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New Property Law For Foreigners Spreads Confusion


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Other countries should have a reciprical policy against Thais. The Thai poor will not suffer; only the wealthy Thais who have land overseas.

Yeah, and all farangs entering the LOS should all be made to wear armbands with an embroidered guava logo. It'll be just like Krakow, and we won't even need new property and business legislation.


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Other countries should have a reciprical policy against Thais. The Thai poor will not suffer; only the wealthy Thais who have land overseas.

Yeah, and all farangs entering the LOS should all be made to wear armbands with an embroidered guava logo. It'll be just like Krakow, and we won't even need new property and business legislation.


nothing wrong with a little krakow

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the wonderful upside to all this is that hopefully there will be a mass exodus from these shores of those paragons of truthfulness and good business practice , the british land agent and seller of bali fusion infinity pooled dreams , along with a good number of swaggering loudmouthed jumped up brit brickies and builders and a whole lot of bottom feeding chinless hangers on who have turned beautiful landscapes into tawdry and third rate falang ghetto ghost towns.

there should also be plenty of tarted up toyota fortuners flooding the second hand car market soon.

the enforcing of these old laws is long overdue and very welcome.

thais (and after all it is their country) without land have never been happy with the way land prices have escalated in many areas , putting even the smallest plot well out of reach to them.

increases in land prices and the ridiculous prices asked for and obtained for poorly built homes have contributed greatly to the atmosphere of greed and dishonesty that has been spreading like a filthy pox in so many areas of thailand .

an undercurrent of resentment towards falangs is also a byproduct of the uncontrolled expansion of these "dream homes" that are now turning into nightmare homes.

hopefully those who have paid for the title to their houses wont be dispossessed , but if this crackdown slows down the pace of development , then it will be a blessing.

most of the land agents I havs seen are Australian or from europe, seems to be a bit of dislike for the british on your side and by the way are you a falang the dislike will include you, I am scottish and a real tax exile, the wife drives the tarted up fortuner, i drive the porche, have a nice house paid in full and been married 15 years and living in thailand, so im not leaving any time soon, some of my friendsback in scotland are brickies and builders I dont seem to think they are lesser beings, whats your point and makes you better,

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Can anyone give me information on this..I am building house on wifes land, about 4 yrs now, not finished, she now has a Thai boy friend whom sleeps with her..I had been abandanded this spring with no money returned to Canada to get life back together, making money now..we are still legally maried in thaiand..wife lies so much I can not believe her. Can you help me out in what Ishould do with unfinished house, bull dose it down, or seak legal contract from her to lease property? You can please reply to my email address... [email protected].. I have had problem loging in on this site..thanks..Rotor Ron

This is a good news bad news situation:

The good news is the recent changes will have no effect on you :D

The bad news is your screwed! :o

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Can anyone give me information on this..I am building house on wifes land, about 4 yrs now, not finished, she now has a Thai boy friend whom sleeps with her..I had been abandanded this spring with no money returned to Canada to get life back together, making money now..we are still legally maried in thaiand..wife lies so much I can not believe her. Can you help me out in what Ishould do with unfinished house, bull dose it down, or seak legal contract from her to lease property? You can please reply to my email address... [email protected].. I have had problem loging in on this site..thanks..Rotor Ron

This is a good news bad news situation:

The good news is the recent changes will have no effect on you :D

The bad news is your screwed! :o

The Western approach would be a divorce with a 50/50 split on the residual value of the house as it sits. Then you go your separate ways. But in Thailand, a few guys on the back of a scooter could settle it for you if you make too much of it. My advice, just walk away and get on with life. Lesson learned.

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some of my friendsback in scotland are brickies and builders I dont seem to think they are lesser beings, whats your point and makes you better,

brickies or brain surgeons , brits or belgians , toyota drivers or honda drivers , become lesser beings in my eyes when they promise good quality and deliver poor quality. when they mislead their customers , when they fail to deliver the things they promise , when the dreams they advertise turn to nightmares , when they have no sense of responsibilities to their customers , when they are driven by greed and avarice to the exclusion of everything else.

developers and lawyers become lesser beings when they mislead buyers as to the correct route to legitimate ownership , with the resultant mess that is coming to light this week.

my point is that the property boom is fuelled by intense and ugly greed , with exploitation of buyers at every stage of the process and a lack of standards both of construction and practice .

the consumer here has very little protection and unscrupulous people take advantage of that.

some will say "thats business" and "caveat emptor" , but that does nothing to solve the problem.

people are buying homes , not some cheap product to use for a while and throw away.

the building trade as practiced here in thailand , and the way properties are marketed and sold are , in most cases , totally devoid of ethics. the customer is just some idiot whose sole purpose is to line the pockets of the sellers.

projects are built with little regard for the environment in which they stand , projects are left half finished , and are little more than falang ghettos , how come no thais ever buy into these dream projects?

these developments spoil the environment and antagonise the locals.

most falang developers here are worse than useless at what they do.

thats why i consider them lesser beings.

i drive the porche

and porsche is spelt with an S , you dumb jock.

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jews of the east.

'selfish' and 'self-serving' are common descriptions.

I've heard elsewhere other sories about partly foreign owned companies being investigated today so lets wait and see but it just reaffirms the feeling that Thailand is a beautiful enough country, but run by very untrustworthy people with a very selfish self-serving agenda. They are laughing at all the losing foreigners now ready to buy buy buy for peanuts and do it again in another 10 years. Laughing they are.

When they screw over foreigners it's a good thing and something to be proud off with each other.

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Sorry to sound like a Smart ss, but boy oh boy.

You can't say they are hiding their thought.

It's written all over the walls in this country, we are all long term tourists in the gov's eyes...

no matter what: entrepreneurs, investors, married to, rich , poor, white, black.

Those who are trying have my utmost respect but they can't really say they were caught off guard.

Edited by KhunMarco
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jews of the east.

'selfish' and 'self-serving' are common descriptions.

From the Forum Rules:

3) Religious or racial slurs, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated.


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It's written all over the walls in this country, we are all long term tourists in the gov's eyes...

no matter what: entrepreneurs, investors, married to, rich , poor, white, black.

Those who are trying have my utmost respect but they can't really say they were caught off guard.

Isn't it great to have that kind of challenge? ... Wouldn't want to have missed it, even if I end up as a bum living on the streets in my homecountry.

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