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Wife selling a property - we don't live in Thailand now - but they're saying I need to sign also

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The property is in my wife's name.

The mortgage on it is in my wife's name.

She's flying out for the sale.

But apparently the land office is saying I have to sign something too???

I'd understand if it was communal property in some way, but it's not. We never even lived there, it was a flat she rented out just and I signed the form when she bought it saying it's hers to do what she wants with it...

The embassy does have "Letter of confirmation" forms, but they only seem to cover the situation where you're buying property, not selling it.

I honestly don't understand why they seem to think I need to sign something, and with the embassy not knowing what the land office is talking about as the only form they have is for people buying, it's getting annoying. The Thai family members are saying why don't I just fly out to sign because it would be so much simpler, but I've got work, and I'm on jury duty next month also, so the office is already going to see me disappear for at least a fortnight.

Any idea what the land office form is that they're saying I need to sign?

Edited by bkk_mike
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Yep, believe it or not....you are required to sign you allow her to sell regardless you signed saying the funds to purchase were hers and nothing to do with you. Sold some land only a few weeks ago and the Mrs was adament I didnt need to go to the land office. i went with PP ih hand and one of the first things that asked for was my agreement for her to sell. Its a standard typed letter in Thai red ink.

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