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Yingluck to work outside Bangkok to avoid protesters


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The rumour my wife tells me is that she is going to set up temp government in Chiangmai.

And you think your wife's rumors are worth repeating?

are you attacking my wife? What has she ever done to you?

I thought it was an interesting rumor worth repeating Chooka.

More than one red shirt leader has suggested this and she knows that's the safest place in Thailand for her. Quiet possible I would have thought and something cousin caretaker FM probably has on his planned overseas jaunt. Test the key foreign reaction to working with a "government in exile".

Not something that the wife wants, she despises Yingluk and her family and doesn't want to see the riots moved to Chiangmai.

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<She inspected the Saraburi One Tambon One Product (Otop) centre in Chalerm Phrakiat district and suggested that more roadside Otop centres be built to improve people's living conditions.>

If there was anything wrong, she was not able to tell.

What is the point for her to go there while she has more important issues to deal with?

Actually her going to the provinces touching this and that for photo ops would be considered "electioneering" by the EC. LOL.

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Yingluck heads north this week

BANGKOK: -- Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra will be working in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai from Wednesday to Friday, a Government House source said Tuesday.

The details were being kept secret for security concerns and to prevent the caretaker premier from being hounded by anti-government protesters.

The premier has been summoned by the National Anti-Corruption Commission to acknowledge graft charges related to ricepledging scheme on Thursday.

-- The Nation 2014-02-25

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<She inspected the Saraburi One Tambon One Product (Otop) centre in Chalerm Phrakiat district and suggested that more roadside Otop centres be built to improve people's living conditions.>

If there was anything wrong, she was not able to tell.

What is the point for her to go there while she has more important issues to deal with?

Actually her going to the provinces touching this and that for photo ops would be considered "electioneering" by the EC. LOL.

Well it is, and perfectly acceptable as long as she doesn't use government funding, employees and facilities to do it. Is that hard to understand?

In a fair election, a caretaker government doesn't get an edge over the other parties.

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Yingluck heads north this week

BANGKOK: -- Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra will be working in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai from Wednesday to Friday, a Government House source said Tuesday.

The details were being kept secret for security concerns and to prevent the caretaker premier from being hounded by anti-government protesters.

The premier has been summoned by the National Anti-Corruption Commission to acknowledge graft charges related to ricepledging scheme on Thursday.

-- The Nation 2014-02-25

Now, is this such a good idea, given all the Red clamoring for establishment of a government-in-exile up there? Why even create the impression that, as prime minister, you would contemplate such a wild and crazy move? Why, indeed, head so far away from Bangkok and plan to stay there for several days even as the crisis inexorably mounts in intensity? If nothing else, just consider what happened when big old lovable brother Thaksin was clinging obstinately to the office of caretaker prime minister in '06 and then decided to take an overseas trip.

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" Yingluck yesterday appeared in public to perform official duties as premier ... "

" She inspected the Saraburi One Tambon One Product (Otop) centre in Chalerm Phrakiat district ... "

Yingluck's official duty as premier yesterday was to go to Trat and Ratchaprason. It was not to go to the province of Suriburi to inspect cloth at a market. She has disgraced her office by not meeting the victims and victims' families and to show solidarity with the Thai people. Has she gone mad ? Her official duties as premier now include facefook postings that attack the NACC. Her official duties as premier now include boycotting the NACC meeting on Thursday. Her official duties as premier now include avoiding meeting fake farmers. Her official duties now include a stealth campaign of stops whose value and purpose no one has any idea of.

Might be dodgy going to Trat. People there might (mistakenly of course) believe that she, her party and its armed militia had something to do with the killings. UDD having a gloat over their misfortune might have confirmed that alleged misapprehension.

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Were else in the world would it be possible for a rabble-rousing anarchist with warrants on him to say in public that he and his mob chase hound and even try to "capture" the Prime Minister? We have surpassed the sickening stage.

Why can't they round these thugs up wholesale and put an end to this nightmare?

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Good for her. Thailand has much nicer places to offer as a workplace than polluted and retarded Bangkok.

But Bangkok is the nation's capital and administrative centre and that is where a government is supposed to be. I'm sure Obama would much rather have his office by the beach somewhere instead of a dump like Washington DC but that's political life I'm afraid.

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She has 3 days left to pay as promised or all hellll will break loose. Why is she waiting?


you know why right? because the 'system" is being used as a political football and those who are PDRC/Fascist supporters are doing everything they can to frustrate the elected governments efforts to pay the farmers

they cant win an election

they cant 'shutdown' Bangkok

they can't stop most of the voting

so what to do?

persuade the opposition party not to take part

do everything they can to not pay the farmers

even employ a fake monk hoping to get the "Buddhist" sympathy vote

I am convinced the government would pay the farmers tomorrow if it could but there are too many elite supporters in powerful positions blocking everything they do

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My wife told me the rumour yesterday but if you called her a redshirt she would probably rip your head and shit down your neck. She hates them and doesn't want Yingluk in chiangmai. No offence intendedthumbsup.gif

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My wife told me the rumour yesterday but if you called her a redshirt she would probably rip your head and shit down your neck. She hates them and doesn't want Yingluk in chiangmai. No offence intendedthumbsup.gif

she hates yingluck you hate suphep not mant choices for ya wai2.gif

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My wife told me the rumour yesterday but if you called her a redshirt she would probably rip your head and shit down your neck. She hates them and doesn't want Yingluk in chiangmai. No offence intendedthumbsup.gif

Your wife is clearly very bright, also because she married you, same same my own better-half ! biggrin.pngwai2.gif

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My wife told me the rumour yesterday but if you called her a redshirt she would probably rip your head and shit down your neck. She hates them and doesn't want Yingluk in chiangmai. No offence intendedthumbsup.gif

she hates yingluck you hate suphep not mant choices for ya wai2.gif

She hates what Suthep is doing also. She is one of these middle ground Thais. Holds Australian citizenship and can also see it from the outside.

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The rumour my wife tells me is that she is going to set up temp government in Chiangmai.

And you think your wife's rumors are worth repeating?

are you attacking my wife? What has she ever done to you?

No of course I am not attacking your wife. I am criticizing you for repeating rumors.

fair enough my apologies. thumbsup.gif The rumour she told me has some basis tho after reading other posts and Yingluk is now in Chainmai.. A rumour is just that and I just said what she told me and couldn't say it was fact.

Edited by chooka
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