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My 24 y/o Niece is Coming to Thailand tomorrow to do Some Backpacking Alone.


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Is this a good idea? I'm worried about her, she has never been to Thailand and her back pack is almost bigger than she is.

She will be staying with me for a week then go to a Buddist retreat for 10 days. After that do the backpacking for 2 months alone. She says she also wants to go to Burma, Lao, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

Is there a place where I can take her to meet other single female backpackers, so she wouldnt be alone?

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Maybe find a hostel somewhere with travelers her age.

Is she a seasoned traveler? .. Or is this her first backpacking trip?

Up to her really ... Her safety depends a lot on her personal judgement/intelligence/experience/language ability.

The hostel sounds like a Good idea. Thanks

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Well I traveled all over Asia alone at that age. It is certainly possible to do safely IF one exercises reasonable caution.

She'll easily enough run into other backpackers in her travels, but that is not always good -- some of them are more dubious/dangerous than the locals. Again, it all reverts to how shrewd she is and how good her instincts are.

I think from your side all you can do is ensure that she is aware that things like rape, robbery etc are fairly common here, the seeming "gentleness" of people in SE Asia is misleading and she needs to be very careful, never hitch-hike, be wary of people putting drugs into her drink, don't walk alone down empty streets at night etc. And also be wary of taxi/samlor drivers especially at night or in remote locations. Tell her to take her cue from local women (non-bar girls, obviously - "normal" local women) wherever she is. If she doesn't see any of them on the street, she probably shouldn't be there unaccompanied either; better to take a longer detour and stick to routes she sees local women about on.

She'll likely roll her eyes a bit when you give her this talk, but some of this will sink in, at least she'll know that these sorts of crimes exist here too.

She's from the States, a very smart and attractive young woman. Not looking to hook up with young men, just wants to do some exploring before she starts her Masters degree. I will show her this, thanks.

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Well I traveled all over Asia alone at that age. It is certainly possible to do safely IF one exercises reasonable caution.

She'll easily enough run into other backpackers in her travels, but that is not always good -- some of them are more dubious/dangerous than the locals. Again, it all reverts to how shrewd she is and how good her instincts are.

I think from your side all you can do is ensure that she is aware that things like rape, robbery etc are fairly common here, the seeming "gentleness" of people in SE Asia is misleading and she needs to be very careful, never hitch-hike, be wary of people putting drugs into her drink, don't walk alone down empty streets at night etc. And also be wary of taxi/samlor drivers especially at night or in remote locations. Tell her to take her cue from local women (non-bar girls, obviously - "normal" local women) wherever she is. If she doesn't see any of them on the street, she probably shouldn't be there unaccompanied either; better to take a longer detour and stick to routes she sees local women about on.

She'll likely roll her eyes a bit when you give her this talk, but some of this will sink in, at least she'll know that these sorts of crimes exist here too.

She's from the States, a very smart and attractive young woman. Not looking to hook up with young men, just wants to do some exploring before she starts her Masters degree. I will show her this, thanks.

Have her read this thread too http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/151665-safety-tips-for-women-in-thailand/

Most of the posts are from expat women living in Thailand, and practical in nature.

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With anything caution and smarts is the best combination. And in general Thailand is very safe but If I was doing what she wants to do I would hook up with someone else that likes what I do and do it together. A famous saying. Safety in numbers . Would I travel alone and site see in the USA no Always go with someone else.

So answer to your question play it safe and buddy up with another woman and then go and have a good time

Good luck

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When she arrives, if she is back packing she will no doubt meet other peopel int he same situation as her.

I did it 17 years ago, hadn't even read a lonely planet & the internet didn't have a fraction of the info on it as now.

If she is savvy, takes the same precautions as she would in her home town & uses the usual comment sense women need to survive in the world then she will no doubt have a great time.

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The young lady will be as safe backpacking in S.E. Asia as she would be in Europe.

Common sense precautions are, of course required.

The biggest risk she can expose herself to is the drug fueled people who hang around hostels and back packer accommodation.

Avoiding "full moon" parties is also a very good move !

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USA is not one of the safest countries for a 24yo woman alone, neither is Thailand.

The use of common sense will get her a long way, but have her read up on many things said above and for the rest it will be "up to Buddha" as the Thais say.

Personally, I would say NO to the simple question the OP asked, but that would go for any country, not just Thailand.

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It's safer to backpack here than in the US, for sure, but I don't advise any female to backpack alone on vacation in any foreign country or even her own country--it's just not safe at all, why take the risk? As someone above recommended, why not backpack from one hostel to the next - --using public transportation, but don't be isolated and alone anywhere, especially if you don't speak the language.

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Most meditation retreats in Thailand are free and full of backpackers with good minds...I think will be the best place for her to find a good travel partner, male or female...and...tell her to never get any drink by a glass....or from an opened bottle....between a group of people. Safer to get hers and opens her own bottle...Also....to spend a little more in accommodation and get a private room on a guest house....not leaving documentation and nothing of value alone....and not to use transportation alone at night... ..Unfortunately this advise apply for ANY country in the world now...

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Is this a good idea?


I'm worried about her, she has never been to Thailand and her back pack is almost bigger than she is.

So you should be. Why Thailand? There are dozens better places to backpack.

She will be staying with me for a week then go to a Buddist retreat for 10 days.

If she wants to experience Buddhism, Better go to where Buddhism is more Buddhism, and less street beggary, and more practiced by the public.

Practice = Practice, not Prayer!

She says she also wants to go to Burma, Lao, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

All 4 - a "much wiser" choice.


Hey, you asked the questions. Don't like the answers? Don't ask the questions!

Edited by NHT
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It's probably a bit late to offer this now but for what it is worth and for others who are in a similar position, I wholeheartedly recommend a website called www.couchsurfing.com When you go there you will see what I mean. I recommend it because I was host to many young people from around the world as well as being a guest with some fellow Couchsurfers in China and USA. We all had a rewarding experience and felt 100%safe.

It is a safe way to get accommodation and usually free and with people who you can trust.


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A young attractive girl out in places unknown to her alone.

No, of course not, she is not only not safe but also very vulnerable, no matter how smart she is.

All I can say is; that if she is determined to make this trip, than she does so at her own risk and discretion. My personal opinion is; that doing this alone, no, I don`t recommend it.

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Definitely tell her to join ChickyNet.com, which is a website for women in Thailand. There are forums and meetups, and she could arrange to have lunch with other members when arrives in a new place. Meetup.com is another good site. Thailand is no more or less safe than the US, but some precautions need to be observed. In addition to what other members have said, I would add:

Always carry a cell phone.

Don't sit in the front seat of a taxi. If you are concerned about the driver, make a call to a friend and give them the taxi number. Doesn't matter if there is no one on the other end.

Get the numbers of a couple of reliable taxi drivers and keep them in your phone.

Don't use unsafe transport or products.

Realize that what seems friendly to you, may be interpreted as flirtation by Thai men.

Dress fairly conservatively.

If you have to leave your valuables with management, put them in a sealed envelop and staple it shut. Write your name on the envelop and sign it.

Scan your passport and email it to yourself.

Make sure your room locks properly.

Lock your bags.

Go with your gut feelings.

A couple of the rapes occurred when the woman stayed at the party after her male companion left, so this may send the wrong signal.

Phuket and Koh Pha Ngan seem to have more problems than other places, but Thailand is generally safe and she should have no problems if she is careful.

It's far safer for women than many other places, so I would encourage her to come.

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