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PM Yingluck warned by NACC she may lose an important opportunity


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He also dismissed the Pheu Thai partys accusation that the NACC had deliberately dragged its feet on the probe against former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva over the rice price guarantee scheme which has been going on for about four years whereas it took the commission only 21 days on complete the probe against the prime minister on the rice pledging scheme.

He defended that the probe on the rice pledging scheme began in December 2012 and took more than a year to complete and not 21 days as suggested by the ruling party.

Yet Yingluck's case has progressed more in 14 months than Abhisit's case in 4 years?

But they're not dragging their feet ...no way.

Didn't former-PM Abhisit go to court, to hear the charges from the DSI read out, last December ?

Whereas charges have not yet been laid in any court, against the caretaker-PM, so Abhisit's case is more-advanced, I think ?

But Yingluck is playing the 'Thaksin-defence', just as Suthep does, "I'm too busy or important to bother to show-up" and hoping that any case is thus delayed. whistling.gif

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NACC 'judges' had lose an important opportunity to explain that it is independence, conducted investigation transparently and that it is free of conflict of interest.

The 'judges' have not resolved the issue raised by caretaker PM that it took only 21 days to complete the investigation from the date the complain was filed while the probe against former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva over the rice price guarantee scheme has been going on for about four years. Instead of addressing the issue raised, it related and connected the investigation as has been going on as far back as December 2012. This argument is irrelevant and open up more questions on their independence, transparent and free from conflict of interests.

The 'judges' also did not reply directly to a written request to change investigators before the investigation concluded - they went to the press instead.

The caretaker PM did not raise the issue in confrontation but that it is now a public interest wanting to know why AV's case has been dragging for about 4 years.

The NACC 'judges' have shown their double standard in the administration of the rule of law and justice. They have shown no interest in independence, conducting investigation transparently and they are guilty of conflict of interest.

Edited by icommunity
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NACC 'judges' had lose an important opportunity to explain that it is independence, conducted investigation transparently and that it is free of conflict of interest.

The 'judges' have not resolved the issue raised by caretaker PM that it took only 21 days to complete the investigation from the date the complain was filed while the probe against former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva over the rice price guarantee scheme has been going on for about four years. Instead of addressing the issue raised, it related and connected the investigation as has been going on as far back as December 2012. This argument is irrelevant and open up more questions on their independence, transparent and free from conflict of interests.

The 'judges' also did not reply directly to a written request to change investigators before the investigation concluded - they went to the press instead.

The caretaker PM did not raise the issue in confrontation but that it is now a public interest wanting to know why AV's case has been dragging for about 4 years.

The NACC 'judges' have shown their double standard in the administration of the rule of law. They have no interest in independence, conducting investigation transparently and guilty of conflict of interest.

Really, did you actualy read the thread, and this is not about A/V its about YL rolleyes.gif

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NACC 'judges' had lose an important opportunity to explain that it is independence, conducted investigation transparently and that it is free of conflict of interest.

The 'judges' have not resolved the issue raised by caretaker PM that it took only 21 days to complete the investigation from the date the complain was filed while the probe against former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva over the rice price guarantee scheme has been going on for about four years. Instead of addressing the issue raised, it related and connected the investigation as has been going on as far back as December 2012. This argument is irrelevant and open up more questions on their independence, transparent and free from conflict of interests.

The 'judges' also did not reply directly to a written request to change investigators before the investigation concluded - they went to the press instead.

The caretaker PM did not raise the issue in confrontation but that it is now a public interest wanting to know why AV's case has been dragging for about 4 years.

The NACC 'judges' have shown their double standard in the administration of the rule of law. They have no interest in independence, conducting investigation transparently and guilty of conflict of interest.

Really, did you actualy read the thread, and this is not about A/V its about YL rolleyes.gif

Chupup doesn't come over as being too bright ... facepalm.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

If Yingluck does not show up to acknowledge the charges, instead of sending them to her by mail they can just send her a scan photo to her facebook ... seems to be where she spends her time these day smile.png

There's a few countries now that consider a document legally served if it is "served" via Facebook.

Having said that, I think it is hilarious that Yingluck messaged the NACC chap via Facebook. Outrageous!

Edited by Seastallion
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NACC 'judges' had lose an important opportunity to explain that it is independence, conducted investigation transparently and that it is free of conflict of interest.

The 'judges' have not resolved the issue raised by caretaker PM that it took only 21 days to complete the investigation from the date the complain was filed while the probe against former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva over the rice price guarantee scheme has been going on for about four years. Instead of addressing the issue raised, it related and connected the investigation as has been going on as far back as December 2012. This argument is irrelevant and open up more questions on their independence, transparent and free from conflict of interests.

The 'judges' also did not reply directly to a written request to change investigators before the investigation concluded - they went to the press instead.

The caretaker PM did not raise the issue in confrontation but that it is now a public interest wanting to know why AV's case has been dragging for about 4 years.

The NACC 'judges' have shown their double standard in the administration of the rule of law. They have no interest in independence, conducting investigation transparently and guilty of conflict of interest.

Really, did you actualy read the thread, and this is not about A/V its about YL rolleyes.gif

Chupup doesn't come over as being too bright ... facepalm.gif

This topic is not above AV or YL. It is about the issues raised by caretaker PM that have not been resolved by NACC 'judges'.

One of the issues was mentioned in this article which the 'judges' tried to argued.

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He also dismissed the Pheu Thai partys accusation that the NACC had deliberately dragged its feet on the probe against former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva over the rice price guarantee scheme which has been going on for about four years whereas it took the commission only 21 days on complete the probe against the prime minister on the rice pledging scheme.

He defended that the probe on the rice pledging scheme began in December 2012 and took more than a year to complete and not 21 days as suggested by the ruling party.

Yet Yingluck's case has progressed more in 14 months than Abhisit's case in 4 years?

But they're not dragging their feet ...no way.

Ms Yingluck’s role in the fake rice deal with China

Any comment on this?

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Can they actually strip a defendants right to a copy of evidence and exhibits that are going to used against a person. Don't people hire lawyers to collect and examine these documents on their behalf?

He explains that under Thai law it seems only the accused as the right to physically copy documents to be used as evidence against them.

Bizarre - can you imagine YL standing in line with a fist full of 20 bahts waiting for her turn at the photo copier??

But there again, this ain't Kansas Toto.

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"He explained that even if the prime minister was formally charged only the Senate could vote her out of the office"


Who is thinking of removal from office?...Obviously this NACC guy is.....Is he talking about his buddies in the Senate?

Little does he realize with utterances like that, he is merely affirming the Electoral majority opinions of his judiciary summarized as follows:

The judiciary, blinded by its political bias, is destroying the foundations of democratic politics in a kind of judicial suicide. No one can possibly take the judiciary seriously. The judiciary, long the handmaiden of military leaders and their authoritarian politics, has failed to make the transition to democratic politics.

Part of that failure has to do with the Elitist's successful co-opting of senior judges.

That perspective is eminently clear in above quote, and is self-evidently applicable to other judicial bodies. The only place where this politicized part of the Elite is seen as normal is internationally. They are not close enough to the scene to see it any other way. It is therefore the preferred method whereby Thai Elitists like to conduct their coup's, instead of the military.

The coup-monger street activism is simply a softening up of opposition to this Judicial coup and setting the stage for it. This was the plan all along. A plan well known to the Electoral majority for which they have been preparing..

.If the Elites think they can pull this stuff off again, the consequences will surprise them. Their arrogance blinds them to such eventualities.

Let's see what do we have (again) in your post regardless of the topic. It seems that the only thing you do is copy and paste.

Do you also have something to say about the fake rice deals and the fact that there has been ZERO transparency in the spending of THB 910,000,000,000 THB? Do you??

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I wonder if thaksins wealth increasing 450 percent in the last few years has anything to do with the rice plan. I personaly doubt it very much.

Don't know but this just might have something to do with it :- Shinawatra dsisclosed to FORBS in OCTOBER

that Thai Authorities had RETURNED to him close to ONE BILLION American Dollars of his FROZEN assets

Seems that he got paid ......the FARMERS did NOT...................coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24> just wonbder WHO autherised that payment !!

That's a big bit of information right there..citation? The chances are Thaksin lied so as to appear important, but it is a huge scandal either way.

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Let's see. Suthep has refused to appear to acknowledge his murder indictment since last December -- he's too busy? What are the consequences for him? Absolutely nothing I would say. Whether a court or an administrative agency, as is the NACC, how are the proceedings prejudiced by having a lawyer acknowledge the charges on behalf of the accused when appearing in person could be a security issue? To threaten the accused with due process rights under the circumstances is beyond any type of logical reasoning.

Suthep has resigned from the National Assembly and is formally only an ordinary citizen. Yingluck is the democratically elected prime minister, which has been pointed out by her supporter repeatedly, and is responsible to the nation in every way thinkable.

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It is a very poor leader who disregards the civil courts and thinks they are above the law, their obligation is to the office of Prime minister, they must uphold the constitution , not spit the dummy because they disagree with court rulings, this is a very grave matter the rice scheme scam and it has cost the country enormous amounts in cold hard currency, when you want something fixed you start at the top , Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra , you have a duty to Thailand , now for once,bah.gif do it.

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It is the dark ages.. Thailand's feudal system of Government is pre French Revolution.

I can't disagree on that. The whole system is a joke, and there is no democracy here, whatever anyone bleats on about. The system allows corruption, incompetence, nepotism and plunder to flourish, whatever party is in power. That's why there does need to massive reforms of governance, accountability, law enforcement and the electoral system.

Pre-French Revolution! I thought this is visually obvious even to a tourist. How many modern society still sees 3-4 people on a motorcycle without crash helmets? And the now and then it is a policeman with his wife and kids...cheesy.gif

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RT @tulsathit: Yincluck arrives in Chiang Rai, says she will seek advice on meeting NACC over rice scheme charges. via @nnanews

Let's hope the Skype connection is solid tonight.

Perhaps she can arrange all copies of the charge be posted in her Facebook instead of turning up personally...thumbsup.gif

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He also dismissed the Pheu Thai partys accusation that the NACC had deliberately dragged its feet on the probe against former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva over the rice price guarantee scheme which has been going on for about four years whereas it took the commission only 21 days on complete the probe against the prime minister on the rice pledging scheme.

He defended that the probe on the rice pledging scheme began in December 2012 and took more than a year to complete and not 21 days as suggested by the ruling party.

Yet Yingluck's case has progressed more in 14 months than Abhisit's case in 4 years?

But they're not dragging their feet ...no way.

It's the difference between allegation and real corrupt scandal with strong evidence........whistling.gif

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NACC 'judges' had lose an important opportunity to explain that it is independence, conducted investigation transparently and that it is free of conflict of interest.

The 'judges' have not resolved the issue raised by caretaker PM that it took only 21 days to complete the investigation from the date the complain was filed while the probe against former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva over the rice price guarantee scheme has been going on for about four years. Instead of addressing the issue raised, it related and connected the investigation as has been going on as far back as December 2012. This argument is irrelevant and open up more questions on their independence, transparent and free from conflict of interests.

The 'judges' also did not reply directly to a written request to change investigators before the investigation concluded - they went to the press instead.

The caretaker PM did not raise the issue in confrontation but that it is now a public interest wanting to know why AV's case has been dragging for about 4 years.

The NACC 'judges' have shown their double standard in the administration of the rule of law. They have no interest in independence, conducting investigation transparently and guilty of conflict of interest.

Really, did you actualy read the thread, and this is not about A/V its about YL rolleyes.gif

Chupup doesn't come over as being too bright ... facepalm.gif

Sorry, I withdraw that remark re Chupup. I misread the quotes. The remark should have been directed at icommunity...

Happy, Baerboxer? rolleyes.gif

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The NACC spokesman disclosed that he was approached by former Pheu Thai MPs asking whether the commission could be lenient with her. He said he told the ex-MPs that the NACC would not be an independent organization if it did not do its job properly after having been intimidated.

Interesting how there are no comments about this!!!!!!!

Seems to me the PTP is trying to be a little heavy handed and possibly threatening the NACC? Just a thought. Now you can blast me all you want.

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But if the prime minister does not want to acknowledge the charge, the NACC will notify her about the charge by mail, said Mr Vicha.

That's no good, you have to use Facebook.

He specifically pointed out that they are not friends on Facebook, so can't be done. At least he has a sense of humor :)

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There are over 25,000 outstanding probes and corruption cases that would have been wiped clean by YL's governments Amnesty Bill fiasco.

So perhaps a better question would be why the former PTP government, which took a much promoted role in "fighting" corruption. thought that slashing the NACC's budget was the right way to expedite all these cases.

Despite Mister Fixit's rude aspersions on Chupup's intelligence, which adds nothing to the discussion, this discussion is indeed about YL and the charges she faces. She would be better trying to defend the charges and show her innocence rather than attempt to discredit the process.

I don't know the precise number, as Baerboxer seems to do, (how?) but I can tell you that he's probably not far off from my personal observations at their head office.

And don't forget they have a satellite office in BKK at Phitsanulok Road, as well as an office in every province ...

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