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PDRC rally guards physically harassed me: Sunisa


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This demonstrates the disorganized hooliganism that is the protests, or at least what they have become. Another article said that Suthep was visibly disturbed about his guards doing this thing. But how could he be disturbed about this when he had only a couple weeks ago issued orders to detain (kidnap) PTP officials.

The protestors don't even have a defined outline of how their demands for a council or reforms are supposed to proceed or work. How can anyone expect the Caretaker to relinquish power to and give in to demands of a minority when those demands are not even defined or well though out? To do that would be gross negligence and incompetence. So what did they expect to come from these actions? If they are smart, they would expect exactly what is happening. If they actually expected the government to step down and give in to their disorganized and undefined plans, then they are simply idiots.

The protestors refuse to talk, and now they are kidnapping and armed people among them are shooting police. I can't condone yet I can't say I'm surprised that the Thai people are getting fed up and some are taking violent actions against them. Its time to put an end to these protests if they continue to allow violence from within and are causing other Thais to retaliate with violence towards them.

What I think should happen (though it probably won't) is that UN observers and/or election facilitators come in and the Thai Army disperses the now-violent protests. This will give all sides a breather and an opportunity for real democratic elections can take place so the caretaker can finally be replaced, step down, or continue validated. Though for the country's sake it would be best if someone else could run for PTP instead of YL.

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The brave Thai pack mentality, it takes b/w 10 and 20 men to intimidate, harass and assault one lone woman. Cowards and scum that is all they are..

Couldn't agree more.... These thugs & thugs similar to them are operating all over Thailand bullying & intimidating people whenever they please. A sad excuse for men & democracy. How and why these so called security are allowed to operate is unbelievable. I acknowledge there is a treat to innocent people with regard to these murderers throwing grenades but their actions at times are nothing more than pure thuggery... But then again you couldn't pass the " I'm a thai-man" test without your pack of cowards finely tuned with whiskey in tow...

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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My wife is a Thai citizen, and she has enough brains not to dress sexy and walk into a bar full of Thai man drinking Issan Whisky

Even it is her right

Proving is you play with fire you will most likely get burned


Kindly document where the Woman in the article "dressed sexy and walked into a bar Thai men drinking issan whiskey".

Or are you saying she doesn't have the right to walk in a area open to the public in her own country, without being attacked by a bunch of Bangkok Thugs!!


Apparently walking out of a beauty clinic in siam square towards a department store in siam paragon is the equivalent of dressing sexily and walking into a thai bar full of drunk thai men. Can you see the huge discrepancy here?

He painted a picture of her probably dressed up in some night gown showing cleavage and back you know sexily while visiting a beauty clinic when women don't dress up when visiting these places cos they aren't glamor or party places and not only that he made it seem like visiting siam square or paragon where all manner of ppl of all ages and sexes visit from young to old is just like walking into a thai bar full of drunk men. rolleyes.gif

Yet another Thai lady who knows how to behave in a bar full of Thai whiskey jockies. clap2.gifcheesy.gif

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That has nothing to do with a Thai lady's decision to take care of her personal business in Bangkok, in a good neighborhood in broad daylight,

If I wanted to, I could make a suit out of bacon and then go shopping at the local market, it's a nice place, it's full of soi dogs.

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This demonstrates the disorganized hooliganism that is the protests, or at least what they have become. Another article said that Suthep was visibly disturbed about his guards doing this thing. But how could he be disturbed about this when he had only a couple weeks ago issued orders to detain (kidnap) PTP officials.

The protestors don't even have a defined outline of how their demands for a council or reforms are supposed to proceed or work. How can anyone expect the Caretaker to relinquish power to and give in to demands of a minority when those demands are not even defined or well though out? To do that would be gross negligence and incompetence. So what did they expect to come from these actions? If they are smart, they would expect exactly what is happening. If they actually expected the government to step down and give in to their disorganized and undefined plans, then they are simply idiots.

The protestors refuse to talk, and now they are kidnapping and armed people among them are shooting police. I can't condone yet I can't say I'm surprised that the Thai people are getting fed up and some are taking violent actions against them. Its time to put an end to these protests if they continue to allow violence from within and are causing other Thais to retaliate with violence towards them.

What I think should happen (though it probably won't) is that UN observers and/or election facilitators come in and the Thai Army disperses the now-violent protests. This will give all sides a breather and an opportunity for real democratic elections can take place so the caretaker can finally be replaced, step down, or continue validated. Though for the country's sake it would be best if someone else could run for PTP instead of YL.

The only solution is what I believe you stated.

The Army/Police put an end to the demonstrations and allow a free election overseen by international observers and let the people of Thailand pick who they want as their leaders and who ever wins the election must be allowed to govern under the constitution!

If that was your intent, I completely agree with your observations!

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Tezzainoz (Quote)

My wife is a Thai citizen, and she has enough brains not to dress sexy and walk into a bar full of Thai man drinking Issan Whisky

Even it is her right

Proving is you play with fire you will most likely get burned


Kindly document where the Woman in the article "dressed sexy and walked into a bar full of Thai men drinking issan whiskey".

Or are you saying she doesn't have the right to walk in a area open to the public in her own country, without being attacked by a bunch of Bangkok Thugs!!


How can I document something I never said

My reference was to how stupid it would be if I walk the streets in gold or my thai wife walk into a bad area wearing sexy clothes

I am saying you get what you put your self into

ever day guys are ripped of by Thai ladies

people are ripped of by jet ski operators

guys are drugged by lady boys

This is Thailand and they all had rights, but used no comonsense so got into trouble

she made her choice and walked into a spiders web

She made the decision and there for made her own reprocussions

now she and all you other people who think you not need to be responsible for your actions

must pay the price for your decisions

stop blaming others when it was yourself that placed yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time

How much common sense would it take for her to go about her personal business where ever she chooses in broad daylight in the middle of Bangkok.

Sure those sex tourist get ripe off by Bar girls and ladyboys, unsuspecting tourist get get ripped off by jet ski operators.

That has nothing to do with a Thai lady's decision to take care of her personal business in Bangkok, in a good neighborhood in broad daylight,

Maybe you may feel different if that was your wife, daughter, sister or mother, which ever way you look at it it is a criminal's action!


"She made the decision and there for made her own reprocussions"

I suppose any girl in Thailand wearing a mini skirt deserve to be raped. I don't think so.

What has a mini skirt and rape have to do with her taking care of her business at 11:00 am in the morning in Bangkok?

I did not read anything about what she was wearing or any other criminal act other then that I would classify as kidnapping in the article!

Sorry, I could not see the intent of your post!


11am?? More false info from kikoman. It was 7.30pm that this happened with Sunisa.

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The brave Thai pack mentality, it takes b/w 10 and 20 men to intimidate, harass and assault one lone woman. Cowards and scum that is all they are..

I disagree. She is a THAI woman afterall. They were lucky she was not much older or the assult mob would have been outnumbered.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Sounds very suspicious, given her profile , having a hairdo so close to an anti -gov protest.... She,s up to no good..

Good thing you guys cant vote.

regardless of your opinion , she has the right to walk the streets of her country with out being kidnaped, illegally detained, questioned, and harassed.

It would appear that the PDRC has more police powers than the police.

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Sounds very suspicious, given her profile , having a hairdo so close to an anti -gov protest.... She,s up to no good..

Good thing you guys cant vote.

regardless of your opinion , she has the right to walk the streets of her country with out being kidnaped, illegally detained, questioned, and harassed.

It is a sad thing when children can be needlessly slaughtered whilst playing with their friends and parents 500 metres from any protest site.

Get things in perspective.

Sunisa got a bruise (allegedly). Boo Hoo bring on the crocodile tears.

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Eew eew eww. I just walked into a minefield and was forcibly ejected from it. I consider that a limitation of my freedom eew eew eew. They sat me down and told me that it was a not a good idea which I think is a limitation of my freedom... eew eew eew. PTP are starting to tether goats which at least is an indication of their perceived position.

Y'know. Let's just say that Thailand will end up as a dictatorship regardless who wins. Who would you prefer? Both will take the lot but at least the Dem's will leave you with enough rice for breakfast in the morning.

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She has the constitutional right to be any where in her country, that is opened to all citizens. Careful because this can become the wave of the future and should be a warning to all peace loving people.

Since when has forcefully detaining a young , good looking women and harassing her sexually been OK ?No matter who side one is on!

Interesting to say the least Two navy seal arrested and admitted being employed by the PDRC, It makes one question the neutrality of the military's involvement in the current problems!


Tell that to the Red Shirts in Chiang Mai who regularly beat and in one case killed a yellow shirt person.

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How much common sense would it take for her to go about her personal business where ever she chooses in broad daylight in the middle of Bangkok.

Sure those sex tourist get ripe off by Bar girls and ladyboys, unsuspecting tourist get get ripped off by jet ski operators.

That has nothing to do with a Thai lady's decision to take care of her personal business in Bangkok, in a good neighborhood in broad daylight,

Maybe you may feel different if that was your wife, daughter, sister or mother, which ever way you look at it it is a criminal's action!


Guy walks into a known minefield (Bangkok) and had both legs blown off. Do I feel sorry for him? No, he was an idiot to walk into a known minefield.

I really don't know where you get these remarks from that you post, because it does not come from (even) some facet of rationality.

I feel I am becoming lost for word now... In all my born days I have never ever come up against someone who can speak such words of wisdom and knowledge in one breath while in the next totally abrogate the wisdom and knowledge previously held.

Has nothing to do with a Thai citizens rights to take care of her business as she see fit!

By your scenario 6 million Bangkok-ians are idiots because they have a freedom of choice to do as they please (within the law) in their country and the city they are residents of!


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Tezzainoz (Quote)

My wife is a Thai citizen, and she has enough brains not to dress sexy and walk into a bar full of Thai man drinking Issan Whisky

Even it is her right

Proving is you play with fire you will most likely get burned


Kindly document where the Woman in the article "dressed sexy and walked into a bar full of Thai men drinking issan whiskey".

Or are you saying she doesn't have the right to walk in a area open to the public in her own country, without being attacked by a bunch of Bangkok Thugs!!


How can I document something I never said

My reference was to how stupid it would be if I walk the streets in gold or my thai wife walk into a bad area wearing sexy clothes

I am saying you get what you put your self into

ever day guys are ripped of by Thai ladies

people are ripped of by jet ski operators

guys are drugged by lady boys

This is Thailand and they all had rights, but used no comonsense so got into trouble

she made her choice and walked into a spiders web

She made the decision and there for made her own reprocussions

now she and all you other people who think you not need to be responsible for your actions

must pay the price for your decisions

stop blaming others when it was yourself that placed yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time

How much common sense would it take for her to go about her personal business where ever she chooses in broad daylight in the middle of Bangkok.

Sure those sex tourist get ripe off by Bar girls and ladyboys, unsuspecting tourist get get ripped off by jet ski operators.

That has nothing to do with a Thai lady's decision to take care of her personal business in Bangkok, in a good neighborhood in broad daylight,

Maybe you may feel different if that was your wife, daughter, sister or mother, which ever way you look at it it is a criminal's action!


No matter what people say you just do not listen

If I decide to go to a red shirt bar and start shouting I hate Taskin

This is my right under the law

and some on shoots me in the head

your are write what they did was a criminal act

but I am dead

and in the first place even thought what happened was criminal

I was a fool for doing what I did in the first place

this is just a description of me being responsible for what I do even if it is legal

not any reflection that she did this at any time

Not to Diary

Not to go anywhere with Kikoman

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How much common sense would it take for her to go about her personal business where ever she chooses in broad daylight in the middle of Bangkok.

Sure those sex tourist get ripe off by Bar girls and ladyboys, unsuspecting tourist get get ripped off by jet ski operators.

That has nothing to do with a Thai lady's decision to take care of her personal business in Bangkok, in a good neighborhood in broad daylight,

Maybe you may feel different if that was your wife, daughter, sister or mother, which ever way you look at it it is a criminal's action!


Guy walks into a known minefield (Bangkok) and had both legs blown off. Do I feel sorry for him? No, he was an idiot to walk into a known minefield.

I really don't know where you get these remarks from that you post, because it does not come from (even) some facet of rationality.

I feel I am becoming lost for word now... In all my born days I have never ever come up against someone who can speak such words of wisdom and knowledge in one breath while in the next totally abrogate the wisdom and knowledge previously held.

Has nothing to do with a Thai citizens rights to take care of her business as she see fit!

By your scenario 6 million Bangkok-ians are idiots because they have a freedom of choice to do as they please (within the law) in their country and the city they are residents of!


The biggest problem with your argument this is Thailand not the west

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

This demonstrates the disorganized hooliganism that is the protests, or at least what they have become. Another article said that Suthep was visibly disturbed about his guards doing this thing. But how could he be disturbed about this when he had only a couple weeks ago issued orders to detain (kidnap) PTP officials.

The protestors don't even have a defined outline of how their demands for a council or reforms are supposed to proceed or work. How can anyone expect the Caretaker to relinquish power to and give in to demands of a minority when those demands are not even defined or well though out? To do that would be gross negligence and incompetence. So what did they expect to come from these actions? If they are smart, they would expect exactly what is happening. If they actually expected the government to step down and give in to their disorganized and undefined plans, then they are simply idiots.

The protestors refuse to talk, and now they are kidnapping and armed people among them are shooting police. I can't condone yet I can't say I'm surprised that the Thai people are getting fed up and some are taking violent actions against them. Its time to put an end to these protests if they continue to allow violence from within and are causing other Thais to retaliate with violence towards them.

What I think should happen (though it probably won't) is that UN observers and/or election facilitators come in and the Thai Army disperses the now-violent protests. This will give all sides a breather and an opportunity for real democratic elections can take place so the caretaker can finally be replaced, step down, or continue validated. Though for the country's sake it would be best if someone else could run for PTP instead of YL.

The only solution is what I believe you stated.

The Army/Police put an end to the demonstrations and allow a free election overseen by international observers and let the people of Thailand pick who they want as their leaders and who ever wins the election must be allowed to govern under the constitution!

If that was your intent, I completely agree with your observations!

Exactly. And as you added, the elected government would need to be allowed to govern uninhibited by any sore losers from either side.

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She has the constitutional right to be any where in her country, that is opened to all citizens. Careful because this can become the wave of the future and should be a warning to all peace loving people.

Since when has forcefully detaining a young , good looking women and harassing her sexually been OK ?No matter who side one is on!

Interesting to say the least Two navy seal arrested and admitted being employed by the PDRC, It makes one question the neutrality of the military's involvement in the current problems!


Damn right everyone has the right (although maybe not so stated in the Thai Constitution) to freely walk were she wishes.

On the matter of the SEALS being arrested, how do apparently active duty military get hired as private guards by anyone, let alone the protestors? Seems a major conflict of interests and they need to have some serious remanding by their superiors. Oops! Their superior is the Admiral who heads the SEALS and already publicly came out in support of the protestors, for which no news that he was called on the carpet by his superiors for not staying neutral. Maybe the "Third Hand" has now been revealed and maybe why the police investigations are taking so long with SEALS breathing down their necks?

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""They always tell the public that their rally is peaceful. But from what they did to me it was not. Their leaders were aware of what happened but did not take any action. I want to ask their leaders, why are you so mean?" she said."

This says it all really!

This protest departed anything resembling a peaceful assembly a LONG time ago!

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" Their leaders were aware of what happened but did not take any action. I want to ask their leaders, why are you so mean?" she said."

Blatantly untrue. The leadership - including Suthep - was shaken by this unilateral - and unjust - action. And Suthep strongly condemned the action in a public address that was recorded and reported on by the national media, and chastised those that perpetrated this, reminding them that they must follow a non-violent path - which for the most part, the protests have been. But it is not in the interests of the administration to feed that narrative, and so Suthep's and the PDRC leadership's address on this incident was not part of this woman's dialogue. And clearly deliberately so.

It must be stressed - what she went through was unforgivable. But the statement that the leadership knew and condoned the action is just as unforgivable.

Edited by Scamper
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How much common sense would it take for her to go about her personal business where ever she chooses in broad daylight in the middle of Bangkok.

Sure those sex tourist get ripe off by Bar girls and ladyboys, unsuspecting tourist get get ripped off by jet ski operators.

That has nothing to do with a Thai lady's decision to take care of her personal business in Bangkok, in a good neighborhood in broad daylight,

Maybe you may feel different if that was your wife, daughter, sister or mother, which ever way you look at it it is a criminal's action!


Guy walks into a known minefield (Bangkok) and had both legs blown off. Do I feel sorry for him? No, he was an idiot to walk into a known minefield.

I really don't know where you get these remarks from that you post, because it does not come from (even) some facet of rationality.

I feel I am becoming lost for word now... In all my born days I have never ever come up against someone who can speak such words of wisdom and knowledge in one breath while in the next totally abrogate the wisdom and knowledge previously held.

Has nothing to do with a Thai citizens rights to take care of her business as she see fit!

By your scenario 6 million Bangkok-ians are idiots because they have a freedom of choice to do as they please (within the law) in their country and the city they are residents of!


Then practice your words, and tell all friends who are local nationals: walk through khlong toey slum wearing gold and flashing cash- if something bad happens, it isn't your fault as you have freedom as they do to go anywhere any time.

Common sense. We at our company have business to do around the mob areas, but apply enough common sense to avoid the area altogether and use alternate meeting places, fax, phone (logic and survival...even dogs and cats have it!). This particular woman is in politics, and goes right into the hot spot..moronic. She didn't get tortured or anything; as of yet, little proof of anything other than clear over dramatization.

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Sounds very suspicious, given her profile , having a hairdo so close to an anti -gov protest.... She,s up to no good..

That is probably not true! They made an error to say the least. It was a wrong move on the part of PDRC guards.

i remember being searched by the red guards when they were protesting, the just TOOK my bag and searched through it. i wasnt going through the check point either. just walking by. think of then like the TSA. they dont see the big picture they just do orders. but a SPY is a SPY. an must be treated like SPY.

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Has nothing to do with a Thai citizens rights to take care of her business as she see fit!

By your scenario 6 million Bangkok-ians are idiots because they have a freedom of choice to do as they please (within the law) in their country and the city they are residents of!


If you wish to blame the gun when you shoot yourself, you are free to do so. Chances are that it will be blamed on the person who pulled the trigger but hey.... TiT.

Everything suggests that she was a shill at this point... A tethered goat. Sent into the maelstrom (perhaps unknowingly) in order to cause something to happen. Sent in like a lamb to the slaughter but it didn't happen did it? Another misjudged attempt to cause havoc in Bangkok.

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Eew eew eww. I just walked into a minefield and was forcibly ejected from it. I consider that a limitation of my freedom eew eew eew. They sat me down and told me that it was a not a good idea which I think is a limitation of my freedom... eew eew eew. PTP are starting to tether goats which at least is an indication of their perceived position.

Y'know. Let's just say that Thailand will end up as a dictatorship regardless who wins. Who would you prefer? Both will take the lot but at least the Dem's will leave you with enough rice for breakfast in the morning.

You think so?

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Why are so many blaming the lady when she has broken no law? Yes may have been a little foolish in going there but it is not a crime to be a fool. The crime was committed by these security thugs who have forcefully removed her from one point to another against her will and refused to release for a period of time. Taking a person from one area to another against their will is abduction and holding her against her will is false imprisonment. Yes she was foolish but that does not exonerate the offenders of the crimes they committed.

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Re; she was a spy. The PTP could call out any number of anonymous underlings who are completely unknown to the protestors, these underlings could window-shop and spy on the protestors without drawing attention. The idea that PTP would use a high-profile person as an undercover is genuinely hilarious. Also again, the idea that she would willingly risk danger in the hopes that her injuries or kidnap would provoke sympathy in the media or wider community, is also ridiculous.

And underlying this is the fact that if any of you were walking down the street and were chased down by a gang of men, restrained, robbed of phone, threatened with hooding, detained for an hour against your will, you would be very upset indeed and demand legal action against those people. And rightly so!

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Having read and read the story I am very inclined to believe her version of events. The mentality of a pack of dogs is what was demonstrated. It is not the point of her choosing a beauty clinic outside of the troubled zone. Maybe she is a member of the said clinic, whatever she like most people have a certain feeling that trouble occurs at night time not during the day so she is going about her own business and to be assaulted by thugs whose brain cells are pretty neaderthal must be brought to light.

On the issue of the Seals they are not the Military but the Navy.,

There is obvious division within the armed forces, Prayuth is in the middle so I wonder whose side the Air Force is on.

sorry, I think you have misunderstood something. The site was guarded by PDRC and not reds or police .....

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Having read and read the story I am very inclined to believe her version of events. The mentality of a pack of dogs is what was demonstrated. It is not the point of her choosing a beauty clinic outside of the troubled zone. Maybe she is a member of the said clinic, whatever she like most people have a certain feeling that trouble occurs at night time not during the day so she is going about her own business and to be assaulted by thugs whose brain cells are pretty neaderthal must be brought to light.

On the issue of the Seals they are not the Military but the Navy.,

There is obvious division within the armed forces, Prayuth is in the middle so I wonder whose side the Air Force is on.

sorry, I think you have misunderstood something. The site was guarded by PDRC and not reds or police .....

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Sunisa has a history of embellishing the truth.Does anyone remember the backgound to her work of fiction:'Thaksin where are you?' She claimed to have gone to England by herself and amazingly whilst on a bus on a forlorn search for his residence, she coincidentally passed what she thought might be his home.

Miraculously she had found her hero!

Like her boss she is also adept at turning on the tears for the cameras, how she weeped when she was reprimanded by the army for taking excess leave!


It does not matter where or who she works for, She has the right to walk the streets as she sees fit to. Maybe you should try it and see what happens to you????? Would you like it?? Maybe you would.

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Sounds very suspicious, given her profile , having a hairdo so close to an anti -gov protest.... She,s up to no good..

Good thing you guys cant vote.

regardless of your opinion , she has the right to walk the streets of her country with out being kidnaped, illegally detained, questioned, and harassed.

Or shot or blown up. The dead and injured had exactly the same rights.

" she has the right to walk the streets of her country with out being kidnaped, illegally detained, questioned, and harassed."

Of course, unlike those who died just because they tried to experience their human rights, leaving alone Cane and Cake.......

If someone judges one side, he has to use the same disciplines to the other side too...

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