but not quite electable so they moved positiion, got rid of Kinnock and we got Blair. However bad he was, we can at least blame ourselves as a whole for electing him.... as we can with the current coalition.

Dems have to adapt. They will never win an election as they are, a 60's type Elitist nepotistic group who feel power is their birthright.... period.

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This is about much bigger things than politics, and the anti-democratic 'Yellow Shirts' have played their hand brilliantly as they tightened the noose around a democratically elected government. I just worry about the repercussions...

Have you been asleep for the last 10 years

wakey Wakey

The yellow shirts are not the main party here

they may have joined in

but these are The people of Thailand protestors

many issan people are part of the protest and they hate the yellow shirts

Sorry I am stupid thinking you where living in Thailand

are you missing you last beer bar holiday ?

I wonder if there will be the nice day in which you will make a post where you can expose your idea without insulting the poster you are referring to.

Believe me, a little of manner would make no harm, really.

Yes. Usually the insult is in the first line, and then the thought. Discussion... not CAT FIGHT. Some people are getting turned off from posting because of the predictable impending insulting retort. I'm OK, because I post and run. Does a tree falling in the forest make a sound if there is no ear to hear? I post here because I doubt there is a topic on politeness.

Edited by Longtooth
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