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"mismatched couples" - definition?

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To be honest, I don't give a toss one way or the other but when he says shit like there's nothing wrong with prostitution from a "moral POV", he deliberately ignores the deep emotional scars that kind of life leaves on far more of these women than he finds convenient to admit.

Sure, if two parties are consenting adults, why not? It's her decision, right? Yes I suppose it is

That seems a very reluctant concession, as opposed to a firm statement of obvious fact.

The negative effects you see are not inherent in the work, but the result of how society treats the workers. Once they are accepted and respected and the industry legalized, their life vastly improves.

Working as a corporate lawyer, in drugs law enforcement, as a broker on wall street also changes people, in many cases leaving deep emotional scars. The fishing industry is by far more physically dangerous.

The denigration of sex workers comes from archaic moralizing by obsolete religious/social control brainwashing.

None of which has anything to do with my own personal life.

I have never claimed to be a do-gooder, I'm motivated by self-interest and am completely open about that with all concerned.

However my own view on self-interest is that sustainability requires you to provide a fair exchange of value, what goes around comes around and being purely selfish is short-sighted.

Lots of guys simply pay cash, buy cars and houses whatever in exchange for their companionship.

If I were to pay for them to finish school and attend university instead is that morally worse?

Your projections about subservience etc are just your own fantasy, believe me girls leave me much more self-assured, clear about their goals and very equipped to accomplish them.

And I think most importantly they know if they just seek to extract a lot of money in a short time by deceiving their partners, they won't end up having a happy life. Honesty and openness, fairness and consideration, delivering solid value for the value received are core values throughout my life, and what I do my best to teach those that live with me.

Obviously it doesn't always take, but no matter how cute and enthusiastic a performer a girl might be, if I see she's going to take the "dark side" and start lying and scamming to get on in the world, out she goes.


Dress it up in fake erudition to your heart's content but even the most committed whoremonger, sex tourist or sexpat would quite rightly suggest that your activities would draw more than a passing interest from law enforcement.

That you have the audacity to compare the mental and emotional scars left on many prostitutes to the superficial ethical conflicts one might experience while being a corporate lawyer or a Wall Street broker beggars belief.

It also illustrates the lengths to which you will go to justify your depravity.

Only an individual adrift in a world in which his genitals make the rules would dream that such a diatribe could even begin to explain away what he does with such flippancy.

What do you mean the negative effects aren't inherent in the work?

You know that's not true and I'm stunned you tried that one on with the forum. Of course they're inherent in the work. A lot - not all - of them despise what they have to do/endure in order to make money.

Quality. You're 100% right.

Reverend Johhny is morally bankrupt.

Keep up the good work. Seems to me that you despise these sick whackos as much as I and other normal people do. Educated Thais also detest this farang garbage.

How the bloody hell can a farang be allowed to come here and make it his business to teach desperately poor girls to become prostitutes.

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Obviously a lot of what goes on in threads here is often more appropriate in private. If nothing else, I doubt so many are actually all that interested to hear about my life at the same level of detail, don't want to bore everyone.

But more importantly PM allows for a more open level of interaction once a certain trust has been established. You have control over who's got space in your head, I'm certainly not going to eat your liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.

Thanks -- I'll pass.


That you have the audacity to compare the mental and emotional scars left on many prostitutes to the superficial ethical conflicts one might experience while being a corporate lawyer or a Wall Street broker beggars belief.


What do you mean the negative effects aren't inherent in the work?


You know that's not true and I'm stunned you tried that one on with the forum. Of course they're inherent in the work. A lot - not all - of them despise what they have to do/endure in order to make money.

It is true that many prostitutes are scarred as you say by the work.

My point is that scarring is largely the result of the stigma that work carries in straight society and the fact that their industry is criminalized, putting them at the mercy of unethical management and corrupt law enforcement preying on them.

Long before I ever came to Thailand I spent many years in close relationship with many sex workers in developed countries, including many that were actually registered nurses, social workers and other professionals moonlighting on the side, not because they had to but just for the extra money. I can tell you for a fact that in a proper social and legal environment their most serious problems stemmed from the disapproval of unenlightened judgmental puritans rather than from the work itself.

And it is also the case that very respectable people in the corporate world commit heinous crimes against humanity - causing very real misery among millions of people, violating the core principals and corrupting the very fabric of society - which in a just world would be punished by very long incarceration. To the extent such true criminals only suffer superficial problems as a result of their actions is due to the fact that their sociopathology is sanctioned by a very sick society.


In any case as I said nothing in the above discussion has anything to do with your and others' presumptions and accusations regarding my own actions wrt prostitution.

I have never brought anyone into the sex industry, certainly never advised or encouraged much less trained anyone to be a prostitute by ANYONE's definition of that term.


'misery loves company'

what a sad, sorry species we are ... to defile others so badly, from whatever distorted thinking process; an act of revenge (?) perpetrated on another innocent human ... a deliberate premeditated incremental soul destroying invasive and punitive act.

and you (whoever 'trains' these poor people) have the temerity to call yourself a 'man' ... why not 'man up' and just top yourself and do our gender a service and our species a favour ...


Wyn, why ignore my question?

"Wyn, if you're only trying to help these unfortunate girls, why do they have to sleep with you? Couldn't you just help them and leave the sex part out? Or is that the price you charge?"

Or in simple terms; by having sex with these girls, you ejaculate and feel pleasure. Now please don't tell me they orgasm. They are probably crying. What does the girl receive from the sex act itself?

Could you please answer these questions truthfully? I want to know your thinking.


I remeber a couple of years ago my now wife then girlfriend,where at Karon beach i think,i took a few photos of her looking lovely on a sun longer,when i developed them i had to laugh,on the next set of sun loungers was an american couple[ i remember hearing them talk], he was a decent looking guy,,tall,slim but she was a bit of a whale,i looked at the first photo they are both looking at me,he with a look of envious amazement on his face,she with a look of dissaproving disdain,in the second one he is clearly looking across at my lovely thai girlfriend,whilst she scowls into the distance,the third cracked me up ,he regards his rather large girlfriend with a look of"what the hell was i thinking coming here with her",at the time i was 47,my girlfriend 35,2 years on she is my wife still looks beautiful, i sometimes wonder how the american couple fared,if anything they were the mismatched ones that day.

This is great. I always wonder the same thing. Why any man would come here with a western gf is beyond me.

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