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iPhone Siri using True 4G - cool


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I am anti truemove-h? What makes you say that? I use truemove-h since day 1 and I used old truemove 3g before that. I just say Truemove is way behind of 2100 mhz base station deployment and then skippy became aggressive. As you can see from his quotes / writings above, he is pretty darn protective when it comes to True corp.

Lomatopo confirmed Truemove is very slow in deployment of 2100 mhz band. I'm sure there was terms when you get frequency concession from Thai government. It was like, 80 percent coverage within 2 years etc etc. I don't think True can do this.

Don't tell me truemove-h works nationwide, it is 850 mhz 3G by Cat, engineered by True but at the end it belongs to CAT and leased to Truemove-h by some shady agreement which went to court before (but at the and bribe and corruption wins, as TIT)

I have no problems with 850 mhz Truemove 3G, but I don't accept Truemove 4G crap as it is still behind in terms of coverage of 3BB Wifi hotspot!

Hopefully I explained myself clearly.

Still can't stop putting your foot in your mouth.

Stop your hate speech. If you have anything to say, say it. Dont insult me just because you cant response in a humanly way. You have no answer to give but you are burning inside, it kills you to not be able to give an answer so you come up with this after a day? Is this the best you can? Get a life man.

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You embarrass yourself every post you post! Please stop talking, this is getting ridiculous. You are hijacking this post !

SkippyBangkok, hang in there, we are all interested in knowing the 4G coverage of TrueMove-H (as I am about to buy a 4G phone), and we all know it is a lot better than "Paragon blabla"!


Thx GJ

I think it will fall on deaf ears.... The past predicts the future

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You embarrass yourself every post you post! Please stop talking, this is getting ridiculous. You are hijacking this post !

SkippyBangkok, hang in there, we are all interested in knowing the 4G coverage of TrueMove-H (as I am about to buy a 4G phone), and we all know it is a lot better than "Paragon blabla"!


Thx GJ

I think it will fall on deaf ears.... The past predicts the future

So after a day this is the best you can come up with? Now you're quoting somebody's elses older responses?

Why don't you give an answer to mine? You don't have any? Then why you bother at all? Just because you started a topic, it doesn't mean you own it.

Stop insulting me with your void claims and if you are half the man people think you are, fight your own fight. Don't get around like a politican.

You still haven't responded against anything I've said for last a few days. You only know how to insult, thats now how it works. I can also use some bad words here but I'm not interested getting a ban for a man like you.

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Truemove-H told to Thai press that they will deploy 6,111 3G 2100 base stations by end of this year and they also told that they'll finished 1200 4G LTE base stations by end of this month too. (March 2014)


Edited by pd2002
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Truemove-H told to Thai press that they will deploy 6,111 3G 2100 base stations by end of this year and they also told that they'll finished 1200 4G LTE base stations by end of this month too. (March 2014)


That works out to be in the 3G space

35,000 base stations equivalents on 850 ( 2100 MHz equivalent x 2.5 )

6,100 base stations on 2100

1,200 base stations on LTE


42,300 base stations equivalents ( apple to apple comparing to 2100 MHz )

Unless you have an el-cheapo handset which is not multiband, you are pretty much covered. Not sure what Mura is bitching about, he has an iPhone 5s, maybe he has an agenda ? ( there is an answer..... )

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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Anybody with an iq is a little bit over 90 could understand what I'm bitching about but unless you don't want to face the fact, you won't see skippy.

Your precious True corp is hiding behind 850 mhz 3G from Cat and delaying deployment of 2100 mhz base towers. Because you don't understand nothing in Telecoms technology, you have no idea what contention is and how operators overcome it by deploying more and more base stations in crowded areas.

Perhaps you get great speed with LTE but it is because they have very little 4G LTE customer base that is post paid only and only a few handsets support it (iPhone for example). It doesn't make them great. It makes them less crowded at the moment.

True has to fulfill 2100 mhz concession agreement by providing coverage of 80 percent population of Thailand by the end of year 2014 (I think).

Now after this statement, I expect skippy to say "But true covers nationwide 3G!" which he did before, not because he is retarded or something, because he simply don't want to understand.

I hope one day when he is speaking to Siri (to suppress loneliness), that AI can give him some common sense (if thats even possible).

Edit: I forgot to add for newcomers, I'm bitching because True is not deploying 2100 mhz base stations. They use hype like they have 4G yet it is unknown how many base stations supports 3G on 2100 mhz and 4G on 2100 mhz. They build 4G that'll work only for less than 5 percent of population (not everybody has expensive iPhone or Top Android device that supports LTE on 2100 mhz, besides LTE is POSTPAID only at the moment). While AIS and DTAC is deploying 2100 mhz 3G base stations around the country.

3G on 2100 mhz requires more base stations, more base stations provide better contention than single 850 mhz 3G base station that covers more than 3 times are of one 2100 mhz base station. Skippy knows 850 mhz = 3 x 2100 mhz coverage area and he learned it in this forum but thats the only thing he knows about 3G.

Again 850 mhz 3G causes more problems in weak signals than 3G in 2100 mhz. I have serious call quality problems on iPhone 5s (and in 5, 4s and other Android devices) which does not happen in AIS 3G or Dtac.

Edited by muratremix
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From an article in yesterday's newspapers...

Suphachai Chearavanont, chief executive of True Corporation, the parent firm of True Move, said the company would not focus on 4G service for now as the market is not ready for Thailand.

so maybe that is why they stopped at 1,200 LTE base-stations after having mentioned a goal/target of 2,000 by the end of this month?

There is supposed to be a 1,800 MHz spectrum auction in August but not sure how that will pan out with ~ 10 million TrueMove customers still using that GSM spectrum?

We should get more clarity after the True Corp briefing tomorrow.

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Perhaps True Corp speaksman skippy can enlighten us smile.png


That works out to be in the 3G space

35,000 base stations equivalents on 850 ( 2100 MHz equivalent x 2.5 )

6,100 base stations on 2100

1,200 base stations on LTE


42,300 base stations equivalents ( apple to apple comparing to 2100 MHz )

Unless of course you can't afford a decent phone :)

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