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PDRC rally guards physically harassed me: Sunisa


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Sounds very suspicious, given her profile , having a hairdo so close to an anti -gov protest.... She,s up to no good..

Good thing you guys cant vote.

regardless of your opinion , she has the right to walk the streets of her country with out being kidnaped, illegally detained, questioned, and harassed.

That's right, this is not America!!!(just a little joke about PA)
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Sounds very suspicious, given her profile , having a hairdo so close to an anti -gov protest.... She,s up to no good..

That is probably not true! They made an error to say the least. It was a wrong move on the part of PDRC guards.

i remember being searched by the red guards when they were protesting, the just TOOK my bag and searched through it. i wasnt going through the check point either. just walking by. think of then like the TSA. they dont see the big picture they just do orders. but a SPY is a SPY. an must be treated like SPY.

She would have been a bit too obvious don't you think, some one readily recognisable acting as a spy, Sure what ever you say! Even Suthep was annoyed they stopped her!

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This demonstrates the disorganized hooliganism that is the protests, or at least what they have become. Another article said that Suthep was visibly disturbed about his guards doing this thing. But how could he be disturbed about this when he had only a couple weeks ago issued orders to detain (kidnap) PTP officials.

The protestors don't even have a defined outline of how their demands for a council or reforms are supposed to proceed or work. How can anyone expect the Caretaker to relinquish power to and give in to demands of a minority when those demands are not even defined or well though out? To do that would be gross negligence and incompetence. So what did they expect to come from these actions? If they are smart, they would expect exactly what is happening. If they actually expected the government to step down and give in to their disorganized and undefined plans, then they are simply idiots.

The protestors refuse to talk, and now they are kidnapping and armed people among them are shooting police. I can't condone yet I can't say I'm surprised that the Thai people are getting fed up and some are taking violent actions against them. Its time to put an end to these protests if they continue to allow violence from within and are causing other Thais to retaliate with violence towards them.

What I think should happen (though it probably won't) is that UN observers and/or election facilitators come in and the Thai Army disperses the now-violent protests. This will give all sides a breather and an opportunity for real democratic elections can take place so the caretaker can finally be replaced, step down, or continue validated. Though for the country's sake it would be best if someone else could run for PTP instead of YL.

The only solution is what I believe you stated.

The Army/Police put an end to the demonstrations and allow a free election overseen by international observers and let the people of Thailand pick who they want as their leaders and who ever wins the election must be allowed to govern under the constitution!

If that was your intent, I completely agree with your observations!

Exactly. And as you added, the elected government would need to be allowed to govern uninhibited by any sore losers from either side.

So lets look at your opinion

the protestors who have been told their protests are legal should be treated as criminals because you not agree

But 1 lady who risks her safety all others are criminal because she is what she is

you have made my day

you have to be the funniest messenger I have read all day

Please click the pick as I am not allowed to say what I really think on this site


Edited by tezzainoz
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For those of you that are married or have Thai girlfriends, I hope that the next time you're out at a bar and you Mrs gets "harrased" by drunken Farangs, you can brush it off with the same attitude as some of you have brushed this incident off as simply "nothing"

Was she stupid, for sure, was she aware of the dangers being so close to the protestors..probably, is it a dangerous place to be?
It shouldn't be as it's supposed to be a peaceful protest about anti corruption, which appears to have been hijacked by a minority with different agendas.

If you felt she put herself at risk, and condemend her actions, then how can you NOT condemn the action of parents who take thier children to protest locations knowing there's a risk of being attacked with grenades and gunfire?

I fully support the anti corruption part of the protests, I disagree with the use of any form of violence, I also think that as long as people keep making comparisons to the actions of 2010 and keep bringing up the past, then Thailand will never improve, you cannot change the past, it's called the past for a reason, it's done and dusted, focus on the future, and then things might possibly get better for you, so many farangs seem bitter and can't let the past go, all that hatred will eat you up.

Just because someone doesn't like certain aspects or characters within the anti corruption protest movement doesn't make them a Red shirt either, and vice versa, I can't see the point in aligning myself with either side, I'm a farang, it doesn't matter a jot where my allegiance lies( It lies with my family though) as it's never going to change my life. I couldn't care less for the reds or the yellows, both sides are plain &lt;deleted&gt; stupid!!

Everybody has a basic human right to go about their normal daily business withour intimidation or fear of anything happening to them, and at the same time people have a morbid curiosity of trying to see something or go somehwere they know better not to.

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Sounds very suspicious, given her profile , having a hairdo so close to an anti -gov protest.... She,s up to no good..

Is there a law against getting ones hair done where she wants????? Wkae up, please.

Of course there isn't. But there is a law against going AWOL from the military and disappearing half way around the world to 'harass' your political idol.

And when you take into account that she now works for him as a spokesperson you may feel be inclined to take anything she says with a huge pinch of salt.

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Never taken a few days off on the sick then when you just wanted time off then?

Never broken the speed limit?

Never driven your moped under the influence of drink or drugs?

Never done anything wrong in your life that put you in a situation that perhaps afterwords you thought "Thats was abit dumb" ?

So what she went AWOL, she was more than likely dealt with by the Military on that one..big deal get over it!!

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Never taken a few days off on the sick then when you just wanted time off then?

Never broken the speed limit?

Never driven your moped under the influence of drink or drugs?

Never done anything wrong in your life that put you in a situation that perhaps afterwords you thought "Thats was abit dumb" ?

So what she went AWOL, she was more than likely dealt with by the Military on that one..big deal get over it!!

The lady threatened to sue someone for defamation because of telling that she had been dismissed from the army TV stations because she went AWOL, left the country for two weeks visiting her "Thaksin where art thou" in London. It would seem she decided not to sue.

Now, it's about 1:40PM. did Ms. Sunisa already find the time to file a police case against some PDRC guards who she most likely can clearly identify as "him, him and him" ?

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So lets look at your opinion

the protestors who have been told their protests are legal should be treated as criminals because you not agree

But 1 lady who risks her safety all others are criminal because she is what she is

you have made my day

you have to be the funniest messenger I have read all day

Please click the pick as I am not allowed to say what I really think on this site

My opinion: The protests should be considered legal until the people organizing and participating in them do or allow things which are illegal. Do you disagree?

My opinion: The people who order crimes and those who commit crimes are criminals and any activities that are creating or causing crimes need to be curbed or stopped.

My opinion: Reforms are needed and must be carried out with support from both sides. Not by an unelected, undefined, unaccountable minority council.

My opinion: The protests, especially in their current form, are not helping Thailand. They cannot achieve reforms if they continue to widen the divide and are not willing to discuss plans with all sides to proceed peacefully.

You are welcome to your own opinion as am I. You are also welcome to make as many juvenile remarks as you wish.

Fact: Suthep called for the detaining of PTP officials, and that is what happened.

Fact: That is illegal.

Fact: Many protestors are armed and some have opened fire on and killed police.

Fact: That is illegal.

Fact: The protests are causing violence both from themselves and people opposed to them.

Fact: Despite this violence Suthep still refuses to join talks to find a peaceful solution.

If anyone thinks that the now violent protests and Suthep's attitude is not counter productive, then they are welcome to disagree with me.

So, we still manage to blame the anti-government protesters for all that is happening.

It would seem some like it buried that the Yingluck government tried to push through a blanket amnesty bill which covered her brothers last two years in/out of office and even Ms. Yingluck's first two years in office. As if she needed that, but then the loss from the rice scam alone approaches 800 billion Baht already. Amazing amount even for a government which took care of corruption.

The UDD also managed to forget that their darling tried the blanket amnesty bill trick which would cancel any 'justice for our 2010 deaths'. Even forgotten that UDD co-leader Korkaew voted in favour and Dr. weng, k. Nattawut and the late Seh Daeng's daughter 'only' abstained.

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Never taken a few days off on the sick then when you just wanted time off then?

Never broken the speed limit?

Never driven your moped under the influence of drink or drugs?

Never done anything wrong in your life that put you in a situation that perhaps afterwords you thought "Thats was abit dumb" ?

So what she went AWOL, she was more than likely dealt with by the Military on that one..big deal get over it!!

This is about her credibility. Aside from the fact that she is 'close' to the boss of the ruling party would you trust a soldier that runs away?

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So lets look at your opinion

the protestors who have been told their protests are legal should be treated as criminals because you not agree

But 1 lady who risks her safety all others are criminal because she is what she is

you have made my day

you have to be the funniest messenger I have read all day

Please click the pick as I am not allowed to say what I really think on this site

My opinion: The protests should be considered legal until the people organizing and participating in them do or allow things which are illegal. Do you disagree?

My opinion: The people who order crimes and those who commit crimes are criminals and any activities that are creating or causing crimes need to be curbed or stopped.

My opinion: Reforms are needed and must be carried out with support from both sides. Not by an unelected, undefined, unaccountable minority council.

My opinion: The protests, especially in their current form, are not helping Thailand. They cannot achieve reforms if they continue to widen the divide and are not willing to discuss plans with all sides to proceed peacefully.

You are welcome to your own opinion as am I. You are also welcome to make as many juvenile remarks as you wish.

Fact: Suthep called for the detaining of PTP officials, and that is what happened.

Fact: That is illegal.

Fact: Many protestors are armed and some have opened fire on and killed police.

Fact: That is illegal.

Fact: The protests are causing violence both from themselves and people opposed to them.

Fact: Despite this violence Suthep still refuses to join talks to find a peaceful solution.

If anyone thinks that the now violent protests and Suthep's attitude is not counter productive, then they are welcome to disagree with me.

So, we still manage to blame the anti-government protesters for all that is happening.

It would seem some like it buried that the Yingluck government tried to push through a blanket amnesty bill which covered her brothers last two years in/out of office and even Ms. Yingluck's first two years in office. As if she needed that, but then the loss from the rice scam alone approaches 800 billion Baht already. Amazing amount even for a government which took care of corruption.

The UDD also managed to forget that their darling tried the blanket amnesty bill trick which would cancel any 'justice for our 2010 deaths'. Even forgotten that UDD co-leader Korkaew voted in favour and Dr. weng, k. Nattawut and the late Seh Daeng's daughter 'only' abstained.

And you think Suthep is on stage now arguing about the Amnesty Bill? I suggest to you his aims are now well beyond the Amnesty Bill.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Sounds very suspicious, given her profile , having a hairdo so close to an anti -gov protest.... She,s up to no good..

Good thing you guys cant vote.

regardless of your opinion , she has the right to walk the streets of her country with out being kidnaped, illegally detained, questioned, and harassed.

I also have the right to walk down the beach in Pattaya covered in Gold, using 1000 baht Thai notes to pay for trinkets along the way

this is my right as a person who live here long time and supports a Thai family

But I do not

Because I have a brain and know what will happen if I do this

I believe we all must except the responsibility for things we do and the reaction upon us if we are stupid

But there are many who believe they are victims of others and cry when their stupidity opens them up to harm

But you have the right to choose what you do even as a "Visitor" to Thailand! She has the full rights of all Thai citizens!


My wife is a Thai citizen, and she has enough brains not to dress sexy and walk into a bar full of Thai man drinking Issan Whisky

Even it is her right

Proving is you play with fire you will most likely get burned

Anything goes right? Then don't whine when it's the demonstraters turn to be nabbed by the RTP or the UDD. Bunch of hypocrits, the lot of you PDRC supporters.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Edited by maxme
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Indeed, in the annals of sinister occurences in human history, her horrifying ordeal ranks somewhere between the gassing of millions of Jews and the thousands murdered in Bosnian ethnic cleansing.

On a more stable basis, what hapened to her was wrong, but it doesn't need hyperbolic exaggeration.

I would class your bringing the Holocaust etc. into this argument as 'hyperbolic exaggeration' in itself.

I'm glad you could suss out that my references were exaggerated as they were intentional to highlight your own unintentional exaggeration when you made the ridiculous statement placing her comparatively trifling experience alongside of them with your hyperbolic ...

"it is something that belongs in the most sinister and horrifying chapters of human history"

sheesh, dial it down several notches


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She added that the attackers wanted to hide her identity by putting a hood on her head, but they changed their minds when a group of reporters and photographers flocked to the scene.

So where are those Photo's?????

Why don't you ask the photographers? Isn't it obvious that nobody in this thread can answer that?

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by larsjohnsson
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Never taken a few days off on the sick then when you just wanted time off then?

Never broken the speed limit?

Never driven your moped under the influence of drink or drugs?

Never done anything wrong in your life that put you in a situation that perhaps afterwords you thought "Thats was abit dumb" ?

So what she went AWOL, she was more than likely dealt with by the Military on that one..big deal get over it!!

This is about her credibility. Aside from the fact that she is 'close' to the boss of the ruling party would you trust a soldier that runs away?

Sure I do, I've been AWOL a few times myself during my service, got pissed up, missed my flight back to Belfast = 2 days AWOL.

Met a bird on leave was having a great time, said "&lt;deleted&gt; it" took 5 days extra = 5 Days AWOL

Late for Scale A parades = AWOL

Late coming in back off leave=AWOL

Really, it's no big deal, oh and a couple of those times I was an NCO, got my wrist slapped, and a fine, and still kept my job, because I was good at it!!

There's a HUGE difference between AWOL than desertion, AWOL isn't running away, it's being ABSENT WITHOUT OFFICIAL LEAVE..

it's the exact same as taking a day off work when you're not supposed to, it's no big deal!!

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Never taken a few days off on the sick then when you just wanted time off then?

Never broken the speed limit?

Never driven your moped under the influence of drink or drugs?

Never done anything wrong in your life that put you in a situation that perhaps afterwords you thought "Thats was abit dumb" ?

So what she went AWOL, she was more than likely dealt with by the Military on that one..big deal get over it!!

This is about her credibility. Aside from the fact that she is 'close' to the boss of the ruling party would you trust a soldier that runs away?

Sure I do, I've been AWOL a few times myself during my service, got pissed up, missed my flight back to Belfast = 2 days AWOL.

Met a bird on leave was having a great time, said "&lt;deleted&gt; it" took 5 days extra = 5 Days AWOL

Late for Scale A parades = AWOL

Late coming in back off leave=AWOL

Really, it's no big deal, oh and a couple of those times I was an NCO, got my wrist slapped, and a fine, and still kept my job, because I was good at it!!

There's a HUGE difference between AWOL than desertion, AWOL isn't running away, it's being ABSENT WITHOUT OFFICIAL LEAVE..

it's the exact same as taking a day off work when you're not supposed to, it's no big deal!!

Outside of Ireland, it's a big deal in other countries, eg. USA:

Art. 86. Absence without leave

Any member of the armed forces who, without authority

(1) fails to go to his appointed place of duty at the time prescribed;

(2) goes from that place; or

(3) absents himself or remains absent from his unit, organization, or place of duty at which he is required to be at the time prescribed;

shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.


Your 4 AWOL's would have had you thrown out, as well as the driving under the influence from your first post.

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The brave Thai pack mentality, it takes b/w 10 and 20 men to intimidate, harass and assault one lone woman. Cowards and scum that is all they are..

This makes the story very implausible, look forward to seeing the evidence..

Two navy seals,two hand guns, 60 rounds ammo and an admition that they work for Suthep.

You should at least try to digest that one first.

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Never taken a few days off on the sick then when you just wanted time off then?

Never broken the speed limit?

Never driven your moped under the influence of drink or drugs?

Never done anything wrong in your life that put you in a situation that perhaps afterwords you thought "Thats was abit dumb" ?

So what she went AWOL, she was more than likely dealt with by the Military on that one..big deal get over it!!

This is about her credibility. Aside from the fact that she is 'close' to the boss of the ruling party would you trust a soldier that runs away?

Sure I do, I've been AWOL a few times myself during my service, got pissed up, missed my flight back to Belfast = 2 days AWOL.

Met a bird on leave was having a great time, said "&lt;deleted&gt; it" took 5 days extra = 5 Days AWOL

Late for Scale A parades = AWOL

Late coming in back off leave=AWOL

Really, it's no big deal, oh and a couple of those times I was an NCO, got my wrist slapped, and a fine, and still kept my job, because I was good at it!!

There's a HUGE difference between AWOL than desertion, AWOL isn't running away, it's being ABSENT WITHOUT OFFICIAL LEAVE..

it's the exact same as taking a day off work when you're not supposed to, it's no big deal!!

Try that in the Australian Army you will be straight in the brig. I must admit tho they are softening up and you can speak back to superiors these days and actually question orders.

A bit like this these days.


Edited by chooka
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The brave Thai pack mentality, it takes b/w 10 and 20 men to intimidate, harass and assault one lone woman. Cowards and scum that is all they are..

This makes the story very implausible, look forward to seeing the evidence..

Two navy seals,two hand guns, 60 rounds ammo and an admition that they work for Suthep.

You should at least try to digest that one first.

easily digested. When the carry a piece they carry it peacefully, when they discharge the piece the do it peacefully, when they hit the target they say rest in peace, It is a peaceful demonstration.

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Sounds very suspicious, given her profile , having a hairdo so close to an anti -gov protest.... She,s up to no good..

Good thing you guys cant vote.

regardless of your opinion , she has the right to walk the streets of her country with out being kidnaped, illegally detained, questioned, and harassed.

Or shot or blown up. The dead and injured had exactly the same rights.

Sure , these are a couple of other right people have.

I am confused.

Are we making a list of all the rights people have? or are we talking about the illegal detention of this lady?

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Interesting how the Nation tries to bury the more important story about Navy Seals being caught red-handed with weapons and admitting they work for Suthep, in this other unrelated story.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

If it's unrelated why are you dragging it up on this thread?

He read the entire article, any one that did will realize that the last part of the article made a passing reference to the seals arreat!


My bad, you are correct.

However, as he read the entire article he should realize (as should you) that this story is hearsay and an account given by a lady with a very dubious past.

I'm not saying that Sunisa is definitely lying but I would not take her word as gospel.

Everyone involved in this mess has a "dubious past," so I guess we should not believe anything anyone says. The general facts of this case can, however, be substantiated by others who observed her being "detained." We know, therefore, that at least part of her account is indeed true.
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Fat Haggis, on 27 Feb 2014 - 15:52, said:Quote
bigbamboo, on 27 Feb 2014 - 14:23, said:Quote
Fat Haggis, on 27 Feb 2014 - 13:41, said:Quote

Never taken a few days off on the sick then when you just wanted time off then?

Never broken the speed limit?

Never driven your moped under the influence of drink or drugs?

Never done anything wrong in your life that put you in a situation that perhaps afterwords you thought "Thats was abit dumb" ?

So what she went AWOL, she was more than likely dealt with by the Military on that one..big deal get over it!!

This is about her credibility. Aside from the fact that she is 'close' to the boss of the ruling party would you trust a soldier that runs away?

Sure I do, I've been AWOL a few times myself during my service, got pissed up, missed my flight back to Belfast = 2 days AWOL.

Met a bird on leave was having a great time, said "&lt;deleted&gt; it" took 5 days extra = 5 Days AWOL

Late for Scale A parades = AWOL

Late coming in back off leave=AWOL

Really, it's no big deal, oh and a couple of those times I was an NCO, got my wrist slapped, and a fine, and still kept my job, because I was good at it!!

There's a HUGE difference between AWOL than desertion, AWOL isn't running away, it's being ABSENT WITHOUT OFFICIAL LEAVE..

it's the exact same as taking a day off work when you're not supposed to, it's no big deal!!

I hear you FH. I got given a long service & good conduct medal for 15 years "undetected crime" as they used to say. But I reckon I must have financed the Queen's Western Island tours on the royal yacht for a couple of years on the fines I got for a host of 'minor' offences which certainly had AWOL included.

As you say, no big deal, sh1t sometimes happens. Desertion is another matter, some posters from other countries may be getting confused with that...................wink.png

Edited by chrisinth
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There is a video circulating around where Pojaman was chased out of Emporium recently by whistle blowers. Like, is there an 'on and off' switch for when you're in the fight or something?

The Emporium is about 6 blocks or 2 klms fro the Asoke protest site. Not as if she was on an undercover spying mission, is it?

Or is there an exclusion zone around the protest sites that we don't know about?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The brave Thai pack mentality, it takes b/w 10 and 20 men to intimidate, harass and assault one lone woman. Cowards and scum that is all they are..

The Mouth of Sauron is hardly a credible witness.

Reactionary Yellow Fascist Bully Boy

I don't think you're clever enough for that role

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