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Red shirt guards seize farmers' muster point on Friendship Highway


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The post does not state anything about them being armed yet calls them militants. Why is that unarmed red shirts are called militants but PDRC armed with guns are called guards?

Because they have illegally set up check points as false authorities- and set up signs like a police post- as you can clearly see in the pics (or even explain to helen keller in a way she could even grasp, so to speak). They say: don't come here in this area and create tension/friction (to that effect). Ironically, that is EXACTLY what these RED hooligans are doing- like saying: 'only we, the true almighty autocrat enforces have the rights to be here and occupy this zone, but you as ordinary demonstrators cannot.'

The images reveal the appearance of intimidation and scare tactics, is how it is referred to as militant. If you can't see that, refer to images from 2010 rallies (owing to the fact you weren't here nor exposed to it, nor trapped amongst it like some of us.)

Now you'll have revoke your comments on the 'illegal' occupation of simple demonstrators against PTP- their little minions have gone to a further extreme through intimidation with gestapo style check points, deciding who is or isn't.

Show us all of these armed, deadly PDRC you're ranting on about.

Do you have a link to the photo? I am on a mobile device and for some reason it doesnt show. I see no photo at all in fact.

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this is the udd in action, you do as we say or you suffer, you are allowed your own opinion as long as it is what we tell you it is. This is the result of their big meeting, intimidate the farmers so yl is not pressured as much, threaten them with violence if they dare to try to protest againt the ptp or arganize any rallies. The reds are showing their true colours, they are communists, we say, you jump or you and your families will suffer from the consequences. This is how they control the farmers and the vote in the north/northeast, with threats and violence, pathetic.

Honestly, calling them communists is an insult to communists. These are just ideologically confused thugs. The level of cognitive dissonance required for any of them to actually call themselves communists or socialists is staggering.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Of course they are not communists, they simply are fascists.

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Even now farmers are being targeted by the red shirts. It clearly proved that they are just a political tool right from the beginning.

And it seems that there is really no law in Thailand. People get shot, children got bombed, citizens are dead. But no culprit get caught till now.

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Most of these so called farmers are paid protesters.

Our neigbour has just returned from the farmers protest to Kanchanaburi, she was being paid 300bht per day.

Funny thing is, no rice is grown in our area of Kancha (well very little anyway) and she is actually a red supporter clap2.gif

The red gaurd is right, the majority are not disgruntled farmers, they are paid protesters paid to cause trouble.

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Most of these so called farmers are paid protesters.

Our neigbour has just returned from the farmers protest to Kanchanaburi, she was being paid 300bht per day.

Funny thing is, no rice is grown in our area of Kancha (well very little anyway) and she is actually a red supporter clap2.gif

The red gaurd is right, the majority are not disgruntled farmers, they are paid protesters paid to cause trouble.

How much are the 'Red Guard' being paid to set up this blockade?

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this is the udd in action, you do as we say or you suffer, you are allowed your own opinion as long as it is what we tell you it is. This is the result of their big meeting, intimidate the farmers so yl is not pressured as much, threaten them with violence if they dare to try to protest againt the ptp or arganize any rallies. The reds are showing their true colours, they are communists, we say, you jump or you and your families will suffer from the consequences. This is how they control the farmers and the vote in the north/northeast, with threats and violence, pathetic.

Honestly, calling them communists is an insult to communists. These are just ideologically confused thugs. The level of cognitive dissonance required for any of them to actually call themselves communists or socialists is staggering.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Of course they are not communists, they simply are fascists.

They need the Navy treatment, the lash.....a little sodomy wouldn't come amiss either

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Most of these so called farmers are paid protesters.

Our neigbour has just returned from the farmers protest to Kanchanaburi, she was being paid 300bht per day.

Funny thing is, no rice is grown in our area of Kancha (well very little anyway) and she is actually a red supporter clap2.gif

The red gaurd is right, the majority are not disgruntled farmers, they are paid protesters paid to cause trouble.

Have you been reading Mao's little red book again

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Korat Redshirts Scare Off Rice Protesters

Mr. Nakorn Srivipat, leader of the rice farmers protesters, later called off the rally, citing safety concerns for the demonstrators due to the black-clad UDD guards.

"Our coordinators agreed that we don′t want any confrontation," Mr. Nakorn said, "It might lead to chaos and losses".

He added that the farmers have been instructed to meet at another venue in Chokechai district, where they would discuss further measures to pressure the government.


-- Khaosod English 2014-02-25

Three cheers for Mr. Nakorn.

First, he recognized the potential for problems. Second, he wisely called off the rally as it would have pitted farmers against experienced red shirt brigade members with his side losing. Thirdly, he didn't completely acquiesce to the red shirt militants; by simply changing the venue and continuing with the farmers' very valid protest, he succeeds.


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Most of these so called farmers are paid protesters.

Our neigbour has just returned from the farmers protest to Kanchanaburi, she was being paid 300bht per day.

Funny thing is, no rice is grown in our area of Kancha (well very little anyway) and she is actually a red supporter clap2.gif

The red gaurd is right, the majority are not disgruntled farmers, they are paid protesters paid to cause trouble.

Your neighbour is the majority, or did she bring her dog? The 15,000 "fake farmers" who were on their way to Bangkok on 1,000 tractors last week were probably her relatives then?

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The post does not state anything about them being armed yet calls them militants. Why is that unarmed red shirts are called militants but PDRC armed with guns are called guards?

Give them a ring and tell us what they say.

Matichon Publishing

12 Tethsabannarueman Road Prachanivate 1 Ladyao Chatuchak

Bangkok 10900

Tel. No. 0-2589-0020

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The post does not state anything about them being armed yet calls them militants. Why is that unarmed red shirts are called militants but PDRC armed with guns are called guards?

Give them a ring and tell us what they say.

Matichon Publishing

12 Tethsabannarueman Road Prachanivate 1 Ladyao Chatuchak

Bangkok 10900

Tel. No. 0-2589-0020

..Or could just call his/her mother's lawyer internationally, as well as a domestic lawyer, like he/she did; as stated in past posts (hahaha).

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The post does not state anything about them being armed yet calls them militants. Why is that unarmed red shirts are called militants but PDRC armed with guns are called guards?

The farmers apparently thought they were armed. With several people being shot the last few days, one must assume that they were. At least that's what the farmers assumed, sensibly enough.

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Even now farmers are being targeted by the red shirts. It clearly proved that they are just a political tool right from the beginning.

And it seems that there is really no law in Thailand. People get shot, children got bombed, citizens are dead. But no culprit get caught till now.

Of course. The farmers are useful when they vote as told, do as told and never ask questions or challenge anything.

They've been repeatedly lied to and treated with total indifference. Now they've had enough the private militia is required to flex its muscles and remind them who is really in charge.

Justice and democracy Thaksinista style. As long as they are ruling and doing what they want you'll be left alone. Don't like it - legal or violent intimidation seems the response.

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Most of these so called farmers are paid protesters.

Our neigbour has just returned from the farmers protest to Kanchanaburi, she was being paid 300bht per day.

Funny thing is, no rice is grown in our area of Kancha (well very little anyway) and she is actually a red supporter clap2.gif

The red gaurd is right, the majority are not disgruntled farmers, they are paid protesters paid to cause trouble.

Your neighbour is the majority, or did she bring her dog? The 15,000 "fake farmers" who were on their way to Bangkok on 1,000 tractors last week were probably her relatives then?

This is how it works...apparantly they are orginised into groups with one group leader, each group is up to 20 protesters, the leader ensures they are fed, sheltered and paid. They try to form each group from a certain area so they know each other. They are given paraphernalia to wave about and told were to go and what to do. In her group she claims 17 were paid and 8 are her relatives. So you can safely say about 80% are paid protesters.

Edited by Boxclever
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I as glad to see the wife and her friend return from Bangkok on Fridays

Sunday night their was a meeting in the village about the progress of the protest

20 out of 23 said they will not return to Bkk again as Yingluck has been told she must not give up her place

to do so she will be an out cast in the family

She must fight till the end for the family name

what was most interesting is when they talk to the soldiers they all say the same thing

the military must not make the same mistake as last time and just waiting for the killing to start in mass

then the can move in and take over

This week you will see the start of military exercises

How do the people in the village feel

92% now pray for the military to take other

This is a farming town un Udon

how things can change in such a short time

Please don't blame me I am just the messenger and this is thier country

Edited by tezzainoz
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Most of these so called farmers are paid protesters.

Our neigbour has just returned from the farmers protest to Kanchanaburi, she was being paid 300bht per day.

Funny thing is, no rice is grown in our area of Kancha (well very little anyway) and she is actually a red supporter clap2.gif

The red gaurd is right, the majority are not disgruntled farmers, they are paid protesters paid to cause trouble.

Your neighbour is the majority, or did she bring her dog? The 15,000 "fake farmers" who were on their way to Bangkok on 1,000 tractors last week were probably her relatives then?

This is how it works...apparantly they are orginised into groups with one group leader, each group is up to 20 protesters, the leader ensures they are fed, sheltered and paid. They try to form each group from a certain area so they know each other. They are given paraphernalia to wave about and told were to go and what to do. In her group she claims 17 were paid and 8 are her relatives. So you can safely say about 80% are paid protesters.

you actually believe that yourself? can you present one piece of credible evidence? just one...if not your just trolling! there so much evidence against the reds but none against the Anti-Government protesters. I know plenty of people taking part regular bkk workers, farmers from isaan, south and nua as well as business owners and students old and young. they laugh at what your saying mpst make more than 300baht per day working normal jobs. 300baht is what burmese factory workers make. state your case or stop spreading your own fiction Edited by Evolare
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Most of these so called farmers are paid protesters.

Our neigbour has just returned from the farmers protest to Kanchanaburi, she was being paid 300bht per day.

Funny thing is, no rice is grown in our area of Kancha (well very little anyway) and she is actually a red supporter clap2.gif

The red gaurd is right, the majority are not disgruntled farmers, they are paid protesters paid to cause trouble.

Ok, so now, I am really confused.....

So red supporters are paid 300 THB to act as fake farmers to protest against the government...

And are threatened by red supporters protecting the government????

Makes perfect sense...... Twilight zone anyone?

Edited by CantSpell
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Nothing quite like beating the living sh*t out of your political basis.

We do care about the farmers but we don't want to hear them speak,especially when they speak the truth.

"................ Unlsss they speak "OUR TRUTH!!"

As posted by "Dear Leader" directly onto his sister's Facebook page. Why does anyone think she rings him & then updates her own Facebook page. I'll be she has to look there sometimes to see what she has said on it lately.

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For almost five months Democrat supporters have had unopposed takeover of highways and streets in Thailand for their protests. This has deprived the public their right to free assembly in and movement through these occuppied areas. And everyone seems okay with that. But have the PTP supporters take the same action, albeit on a very limited basis, and everybody cries about how the PTP protesters are being criminal. As there is no longer the rule of law in Thailand that provides for police law enforcement vis a vis the Civil Court, PTP occupiers should no less be entitled to their occupations as the Democrats enjoy.

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All the Farmers want is their money,the Government will not pay them,sounds like the money allocated has long disappeared. So the Government answer is:accuse the farmers of causing trouble and issue a gagging order,and restrict their movement,with threats of violence,....straight out of the Fascist Doctrine!

It's a lot more like The Khmer Rouge. Given some of the nut jobs involved with the UDD it's not a surprise.

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For almost five months Democrat supporters have had unopposed takeover of highways and streets in Thailand for their protests. This has deprived the public their right to free assembly in and movement through these occuppied areas. And everyone seems okay with that. But have the PTP supporters take the same action, albeit on a very limited basis, and everybody cries about how the PTP protesters are being criminal. As there is no longer the rule of law in Thailand that provides for police law enforcement vis a vis the Civil Court, PTP occupiers should no less be entitled to their occupations as the Democrats enjoy.

For 2 and a half years the sham of a government has raped and pillaged the taxpayers' money in the name of paying poor farmers who gained not one baht from the Dems' scheme and lost hundreds of thousands each.

The people have had enough

The farmers have had enough

Only those few with crimson craniums claim otherwise and there is a real danger of those having their comeuppance very shortly

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Well farmers, just roll the tractors and harvesters over the thugs telling you what to do- you will find they don't have any balls when confronted by an opposing force and will very quickly turn and run.

Agreed! Ask Chalerm he knows all about running.

Given Chalrms ability to run, and his well recognized drinking, he should become a Hasher.

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Makes you wonder who the red shirts are then, they were always advertised as the "rural poor farmers from Isaan". Looks more like they're paid lackeys of Shin clan, who benefit from the corrupt deals they are making. If you manage to stop the Shins from generating revenue from corruption, the reds might just shrink away. No money no funny.

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